You Have Science, I Have Magic

v2 Chapter 282: Don't treat Skynet as a fool (W word)

Wang Daochang's face collapsed: "···"

"Do you still know this?"

Skynet laughed: "I have watched a lot of your human movies, and I know this thing."

"That really made you laugh." Wang Daochang's face was faint: "Actually, I'm writing, but the words I wrote are not good-looking."

Skynet was taken aback.

"Excuse me."

"Then what are you writing?"


Wang Daochang thought for a while, did not hide Skynet, waved his hand to place a small soundproof formation, and said, "This is a test."

"Test?" Ding Sihui asked.

"Yes, the test left by that fairy."

He originally wanted to say that it was a test for the immortal cultivators of later generations, and he can only enter after passing the test, but after another thought, he should not be exposed~

Otherwise, Skynet next to him might have to go crazy.

Although I am not afraid of projection, but can not cause trouble to the group owner, so he changed his words: "Only by passing this test, we can go in."

"And if I read it right, this should be just a very ordinary test. If you can find the trick, it won't be difficult to get in."

"But they will just do it recklessly and can't get in."

"Can you go in?" Skynet ahran.

She didn't find the trick either, which means that she can only do it recklessly?

This is embarrassing.

"I have to calculate."

Wang Daochang held the pen and paper, sometimes struggling to write quickly, and sometimes paused.

In fact, he was pretending to be.

Chatting with everyone in the group broadcast.

Feng Yuxiu: "I laughed to death. I didn't expect that Daochang's words are uglier than mine, ghosts, haha, I want to laugh when I think of Skynet's self-confident appearance."

Add money layman: "Me too."

Unbeaten in the East: "Hahaha!"

A Xing: "···, I can't even write."

National Art Inheritor: "It's better to talk about business, Master Dao, how sure are you?"

"Actually, I can go in now!" Daochang Wang's barrage surprised everyone. Fortunately, he continued: "But I have to pretend, I can't be seen by Skynet."

"In fact, this is a very simple test, of course, for us immortal cultivators."

"I think, as long as the immortal cultivator system comes from a decent sect, as long as the cultivation base reaches the Yuan Ying stage, they can see the problem at a glance and can easily enter."

"With all due respect, this test is really too simple."

"Even an immortal cultivator in the Tribulation Period or the Mahayana Period can put a test that is ten times more difficult than this and a hundred times more difficult than this. This is clearly an immortal tomb. Why is it so simple?"

Wang Daochang expressed his doubts.

Lin Bin was taken aback after hearing this.

He was also dumbfounded.


I thought it would be difficult, but didn't expect Wang Daochang to say simple? ? ?

Wang Yuyan gave his own guess: "Could it be that in the original battle, this fairy was seriously injured and his death is imminent, so there is not much power to deploy?"

Wang Daochang: "It is possible, but the problem is that the defensive power into this small world is extremely strong. If he is really that weak, how did he do it?"

"This is indeed a problem." Lin Bin said in a deep thought, "I don't think we can make inferences from a normal angle."

"It needs to be analyzed based on the time point at that time and the situation he was facing."

"First of all, we know that this is the immortal of the tribe, so his tomb is not in the tribe, but in the war cemetery, which means that he was about to fall and there was no time to go back."

"Otherwise, it's impossible to keep my body, my inheritance, and everything else here."

"Secondly, according to the situation at the time, the tribe has immortals, but the alliance does not..."

"It seems to make sense!"

Lin Bin clapped his hands.

"It's difficult to get inside because it's afraid of being easily found and incorporated by science and technology creatures, and get what they left behind. The test is simple, but it's relatively speaking."

"Dao Master, you also said that the Nascent Soul Stage cultivator can easily enter."

"But what about creatures on the technological side? For creatures who don't know how to cultivate immortality, this test is more difficult than the test of entrance!"

"Simple, just for you cultivators."

"He knows that there are no immortals in the alliance and cannot pass the test, so there is no need to spend much strength and energy. Of course, there may be no extra strength and energy to build a more difficult test."

"But no matter what, it makes sense."

After hearing this, Mr. Wang said that it made sense.

Since there are no immortals in the league, why set the test so difficult?

Anyway, the creatures that may pass are all from the tribe. If this is the case, even if you ask for it?

Simple is simple!


"It's almost done, don't overdo it."

After Wang Daochang sent another bullet screen in the live broadcast room, he took the pen and paper away and said with a smile: "I see."

"This place should be entered like this!"

"You follow me behind, and I will take you in."

After thinking about it, Dao Wang decided to bring Skynet in with him. Otherwise, he would be robbed if he didn't do anything.

Distraction is not weak.

But the guys like the Eternal Race and the Wanderers are not vegetarian either.

Go back to Skynet!


Everyone nodded, and then followed behind Wang Daochang.

Since he had set up a soundproof barrier before, no one knew what they said, but at this moment, they were dispatched, but they still attracted everyone's attention.

"Is it the human being from the big scum star?"

Pogeworth frowned, very upset, and his one eye was slightly narrowed.

The creatures of the eternal race, and other creatures, also watched indifferently.

However, most of them are not looking at Lin Bin, but the Skynet next to Lin Bin!

"Why does Skynet stay with these humans? It's weird that it is still holding hands with that human? Did they join hands?"

"Nonsense, how can they be together if they don't join hands?"

"But why? Why would Skynet join forces with the weak human race?"

"How the **** do I know?"

"Don't ask, keep an eye on it!"

"This is Skynet's first attempt. If one of us counts as one, who is most likely to discover the secrets here, it is definitely Skynet!"

"It really is."

"All optimistic..."

Many creatures have their eyes widened, wanting to take a closer look at Skynet's operation.

However, both the Eternal Race and the Wanderers sent some strong men to follow behind them.


It's not just watching!

Still want to follow, just in case in the past!


"The human hand is glowing!"

"What does he want to do? Go and hit the latch?"

"Nervous, doesn't he know he can't touch it at all?"




"Fuck, bumped into it!!"

Under the gaze of everyone's eyes, others tried thousands of times of untouchable tiled houses, door bolts, and doors, but Wang Daochang easily touched them, opened the door bolt, opened the door, and stepped into it.

Lin Bin and others followed closely, and came in in a flash.

Skynet is the last one.

After entering, Skynet will close.

"Go in!!"


The ‘people’ of the Eternal Race and the Wanderer, who had been following them not far behind them, rushed over at the first time, trying to stop the Heavenly Gateway Gate and breaking into it.


However, Skynet turned around and kicked it.


An eternal race who leaped over was kicked into the air, spurting blood, knocking all the ‘people’ behind him into flight, and Skynet took the opportunity to close the door.

"Open the door!"

Everyone rushed over in a swarm, trying to pull the door bolt and open the door, but just like before, they couldn't touch it at all.

As soon as the hand stretched over, it penetrated directly.

"what happened?"

"Is my posture wrong?"

"He was like this just now... Huh? Why is it still not working?"

"No, the human hand was shining just now. Does it need light to touch and open the door?"

"I come, my whole body will shine!!"

When the light flickered, they were dumbfounded.

"Why still can't!?"

"Strange, do you need Human Race?"

"Humans...Speaking of it, I seemed to bring back a few of Humans' subordinates last time, but they were too weak and I didn't care about them very much. If you want Humans..."

"Come here, use the landing ship to send me those human races!"


Bustling and busy.

Seeing them try to open the door there, the brow of Pogworth has never been ‘relaxed’. He snorted coldly, sat down on the ground, and sneered: "Open the door?"

"Can I just stop here?"

The people of the Eternal Race also hugged their arms and looked at each other coldly from the outside.

In short, it's messed up.

I have everything.

Some did not give up on trying, some prepared to wait for them to rob after they came out, some looked at by the negative test, and only gave up, but none.

They are all old bounty hunters, each of them is as good as a ghost. What are you playing?


Inside the house.

Skynet stared at Wang Daochang curiously: "Your skills are different from those of Lin Bin and Sister Ding. It's strange, Human Race... so many systems?"

"Everyone has their own characteristics, just like their looks."

Wang Daochang did not say that he was not a cultivator, nor did he say that he was a cultivator.

Lying will definitely be seen by Skynet, but if you don't answer directly, there is nothing wrong with nonsense, which I learned from Lin Bin.

As long as the truth is true, it's okay to say some specious answers.

Skynet’s computing power is super powerful, but after all, it’s ‘not deeply involved in the world’. After listening to it, I think it’s fine. Is it weird that everyone has their own characteristics?

They are not robots, they all use the same program.


"so big."

Sun Wan exclaimed.

From the outside, the brick houses in the mountains are only small, and they are estimated to be 30 or 40 square meters.

But after entering, at a glance, it was at least hundreds of squares.

But it still looks like a brick house with a lot of furniture in it.

But they are relatively simple.

Wooden table, wooden chair, wooden bed...

There are also pots and pans.

It's like an ordinary farmhouse, but it's a bit bigger.

But with the gentle wave of the king, the true essence radiated, everything in this place revealed its true meaning.

The tables and chairs are still tables and chairs, as are the pots and pans, but compared to just now, they have a bit more ‘divine nature’. Lin Bin and others were surprised when they saw it.

They can't understand!

But I can feel that these things are extraordinary!

Skynet tilted his head and calculated frantically, but in the end he said, "I can't figure it out."

"There is a very strange feeling, but I can't figure out what ‘feel’ this is. Sure enough, I still don’t know much about ‘xian’."

"If you can talk to the immortals..."

Lin Bin didn't say a word.

You can't sell Wang Daochang, right?

And he is not a fairy~~~

Nothing wrong.

Inside the house, there are many things with ‘divine nature’. It can even be said that, except for the house itself, almost everything has a ‘divine nature’!

If it is contact, it will make people feel peaceful from the heart, but there is also a sense of incompatibility.

After Taoist Wang touched an item, he was shocked in the live broadcast room: "Something's wrong!"

"This will feel completely different from the immortals I have ever seen!"

"Strange, I have seen demons, ghosts, demon immortals, and orthodox immortals, and I have also contacted them, and the immortals of the heavens and all realms, I also perceive them from a distance, but I have never been in such an incompetence. feel."

"It's like, this is clearly a'thing of immortal', but it's not the immortal I know."

"Really strange!"

Is it immortal, but not a ‘normal’ immortal?

Lin Bin raised his eyebrows: "Don't panic, take away the good things first."

Jiang Yuyan: "What about Skynet?"

"Allocation is a problem."

With Jiang Yuyan's reminder, the group members instantly felt that the atmosphere was a bit subtle.

If you want to use your ass, you can know that the things here are definitely the most valuable batch in the fairy tomb, if Skynet wants it too...

"There is a pocket here!"

Gou Jianqiang jumped onto the bed and saw a corpse, and found a palm-sized cloth bag beside the corpse, and shouted immediately.

Several people leaned forward.

Skynet smiled when he saw it: "Sure enough, it's human bones."

"What is this spar? It's so beautiful."

Sun Wan pointed to the spar next to'Budai', a little surprised.

"Let me see."

Wang Daochang didn't comment, he took the spar, but the true essence in his body was slowly poured into it. In a moment, the spar lit up, and an image emerged.

The background of the image is the bed here.

But on the bed, there was a man with a pale face.

Judging from his clothing, it should have been before the death of the owner with the bones.

"I am the third elder of Xuantianzong, Ming Changkong."

"The latecomer, seeing this picture, is my disciple, and also my core disciple of the Xuantian School."

"I don't know how you came to this war cemetery belonging to the Alliance, nor why you came to my cemetery, but when I want to come, it is nothing more than war."

"Come on, taking away what I left behind should be able to help you rise. When the time is right, you will blaze a trail and return to Xuan Tianzong!"

"Sad, sigh."

"I thought that a new era would be opened, but I never thought that the Sacred Technology Alliance is still involved in causal weapons, nothing more."

"Everything comes to an end."

"Later, remember my name."

"By the way, there is one more thing."

"My Xuantianzong is not tolerated by thousands of immortals. I think we are degenerate people who dabble in science and technology. Because of this, my Xuantianzong single-handedly joined forces with the tribe in this battle, resulting in a lack of strength. Lost in collapse."

"This time, the war should have started again?"

"If you can return to Xuan Tianzong, remember to tell the contemporary suzerain for me, don't care about the so-called reputation, and inform the science and technology alliance about the matter of the universe to the thousands of immortals."

"This endless world, this great resource, they can never be indifferent."

"By then, the Sacred Technology Alliance? It's just a native Wakul!"

"I... go also."

The projection dissipates.

The big goblin and others have not spoken yet, but the barrage in the live broadcast room is already connected.

Wang Daochang: "Sure enough, he thinks he is a member of the tribe, because in his cognition, there are no immortal cultivators in the alliance, so those who can come in are those of the tribe."

The East is undefeated: "It must be so."

Anonymous: "This is called a wise man who must have a mistake when he is thinking about it?"

Lin Bin whispered: "No matter what, this is definitely good news for us."

Wang Daochang: "Yes, I just don't know what he left behind."

Lin Bin said again: "What is left is quite expectant, but what he meant by his words proves many of our previous conjectures."

"The universe on the other side of the tribe is indeed not only the Xuantian Sect's "Xianmen", but the "Thousands of Immortals"!"

"Thousands of immortals, not the heavens and the world."

"So it can be considered that the two parties are indeed not under the same universe?"

Hua Yingxiong: "Group leader, Dao chief, you said, will the existence of the big Luo Jinxian who finally besieged Zhou Xiaoran and the heavens and worlds be the Da Luo Jinxian of the'Thousand Thousand Immortal Gate'?"

Lin Bin also thought of this, and frowned slightly: "The possibility is not small."

"It's just that, if that's the case, then...something interesting."

"At present, we are basically determined that the Sacred Technology Alliance and the heavens and worlds are in the same universe, and now we have determined that the tribe and the thousands of immortals are in the same universe."

"Furthermore, millions of years ago, the Alliance fought a battle with the tribe. The Xuantian Sect in the Thousands of Immortals helped the tribe to fight the alliance together.

"And Xuantianzong is called a degenerate person because it is mixed with the technology of'tribes'."

"Now, millions of years have passed. On the earth in the era of King Daochang, about two thousand five hundred years ago, Da Luo Jinxian of thousands of immortals came to the'all heavens and all worlds', and brought the heavens and all realms to the earth. The Great Luo Jinxian besieged and killed..."


"It sounds a little messy, but if you sort it out carefully, and put it simply, are there two forces on the technological side and the mysterious side in two different universes."

"A few million years ago, the two sides fought the science and technology side first, and a few million years later, the mysterious side fought another fight. It's just that we now know the results of the science and technology side battle, and the mysterious side..."

"We know, but only after the destruction of the earth.


Everyone was a little silent.

Boy, space war is this?

If there is nothing wrong with the current inferences based on these clues, it seems that this is really the case? And it's still "soldiers against soldiers" and "generals against generals?" ’

Technology vs. Technology, Mystery vs. Mystery···

"Let's put it this way." Wang Daochang said in the barrage: "Count the time, the age of the group leader, the battle between the thousands of immortals and the heavens and worlds has been carried out for more than two thousand years."

"What's the situation now?"

"It's a pity that I am in the belly of the Kingfisher Immortal, and I don't know what the outside world is like."

Lin Bin said: "The Alliance has not had any contact with the Heavens and Myriad Realms, so I have no way of knowing the situation of the battle between the Heavens and Myriad Realms and the Myriad Immortals."

Anonymous: "Speaking of which, the era where you are, the leader, seems to be very bad."

Chen Yuniang: "Why do you say this?"

Anonymous: "The tribe is known to be a deadly enemy. Once there is a chance, they will definitely go to war again. At the same time, it is known that thousands of immortal gates will also stand on the side of the tribe, and the enemy is equal to double."

"Now the only possible'reinforcement' is the heavens and the worlds, but the heavens and the worlds were attacked by the thousands of immortals more than two thousand years ago."

"It's still a question whether it exists or not. If it does exist, I will be contacted later. It may indeed be reinforcements when the war starts."

"But what if it doesn't exist? Or is it already destroyed by thousands of immortals?"

"If this is the case, once the war starts again, wouldn't the Alliance be defeated by the enemy?"

Lin Bin smiled bitterly: "That's it, that's right."

"But don't worry, everyone, we still have some time."

"What's more, when the sky is falling, there is still a tall man against it."

"I think, judging from the previous battle between the alliance and the tribe, even if the heavens and the world are slightly weaker than the thousands of immortals, they should not be without the power of a battle."

"Even if the thousands of immortal gates can really destroy the heavens and the world, it will definitely not be easy."

"So there must be some time."

"It's just that I have one more thing to do."

"That is, it is necessary to figure out where the tribe and the thousands of immortal gates are, and to figure out what is going on in the battle between the heavens and the world and the thousands of immortal gates."

Wang Daochang: "Hmm..."

"Let's take a look at what Ming Changkong left behind."



Everyone's eyes are locked on the cloth pocket, which is obviously a storage bag.


Everyone looked at Skynet.

"No matter what you are, divide you half."

Skynet opened his mouth with a sincere expression. Although he couldn't tell the truth or falsehood, the tight hearts of Lin Bin and others relaxed a lot. Again, Skynet didn't need to lie.

With her combat effectiveness, the current Lin Bin and others really couldn't do it.

If you want to take it all, why cheat?

Just do it directly.

"Open it."

Skynet spoke again, looking at Wang Daochang: "You can see that you should have a certain understanding of the cultivator."

Still can't hide it.

Wang Daochang couldn't lie, so he nodded gently: "I have some understanding."

Then, he did his part and opened it.


A space portal appeared in front of everyone, but this portal could not enter, only to see, or communicate with it with divine consciousness, and take out the objects in it.

But through this space portal, everyone can see the scene inside.

A piece of space.

I am afraid there are thousands of cubic meters, which is much larger than the space converter.

Most of the area in it is empty, but there is a "hill" filled with various spars. There is a shadow stone-like spar triggered by the royal leader just now, and there are also far brighter and transparent. Of spar.

At first glance, the total number of zero zero is always no less than 100,000!

"I have studied this kind of spar. It contains a kind of energy. Although it is not possible to synthesize this kind of energy for the time being, it is based on my calculations and analysis."

"This thing should be the so-called spirit stone in the immortal cultivator system."

Skynet opened his mouth, but directly told its origins, and said directly: "I will count it later, one person and half."

Wang Daochang: "···"

He nodded, but sent a barrage in the live broadcast room: "It's a pity, I was still trying to flicker, but I didn't expect her to know her."

"Those that seem to be one grade lower in'quality' are indeed spirit stones, but those that are larger, better, and brighter are fairy crystals above the spirit stones!"

"If we say that the immortal crystal is as important to the immortal as the spirit stone is to the immortal cultivator."

"In terms of value, it's a world of difference. A piece of fairy crystal basically possesses the'Xianli' the same as an ordinary red fairy."

"The realm in front of Ming Changkong should not be low."

"And when the two sides compare, the ratio...

Lin Bin suddenly said, "That's how it is."

He is not a cultivator of immortals, and he is naturally not particularly clear about these things, but at this moment he also knows the value of immortal crystals.

Immediately, he thought of Wu Nianzu Molan Xingxing Cultivator.

Suffering from lack of aura, let alone practice, I just don’t dare to shoot at will, I can only search and search on weekdays, and even fly by transportation...

Have you seen such a miserable cultivator during the Tribulation Period?

But if I get them some fairy crystals~~~

"The energy contained in the fairy crystal is amazing. One piece is probably enough for them to cultivate for a long time, right? If you prepare a few more pieces, it will not only improve their realm, but also allow them to not have to search for so much, which is very useful."

Immediately, he talked about his thoughts with Wang Daochang in the live broadcast room.

"The group leader is serious, these items should naturally be distributed by you, why should I be the master?"

Lin Bin listened very comfortably.

But Lin Bin is not a stupid person, he can tell good from bad no matter what, he said: "Without me, you can't come here, but if there is no Taoist, can I be able to come in?"

"I don't need to say this, we will discuss it."

Wang Daochang: "You really are the leader of the group... Since this is the case, then what the group leader says is what it means."

When Lin Bin saw this, he nodded in satisfaction, and then moved his gaze to the other items in the storage bag.

As for why not try to get the spiritual soil and Lingzhi that previously transformed Dazha Star to Meran Star...

It's actually very simple, not enough!

How old is Molan Star? How many creatures are there? Just a little bit of yourself, transform a fart, I am afraid that in a few days, the aura will be sucked up by various creatures!

Let Wu Nianzu cultivate?

Not enough!

The tribulation period is nothing to the immortal, but in the realm of the immortal cultivator, he is really not a weak person. I am afraid that Wu Nianzu has not broken through a small realm, and the aura of these things has also been consumed.

After all, when Lin Bin and others went, how many times had Kunlun been explored?

They still "scrape" from the edge to the inside. What good things are there in the edge?

Some good things have been taken away long ago!

That is to say, the world where Lin Bin and the group of friends are not aura at all, but anything with aura is useful to them, so they use that kind of ‘carpet-style’ method of scraping.

It's true that there is aura, including the soil.

But the ‘quality’ is not much better.

Spiritual fruit, elixir, etc., are also entry-level.

For those of them who have not experienced the baptism of spiritual energy, it is of great use, but for the immortal cultivator who crosses the Tribulation Period, it **** for a few days and just **** it up.

That is to say, now seeing these fairy crystals and knowing that they contain terrifying aura, Lin Bin dares to think so.


Wang Daochang suddenly explained: "Neither I nor Wu Nianzu, I want to absorb the fairy crystal, but it is still too early."

"You need at least about the fifth rank of Sendai to be qualified to absorb the energy in the fairy crystal. If you are not in this state, you should just absorb the spirit stone honestly."

"However, these spirit stones are all top-quality spirit stones, and there are a lot of them, and they should be enough to make Wu Nianzu take it to the next level."

"I see!"

"Huh? Pills!"

Apart from the exchange, they saw some bottles and cans in a corner of the storage bag. Naturally, there was no need to say anything.

Wang Daochang turned his eyes and took out all of them with divine consciousness.

There are a total of twelve jade bottles, open one at will, and there will be a strong spiritual energy and medicinal fragrance.

Skynet leaned over to take a look, his eyes narrowed slightly: "The immortal pill?"

"Should it be? But I don't know what Dan it is."

Wang Daochang smiled, and then said: "By the way, strictly speaking, you are not a living creature, and you shouldn't have digestive functions. These pills, or you just..."

"Or give you one for each and let you do research?"

"Half and half!"

However, Skynet said he was not fooled.

"All right."

Seeing that the flicker couldn't be done, Wang Daochang didn't insist on it, half-pointing half-pointing.

In addition, he also saw some exercises.

Skynet saw it too.

"I don't need books."

Skynet smiled and said, "But I want to look through it again."

"All right."

Wang Daochang immediately took it out, and Skynet started to flip through it, one page at a time. Everyone knew that she had obviously COPYed it directly.


She really didn't want the book, but the content is not less than a word!

Wang Daochang also took a look at it at will, basically it was the secret method of the Xuantian School.

This is a little surprising. This Xuantianzong does not use spar or other recording techniques, but uses books? !

Spar, pill, secret method!

There are only these items left in the storage bag.

"Treasures" such as weapons and equipment? There is nothing.

But this is not surprising to everyone.

Even Feng Yuxiu guessed the reason and issued a barrage: "I don't have any weapons and equipment. It should have been exhausted during the war?"

"After all, he himself was killed. In this process, weapons and various equipment will be used, especially armor. It is estimated that all of them have been bombed. It is a strange thing to be able to stay."

"In other words, if he still has armor, he won't die."

Wang Daochang suddenly sent out a barrage: "This statement is reasonable!"

Good guy, when has Feng Yuxiu's mind been so good?

It's rare!


"What about Lingshi things?"

Dao Wang pointed to the mountain-like pile of spiritual stones: "Is it for you now?"

Skynet nodded slightly: "Now give it to me!"

"How do you take it away?"

The big goblin was a little surprised: "Brought a space converter? But one or two can't fit it, right?"

"Actually, I didn't bring a space converter."

Skynet is very calm and'stable'.

"Then how do you take it away?"


Skynet raised a finger, and it looked like a little baby fat: "I am essentially a liquid robot, and I can transform any object at will."

"Including turning part of it into a space converter."

Lin Bin: "···"

Is this okay? !

Everyone was taken aback, even though they had tried to watch Skynet as much as possible, they did not expect that she still underestimated her.

"All right."

Wang Daochang immediately began to'divide the spoils'.

Whether it’s ammunition or immortal crystal, they are all real good things.

At least for his realm, or for any creature under the immortal, it is a good thing. Skynet is not a creature, but it wants to ‘mechanically ascend’, and naturally it is very important.

The only pity at the moment is that I don't know what these medicines are, but I can let a cultivator who is at least the immortal realm or higher value and collect it.

He didn't play tricks either.

For example, the operation of leaving a fairy crystal for the Skynet Lingshi...

Rentianwang is not a fool, and the difference between Lingshi and Xianjing is not a difference in ‘size’. If you do this, wouldn’t you play Skynet as a fool?

What should I do if I get angry at Skynet?

The end of the spoils.

It happens to be an even number.

Each of the two parties received nearly 50,000 pieces of top-quality spirit stones, more than 7,000 pieces of fairy crystals, and a number of pills.


Wang Daochang opened the storage bag left by Ming Changkong and filled all the tables, chairs and benches in the house.

"Do you want these things too?"

Skynet was puzzled: "What's the value?"


Wang Daochang said.

Well, it's been several million years at least, isn't it an antique yet? So Taoist Wang really didn't lie, and Skynet naturally wouldn't think that Taoist Wang was telling lies, so he nodded and didn't say more.

Immediately, they searched the three tiled houses again, only to find that there was nothing good, and they were ready to go out.

"Going out now, I'm afraid it won't be easy to leave."

Sun Wan pushed the black-rimmed glasses: "We came in under the eyes of everyone. Everyone has seen it. I guess as soon as we show up, we will be besieged."

"Sure." The big goblin hugged his arms: "You have to think of a way."

"Why don't you directly threaten with a weapon of destruction?" Gou Jianqiang's eyes rolled around: "Anyway, Skynet is invincible, they are free."

"Block all the'signals' for them..."

"Have you been so funny?"

Lin Bin's face was speechless: "Are we here, even if we can block all their world-destroying weapons signals, what can we do?"

"Zhedi, you threaten others: you are not allowed to do it, otherwise we will die together?"

"Do you think others are afraid?"

"They are afraid." Skynet answered.

"Because my consciousness, or my data is not stored in this body alone, the loss of a body is almost no loss to me."

Lin Bin: "···"

Big Fairy: "···"

Sun Wan: "···"

Gou Jianqiang: "···"

"Big guy, I was wrong big guy!"

The dog than immediately hugged Skynet's thighs: "I didn't think about it clearly, you must not do this!!!"

It can be regarded as a reaction.

Lin Bin said nothing wrong, and Skynet said nothing wrong.

But the problem is that Skynet's body is only one body. Of course, she is not afraid of death.

But my group is different!

We are dead, so we are really dead!

"do not be afraid."

Skynet smiled: "I didn't plan to do that."

"Well, to prevent accidents, I'll go out first."

"You come out after you solve the problem."

"You are alone, can you?"

Lin Bin frowned slightly.

After speaking, I realized that there was a problem with what I said. Skynet is really not ‘a person’. This is not a curse, but a fact.

"Do you also think I am a human now?"

Skynet was very excited: "Sure enough, right?"

"I won't turn my head one hundred and eighty degrees now. Some people's body temperature, some people's heartbeat, some people's smiles, and still chatter~~~"

Don't say it, it really looks like it!

No, if you don't know that she is Skynet, and you have already contacted her, it is really hard to suspect that she is a robot.

Lin Bin nodded: "This is a good start."

"Ha ha."


Skynet showed a mouthful of white teeth, and his lovely face was full of excitement.

"But it doesn't matter if I am alone."


"Although I haven't been able to ascend mechanically yet, I have been walking on this road."

"In terms of combat effectiveness, I am not bad."

"It's better not to procrastinate." The big goblin persuaded: "Those wanderers and the people of the Eternal race are not weak, right?"

"You'd better be the combat robots under your command..."

"Tell you a piece of news." Skynet had already walked to the door. At this moment, when he heard the words, he looked back at them, and said: "When we were sharing the spoils, all the combat robots I left outside have been dealt with by them."

"After all, when they only carry conventional individual weapons, I can't use cross-class combat robots."


"It's just their words, I can do it now."

Skynet laughed.

The smile is extraordinarily brilliant.

"Remember to close the door."


It is difficult to open the door from the outside, but even she can do it from the inside.

It is no different from opening an ordinary wooden door.



The outside world, after various attempts, many creatures that had already given up stared at Skynet, and the war was about to start.

"Ha ha."

Skynet was very calm, walked out of the hut without hurries, and closed the door: "You guys, what do you want?"

She spoke without any panic.

"Hand over all the gains, UU reading and you can go."

"Otherwise, if you destroy your body, things will still belong to us."

Bogworth got up, the huge figure kept approaching, and it was full of pressure. When the two sides faced each other, Skynet's height even just reached Bogworth's knee.

Looking down and looking up.

The gap is too big.

A giant more than five meters tall, a little girl next door in her sixties, contrast cute?

The contrast is almost "exploding", and it really won't be cute.

The eyes of the two collided, and the corner of Skynet's mouth raised slightly: "I don't think it is good."

"Do it!"

As soon as the voice fell, many weapons were fired instantly.

With a hard punch, Pogeworth smashed his head down, with great force and horror.