You Have Science, I Have Magic

v2 Chapter 217: The second wave group, Shaoshishan (W)

"Thank you Uncle Master for teaching the Fa!"

At that time, Wang Yuyan solemnly thanked him.

Tianshan Tong Grandma shook her head and smiled: "Why is this?"

"My Xiaoyao faction was supposed to be the number one faction in the world. Who would dare not follow the orders? But because of the grievances and grievances of our generation, the Xiaoyao faction fell apart..."

"In the past few years, even disappearing directly on the rivers and lakes, I'm afraid no one will remember us anymore."

"On the contrary, it is Ding Chunqiu, the rebellious disciple, who made some kind of star sect, and called himself an old immortal of the stars, who made the gods and gods, but made the misty smoke..."

"In the final analysis, the loneliness of the Xiaoyao faction is due to our previous generation, um, and Ding Chunqiu, the rebel, which led to the destruction of the third generation."

"But the grievances of our older generations can never involve you juniors. The Xiaoyao faction must always stand up again, be well-known to the world, and get back what should belong to it and its prestige."

"It all starts with you."

Tianshan Tong's grandmother suddenly burst out laughing.


"Me, your grandpa, and that cheap... and your grandmother, the three of us learn from each other, but now, you have collected all the skills of the three of us."

"Unfortunately, Li Canghai went early, otherwise, you can get all the effort of the four of us. If so, maybe you can really follow in the footsteps of Master."

"But even if it doesn't, you have a good chance with your talent and background. Besides, you can also know the Six-Medition Divine Sword.

"With all these skills, what you lack is nothing more than actual combat experience."

"Go down the mountain."

"Wander around at will."

"Nowadays, even if you are inexperienced, those who can beat you are not just a few people, and even if there are only a few people, they dare not say that they can beat you by a few points, at most they are likely to beat you. No matter, if you are more cautious and changeable in actual combat, they won't even have the slightest chance."

"After going down the mountain, you can do whatever you want."

"My disciple of the Lingjiu Palace, you also bring some."

"How can there be no ostentation when sending the head of Xiaoyao to go out? Someone has to do the trivial things of serving tea and water."

"Some little ones are not qualified enough to let you do it yourself."

"By the way, you have also learned the unique skill of the Eight Wilds and Liuhe. This skill can keep you youthful forever. When you want your face to stay, you stay at when, unless your deadline is approaching and your internal strength is leaked. It’s no longer possible to maintain the solitaire."

"But there is one more thing to pay attention to, that is, rejuvenation once every thirty years. At that time, it was your weakest time!"

"Be careful!"

"If I'm still here, before you rejuvenate, come to Lingjiu Palace, I will naturally be able to protect you well."

"If I'm gone, that bitch... your grandmother can also protect you well."

"If we are no longer there, you really have to be careful!"

"Thank you for your uncle's teachings." Wang Yuyan replied, "Yuyan will remember it in my heart."


"Tianshan child grandmother is really..."

Thinking of the scene in the live broadcast, Lin Bin couldn't help but sigh.

To the people of Thirty-Six Caves and Seventy-two Islands, she is a big monster who kills people without blinking and eats people without salt.

But as far as the'owner' is concerned, Tianshan Tong's grandmother really has nothing to say.


In other words, it is not only Tianshan child grandmothers, but their "Xiaoyao Three Elders" are really good to Wang Yuyan, and they are all cultivated as their own children and hope for the future of the Xiaoyao school.

Even Lin Bin had no doubt that if Li Qiushui and Wu Xingyun were the time limit was approaching, they would definitely pass on to Wang Yuyan without hesitation.

"I hope Tongma can die well."

"At least, in this world where a lot of changes have occurred..."

Lin Bin touched his face and muttered, "My face, do you want to choose to freeze at this time?"

Wang Yuyan met the Eight Wilds and Liuhe, so he and his friends will naturally do it too!

This is true of Tianshan Zhemei Hand, Tianshan Six Sun Palm, Life and Death Talisman, etc.

Therefore, he has to think about whether he wants to freeze his face in the present.

Now it is really handsome, and feels more than Xiao Xianrou, not only handsome, but also full of masculinity, and male hormones explode.


If the appearance is pushed back another decade, who knows if it will be more handsome, more masculine, and more attractive?

But what if you wait ten years before choosing "Zhu Yan", but you become disabled after ten years? !

This is a problem!

"Or, I'm observing?"

He picked up the phone, turned on the self-timer function, looked at his ‘prosperous appearance’, and muttered, “As soon as there are signs of long-term disability, activate the ‘residence function’ immediately?”

"Well, that's it."

The Eight Wilds and Liuhe are the only one to do so, in fact, it is a decayed version.

You can keep your face, but you can't find the ‘past face’, you can only choose to keep your face in the present or the future.

It has passed, there will be no more.

So we need to be cautious.

Moreover, Tongmao once said to Wang Yuyan that the Bahuang Liuhe Sole Exalted Gong is a simplified version of the everlasting Changchun Gong.

Changchun Gongtong grandma didn't learn it forever.

But she refused to admit defeat, and based on the everlasting Changchun skill, she created a unique skill based on the long-lasting Changchun skill.

This skill is very overbearing, and masculine, the main attacker Shaoyang Triple Jiao Jing, if you are a man, you can practice as you please.

But for women, the Yang Qi is insufficient, so when practicing, they must take blood to assist...

So now, Wang Yuyan and Chen Yuniang have to drink some blood from time to time, but Lin Bin and others don't use it.

"Then, the next battle is tomorrow's Shaomuroyama."

"The second wave is about to begin."

The corners of Lin Bin's mouth curled up slightly, and he was in a good mood.

The battle of Shaomiyama is finally here~!

The group of friends are looking forward to it.

Looking forward to gathering and playing a group in Shaoshishan again, isn’t it just a good thing? !

In the group, no one is idle.

Feng Yuxiu: "Tomorrow is playing a group, will you all watch the show, okay? Please, give me a chance to play, let me show myself."

Add money layman: "···, you just want to pretend to beep, right? Think about the leader, do you still think about it?"

Feng Yuxiu: "Yes! Why don't you?! I really want to!"

"Don't you know Wow, it's because of the leader that I don't dare to do my best in my own world now, and I don't even dare to practice."

"Only in the world of other people, especially in the world of Tianlong, can you make sample papers as you please..."

Liu Yubai: "Me too."

Huang Feihong: "Ahem, +1."

Fearless: "Then what, my hands are itchy..."

Chen Zhen: "It seems like me too."

Zhang Tianzhi: "???" You wake up, and others forget it. You three are heroes, aren't heroes all for the country and the people? How can you fight and kill?"

Thug in a suit: "Yes! I was a bad guy before. Let me bear this crime of fighting and killing! Don't ruin your reputation as a hero."

Li Tianran: "I don't think I'm a good person, and I can do it."

Hai Dafu: "I want to talk about bad guys..."

West Plant Plant Flower: "Oh, bad guy? That's right, it's my father!"

Unbeaten in the East: "I'll just say it straight, I want to fight Qiao Feng again."

Chen Yuniang: "Well, I actually want to try my current strength."

National Art Inheritor: "Puff!"

Huang Feihong: "Enough of you! What's the matter with the heroes? The heroes are also martial arts practitioners, and they also itch their hands. I am dissatisfied!"

Chen Zhen: "I'm not convinced either."

Huo Yuanjia: "What are you dissatisfied with?"

Huang Feihong: "???"

Chen Zhen: "Master, you?!"

Huo Yuanjia: "What are you? You guys, don't confuse me with them. Although they look the same, don't forget that when I was young, I was so hostile and overweight. In fact, I am not a hero in nature, right?"

"I'm from the bad guy!"

"So I'm going to punch someone tomorrow!"


Seeing this, Lin Bin couldn't help but laughed out loud.

No way, really hi!

Especially these guys started infighting in order to fight for the ‘stakes’ quota, and even proud of themselves as ‘bad guys’.

This kind of scene is really funny.

At this time, Wang Yuyan was also unable to utter a voice: "Everyone, I understand everyone, everyone is really itchy, but tomorrow's opponents are not enough!"

National Art Inheritor: "Well, it's really not enough to fight."

"Even if everyone is counted, Qiao Feng, Murong Fu, Ding Chunqiu, Zhuang Juxian, Duan Yanqing, Murong Bo, Xiao Yuanshan, Sweeper..."

"Should I stop being a Duan Yu, and Duan Zhengchun?"

"It's still not enough."


Speaking of this, the conversation suddenly changed: "Well, in fact, you are all right now. Don't fight over who is the bad guy and the hero. Everyone is a good guy!"

"For a good person, we must respect the old and love the young."

"So~ I'll meet the Sweeper Monk. Look at the others!"

Wang Yuyan: "???"

Everyone: "???"

Except for Wang Daochang, all members of the group were not surprised, and issued a series of question marks.

Zhao Xinchuan: "You are a treacherous group leader. I thought that the group leader must have a high point when he speaks. They are all ready to listen to the teachings, but I didn't expect..."

Add money layman: "I have never seen such a brazen person!"

Group tip: The money-increasing layman was banned for one minute.


Tucao disappeared instantly.

Xichang Plant Flower: "Well, I think the group leader and the sweeping monk are very good, or I will choose Murong Fu?"

Feng Yuxiu: "Why do you choose Murongfu? Then I choose him, Murongbo!"

Suit mob: "Choose what?!"

National Art Inheritor: "Why don't you look at it then, if there are really no opponents, why don't we learn from each other internally? We can have a hand addiction anyway."

After discussing it for a while, everyone felt that this was the most reasonable option, and they all agreed.


The next day, Shaoshishan.

Kumo wisdom goes to Shaolin!

As a result, it almost swept all the way.

Xu Zhu was still an ugly and ugly little monk, completely unconscious, and completely ignorant of what was going on. In short, it was the right thing to watch the show. Even if he wanted to shoot, he didn't have the ability.

Seeing that Shaolin's reputation was about to be wiped out, and when the monks became angry, masters from all sides began to enter the arena one after another.

Although Duan Yu went round and round, he also arrived here.

Blind Azi and Azhu have already recognized their relatives, and they both followed Duan Zhengchun's family to Shaoshishan to watch the excitement. Naturally, Murongfu and a few people are not even less, but Wang Yuyan has never been with them.

Also, because Xu Zhu didn't have those opportunities, he never bowed to Qiao Feng and Duan Yu.

Immediately, amidst a wave of beatings and exaggerated bragging sounds, the old constellation stranger arrived.

As soon as the old monsters of the stars arrived, the members of the beggar gang arrived, but Quan Guanqing was dead, and Bai Shijing was also cold. The four elders died second, which was more than a bit worse than the beggars of Xingzilin during the First World War. Half a bit.

Although the Beggar Gang didn't have any powerful characters.

You Tanzhi and Ding Chunqiu beat each other, but they didn't distinguish between them.

Until, accompanied by the roar of the horse hooves of Qiao Feng and Yan Yun Shiba, the battle of Shaoshishan officially kicked off.

At this moment, Wang Yuyan was at the foot of the mountain and applied for remote assistance to the whole group. The group friends who had been waiting for a long time were naturally not ambiguous and clicked to agree.

Afterwards, the group gathered again.

"The second team fight, start~!"

"Walk, go up the mountain!"

"Hahaha, I can't wait any longer, why don't we beat the master when we go up the mountain?"

"...Would you like to wait for them to understand their grievances first?"

"Let them fight first, and then we can make a shot at the right time."

"while walking!"

A group of people yelled, and quickly went up the mountain with Wang Yuyan.

She is still in a black dress today.


On Shaoshi Mountain, the atmosphere is even more tense.


It is possible to shoot at any time.

Although Qiao Feng's name is better, it is only a little bit, but he doesn't change his face when he is cold and drunk and laughed.

Duan Yu rushed out and drank wine with him.

This scene amazed all the world's elites.

Except for those who saw Qiao Feng as unhappy, and even wanted to kill him, who didn't secretly applaud others who saw Qiao Feng's appearance of such arrogant and dry clouds?


Murong Fu was very upset, and Qiao Feng's domineering made him bored.

"North Qiaofeng, Nan Murong? You are worthy of dividing north and south with Murongfu me? After today, I will take you on the road through the leisurely mouth of everyone!"

"From then on, there will be no north or south in this world. My Gu Su Murongfu is the best!"

"And Duan Yu!"

"This bastard, after taking my cousin out of the villa, the cousin completely changed her temper, and now I don't know where she went. I can't find her many first-class friends..."

"If there is a chance, hum!"

He has already moved to kill!

At this moment, Qiao Feng threw away the hip flask abruptly, laughed loudly, and pushed Duan Yu to the side of Yanyun Shibaqi.

"Watch my brother!"

"bring it on!"


He suddenly turned his head, just in an instant, the gusty wind whizzed, his hair was dancing with the wind, accompanied by the sound of dragons, Qiao Feng laughed boldly: "Murongfu!"

"You Tanzhi, and Murong Fu."

"The three of you, let's go together, why Xiao Feng, I am afraid!?"


Qiao Feng, or Xiao Feng, shot in an instant, with one enemy three, fighting against the three top masters, but he did not lose the wind, it was too strong!

The world's heroes were shocked.

But at this moment, an untimely mad laugh came suddenly.


The magical laughter of Feng Yuxiu's photo came far away, attracting a lot of people's attention, and then, after hearing him, he laughed strangely: "Hey hey!"

"Neither bad nor bad, just right."

"It’s a coincidence that you came early, everyone, right?!"

"Not bad." Chang Hua chuckled lightly, her eyes burning.

Invincible Dongfang shook his group fan, smiling but not smiling, but his eyes were always fixed on Qiao Feng, as if other people were not worthy of his attention at all.

"Girl Wang?!"

A group of Duan Yu excited, seeing Wang Yuyan, the whole person is energetic, and he can't wait to come over and take a couple of mouthfuls immediately.

Duan Zhengchun saw what he looked like, where he didn't know what his son was thinking?


Duan Zhengchun yelled, but he was a little embarrassed: "Yu'er, you can't like her!"

"Huh? Father????"

Duan Yu was dumbfounded: "Why? A fair lady, a gentleman is so beautiful..."

"She is your sister!"

Duan Zhengchun said heartbrokenly.

Duan Yu was dumbfounded, his mouth opened and closed, and he was speechless for a long time: "Father...Father, what are you talking about?!"

The details of the Huaxin Big Carrot and the Green Hat wholesalers will not be mentioned for the time being. Others were surprised when they paid attention to the arrival of Lin Bin and others.

"It's them?!!!"

Everyone who is still alive in the beggar gang, especially those who had participated in the Xingzilin incident at the beginning, all face great changes.



After others heard these statements, they gradually reacted.

"These are the mysterious masters who appeared in Xingzilin?!"

Murong Fu's face is the most ugly!

As he shot, he swept away Wang Yuyan and others with the corner of his eye, his heart was suddenly furious, and his killing intent was boiling!

But now he can't make his move, knowing that he alone cannot be Lin Bin and others' opponents, so he can only pretend not to see...

How embarrassing otherwise!

Does Murongfu have no face for me? !


Both Murong Bo and Xiao Feng looked ugly and felt tricky.

"Why are they here too?!"

"Where did these people come from? After Xing Zilin, I inquired a lot. There was no news about them, but now they all appeared, variables and variables!"

"I'm afraid it's a little troublesome, but today's changes may be terrible."

Even the sweeping monk frowned.


He whispered Buddhism and sighed while sweeping the floor.

Just now, Kumozhi defeated many Shaolin masters, he was already ready to take action, but he did not expect that these successive changes would directly change everything.

Now, the sudden appearance of these masters made him even more melancholy.

But apart from melancholy, he was a little bit happy.

"There are still too few masters in Shaolin."

"You have to recruit some talents."

At this moment, there is only this in his mind.

A Kumo wise man can dominate Shaolin under the premise that he does not make a move... Shaolin lacks masters, it is too lacking!

But there is also a problem, that is, can you stop these masters by yourself?


"Look at it afterwards."

"After all, there is still a chance. The world's masters can't all be in the same camp, and then besieged the poor monks..."

He felt nothing wrong.

At least Murong Bo and Xiao Yuanshan themselves can'instigate rebellion'.

After the two were instigated by himself, their son would also stand on his side, even if he did not stand on this side, he would not take action against himself and Shaolin.

In this way, the two biggest threats are resolved.

Moreover, looking at their current appearance, I am afraid that at least a few will have to be killed before it will be their turn to play. Since this is the case, there is no need to worry too much.


"It turned out to be Miss Wang, Brother Dongfang, and fellow heroes."


"It is really a blessing to have you all come to this battle today to be a testimony again, and it is also the blessing of Xiao Feng for me."

After the war, the other three teamed up to attack. Although they all had their own ghosts, they had no choice but to work hard.

But Xiao Feng was still distracted to communicate, and even laughed.

This kind of pride has shocked the world.

"What a arrogant Xiao Feng!"

"He is not arrogant, but has such strength and confidence! The world is so big, who can stop him?"

"It's a pity, these heroes are Qidan dogs..."


Listening to the rumors and whispers in the ears, some beggars still chanted Qiao Feng's good people, and couldn't help shouting, "What's wrong with the Khitan people?"

"Joe is upright, he..."

"Then your beggars are still driving people away?"

In a word, the beggars were instantly dumb.

Old embarrassed.


"Brother Joe."

Wang Yuyan chuckled and bowed to salute: "I haven't seen you for many days, the style is better than before."

"Today, it is an honor for me to witness Big Brother Qiao and several heroes fighting alone."

Dongfang Undefeated laughed a long time: "Sunrise Dongfang, I am the only one who is undefeated, Joe's leader, if there is a chance later, you and I will discuss it again, how about?"

"Hahaha, brother Dongfang, I missed the goodbye that day. Brother, you have this interest, Xiao Feng, I will naturally give up my life to accompany you later!"

Qiao Feng was still arrogant and eloquent, and he was very decent, giving the Oriental unbeaten a lot of face.

Lin Bin and others held their fists at Xiao Feng one after another. Naturally, everyone admired such heroes.

"Cough cough cough."

There is only one exception.

Feng Yuxiu.

This guy coughed dryly, grinned, and muttered: "Well, he still remembers the leader. He greeted the leader alone, but he forgot about me..."

"Puff, what's memorable for someone who almost moves in seconds?" Jia Qiang smiled.

Feng Yuxiu felt even more uncomfortable: "Now he can't beat me with one move, right?"

"People don't know now, you, just continue to hold back." Jia Qiang smiled very cheaply, and this product followed Feng Yu Xiutong again.

All parties are uncertain and worried about their arrival.

Duan Zhengchun smiled brightly and nodded to Wang Yuyan frequently.

What a nice girl!

From my house!

And her mother is someone else's daughter-in-law~

Awesome, right?

"Azi, Azhu, look, that is Wang Yuyan, and also your sister~"

A Zi was taken aback, and smiled bitterly: "..., I can't see it."

Duan Zhengchun: "Uh..."

"It's okay, I'll take you to talk to her later."

Hearing this conversation, Duan Yu's heart was dying even more, and he felt that the whole world had lost its color!

He energetically looked at Wang Yuyan, only to find that Wang Yuyan was already attentively looking at the battle, and his eyes were almost always fixed on Murong Fu?



Duan Yu sighed deeply in his heart: "Ms. Wang has always only her cousin in her heart. Ever had me? Don't say that I am her brother. If not, I have no chance."

"Not only in my heart, but also in my eyes."

His gaze couldn't help but gradually turned to the situation of the battle, watching the three people, Qiao Feng, Murong Fu, Ding Chunqiu, and Zhuang Juxian, who were constantly confronting each other in the flying sand and rocks, their expressions changed one after another.

"In that case, I will fight Murong Fu!"

"In this way, even if she is dead, her eyes will be more on me."

"What's more, I said that I did not want to be born in the same year and the same month and the same day, but I want to die in the same year and the same month and the same day. Make the world laugh?"

"How do you deserve to be your brother's brother?!"

At this moment, Duan Yu felt cruel in his heart.

He is really a kind of love, and he is bothered, but he is also willing to be crazy about love, and even sacrifice for love.

Compared with his Lao Tzu, this point is not good or bad.

But at this moment, he couldn't help it, and instantly stepped on Lingbo and rushed out, shouting angrily.

"Murong Fu!"

"You have the same name as my elder brother, but you besieged my elder brother with three of them, two people, ghosts and ghosts, but do you still have to face it?!"

"You want to fight, don't you? I'll fight with you!"


When the voice fell, he quickly approached with Lingbo microsteps.

Upon seeing this, Murong Fu let out a cold snort, and immediately slashed at him with his sword. Although Duan Yu has undergone some changes, it is still so delicious.

I didn't run with Wang Yuyan, but I still went to find other little sisters, so it was hard to look directly at the progress of Kung Fu.

But it was already dangerous in a moment...

Even so, the corner of his eye was still paying attention to Wang Yuyan's side, and found that Wang Yuyan was still looking at herself...and Murongfu, but her mood suddenly improved a lot.


"Duan Yu, this silly boy."

Xichangchanghua couldn't help but smile: "It's really a kind of love."

"It won't work if you don't accept it." Hai Dafu sneered.

Feng Yuxiu scratched his ears and scratched his cheeks: "After all, he still shot, I thought the world has changed so much, he wouldn't do it, I didn't expect..."

"You can't help it?" Jia Qiang rolled his eyes: "Superficial~!"

"Fun Duzi, what's the matter with you?" Feng Yuxiu scolded angrily.

Wang Yuyan said softly, "It's normal for Duan Yu to make a move, but who should I help now? It's really a headache."

"Feel free."

Lin Bin smiled: "The outcome of the two of them will not affect the final result, so let them play and watch first, and we will take over later."

"I want to know what the Sweeper and the others are thinking now."


Wang Yuyan nodded slightly: "One is my cousin and the other is my cousin..."

"But speaking of it, I want to help Duan Yu and Murongfu more. They are too black and obsessed with understanding."

She sighed softly.

Next, it seems that there is not much difference from the original plot.

Except for the Xuzhu did not come out pk Ding Chunqiu!

But at least Duan Yu and Murong Fu fought, there is really not much difference.

He was invincible, and Murong Fu stepped on him.

Duan Zhengchun and Yue Laosan took action, but Yue Laosan was poked a finger by Duan Zhengchun and left in a curse.

Duan Zhengchun was about to untie the acupuncture points for Duan Yu, but he didn't expect Murong Fu to be so fast, he slapped his back, and blood spurted wildly.

Then Duan Yu broke out.


Accompanied by a roar, the astonishing internal force in his body instantly exploded, not only rushing through the acupuncture points on its own, but also instantly getting up with a powerful air current.

A quick squeeze is a gesture of the Six-Medition Excalibur.

Tear! ! !

Sword Qi broke through the air, Murong Fu's complexion changed slightly, and the sword was blocked, but the long sword in his hand was instantly broken into several pieces!

Murong Fu was taken aback, but did not stop. Instead, he sprinted to the front at the fastest speed and fought Duan Yu in close quarters... No two, Duan Yu was pressed and rubbed again.

"This idiot, is it all about love and happy little sisters in his mind?"

Chen Zhen couldn't stand it anymore, and couldn't help but vomit: "I have so much internal strength than me, but this operation is really irritating."

"If I had his skills, I would be able to restore Murong in seconds." The suit mob also continued to complain.

That's so stupid!

Their current skill is actually equivalent to Wuyazi's fifty to sixty years.

After all, only 60%! The Invincible East was originally young, and Hai Dafu's internal strength had been for decades, but compared with Wuyazi, the quality was more than a little bit worse.

Zhao Xinchuan's internal strength is not deep.

The total internal strength of the four people is multiplied by 0.6, which is a level that Wuyazi's skill has not reached in 60 years.

But what about Duan Yu? !

This product has the skill of an ordinary master for about two hundred years!

Even if converted to Wuyazi's skill, it is estimated to have at least 70 or 80 years of level, or even nearly a hundred years!

With such a skill, he will also be able to use Lingbo Weibu, Beiming Magical Art, and Six-Medition Excalibur...

He was beaten up by a Murong Fu and rubbed against the ground.

Full-level, Six Gods outfit, flash, golden body are all good, and the ad with red and blue double buffs was rubbed by a two-piece assassin!

This operation is not hot eyes, what else do you do with hot eyes?

I can't see it!

"Where is he flat?!"

The devil muscle man couldn't help but vomit: "He can't use his skills, I can understand it as inaccurate, but why is he not even flat a?!"

Everyone was taken aback, and then they realized that it was really special!

With Duan Yu's internal strength, it is terrifying to slap someone casually, isn't it?

As a result, this product is the same as there is no flat a!

Even, if you can only snipe, it can be said that it is like a Baili who can only snipe, but is not allowed. The key is to use this sniper!

Just use stealth to passively wave around others. I really can't help but take a shot. As for whether it can be shot, it depends on luck? ? ?

What the fuck! ! !


Lin Bin faintly complained: "The Lingbo Weibu and Beiming magical skills of this product seem to have learned a little bit. I can understand if they don't use it well, but the Six-Medition Excalibur is an authentic product!"

"After all, the reason for operating such a dish is still affected by the woman!"

"All day long, I only know that I think about women.

"You know now, why is there a saying that there is no woman in the heart and a natural **** with a sword? Duan Yu is a typical example!"

Everyone nodded in unison.

This example is too'lively' and too'lively'!

A good ‘God-level account’, just because ‘players’ knows that they want women all day long, the result is so horrible.

So female **** is like a wolf like a tiger, it's a poison in the intestines!

They chat happily here.

Qiao Feng alone dominates Ding Chunqiu and Zhuang Juxian, but they are more courageous in the war, not letting go. Seeing that Duan Yu is suppressed again, he frowns and said: "Brother, your Six Vein Sword is not pure enough. If it doesn’t work, why don’t you try something special?!"

Murong Fu frowned instantly.

Duan Yu was slightly taken aback.

"This is...Miss Wang, uh, did my sister ever tell me?"

He suddenly reacted, his face solemn, his hands pinched his fingerprints, and with a brushing sound, his sword qi broke through the air, pushing Murong Fu back dozens of steps!

Murong Fu was furious, snorted, and rushed over again!

However, Duan Yu didn't change his finger, it was still Shao Zejian, with a sword passing, his sword spirit was astonishing.

Murong Fu was shocked and could only evade again.

This time, it was difficult to get close.

Whenever he wanted to rush over, Duan Yu would shoot a Shaoze Jian Jian Qi, and the long sword in Murong Fu's hand had long been broken, and even if it hadn't been broken, it would definitely not be able to stop it.

Can only dodge!

After dodge, how can you get close to Duan Yu?

"Master, be careful!"

The storm was shocked, and Abi behind them was also anxious.

Baodi gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, leaning over to Wang Yuyan, and then begged: "Miss Wang, can you please help the son-in-law, the Six-Medition Sword..."

"How can this help?"

Wang Yuyan subconsciously wanted to reply, I don’t know anything about the Six-Pipe Excalibur...

But I didn't think of it until I heard the words, it's not right! ! !

I know the Six Vein Excalibur!

And it makes it much stronger than Duan Yu.

Immediately, she shook her head lightly, and changed her words: "Six-Medition Excalibur not only can attack from a distance, but also has superb speed and attack power."

"Who dares to take it hard?"

"Cousin wants to win...probably no chance."

The package was different, but it was a reaction.

"Can't be hard-wired?"

He threw the weapon over: "Master, go on!"

Murong Fu snorted and avoided a sword aura again, rushed to grab the weapon, but was shot over his head by a sword aura in an instant, and his hair hoop suddenly disappeared...


Duan Yu was already in anger, he was about to take out his sword again, Murong Fu staggered back in panic, the package was different, and the storm was frightened...

Finally, Wang Yuyan sighed softly: "Master Duan."

"Keep him alive."

Duan Yu paused for an instant, then turned around with an excited smile: "Sister...Miss Wang, what you say is what you say."

However, Murong Fu at this moment was extremely angry, even mad!

My great cousin Su Murongfu, who is famous all over the world for his way of surviving him, is now defeated by such a stupid boy? !

Or even let my cousin speak to save my life?


It is simply outrageous!


At this moment, Murong Fu was so angry that he could no longer suppress it, and the depression, resentment, unhappiness, and depression in his heart broke out at this moment.

At this moment, he actually ignored him, attacked from behind, and walked towards Duan Yu! He threw the weapon in his hand directly at Duan Yu to stab him to death!


Xiao Feng yelled and wanted to stop him, but was entangled by Ding Chunqiu and Zhuang Juxian.

Duan Yu couldn't dodge at this moment, and was just affected by the'woman', and even Lingbo's microsteps could not be used, so he could only stagger back.

Seeing that Duan Yu was about to be injured or even killed, Wang Yuyan sighed, "Everyone."



Everyone was bright.

"Ha ha ha ha!!!"

Feng Yuxiu laughed wildly and was about to take action.

Unexpectedly, Hai Dafu, who didn't say a word, ‘fly’ out, hit the ‘hidden weapon’ and rescued Duan Yu, and then he smiled.

"Gusu Murongfu... I was a little uncomfortable in the first battle. Today, how about fighting again?"

Murong Fuzhuang seemed mad, but at the moment he also regretted a little.

In front of the people of the world, it is a shame that people keep their hands, but they hurt their lives by themselves, which affects their own image.

But at this moment, Hai Dafu suddenly jumped out, wanting to fight himself again?

After a short period of time, he was evoked with bad memories, and Murong Fu's face became even more ugly.

"Hey, Grandpa Hai, you are too treacherous, you run faster than me!"

Behind Wang Yuyan, Feng Yuxiu shouted depressed.

This caused Murong Fu's anger to be "superimposed" again.

Who do you think Murong Fu is? Can everyone pinch a soft persimmon? Everyone wants to come up and pinch two? !

Yes, if you are in a group of people, even if you are in a wheel fight, Murong Fu is indeed invincible.

But you are only one person, why? !

At the beginning, you were the three of you teaming up, using the three-talented sword formation, and you barely suppressed me by half, right? !

Murongfu immediately said coldly: "An old beggar, what are you? You are also worthy to do with Murongfu?"


Hai Dafu smiled He smiled softly, and his pale face suddenly became a little scary.

Is he really going to be funny when he is a rich man?

In terms of methods, how many people have I been afraid of?

"Whether it is worthy or not, you will find out if you try."

Hai Dafu takes a leisurely move!

He didn't use the Six Meridian Excalibur. After all, this thing was a masterpiece of the Duan family. If he could, it must be taught by Wang Yuyan. It is not a good thing for Wang Yuyan.

What's more, it's just a Murong Fu. With the current self, you still need to use the Six Meridian Excalibur?


With a flick of his finger, it was a flying needle, connected to the thread, instantly piercing the sky, and remotely attacked and killed Murong Fu!

Flying needles of Sunflower Collection!

The Unbeaten East has won the Sunflower Collection, and naturally it has never been idle.

If other group friends want to practice, they have to use small phaseless power to transform.

But for Hai Dafu and Changhua, it is not so troublesome, just practice directly, but because of this, the Sunflower Book of the two of them is the most authentic.

"Damn it!"

Murong Fu frowned, and suddenly realized that Hai Dafu was much stronger than before.

Immediately use his own finger, which is not purely genus, to fly this embroidery needle.

But seeing Hai Dafu chuckled.

Between flipping his hands, he took out a few more embroidery needles.

At the end of the embroidery needles, colored threads are worn in various colors.

call out!

With a wave of hands, four embroidery needles flew out, cut through the sky, and took Murong Fu's limbs straight away.


Murong Fu's face changed drastically, and he barely avoided the four embroidery needles, and rushed towards Hai Dafu again, but he didn't take a long time to see, pulling the thin thread gently.

"Master, be careful!"



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