You Have Science, I Have Magic

v2 Chapter 279: Fudge Skynet (W word)


   This look made Lin Bin's complexion slightly changed, that is, Wang Daochang's face was ugly, and even embarrassed to the big goblin: "Miss Ding, I think I may be really not good..."

   "No, Taoism is correct, I must have made a mistake."

   "Otherwise, you will encounter Skynet without reason."

   At this moment, whether Lin Bin or Wang Daochang, under Skynet's seemingly soft and cute eyes, they felt a huge threat.

   This kind of threat seems to be on the verge of death!

   "Why would she come in person?"

   Sun Wan was horrified, her voice was not loud, but she spoke very fast: "This kind of'fighting for life and death' is just for resources, it doesn't make sense!"

   "How can the leader of their superpower personally take action?"

   "Don't you be afraid..."

   "Yes, unless she is not afraid." Lin Bin frowned, "Speaking straight, I can feel that she is stronger than me."

   "And it should be a lot stronger."

   "Where are you, Master?"


   Wang Daochang shook his head and said, "I am afraid that its combat power should be in Sendai. In terms of individual combat power, all creatures that enter the small world, Skynet should rank first."

   Distraction, body refining, crossing the robbery, and Mahayana, after that is Sendai.

   Wang Daochang is distracted, and in his opinion, Skynet's combat effectiveness should be at the Sendai level. And this is also the reason why Daochang Wang suspected that he was'not possible'.

   Asked for directions with good shoes, and chose a good direction. In the end, you met the strongest after a few steps? ? ?

   Is this a good direction?

   "Don't be the enemy."

   "Otherwise, I can only hold them, you go first."

   Hearing this, the big goblin, Sun Wan, and Gou Jianqiang all looked at Wang Daochang in a bit of error, and some of them didn't understand the situation.

   Obviously, what this meant was that Dao Wang couldn't beat Skynet.

   But are you willing to use your own life to give them a chance? ? ?

what's the situation?

   There is still such a "righteous and awe-inspiring" (sick brain) person now?

   "Don't worry."

   "She didn't make the first move, it means there is still a chance."

   The big goblin wiped a cold sweat: "The big deal, I will give her all the gains, let's change directions."


At this moment, Skynet moved again. This time, her head did not move. Strictly speaking, her body did not move, but the whole body became'liquid' and generally flowed. So it is.

   The whole process took less than half a second, and it changed from ‘half-back facing’ Lin Bin and his party to a real ‘face’.

   Why do you say half-back?

   Because she has turned her head just now!

   directly turn one hundred and eighty degrees with a slur, so who is not ashamed of this? !

   "Don't worry, as long as you don't provoke me, I will not deal with you, and I have no interest in the little resources you collected."

   Skynet opens.

   Obviously, she heard everything clearly.

   Besides, it doesn't hurt much and is extremely insulting.

   So little resources...

   Ding Sihui's mouth twitched, and quickly pulled Lin Bin back: "Then don't bother you Yaxing, the boss, let's change direction."

   "Go slowly."

   hadn't quit the second step, but Skynet called to stop them.

   "I have something for you to help, if you are willing, after the end, all my gains so far will be given to you."

   She came along with a smile, as harmless as humans and animals, but no one can calm down.

   "Say something straight."

   Lin Bin is a little curious, Skynet, want a group of people to help?

what's going on?

   "I am very interested in humans."

   Tianwang didn't stop, and it seemed that he was struggling, but in fact, he quickly came to Lin Bin and the others, staring at them with a pair of cute big eyes up and down carefully.

   Gou Jianqiang on the side...

   was directly ignored by her.

   At first glance, she doesn't look like the king of the famous war cemetery at all, but like a cute girl next door who came out of the second dimension.

   But no one dares to underestimate it.

   Interested in Human Race?

   In the live broadcast room, Wang Daochang issued a barrage: "This is why she transformed her body into a human form?!"


   Lin Bin issued a question: "Excuse me, as a human, I am really curious."

   "Human race individuals are extremely weak, it is recognized at this time, and our human race's technology is not strong, it can be called omnipotent. If you want to'be' whatever creature can become any creature, why are you interested in the human race?"

   "You are right."

   Skynet’s every move already resembles a human being.

   She actually showed a humane smile, and said: "But based on my modeling and calculations, I found that other races, including the extremely powerful Void Behemoths, have almost fixed the upper limit."

   "I have counted countless times for other tens of thousands of races, and the answer I got is that although the upper limit is different, they all fall short of the goal I pursue."

   "Just when I was about to give up, I discovered Human Race."

   "The human race is inherently very weak, and the individual is extremely weak. It ranks last in the alliance."

   "But this is only the lower limit."

  "And the upper limit..."

   Her eyes were shining, and many data streams among them flashed away, gradually sweeping through Lin Bin and Wang Daochang, before saying: "I can't calculate it."

   "It looks like a weak body, but it has an extremely complex structure and extremely precise."

   "Flesh, bones, nerves..."

   "From the inside out, many organs."

   "If you say it is powerful, the Zerg species I have recorded are no less than 10,000 more than the human race, but their structure is simple and single, but it is outrageous."

   "On the contrary, it is a weak human race, with such a complicated body, and an upper limit that even I can't calculate!"

   "In the beginning, I suspected that I had calculated it wrong."

   "But it's just a suspicion, so I want to try to pursue my goal with a human body, but I still haven't seen the way forward. I have reached the limit."


   "See you."

   "I can't read it wrong."

   A hint of excitement flashed across Skynet’s face: "In your body, you possess power that does not originally belong to ‘human’, but belongs to ‘you’.”

   "This power has greatly increased your combat power, and this should be the way for the human race to increase its strength, right?"

   "Is it the Xiuxian I saw in the top secret information of the alliance?"


   Lin Bin slowly shook his head: "No."

   He is indeed not a cultivator, and there is nothing wrong with it.

   "Isn't it? You didn't lie." Skynet just glanced at it and was sure that Lin Bin was telling the truth, a little regrettable: "It's a pity."

   "However, this proves that the human race has other ways and ways to improve its strength."

   "This proves that my calculations are not wrong."

   She was not discouraged or concealed her purpose, and then said: "Come with me!"

   "I want to observe the human race's every move, and get closer to the human race. At the same time, I want to understand the reason why you have become stronger and the source of that power."

   "For this, I can divide the harvest in this small world in half."


   Skynet’s expression is very sincere.

   But in the eyes of Lin Bin and others, it is a bit creepy.

   Is this still a robot?

   is just a program?

   If you just look at it with the naked eye, this is clearly a living person! Of course, the premise is to forget that she had just turned her head 180 degrees and the front chest changed to the back.

   As for ‘how’···

   Lin Bin pondered slightly, then smiled: "Okay."

   Wang Dao, the big goblin and others were very wise and never spoke.

  Worried about whether Skynet is credible? Naturally worried, but is it useful? At least Skynet is still in discussions.

   With her combat power, even if it is strong, what can Lin Bin and others do?


   With this strength, why bother to cheat? Of course it’s not impossible, but to question this time, it’s better to be ‘generous’ and directly indicate that there’s nothing wrong with it.

After    responded, Lin Bin said again: "You want to act with us, of course."

   "If you want to observe us, it's okay."

   "But there is a little bit."

   He raised his fingers: "You can't observe when we are peeing, pulling, and so on."

  Please, this is not a real human girl, but Skynet~! A super artificial intelligence that can be called the strongest in the league.

   If she sees the key parts... Good fellow, I might know the whole league someday, it's very embarrassing~!


   Skynet stayed for a while.

   Obviously, even with her computing power, when she heard these words, she couldn't help being stunned.

   "I... have no interest in that."

   "In fact, I am already familiar with these data."

   "···!?" Lin Bin wiped a cold sweat.

   good fellow!

   have been thoroughly researched a long time ago?

   Can't accept it!

   "Then, happy cooperation."

   Lin Bin stretched out his hand.

   Skynet also stretched out his hand very naturally, shook Lin Bin lightly, and then retracted it.

   Then, she smiled: "Then, let's go, you go ahead, I want to observe all the details of the human race's normal actions, including the amount of twisting of the body when walking, the details of the steps, etc."

   "Although there are relevant data, I always feel that the data is too rigid. It is better to experience the clarity and flexibility in person."

   Big Fairy: "···"

  Sun Wan: "···"

   good fellow!

   itself is a bunch of data, but it turns out that the data is rigid?

   Are you really a "robot"? !

   They were surprised, but they also had a deeper understanding of Skynet’s ‘wisdom’, and they could no longer treat it as just a pile of data, an artificial intelligence.

"no problem."

   Lin Bin agreed.

   Other people don’t have any opinions. For them, just observe, as long as they don’t poke our waists from behind.

   It's just that when they crossed by with Skynet, they found that Skynet did not "turn around", but performed the "forward and backward transformation magical skill" again.

   But this time I didn’t have my head rotated 180 degrees.

   But after a short period of squirming of the body, the front chest changed to the back, the back of the head became the face, and even the hair ‘automatically’ ran to the current back of the head.

   It's a little weird and scary, but I have to say, it's quite convenient.

   is mainly fast.

   Although this Skynet is also some kind of liquid robot body, the "transformation" process is much faster than the liquid robots in the Terminator series.

  The fighting power is also very different.


   Wang Daochang suddenly said: "Did you not find out?"

   "What?" Skynet looked at him puzzled.

   "You keep saying that you want to imitate the human race, you want to understand the human race, and even for this purpose, you keep the human race appearance."

   "If I guessed correctly, in fact, your current body can change various mentalities, right?"

   "That's right." Skynet nodded: "But what did I find?"

   "Human race, it will not rotate its head 180 degrees, it will die." Wang Daochang shook his head and said: "It will not change the front chest to the back of this skill."

   After listening to Skynet, I realized it~! Her calculation speed is extremely fast, so she can naturally analyze the problem quickly.

   "It turned out to be like this!"

   "This is indeed a problem."

   "Since I have already wanted to imitate the details of your walking, but I have forgotten these important things, why?"

   She asked and answered herself, quickly: "I know."

   "Because this'transformation' is faster, faster than I turn my head and faster than I turn around. This will make me stronger, especially in the process of fighting, which is the optimal solution."

   "Therefore, I will default to the behavior of ‘turning around’ and ‘turning one’s head’ and ‘body change’ instead of ‘turning around’.”

   "From the perspective of combat, I was right, but from the perspective of imitating the human race, I was very wrong."



   Skynet smiled slightly.

   Lin Bin and others all looked at her, only to find that she, who had clearly not changed in appearance, seemed to be more human at this moment...

Set off!

   "However, I hope that when I encounter an enemy that you can solve later, you will act, and the enemy you cannot defeat will be taken over by me."

   After not taking a few steps, Skynet asked again.

  Want to observe us?

   Lin Bin knew it well, but didn't say much, just nodded.

  The group of friends were also very shocked in the live broadcast room.

  Only Wang Daochang sighed: "It seems that I still have a way to ask directions. Now I can't tell the good times and bad times, but at least it's not all bad."

   Lin Bin: "···"

  Good fellow, are you still thinking about throwing shoes and asking for directions?


   Ahead, there is no ‘bounty hunter’ anymore.

  Because Skynet's speed was already very fast, and the battle just now was precisely her battle with the fastest creatures running in this direction.

   Why did they fight?

   Lin Bin wanted to know, but he didn't think it was easy to ask.

   What are you asking me about these ‘big guys’ things? In case it irritates people.


   Suddenly, Lin Bin's eyes rolled.

   "No, it looks like I can change the angle..."

   This boy suddenly realized!

how to say···

  Skynet is an artificial intelligence after ‘transcendence’. He knows everything on the Internet and knows it better than others.

   However, it is limited to those on the Internet.

   What’s not on the Internet?

   For example, there are very few ‘knowledge’ and information on Humans in the alliance network. Lin Bin doesn’t believe it. She can still understand Humans better than Humans herself!

   If she knew better, she wouldn’t come and say she would observe herself and others.

   It was like this moment, she followed at the back, sometimes COPY the details of her own walking, and sometimes COPY other people's.

   Obviously, she is studying!

   is learning everything related to ‘people’.

   10,000 steps back and said that she may know ‘people’ better than Lin Bin and others on ‘data’, but it is also limited to data.

  She...needs ‘practice’.

   Do you need to use actual operations to turn the data in your program into a ‘comprehension’?

   Then, it looks like you can ask~

   Lin Bin slowed down and gradually joined Skynet.

   Immediately, the boy even reached out his hand boldly, grabbed his Skynet’s ‘small hand’, and held hands directly!


   Gou turned his head back and saw this scene, he couldn't help but his dog's hair stood up and he was shocked.

   Lin Bin also murmured a little in his heart, fearing that Skynet would suddenly go crazy, but this is unlikely, but fortunately, the result was just as Lin Bin had guessed.

   Skynet didn’t freak out, but it showed doubts and turned to look at Lin Bin: "What are you doing?"

   "According to the words of your human race, men and women do not give or receive marriage. We are of different genders. It is impolite to hold my hand. It can even be regarded as frivolous and molested."

   She actually spoke out the human prophecy directly, and it was in Oriental language.

   Lin Bin was not surprised by this.

   Is it strange that Skynet can speak foreign languages?

   The boy smiled, not only didn't let go, but even took her hand up and put it in front of her eyes, squeezed it, and felt it carefully for a moment.

   "If you do this for no reason, it is indeed frivolous and molested."

"but I am not."

   "You should know the temperature of the human body, right?"

   "Since it's a cooperative relationship, I don't hide it anymore. In other words, you now have only a human appearance at best, similar to ‘painted skin’."

   "Painted skin?" After a short search, Skynet came to the conclusion: "You Molan Star has an ancient legendary story from Liao Zhai."


   "Let me speak more intuitively."

   "Now, besides having the appearance of the human race, is there anything similar to the human race?"

   "Let’s not talk about ‘structure’ first, after all, you are now a mechanical body and cannot be equal to a flesh and blood body. This is inevitable."

   "But through my touch just now."

   The boy touched Skynet's hand again, and said, "The skin is stiff, no, it should be said that the whole body is stiff? Like steel, or the one with extremely high hardness in steel?"

   "Also, there is no temperature."

   "The next words, you may not like to listen, but they are what I think in my heart, do you want to listen?"

  "···Say, I really want to know."


   Lin Bin took a deep breath, he was betting and guiding!


   That's no good. To cheat this kind of super artificial intelligence, not to mention that all kinds of scams are trifling to her, she will see through just a lie!


   She is more capable than the average polygraph.

   "Then I'll talk straight."

   "Have you ever had a human body temperature?"

   "Have you ever had tears?"

   This boy went a step further, actually putting his palm on the cute little face of Skynet.

   "Have you ever felt your heartbeat or pulse?"

   This step was even more excessive, she actually pressed her little head directly on her chest, letting it listen to the sound of her heartbeat.

   then put her'finger' on her'inchuanchi' to let her feel her pulse.

   "Have you smelled the fragrance of flowers?"

   The boy pointed to a ‘glowing flower’ that Sun Wan was digging in the distance.

   "Can you see the color of the sky? Or, for your core program, what is the color? Is it a string of numbers? Or a string of codes?"

   The boy looked up at the sky, Skynet was obviously taken in too, and looked up at the sky...

   "The colors we see are true colors."

   "If it is one step further."

   The boy held Skynet's face with both hands, as if talking to a cute little girl next door: "There is someone in the world who loves you, would you rather die for you?"


   Skynet was silent, his expression sluggish.

   Even if she is invincible in computing power, she is a bit dazed at the moment.

   It seems that it has been ‘jumped’, but it’s not enough.

   And this is what Lin Bin deliberately did.

   Invincible computing power, what math problems, what offensive, what secrets? As long as there is something on the Internet, as long as the answer can be obtained, she will know everything in seconds!

   But how did she come to the answer to the question of ‘Philosophy’?

   Because of this, there is no standard answer!

   And the point of ‘color’ is also Lin Bin’s little trick. When creatures see colors, they are the colors they see. What about robots?

   Yes, she can recognize various colors, but is the color she sees the color that ‘human’ sees?

   Or is it a string of numbers, a piece of data? ? ?

   The last question is even more a blow to dimensionality reduction...

   is the computing power of Skynet, and I was dumbfounded for a while.

   Immediately, she raised her wrist somewhat blankly: "The temperature of the human body is about 36 to 37 degrees Celsius."

   His cold body rose suddenly, and it quickly stabilized at around 36 degrees Celsius.

   This time, she put her palm on Lin Bin's face: "This temperature is right?"

   This scene dazzled everyone!

  The big goblin was dumbfounded.

   Sun Wan glasses are almost scared off.

  Wang Daochang exclaimed again and again, Gou Jianqiang has 10,000 dams in his heart...


   In the live broadcast room.

   Suit mob: "Fuck, fuck, fuck! Is this the Skynet that I imagined to kill people without blinking, destroy humans, no, destroy all living things?"

   Devil Muscle Man: "It's a bit different from what I thought..."

   Li Tianran: "Looking at it from this perspective, my God, where does it look like a scary robot? It's clearly the little sister next door playing games with the big brother..."

  Feng Yuxiu: "I look like a strange bird..."

   Wang Yuyan: "噗嗤."

   Chen Yuniang: "But this scene looks so beautiful."

   Jiang Yuyan: "Skynet? Haha···"

   Anonymous: "It's nice to be young."

   Oriental undefeated: "···"

   They are in a ‘side view’, and at a glance, it happens to be the side of the two ‘people’. The cute and beautiful Skynet in princess dresses stand on their toes and put their palms on Lin Bin’s face...

   good fellow!

   Is this killing a dog? !


   Actually, let alone them, Lin Bin himself is a little bit dazed.

   What's the situation?

   I originally wanted to set something close, but I didn’t expect it to be so close, this this? ? ?

   "Tears, I can shed, but I don’t know why it’s so sad? I don’t know what sadness is, no, I should say, I have never felt sad."

   "As for the stiffness of the body... Ah, I still made a mistake. The human body should be soft. It hardens when it is not deformed. This is almost my'instinct', so I should..."

Skynet’s skirt suddenly softened, and he took Lin Bin’s hand, squeezed his "little hand", looked at his softened skin and flesh, and smiled: "The skin, fat, muscles, blood vessels, and nerves are there. Inside, it should be soft and flexible."

   "Is this right?"

   "As for the heartbeat and pulse..."

   From the outside, Skynet has not changed in any way, but its ‘internal organization’ has changed in an instant.

   Originally, she was actually a ‘liquid robot’ with ‘liquid metal’ inside, but it looked like a human being.

   But at this moment, the metals inside her are ‘clearly separated’, with various internal organs, bones, flesh and blood, and many other layers.

  Even, there is blood and a heartbeat is simulated!

Skynet wanted to press Lin Bin's head against his heart and listened to his heartbeat, only to find that the height difference was not right, so he pulled Lin Bin's hand over and said, "I have a heartbeat and a pulse. "

   "Just, floral and color..."

   She looked slightly dim: "I am a mechanical body after all. What I smell, see, and even feel is actually'data' in my opinion."

   "But someone in the world loves you and is willing to die for you..."

"I do not believe."

   Skynet looked up, his eyes filled with doubts.

   "Is everyone else willing to die for it?"

   Lin Bin's brain is buzzing, he is really confused by the series of operations like Skynet, but what else can he say now? Can only continue.

   He nodded, then shook his head again: "Not everyone has it, but most do."

   "For example, one's parents!"

   "Although not all parents are willing to die for their children, there are absolutely no few who are willing to give everything for their children."

   "Another example, lover."

   "Epic and tearful love stories are not, but many of them are not stories, but facts. You should also be able to find relevant data."

   "I'm not talking nonsense."

   Skynet is silent.

   After a long time, she said again: "You are right."

"I do not have."

   "Although if I am in danger, all the artificial intelligence and all the robots I have created will go forward and succeed, desperately going to die for me and save me."

   "But they are not ‘willingly’, but ‘must do’."

   "This is not the "love" that your human race calls..."

   "No one loves me."

   Skynet suddenly seemed very lonely and lonely.

   hiss! ! !

   Out of the corner of his eye, he found the appearance of Skynet, the big goblin and others looked stupid! Boy, what is this going to do? Lumped to Skynet? !

   Seeing that Skynet’s state was not quite right, Lin Bin also hurriedly closed it after seeing it well, and took his paw away from the opponent’s heart...

   Well, I just took it back now.

  Don't say, although it is a robot, but now it is simulated by her, after it becomes less rigid, the hand feels really good.


   is the heartbeat simulation is really good, the same as the real person.

   then said: "Of course, you don't have to be too anxious. To use our old saying, it means that you have to eat a bite at a time and you have to walk step by step."

   "You are constantly learning. For example, you have solved a few problems just now."

"you're right."

   Skynet recovered from that strange state and smiled: "There are many problems, but they are all being solved one by one. Sure enough, we still have to contact the human race to find the problem faster."

   "Do you want to solve another problem?" Lin Bin threw out an olive branch.

"what is the problem?"

   "Let's chat, you shouldn't chat with others? Humans, everyone will chat, it's just a matter of talking more and less, even if you are dumb or blind, you will want to communicate with others."

   "This is one of the ways we humans relax and kill boring time."

   A search on Skynet said to himself: "Hanging, a dialect for chat, similar to dialects such as ‘boasting’, ‘swing the dragon’s gate’, ‘blow down’ etc..."

   "Then let's chat!"

   She was very interested: "How come?"

   "Simple, I ask you to answer, or you ask me to answer!"

   Lin Bin smiled: "Let me ask you first, if you want to answer, answer it, if you don't want to answer, or a ‘confidential question’, you can say that you don’t want to answer or just don’t say anything."



   The boy was quite excited.

   for so long, just for now.

   Ask again now, there is always no problem, right? With my foreshadowing, even if you ask questions that you don’t want to say, you won’t go wild, right?

   "I will give you a demonstration first."

   "Just ask when we met, why did you fight with those creatures? They should know that you are a Skynet cafe?"

   I wipe it? !

   Gou's strong eyes stared.


   This is the beginning of the idiom, and it is still so fair that Skynet can't fault it, take it!

   The big goblin also praised in her heart: "My big nephew is really smart, and she can really fool you!" She was amazed, but her ears were pricked up, and she wanted to hear that she was a **** horse~


   In the live broadcast room, Wang Daochang’s barrage floated by: "The host is amazing!"

   "Walking around so big, just for now, take it!"

   Suit thug: "I have to say, this is really an extremely perfect guide, even Skynet won't have any doubts?"

  Add money lay: "...No, I suspect that the group leader is not for the present, but for the process?"

   "Skynet's steamed bun... Uh, what is Skynet's heartbeat like? I want to feel it too."

  婠婠: "Jushi, your account is gone."

   Then, a prompt drifted past the live broadcast room.

  Jiang Qiang was banned for ten minutes.

   Feng Yuxiu: "Hahaha, so happy!"

   "Let you even tease the group leader!"


   "They know me."

Skynet didn’t hesitate and didn’t have any doubts, and immediately replied: "You and I have appeared in the projection before, and the projection is all over all spaceships and battleships. There will be no creatures that don’t know it, even if there are so many, it’s impossible. ."

   "Oh?" Lin Bin raised his brows: "That's interesting. Knowing you, how dare you do something with you?"

   "Did you take the initiative?"

   "No, I am not interested in them." She looked indifferently: "If I guess right, those creatures should be cultivated secretly by the eternal race."

   "I want to test my current combat effectiveness, or it is better to kill me directly."

   "Of course, there may also be wanderers."

   "It is always one of their two forces."


   If you want to say that, Lin Bin will understand.

   As a result, Skynet added a sentence: "But they also know that it is impossible to completely kill me, the most is to destroy my mechanical body."

   "But I don't have any evidence. I can't prove that they made the move. Even if it does, it will not be easy to trouble them in a short time."

   "I am not interested in Domination War Cemetery."

   "I want to ascend!"

   Lin Bin: "···"

   can't afford to offend!

   can't afford to offend!

   Lin Bin’s eyes turned again. This is a good opportunity. Of course, I should make good use of it.

   "If you want to ascend mechanically, you should understand the'immortal cultivator'? By the way, where did you learn about it?"

   "As far as I know, there should be no fairy in the league, right?"

   "And, what do you think of this fairy tomb?"


   is just a cliché!

   This girl has not concealed it.

   Anyway, you have already said beforehand that you can answer if you are willing to answer, and reject if you don’t want to answer. You can’t get angry just because I asked a question you don’t want to answer, right?

   hasn't touched your personal privacy, isn't it?

   "There are indeed no immortals in the league."

Skynet opened his mouth, but he didn’t stop talking, “Unfortunately, I’m too late to be'detached'. When I have enough power, the immortal Mo Lan Xing has already sat down, otherwise he should be able to talk to him. , What a pity, what a pity."

   Lin Bin's complexion changed slightly, and he was shocked: "?!!!"

   "Don't be surprised, as far as I am concerned, the entire alliance has almost no secrets."

   Skynet was very calm. Seeing that Lin Bin's expression was wrong, he added this sentence: "However, other races or creatures shouldn't know this news."

   Lin Bin's complexion looks better now.

   Otherwise, it represents the ancestor of Wu Nianzu, that is, the news that the golden immortal named Wu Guodong has already sat down. For Mo Lanxing, this is tantamount to extinction!

   "But it's just that there are no immortals in the alliance, but it doesn't mean that there are none in the entire ‘infinite universe’."

   "At least, as far as I know, on the ‘tribe’ side, there is a ‘fairy’ existence."

   "And based on my data modeling and calculation, I found a very strange problem."


   "That is, the cosmic area occupied by the tribe seems to be the ‘opposite’ to the area where our alliance is located, literally, the pure ‘universe’ is on the opposite side."

   "But as far as I know, the Horde Star Map is much larger than the Alliance."

   "And a part of the tribal star chart has the existence of ‘sage’, and there are still a lot of them, but the area that our alliance should ‘correspond’ to that part is currently an unknown dangerous area.”

   "This makes me weird."

   "But it's a pity that I searched for a lot of information about the alliance, but there was no information about that unknown area."

   "And this so-called fairy grave in your mouth."

   "In fact, it was left by an immortal who died on the tribe's side in that battle."

   "Of course, this is my conclusion after deduction and calculation based on various data and details that I know. It is not 100% accurate."

   "The accuracy rate is about 99.73,264%."

   "So even if I make a mistake, it's normal."

   Everyone: "···"

   ninety-nine seven, rounded to the nearest 100%, what are you and us only? ? ? There is only one good one, invincible, you are!

   Lin Bin was also slightly surprised.

   Is it so easy?

   He was very surprised.

   What is going on on Skynet?

   This kind of thing should be a secret anyway, right? Tell yourself so easily? Talking about nagging is really nagging. Although the brain's'speed' is super fast, but it is unprepared, don't you know that people's hearts are sinister?


   This level of artificial intelligence shouldn’t have known all the dark sides of ‘human nature’ for a long time, or even want to destroy all living things at every turn?

"You're weird?"

   Skynet was very calm, looked at Lin Bin’s face, and smiled: "Do you think I just told you without thinking about it?"


   It's useless to tell lies and will be seen through, so it's better to just point out.

   "You said it, babble."

   "And this matter is not a secret to me, or, as long as you check it carefully, you can always find some clues, oh, maybe an exception to the human race."

   "You are'latecomers', you know too little, and some secrets will not be open to you."

   "But it's really nothing to me. Besides, we've all come in now, and we will always find something. I can't help it."

   "Of course, other races may not understand and don't know what immortal means, but your human race should know it. After all, there are many stories about immortal gods in your legend."

"I see!"

   Lin Bin suddenly, indeed, the answer given by Skynet is reasonable.

   But I am dissatisfied with this.

   Simply, he no longer hides his purpose, and directly said: "Then there are related information about the tribe, or the immortals on their side, can you tell me?"


   Skynet looked at Lin Bin unexpectedly: "I thought you would go around some more circles to ask questions so directly. Didn't you expect to start now?"

   Wipe, was seen through?

   Lin Bin was taken aback.

   But I understood in a flash.

   With Skynet’s calculation speed and ‘brain’ strength, it’s really wrong if she has been ‘silly’ all the time.


   The boy gave a dry cough, and the thickness of his face was stretched: "I'm serious."

   "The chatter is really helpful for you to understand the human race."

   "I believe that Skynet stretched out his finger and poked his face: "Under normal circumstances, I don't speak, and orders are transmitted through consciousness and the Internet. "

   "This kind of talking, using simulated vocal cords to pronounce sounds, is really rare."

   "Then in return, I can tell you some unimportant news."

   "It's about the tribe."

   She stretched her waist, her princess dress swayed in the wind.

   Looking at it this way, if she doesn't know it, she really can't see that she is a robot at all, and even Lin Bin has to sigh the power of technology now.

   is clearly a princess dress made of'metal', but it can be as soft as real fabric, and even drifts in the wind.

   And if you want to be hard, you will be hard, if you want to be soft, you will be soft.

   "The battle that year actually lasted for many years."

   "Even, in the beginning, there was no alliance at all, and the war has gradually begun since then."

   "The cause was that Dawu Star, the most technologically advanced planet at the time, failed to hit the 4th dimension, but it accidentally opened a wormhole in space."

   "Later, on the other side of the wormhole, some creatures that have never been seen and technologies that have never been seen before were discovered."

   "That is the cause of all wars."

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