You Have Science, I Have Magic

v2 Chapter 211: The 6-vein Excalibur (W character) that


Wang Yuyan was startled: "Grandpa? His old man is still alive."


Li Qiushui was slightly stunned.

But immediately, she looked at Wang Yuyan appreciatively: "It's you who passed some skills back and saved his life, right?"

Li Qiushui knew too much about the Xiaoyao School, especially Wuyazi's various kung fu, and naturally knew that once the practice was passed on, he would not be far from death.

She is still alive now, the only possibility is that Wang Yuyan feels sorry for her grandfather and doesn't want him to die, so she passed some internal skills back.

"Grandma expects things like a god."

Wang Yuyan smiled sweetly.

At this moment, I don't really like my grandmother so much. It is reasonable. I have never seen it in more than ten years. I don't even know that I have such a grandmother.

If you want to say how deep the feelings are, that is definitely a lie.

But with this blood, it wouldn't be too unfamiliar.

"That's all, even if he is still alive, I think he will not have much time. After that, I will take some time to see him. It can be regarded as our family reunion."

Li Qiushui sighed, then fell silent, and then cursed, "Damn it."


"It's nothing, it has nothing to do with you."

Li Qiushui was a little depressed and said: "Grandma suddenly remembered that she had ordered Xixia several years ago to kill all the disciples of the Xiaoyao faction in the world, but she never thought that it was you girl who became the head of the Xiaoyao faction in the end."

"It seems that your grandmother is going to break her promise, this order needs to be discarded."

Li Qiushui really didn't expect it!

After going around, the head of the Xiaoyao faction fell into the hands of his family. If he knew it, why would he give this order?

It's not like the following order: "When you meet a disciple of the Xiaoyao faction, you must treat it with delicious food and drink."

In fact, the reason for this order is related to Tianshan Tongmao.

Back then, she broke up with Wu Yazi because Wu Yazi looked at a painting every day.

She thought that painting was not herself.

I felt that the head of the Xiaoyao faction should have gone to the line of Tianshan Tongmao.



Watching the live broadcast, Lin Bin and others were also moved with emotion.

National Art Inheritor: "Good guy, I can only say, it's too messy."

Add money layman: "It's really messy."

Suit thug: "Speaking of it, Wuyazi, old man... Sorry, I didn't scold your grandpa, Miss Yuyan, but he is indeed a scumbag."

Undefeated in the East: "One school, two generations down, except for Su Xinghe, they are basically weird!"

Xichang Plant Flower: "The teacher, Su Xinghe is actually a wonderful work, fascinated by miscellaneous learning, and there are so many excellent martial arts of the Xiaoyao school, but none of them can practice..."

Zhao Xinchuan: "Really, otherwise, what are the other people and schools in this world? The Xiaoyao School has long been dominated."

Who are these people!

The grievances between Li Qiushui and Tianshan Tongmao are not to be discussed. Completely disregarding the friendship between the teachers and the family, you are dead and alive, it can be called a ‘pervert’.

Where is no cliff?

He is also an absolute scumbag.

First of all, I got together with the Tianshan child grandmother, you and me.

As a result, because of jealousy, Li Qiushui ran to scare people's house at the critical moment of Tongma’s practice. The people who were involved were crazy, never grown up, and kept in the form of a girl...

Well, the scumbag started to do things.

With the passage of time, I gradually fell in love with Li Qiushui, who grew up, and the two of them got together again! ! !

Isn't this a scumbag?

Not even that.

After eating Li Qiushui, this scumbag got pregnant, but probably during confinement or breastfeeding, he fell in love with Li Qiushui's twin sister, who is also their common junior sister Li Canghai~!

Good guy, this is really scumbag!

Because the Tong grandmother didn’t empathize, she even fell in love with her sister-in-law during Li Qiushui’s confinement or breastfeeding, so he didn’t think about food and didn’t touch Li Qiushui anymore...

If this is a modern day, the behavior of scumbags without cliffs will be posted online, for fear that the eighteenth generation of the ancestors will have to be human flesh and sprayed into dogs.

Such a person, Wuyazi is definitely not a good person, right?

Even in the barrage, the layman Jia Qian made a cut: "You said, why does Wuyazi want to empathize with her child grandmother? Isn't it good to grow up?"

"I like girls..."

Devil muscle man: "Heh! What do you know? Girls are pretty good, but they don't grow up!"

Suit mob: "Oh!!! I see, it is indeed not grown up!"

Lin Bin was taken aback, then laughed out loud.

"These goods, drive again!"

But whether Wuyazi was not grown up or not, or the character of a scumbag that caused him to empathize with each other, it is enough to prove that he is not a good person.

Tianshan Tongmao and Li Qiushui won't talk about it, let alone being a good person.

Where is Li Canghai? There is no such person in the TV series, but the movie version mentions it.

But there should be such a person.

Otherwise, Tongmao wouldn't laugh for a while and cry for a while, saying, "It's her, it's her, no, it's not her, hahaha, it's not her." Such silly words.

Obviously, the person in the painting is not herself, so she is sad and crying.

However, the person in the painting is not Li Qiushui who has been fighting with her for a lifetime, so she laughs.

In the end, it was a long sigh.

It's just that Wu Yazi obviously didn't give Wang Yuyan the painting, and it was impossible to give it.

Do you still have to tell your granddaughter about how scumbag you were back then?

No such operation!

In other words, it's not that you can't do this if you drink too much.

Therefore, the three people of this generation are not good things.

Li Canghai is currently'information unknown' and will not make an evaluation.

The next generation of Ding Chunqiu also perfectly inherited the ‘dark side’ of their human nature, and even carried it forward, directly deceiving their masters and destroying their ancestors.

Su Xinghe's character is good, but he just doesn't want to make progress, he is obsessed with miscellaneous learning...

Several famous ones have all kinds of problems, and they are all ‘talents’!

Great ‘talent’!

I don't even know if Li Canghai has a leg with Wuyazi. If there is, then everyone has a problem.

Get together with my brother-in-law...

There is a high probability that it was during the period when my sister gave birth!

These were not only thought of Lin Bin at the moment.

It was Chen Yuniang, a simple girl who thought clearly.

A barrage was sent out in surprise: "Xiaoyao faction, isn't this Xiaoyao faction being jealous of heaven because it is so amazing?"

"Otherwise, why every disciple is such a'big talent', none of them is normal, it is really breathtaking."

"Obviously, there are all kinds of top martial arts, even medicinal medicine, and medical skills. Even if you recruit a group of honest and honest disciples, you can carry forward and become the best in the world."

"As a result, every disciple had problems."

"Is it Tian jealous? Or are the eyes of Xiaoyaozi and Wuyazi all wrong?"

Chen Zhen: "It's really mysterious to say so."

Liu Yubai: "It's creepy."

Huo Yuanjia: "You guys... have said that, so I won't hide it. Have you recently felt a sense of being spied on, or very uncomfortable?"

"But if you probe and sense it carefully, you won't find anything."

Liu Yubai: "Yes!"

Huang Feihong: "Me too."

Hai Dafu: "I don't have one."

Unbeaten in the East: "Neither do I."

Everyone spoke, and it turned out that, except for Wang Yuyan, Lin Bin, Dongfang Invincible, Hai Dafu, Jiang Asheng, and Zhao Xinchuan, everyone else had this strange feeling.

It seemed to be spied on and stared at.

But in fact, no one is staring!

Lin Bin frowned slightly when he heard the words.

Huo Yuanjia continued: "I didn't plan to mention this originally. I thought it was because my strength had skyrocketed too fast, so I had an illusion."

"But just now, listening to Miss Yu Niang's mention of Tian jealousy and the end of the Xiaoyao faction made my heart beat suddenly and felt bad."

"So I said this, but I never thought that most of my group friends have this feeling, in the end..."

Lin Bin analyzed it carefully, and after thinking about it, slowly said: "Perhaps, Miss Yu Niang really got the point."

"Of course, it may not be God's jealousy."

"But perhaps, some mysterious force is at work."

"A power we don't understand!"

"Especially now, when you come into contact with Miss Yu Yan's world, Wang Daochang's world, and the existence of chat groups, I think you should no longer doubt the existence of'mysterious power'?"

Everyone expressed no doubt.

Wang Daochang is a cultivator of immortality, so he can easily cut off the top of the mountain and he is only worthy of embarking on the avenue of immortality.

The chat group is even more incredible. There is naturally a mysterious power in this world.

"So, based on what everyone said before, and then analyze our current situation, I am thinking, do you encounter the same problem as the Xiaoyao faction?"

"Let's analyze it."

"Xiaoyao School was created by Xiaoyaozi. It stands to reason that there are some decent people in a school, right? In ancient times, when everyone accepted disciples, the most important thing was character!"

"The possibility of a character like Xiaoyaozi is not high, and it is even more impossible to see all the disciples."

"So, let's reverse the analysis."

"If the Xiaoyao faction is really jealous of the sky and is intervened by some mysterious force, then why does this mysterious force intervene?"

"What if the Xiaoyao faction continues to develop along the normal route?"

Invincible in the East: "Let me talk about my own thoughts. If the Xiaoyao School develops normally and is passed on from generation to generation, I am afraid that at most three or five generations, you will come into contact with the "Xiandao"."

"Other sects, including Shaolin, Wudang, and the Beggar Gang, no matter how powerful they are, no matter how strong they are, the sweeping monks are still within the scope of'Martial Arts'."

"Ke Xiaoyao faction can really be regarded as cultivating immortals, and can even rejuvenate. This obviously goes beyond the scope of'wu'."

"If they are allowed to develop normally, pass the gong from generation to generation, collect medicinal materials, and refine the pill, and their longevity will be far beyond the martial artist."

"After several generations, one must be able to come into contact with Immortal Dao!"

National Art Inheritor: "Yes, I think so too. But the Heavenly Dragon World is clearly a martial arts world!"

"Then, the reason why the Xiaoyao faction was interfered by the mysterious force, is it because the Xiaoyao faction is too strong? Is it possible to exceed the limits of the current world?!"

Everyone practices martial arts, but you cultivate immortals?

Isn't it just beyond the limit?

"If it is, then you have this bad feeling, is it also because your strength has skyrocketed recently and has gradually approached the limit of the current world?"

"After all, your world only had inner strength before, right?"

"Miss Wang, Hai Dafu, Zhao Xinchuan, the leader, Jiang Asheng, and I, the world we live in has internal forces in itself, so the limit is higher. We haven't touched it yet?"

Jiang Asheng originally had no internal power, but since there is Rama's body and it has been confirmed that Rama is a deep internal gong cultivator, then Jiang Asheng's Jianyu world must also have internal gong.


When this remark came out, everyone was shocked.

I didn't know what to say for a while.

This is amazing, hit the limit! What happens after touching?

Is God jealous? !

Like being hit by a car when going out?

Wang Yuyan also reacted quickly: "In this way, if I gather the skills of my grandpa, grandma and grandma, I'm afraid I will reach the limit too!"

"Don't worry, everyone, it shouldn't take too long for me to complete all this. At that time, if I feel this way, it can prove that the group owner's guess is correct."

"If not, it should be due to other reasons."

Fearless: "It can only be so."

Everyone sighed.

I don't know anything at the moment, what else can I do besides waiting?

Lin Bin also took this matter to heart.


On their side, the chat was hot in the live broadcast room.

After a period of hesitation and melancholy, Li Qiushui's eyes lit up, and suddenly he had an idea.


"I don't have the face to grab the head of my granddaughter, and I don't have the face to grab her position as the head of the Xiaoyao faction."

"But now, the head of the Xiaoyao faction is my granddaughter!"

"Tianshan Tongmao is a disciple of Xiaoyao after all. After seeing the head, is there any reason to not be polite?"

"Once she salutes, it is a respectful courtesy to my granddaughter. If so, isn't it two generations lower than me?!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Thinking of this, Li Qiushui couldn't help laughing out loud.

It's so refreshing!

This kind of scenes and pictures, even if she is just thinking about it, makes her extremely excited and difficult to calm down.


Wang Yuyan was puzzled: "Why are you laughing?"

"Hahaha, nothing, but grandma thought of something happy!"

Li Qiushui was interrupted, a little embarrassed, but smiled, and then secretly thought about it.

"Tianshan Tong's grandmother is cruel, even if Yu Yan is the granddaughter of no cliff, she loves the house and Wu will not be a killer, but the thing that grabs the head is done."

"So, waiting for this girl to be stronger than her, at least between her uncles, and preventing her from succeeding, can she be willing to visit the head of the gatekeeper."

"in this case···"

Li Qiushui stopped, and did not drag Wang Yuyan to the Xixia Palace: "Girl, now you are the head of the Xiaoyao faction, grandma, let me test your martial arts attainments!"

"Grandma says what it means."

Wang Yuyan calmly responded.



Before the words fell, Li Qiushui instantly turned into a phantom and disappeared in front of Wang Yuyan's eyes. Wang Yuyan turned around abruptly, only to realize that she had run behind him!

And the afterimage behind him became a film, and the speed was extremely fast.

Lingbo microsteps!

But it was more than twice as fast as Duan Yu's Lingbo microstep.

"Grandma is so fast, your Lingbo microsteps are too powerful."

Wang Yuyan wanted to step back, but couldn't avoid it at all.

Different from Duan Yu's use of Ling Bo Weibu, who only knows to escape and avoid, once Li Qiushui uses it, it is too strong to be terrifying. Not only is it fast and weird than Duan Yu's, it is directly used as a close method, almost instantly. Approaching Wang Yuyan from the rear side.

Bai Hong's palm!

The palm strength is amazing, and the vastness comes.

At this moment, Wang Yuyan suddenly felt great pressure!

Not only her, but the group of friends watching the live broadcast also felt their scalp numb and held their breath.

Too fast, too weird!

This is the real Lingbo Weibu, not Duan Yu who can only hide, and it is not good to hide, the realm that is worthy of entry.

In terms of internal strength, Li Qiushui is not much different from Wuyazi!

Bai Hong's palm strength is equally eerie and powerful, and its biggest feature is its strength and straightness.

Especially when it is sent out in the form of a split palm, it seems to be facing the enemy head-on, but in fact the direction of the palm strength is erratic, and it is difficult for the opponent to detect it.

Seemingly attacking from the rear of Wang Yuyan's side, the vast palm power attacked! Wang Yuyan turned around to resist.

But in fact, this palm strength suddenly changed direction, turned a big turn, and attacked from the front of Wang Yuyan just now, that is, the back at this moment! ! !

"Girl Wang!"

"Sister Yuyan, be careful!"

"Bai Hong's palm power has come around behind you!"

"It's a pity that Miss Yu Yan doesn't have a sword in her hand, otherwise she will be able to break this palm by using the air breaking style and the palm breaking style together!"

Group friends urgently reminded in the live broadcast room.

Wang Yuyan finally reacted at the last moment, turned around again, and pointed it into a sword, barely breaking the white rainbow palm, but behind him, Li Qiushui was already close.

While the big sleeves were waving, Wang Yuyan felt a surging internal force, causing her body to surge, her knees numb, and she was about to turn to the ground almost immediately!

Cold sleeves and acupoints!

And this is the result of Li Qiushui's success after leaving his hands.

Wang Yuyan smiled bitterly: "Grandma is too powerful, Yuyan is invincible."

Facing a master like Li Qiushui, the many martial arts of the group of friends are basically not good enough, because Li Qiushui's martial arts is obviously higher.

If you have a sword in your hand, you may be able to fight against the enemy with the Dugu Nine Swords, but you can't beat Li Qiushui with Lingbo's microsteps.

The world's martial arts is invincible, but fast is not broken!

Bai Hong's palm strength is so weird again, how to fight?

The Six-Medition Divine Sword can fight, if it shoots a few swords, with Wang Yuyan's deeper internal strength than Li Qiushui, it may be able to win.

But is it so good?

Lingbo Weibu is not a fake.

Moreover, Wang Yuyan also didn't want to use the Six Vein Excalibur at this moment, and didn't want Li Qiushui to know his current combat power.

Because Wang Yuyan can roughly guess Li Qiushui's thoughts.

Only if she is ‘sufficient’, will she find ways to help herself improve, and will teach her what she has learned in the shortest possible time.

And Wang Yuyan's performance at the moment, there is no problem.

The internal power is amazing, but he has insufficient experience against the enemy, and does not have enough powerful moves and techniques. Even if the internal power is stronger, he is very passive.

"It's already pretty good."

Li Qiushui accepted the move and said with a smile: "There are not a few people who can take over Bai Hong's hand in my hand. You are still young, and you only have a high level of internal skills, and you know too little about the moves."

"But it's okay, it's okay!"

"Come with me!"

She took Wang Yuyan and went in the other direction.

"Grandma? Are we not going to the palace?"

"What palace to go to?!"

"Follow me to Tianshan Lingjiu Palace!"

"But along the way, you have to study hard. I will teach everything that I have learned in my life. At that time, you will be invincible even in the face of the Tianshan Grandma."

"With her approval, let him bow down and salute, you are the real head of the Xiaoyao School~!"

Obviously, Li Qiushui was very satisfied with Wang Yuyan's performance.

He even thought that Wang Yuyan could learn martial arts such as Baihong palm strength, Lingbo microsteps, and small Wuxiang Gong just in the process of rushing.

However, she didn't think Wang Yuyan looked up to her like this, because they all learned the magic of Beiming, and their internal strength could be said to be in the same line.

The main reason is whether there is a skill in Yazi, why is it unpleasant to learn?

"Uh, huh?"

Wang Yuyan was very dumbfounded: "Tianshan Tongmao?"


Li Qiushui was in a good mood: "Your grandpa never mentioned it to you? Hahahaha!"

"I haven't mentioned it!"


"You'll know after waiting!"

"Come on, girl, grandma first teaches you Lingbo's microsteps, which is the set of footwork that I have just performed. You will learn it. How many people can hit you in this world?"


Tell me something.

Li Qiushui laughed: "Remember?"


"Grandma, why don't you teach me the other kung fu you are going to pass on? When I have time, what do I want to practice?"

"Naughty! You are too greedy to chew. With such a high level of martial arts, you naturally have to learn one by one, and you shouldn't be sloppy."

"But grandma, in my mind, I have already written down thousands of martial arts in Langhuan Jade Cave. How many more are they?"


This time, Li Qiushui was shocked.

After some trials, it turned out that Wang Yuyan was really memorable.

"Great talent!"

"Hahaha, my granddaughter is so proud!"

"Senior sister, senior sister, what are you still fighting with me?!"

"Okay, okay!"

"Girl, listen up!"

"I will teach you all the formulas and cultivation methods of Baihong Palm Power, Little Wuxiang Gong, Hanxiu Fuxiu, and Guixi Gong!"


This trip is complete!

Li Qiushui was very excited, knowing that his granddaughter's talent is so amazing, where can there be any strange ideas?

Of course it is to pass on the practice quickly.

And it's not private!

When she finished speaking, Wang Yuyan said in the group: "Everyone, did you write it down? Choose one of the disciplines. After that, let's summarize it."

Unbeaten in the East: "Good to say!"

Huo Yuanjia: "Girl Wang is magnificent!"

Add money layman: "Miss Yuyan, I love you!"

Feng Yuxiu: "Go away, Miss Sister doesn't need your love, I love your foot pot chicken woman."

Add money layman: "You you you you you!!!"

West Factory Flower: "Alright! Lay, don't you look at how scumbag you are? I want to say, I'm amazed."

"Like Li Qiushui, once a top player in the Heavenly Dragon World takes a shot, it is really suffocating. It is much better than the current Qiao Feng."

Hai Dafu: "Her attack power should not be as high as Qiao Feng's, but her methods are far more comprehensive than Qiao Feng's, and she has Lingbo's microsteps. She can come and go as long as she wants, and is far superior to Qiao Feng in strange aspects."

"In terms of comprehensive combat power, Qiao Feng is naturally inferior to her."

"At this moment, we are facing her, unless we drew a distance and confronted the enemy with the Six-Medition Divine Sword, otherwise, we are even qualified to fight."

Zhao Xinchuan: "Indeed, this is the tyrannical aspect of Tianlong's top martial arts, not to mention other things, just a single Lingbo microstep made me amazed."

Liu Yubai: "Why do you have to be so arrogant? Now that Lingbo's microsteps are in front of us?"

"Bai Hong's palm strength is weird, but we can also learn it!"

National Art Inheritor: "That's it."

"Everyone, let's get started."

The group gradually calmed down.

Everyone chose a martial arts each and began to practice hard.

Lin Bin chose Bai Hong to hold the power.

As for the little Wuxiang Gong, it is not necessary for him. The Hundred Fights Boxing Classic itself is the super invincible and perfect advanced version of Xiao Wuxiang Gong.

Naturally, there is no need to learn a weakened version.

One night passed.

Bai Hong's palm strength has already started.


Really fast!

However, Lin Bin's internal strength already surpassed all the members of the group, and coupled with the particularity of the Hundred Fighting Boxing Scriptures surpassing many internal strengths, the practice of Baihong palm strength is really no longer a problem.

Lin Bin looked at his bedroom and looked around, but couldn't find a suitable target for testing. Then, with an idea, he patted forward lightly.


The palm flew out, but under his control, he turned in an instant, and then patted his waistcoat.


The guy felt a shock behind his back, and then nodded in satisfaction.


"The martial arts of the Xiaoyao School is really too strong."

"Isn't this the bullet will turn?"

"What can't be done with spear fighting, but with hand control."

"I can't accept it!"

The attack power of Bai Hong's palm is really not too powerful, it is much worse than the eighteen palms of Jianglong, but the fact that it can turn is enough to make it a magical skill!

Moreover, the power is not fixed, the stronger the internal force, the stronger the attack power of Bai Hong's palm will naturally be.

"But it's really true to take pictures of yourself."

He grinned.

Just when he was about to send Bai Hong's palm power to the group, he suddenly had an idea.


"Bai Hong's palm power, in the final analysis, is actually a way to control palm power."

"Since the palm strength can be controlled, what about the sword energy?!"

"If the Six Vein Divine Sword will turn????"

Suddenly this guy had a big brain.

The palm that can turn, can the Tathagata palm be used to control and turn? Where is the Six Vein Excalibur? If it can be integrated with the Six Vein Excalibur to become an "advanced Six Vein Excalibur-Turnable", isn't it an instant explosion?

"You can study and try!"

Later, this fellow began to study in this direction.

It turned out that it was a bit difficult.

"It can do it, but now it's hard for me to make the Six-Medition Divine Sword's sword aura like palm strength, as I want, like an arm instructs."

Both types of martial arts have already been learned, and Bai Hong's palm strength is closer to one technique, but his ‘palm technique’ is second, so what Lin Bin has to do is to use the technique on the Six-Medition Divine Sword.

Therefore, it is really not difficult to achieve this!

But he found that the implementation is simple, but it is very difficult to operate perfectly.

"Is it because of speed and conciseness?"

Lin Bin now controls his palm power, he can turn around as he wants, and even change direction several times in a row, so that he can turn the palm power around him and hit people again!

But the sword spirit is not good.

What he can do now is to reluctantly change his direction once, and he can't guarantee the accuracy.

Thought the speed of Jian Qi was too fast!

And the palm strength is relatively scattered, but the sword energy of the Six-Medition Divine Sword is exceptionally condensed!

Just like a one-meter-long plastic water pipe, it is too simple to turn it into an S-shape, but would you try a one-inch-long steel bar?

Lin Bin found that it was roughly this feeling.

He can barely ‘bend’ the steel bar a little bit, at least for now.

Strictly speaking, it was too hard and too fast. Before he had time to change too much, he was already flying far away and could only barely influence the direction.

"But at least it proves that this idea is feasible, and as my strength grows, one day I will be able to turn the Six-Medition Divine Sword Qi like an arm to turn at will."

Lin Bin showed a smile.


Immediately, the servant sent Bai Hong's palm strength to the group.

Unbeaten Dongfang: "Huh? The group leader is so fast?"

Hai Dafu: "It's too fast. It's too fast. I chose Bai Hong Zhang Li. I haven't gotten started yet, but the group owner has succeeded. I admire him."

Suit thug: "Men can't say fast, they should say fast!"

Huang Feihong: "What does this mean?"


Lin Bin was happy: "You guys, drive early in the morning."

"But by the way, I have some ideas, you can listen to them."

He gradually expressed his idea of ​​‘integrating martial arts’, and everyone was taken aback after listening!

Li Tianran: "Hi!"

"Can still do this?!"

Zhang Tianzhi: "The owner is really talented!"

Chen Zhen: "It should be possible, right?"

Invincible in the East: "It's easy to say, but it should be difficult in reality, but I think it is indeed feasible."

Hai Dafu: "I have an idea. For example, by combining my bone-forming palm with Baihong's palm power, can I slap people with the palm-forming power of a bone-forming palm in the air? And it can turn!"

Invincible in the East: "Then can I combine the Little Wuxiang Gong, Sunflower Treasure, Baihong Palm Power, and Six Meridian Excalibur? Sword Qi contains flying needles, which can be turned, and I don't need to use the palace!"

Huang Feihong: "Then, that... Bai Hong's palm strength plus shadowless feet, Bai Hong's leg strength???"

Devil muscle man: "The mind is suddenly opened~!"

Wang Yuyan: "The idea of ​​the group leader's eldest brother is really powerful. I have seen a variety of martial arts'advanced' directions."

Everyone was shocked, and then very happy.

The martial arts of the Xiaoyao School were all very abnormal, and now Lin Bin gave everyone an idea.

These abnormal martial arts can be integrated! ! !

Strong invincible!

By the afternoon.

Little Wuxiang Gong, Hanxiu Fuxue Gong, Gui Xi Gong, etc., have also been introduced. After being sent to the group, everyone has learned it.

This makes the Eastern Unbeaten particularly excited, and will have little merit, you can try to go back to Heimuya to find the Sunflower Collection, and then play flying needle!

And there is no need to be from the palace.

Isn't it beautiful?

"Everyone, I am ready to go out of the mountain!"

"But I'm a bit entangled now. You guys will check and analyze for me. How should I choose now?"

He asked for help in the group.

The group of friends naturally wouldn't refuse, and they all said but said it was OK.

Immediately, Unbeaten Dongfang sorted out his mood and began to express the problems and entanglements he was facing now.

"This Huashan faction, although Yue Buqun is a hypocrite, most of his disciples are good. If I leave here and let Yue Buqun mess around, I'm afraid they will die."

"The Huashan faction, which is about to die, is afraid it will sink completely."

"After all, Feng Qingyang should no longer spread his sword to Linghu Chong..."

"So I'm thinking, what should I do with the Huashan faction when I leave?"

"Did you just pat your **** and leave, or simply kill the Huashan faction, lest they be taken into the pit by Yue Buqun and die more miserable and painful?"

Unbeaten in the East is still a ruthless man.

He didn't even give the option of only killing Yue Buqun.

Because the current Jianghu, although it is said to be the Five Sacred Sword Sect, in the final analysis, Huashan Sect is really delicious, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most delicious.

From the head of the door to the disciple, they are all yuppies.

Zuo Lengchan and others were ambitious.

If Yue Buqun died, the Huashan Sect would also be cold, and if Zuo Lengchan came up, the disciples would only get worse.

From the point of view of the Eastern Unbeaten, it is better to kill them all by yourself!

The big deal is that he bears the infamy of the people of the world, and although the Huashan School is cold, it is still in the hands of its own people, so it will not be so humiliated.

In fact, this idea is quite ridiculous in the eyes of ‘normal people’ and extreme extremes.

But in the eyes of the undefeated East, this is completely okay.

And Lin Bin and the group of friends were also shocked by him.

Hai Dafu: "Master, can't you be a little gentler?"

"How to be gentle?" Dongfang Undefeated asked, "I am in a dilemma now, so I want to hear your opinions."

"For example, such as... Uh."

Hai Dafu wanted to persuade him, but halfway through, he didn't know how to persuade him.

How to deal with it?

I do not know!

Lin Bin was speechless and said, "Master, why don't you rule the world?"

Unbeaten in the East: "Huh...huh?!"

"Group owner, please make it clear~!"

"Sunrise in the east, but I am undefeated."

"The current you are related to Huashan and Sun Moon God Sect. With your current strength, no one in the entire rivers and lakes will be your opponent."

"Directly expose his identity, take over Huashan, change Qi Zong to Jian Zong, practice sword first, then Qi, and directly raise Yue Buqun, he will naturally be unable to cause trouble."

"In the face of your absolute strength, any conspiracy is futile unless it is poisoned."

"In this way, it can be regarded as repaying the favor of the wind."

"Next, go back to the Sun Moon God Sect, do whatever you want, you want the Sunflower Book, can Yue Buqun still not give it?"

"With your strength as the leader, it is better to be a hegemon who frightens the world than to be a traitor who has been sprayed to deceive his master and annihilate his ancestors."

"What's more, Sunrise Dongfang, I am undefeated, this is the origin of your name, the leader~!"

"Why don't you directly sweep the big sects and forcibly establish a quack alliance and become the leader of the martial arts?"

"This is much more domineering and prestigious than just the leader of the Moon God Sect of the day."

Lin Bin expressed his thoughts.

He could understand the idea of ​​the East's undefeated, but in the game, the East's unbeaten was not comprehensive enough, and he got a bit of a horn.

Why should you limit your gaze to Huashan School or Yue Buqun?

Looking at the world, the best.

"The owner understands me!!!"

When the East was unbeaten, he was very excited: "That's it!"

"Thank you for your advice!"

He has a strong mentality of ‘showing a saint’, or a pretending mentality, otherwise, why would he change his name to Dongfang Undefeated? !

Lin Bin's words hit his mind and he was naturally very satisfied.


"So I know how to act."

Swordsman in the world of rivers and lakes, the Orient Undefeated is after all embarking on its own journey of "unifying the rivers and lakes, for generations to come". Although in the original book, the Orient Unbeaten has completely lost the heart of fighting for hegemony since it became better with Yang Lianting. Like a little woman, she serves and accompanies Yang Lianting, embroiders and slaps...

But from the slogans shouted by the invincible in the East, he can see his ambition at the beginning.

Sunrise in the East, I am the only one who is undefeated, Wencheng Wude, No. 1 in the world. For thousands of years, dominate the arena. Sun-moon **** religion, magical body protection, long live the leader, long live, long live.

If you have no ambition, can you come up with such a slogan?


"Fortunately, I joined the chat group by chance, otherwise, otherwise..."

I think that I have become like a pervert who is not a man or a woman. Every day my little daughter poses and even serves a big beard in various ways...

vomit! ! !

I want to throw up!

Disgusting, disgusting! ! !

Even if Yang Lianting's dog had been shot to death by himself, Dongfang Invincible already felt groggy and very upset.

But now, he is finally'recovering his original heart' and preparing to dominate the rivers and lakes.

And all this starts from Huashan!

The undefeated oriental bears the sword and heads to the main hall!

Yue Buqun was drinking tea, and when he saw'Jiang Asheng' suddenly coming, he smiled.

For the disciple Jiang Asheng, Yue Buqun was naturally very fond of him. Although he was an apprentice with an art apprentice, his strength and talent were extremely impressive.

This is a disciple who can give him a huge help and help himself to make the Huashan Sword Sect stand on top of the Five Sacred Mountains!

How could Yue Buqun not like it?

"Asheng, you came suddenly, but there is a breakthrough in internal strength practice?"

"It seems to be!"

Without waiting for Dongfang Invincible to speak, Yue Buqun said to himself: "With your talent, these days are enough for you to thoroughly understand your basic internal skills."

"No hurry, next, I will pass on your deeper inner gong mental method, and when you practice to a certain level, accumulate enough, and then make some credit, I will pass on Zixia Gong to you."

"But it's not the time are still too young and need to grow and accumulate..."

"Zixia Gong?"

Invincible East smiled.

"What kind of?"


Yue Buqun was taken aback.

Ning Zhong's expression changed slightly: "Asheng, what nonsense are you talking about? Do you know that Zixia Gong is a profound internal strength that can only be learned by the head of the past dynasties in Huashan?"

"Is it?"

"But before Jianzong was pitted, there should be someone from Jianzong who had been the head of Mount Hua, right?"


The faces of Yue Buqun and Ning Zhongze were suddenly extremely ugly.

Ning Zhong looked complicated and worried, and Yue Buqun was angry and shocked: " are the remnant of Jianzong?!"


"No wonder you will come here today with your sword on your back, because you feel that your wings are hard, and you want to take the place of Jianzong and fight as a teacher?!"? ? ?

The East was unbeaten for a moment, and almost laughed out loud.

Your Yue Buqun's brain is really big!

(PS: Recently, I want to change the title of a book. Let’s put it this way. I don’t know if it’s the subject matter or the title issue. The collections are increasing very slowly! But the ratio of collections to subscriptions is not low. Simply put, collections Many of my classmates have been genuinely supported, but there are still a large number of people who have not collected them.

So I want to change my name to see if I can change my fate, and I personally think that the current title of the book is too long.

How many alternatives are there for children's shoes to give some advice?

Now there are three options, the well-deserved "I'm the point", the honest "Chinese martial arts chat group", and the more curious "Study Criminal Law before learning martial arts", but the dog author has not decided which one to use, I want to hear from everyone opinion.

Or if there is a better title, you can also mention it. If you adopt it, there will be a red envelope. )


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