You Have Science, I Have Magic

v2 Chapter 295: This is unscientific, but very ‘sacred

However, as far as the senior officials and military personnel of the ancient eastern country are concerned, there is no excitement.

Ordinary people may not know it, but they know clearly that this is just the beginning, not even an appetizer.

The real danger is just about to begin...



The Moxing clan war fortress is fleeing frantically.

But at the same time, there are still war fortresses of many ethnic groups and forces or aerospace motherships quickly approaching the Moran Star Field.

Soon, the war will start again!

Heavenly Court, Underworld, Guanghan Palace...

Zhuxian Sword Formation, Qingluan Army, Hundred Thousand Heavenly Soldiers, Ghost Soldiers and Ghosts will all attack!

This is a battle related to the future of the human race. The human race should do everything in its own right. Even the Western world, which is far less powerful than the ancient eastern countries, and countries such as foot pots have never stood by and did their part.

There are natural casualties.

But more, it was casualties at the machine level.

For example, one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers are actually controlled remotely by one hundred thousand soldiers. Although they can also wear mechas personally, in order to reduce losses, only remote control is more appropriate.

Once damaged...

Make up immediately!

The power of the whole country, no, the power of the whole world and the human race has given up all civil, industrial production, entertainment and planting industries, and only serves the science and technology myth project!





If the blood does not bleed, we will never truce!

If it is said that on the side of Dazha Star, because of the vertical and horizontal sides, a horrible confrontation scene has finally formed, then on the side of Molan Star, it is a real sword and a gun!

Go to death!

One, two, three, five...

In the end, the number of participating forces reached ten!

And it may increase at any time.

Terran... finally couldn't hold it anymore.

Hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers, ghost soldiers, ghost generals, and Qingluan army suffered extensive casualties.

The manufacturer’s firepower is not enough...

In the end, it can only be switched to defense.

Relying on Heavenly Court, Guanghan Palace, and Nantianmen, fought a defensive counterattack.

At this time, the book of life and death began to really show off.

Even if you don’t know your name, you can’t kill it causally, but as long as you know its appearance and ethnic group, it can be shocked, and at the same time, it can be shocked by falling somersault for no reason, causing broken arms and legs...

General Heavenly Court does nothing!

It is responsible for ‘negotiating’ with these ethnic groups and forces!

Then, the projection was sent to the underworld and let them enter the book of life and death.

Relying on this unfavorable ‘beheading operation’, although the Heavenly Court, the Lower Mansion, the Guanghan Palace, and the Three Hundred Immortal Palace were at a disadvantage, they were not blown up!

The damage was basically the remote-controlled Qingluan, the heavenly soldiers, and the ghost soldiers and ghost soldiers.

Nantianmen, always stand tall!

However, many offensive groups and forces seem to have seen a ghost.


The main general was cold, and many lieutenants and high-level officials were shocked and unconscious, or seriously injured, and all of them suffered from Nima for no reason!

What the **** is this?

All scared!

After a series of analysis, calculation, and exploration...

Finally figured it out.


"Human race, actually has a causal law weapon?!"

"This is impossible!"

"The weapon of causality is clearly the highest level weapon of the alliance. There is no one. It is just that the few ethnic groups that have impacted the four-dimensional force have only been developed not long ago. How can they be given the top secret to the human race?!"

"This is indeed impossible, but there is no second possibility. Unless it is a causal law weapon, it is impossible for such an unthinkable thing to happen!"


"Humans...causal weapons?"

"are you crazy?"

"It's really hard for me to connect the two of them together!"

"But this is the truth!"

"Furthermore, based on the summary and calculations, we speculate that the human race relies on our name and appearance to attack us with causal weapons."

"As long as the generals whose names are known by the human race are all dead, not one is left."

"I don't know the name, but what they saw was shock, or severed hands and feet..."

"I see!"

"That would be easier."

"Although I don't know why the human race has a causal law weapon, but we only need to step back, and do not accept the human race's negotiation invitation and call, the long-range attack is!"


"Stay back!"

These creatures are scared, where can they dare to approach?

They trembled and retreated, and didn't dare to show up again. They just relied on long-range attacks and the remote control of many warships to fight against the human race.

In this way, even if it is as strong as life and death, it won't do much.

After all, it is only a semi-finished product developed by relying on the "Xianshu", and they currently know it and don't know why. If it is for an individual, of course, the opposite can be directly "written to death."

But what about one ethnic group?

For example, a Moxing clan, who knows how many billion creatures?

Could it be possible to kill the entire ethnic group in an instant?

The causal force on the semi-finished life and death book is so scattered, you still want to write them all to death? Impossible, it is even impossible to make them all fall.

Therefore, in this way, the book of life and death will not play a big role.

This directly led to the fact that Human Race's disadvantages instantly expanded, and even within just half an hour, it hit directly outside the Nantian Gate.

As long as they go one step further, destroy the South Heaven Gate and explode the Heavenly Court, Mo Lan Xing will no longer have the ability to defend and will be completely exposed to them.


Tens of billions of people are silent.

The generals and high-level leaders of various countries were silent.

At this moment, everyone sees the disadvantages and knows... it's over!

There is no hope anymore.

The defeat of Terran is a foregone conclusion and cannot be changed.


"Hehe, I lost in the end."

"so what?!"

"How long did my human race stay in the Alliance? I repelled an offensive of the top five hundred races, and even persisted for so long under the siege of more than a dozen races and forces, and successfully executed the beheading plan many times!"

"What can they do?!"

"It's just a shameless siege."

"The Alliance...can't tolerate our human race?"

"Hehe, I just got the news that everyone is not guilty and guilty. We made good things. They want it."

"So, robber?"

"What a **** shame!"

"I don't give in even if I die!"

The crowd was angry and angry.

This is so shameless!

And how tragic is the human race?

It is clear that it has only been in the alliance for more than two thousand years, and it has been ‘birth’ for hundreds of years to develop population... What is the result? But what was the shameless siege of these ethnic groups?

It's not that the human race doesn't work hard!

It is not that the preparations of the ancient eastern country are not strong enough.

Rather, the other party is too shameless!


Under the South Gate.

Watching the enemy's many spaceships and warships get closer, the general smiled helplessly: "Thousands of years of preparations, this battle has played a demeanor."

"Let everyone know that our human race is no longer low-key."

"But sure enough, it's not enough."

"However, from another perspective, it's enough."

"At least we have proved that this alliance is nothing but the case!"

"it's time."

"We have proved ourselves that we have done everything that should be done. There is no need to continue. If we continue to fight, that would be really stupid..."


He looked at the projection of the call that had not been interrupted. On the projection side, it was the politician old man.

The latter nodded with a smile, and spoke highly of it: "As you said, what you have done is good enough, even better than I thought."

"Next, we unfilial children and grandchildren, let's rely on the shadow of our ancestors."

"Although it is a bit embarrassing, but there is no other way."

Finally, the call that has never been interrupted since the start of the war was interrupted.

On the opposite side, the old man looked at Wu called next to him, and nodded slightly: "Whether old Wu is not here, you can start it up, how about?"

Wu said, his complexion was ashen: "Why not? It's a matter of course!"

"Those dog things should go back to their hometown!"

After he finished speaking, he raised his hand, picked up the sharp knife, and swiped it lightly in his palm.

Blood came out in an instant, and dripped onto a simple and complex, mysterious array. Soon, the array lit up, shining brightly.

Hum! !

Mo Lan Xing was suddenly protected by a huge energy cover, even the entire Tianding!

Immediately, on the several barren planets around Molan Star, there was a celestial light shining suddenly, and then a terrifying formation was activated, and the murderous intent was earth-shattering!

Above the'moon', a shocking law and energy blasted out, instantly spreading endless distances, and the fleets and war fortresses of all races were enveloped by it.

"Then, what is that?"

"Oh my God!"

"No, that is the energy fluctuation of the immortal cultivator!!"

"How come there are such terrifying energy fluctuations? Isn't the ancestor of the human race already determined to be sitting? What is this?"

"No, run away!!"

The many instruments and creatures of all races naturally detected everything. They were horrified and unbelievable. They wanted to run as soon as they discovered something was wrong.

But it's too late!

When Wu Guodong's many formations left before he became seated are activated, this star field will kill all outsiders and attack all targets!

There is no explosion.

There is no "wave of destruction" that would destroy everything in the imagination.

However, where the law and energy impact passed, many foreign creatures died!

Soon, there was silence in the universe.

Many war fortresses, mother ships, spaceships, etc., detected the death of their owner, and their artificial intelligence took over immediately and tried to escape.

But the human race has been preparing for a long time, how can it be possible for them to leave like this?

The counterattack that had been prepared for a long time broke out in an all-round way.

The war fortresses, motherships, and spaceships of more than a dozen ethnic groups were all "captured" and forcibly taken!

Not only that.

The activated formation does not only have the ability to attack once. On the contrary, no one knows how many times these formations can attack.

However, the pervasive energy and the law of vomiting made countless creatures feel the threat of death from extremely far distances, and then slammed the brakes and probed everything suspiciously.

"What the **** is that?"

"The energy fluctuation of the cultivator is definitely the energy fluctuation of the cultivator!"

"The energy fluctuations used by the ancestor of the human race in the data are almost the same, but what happened? Isn't the ancestor of the human race already dead? Otherwise, how could they invite so many miscellaneous troops to support the facade in the war cemetery? "

"No, the ancestor of the human race should be dead, after all, he didn't make the shot himself, but we all underestimate the immortal cultivator!"

"Technology can bring many changes and accumulations for future generations, and now it seems that immortal cultivators can do the same!"

"Damn it, what should I do?"

"Will you go?"

"If you want to go, I won't go anyway!"

"Fuck, how old are those more than ten forces? All are dead, not one left..."

"Terran!! Terran..."


"It seems that this road is nowhere to go."

"such a pity."

"Fortunately, fortunately, we have delayed a little time. We are not one of the first forces to attack Molan Star, otherwise..."


The rest of the forces and ethnic groups are all scared.

I was thankful that I was a little slower, otherwise, the corpse would be almost cold now, right? It's just that they don't understand the immortal cultivator.

Who knew that a cultivator could have such a terrifying deterrent after death?

This is something they never thought of.


"So strong!"

In the underworld, many researchers responsible for the development and maintenance of the life and death book are inexplicably excited at the moment, and they are all dancing and dancing, and it is difficult to calm down.

"Is this the real power of causal weapons?!"

"Sure enough, the life and death book we are developing is only a semi-finished product, and even one percent of the power of this fairy artifact left by our ancestors has not been developed."

"Otherwise, why bother?"

"Whoever wants to die must die!"

"This war is suspended, there should be some time for peaceful development."

"Fuck, these foreigners should be killed! If you kill a batch, you can be peaceful for a while, otherwise everyone thinks our human race is easy to bully!"

"Continue to continue, continue to research and develop, this battle has proved the capabilities of our human race, but it has also exposed many of our problems."

"Especially seeing the ancestors' array of powers gave me a lot of inspiration, we should be able to take the life and death book to a higher level in a short time, come on!"

"come on!!"


Under the Nantianmen, the general looked at the war fortresses, motherships, and spaceships that were being captured and transported by the various races, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Thanks a lot."

"If it weren't for Your Excellency Skynet, these things want to run, we really can't keep them."

"With these war fortresses, my human race will truly have a foothold..."

A dozen war fortresses! !

Hundreds of air-sky motherships!

Hundreds of thousands of battleships and spaceships!

And basically it is half or even one level more advanced than the half-developed and half-assembled by Mo Lanxing himself, which is too important to the human race.

Don't think that war fortresses are so easy to build.

The ancient country of the East endured humiliation and forged ahead for more than two thousand years, and was still under the shadow of the ancestors before it could barely make up a fortress of war.

There are more than ten seats and the value of its supporting facilities.

And even for those powerful ethnic groups, there may not be as many as a dozen war fortresses!

Maintenance and upkeep are too expensive!

This is not necessary.

But Human Race is different, Human Race urgently needs this extraordinary military force to protect and arm itself. Too much money? ? ? Sorry, as long as the strengthening fluid business continues, how can it still be short of money? !

The formation is indeed powerful, but only they know it. Once activated, it will last for at most a hundred years.

Once a hundred years have passed, when the energy is exhausted, they can only rely on themselves.

What's more, if facing a powerful enemy attack, this time will continue to shorten. Therefore, it is necessary to let the race have the right to speak as soon as possible, and have real combat power!

Because of this, it is really important to seize these war fortresses and supporting facilities.

To do this, Skynet's role is unparalleled.

Beside the general, the pretty girl is projected, who is it if it is not Skynet? At this moment, she smiled softly: "It's just cooperation."

"Don't forget, I need the strongest human female corpse."

"We will prepare as soon as possible!"

The general looks solemn, this is the trading conditions.

As for the object, they already knew it.

What is the strongest?

Perhaps, the corpse of a female immortal cultivator is the strongest, right?

This is no alternative, for the continuation of the human race, for the dignity of the human race, even if it is top secret, they are willing to take it out!

"I am looking forward."

Skynet's projection dissipated, and the call was interrupted.

The general took a deep breath.


"No matter what, since we have reached this point, there is no turning back. The future of the human race must be in our own hands."

"Then now... come here!"

"In the name of the official Molan Star, send a letter to the Alliance."

"In other words, more than a dozen ethnic groups and forces such as Mo Xing broke into the airspace of our Mo Lan Xing illegally, and armed with destructive weapons. In order to protect ourselves, all of us Mo Lan Xing stood up and resisted."

"Finally, under the circumstances of huge losses and shed countless blood and tears, suppress them all."

"Of course, all races, owe us a statement."

"With such a big movement, the Alliance Army did nothing. The Alliance... also owes us a word!"


Soon, the news spread to all ethnic groups.

The alliance's senior leaders gathered together, frowning and scalp tingling.

"Human race, there is such a hole card?!"

"It's only been more than two thousand years, but I half-developed and half-assembled to create a void war fortress? Moreover, the dead fairy can provide such a powerful refuge?"

"To speak, Human Race actually asked the Alliance to speak?"


They are all angry.


But it's just anger.

Because they were in the wrong, in fact, normally speaking, this kind of war is prohibited within the alliance. Unless one side does something bad and the other applies to the alliance for a war of extinction, which is one of the official alliances of the alliance, the two sides can legally start this Wait for the war.

But this time, cough cough, everyone understands the importance of Ten Thousand Races General Strengthening Liquid, and don't they have their own ethnic groups, powers, and careful thoughts?

So everyone opened one eye and closed one eye.

Anyway, as long as Ten Thousand Races General Strengthening Liquid is available, what can you do with Human Race's strength?

If it doesn't work, kill the human race together, and then guide public opinion to control the wind direction. After a few years, who still remembers this?

The result is now...

Te Niang's human race actually has such a hole card? !

The most important thing is, if you win, you still have to say something? This is too much!

Especially for the'people' of the dozen or so forces that have been destroyed, Nima is even more exaggerated. You have detained, captured, and seized all our war fortresses and other things for yourself, and turned around. Our trouble? It's so unreasonable!

Excessively not decent!

They want to vomit blood!


What else can I do at this time?

What a special thing!

Dissatisfied, angry, can only hold back! But let us give an explanation? That's a lot of thinking and don't even think about it, the big deal is that I don't want to trouble you.

Ye Di, don't your human race still dare not accept it? Call me if I refuse to accept it!

Soon, they tacitly decided that there was nothing like this!

Tell you about the human race? Say a request! Don't even think about it!


Even the three observers were alarmed.

At this moment, the three of them looked at me, I looked at you, and in the end, they all frowned slightly.

"Human Race···"


"Do you want to intervene?"

"It's not that simple. According to my clan's calculations, there will be many changes when intervening now, and it is unforeseen."

"Yes, our ethnic group is at the critical time point for promotion to 4D, so it's better not to take risks."


"Skynet is a bit too jumpy."

"Skynet, gotta disappear!"



Two days passed quietly.

Lin Bin opened his eyes fiercely, seemingly unchanged, but his aura was much stronger than before.

"Unfortunately, it's still a bit worse."

"Is it war experience?"

The Hundred Fighting Fist Scriptures smelt all kinds of martial arts in one furnace. After getting started, they can strengthen their physical body, billowing blood and blood, and can greatly strengthen them when performing various martial arts.

The same was true when Xiao Chengshi, but the effect was better.

"How about entering the room?"

"It's still one step away, only this last step."

"When I take a step further, I will know how extraordinary it will be after entering the room."

"Moreover, the internal force in my dantian is also being further compressed and changed..."

Before, thousands of years of skill was compressed unlimitedly, and finally liquefied and turned into a vast ocean, but now, that vast ocean has also been compressed a lot.

If you feel it carefully.

If the previous liquid internal force is as clear as water, at this moment, it is as thick as a ‘paste’.


This analogy seems a bit disgusting.

But it's really similar.

The volume has also been compressed a lot, but under the premise of ‘equal’, its explosive power and endurance are much stronger than before.

"Perhaps, after a few more battles, I will be able to make further breakthroughs and practice the Hundred Wars Fist Classics to the realm of entering the hall, right?"

"Also, what is the next stage of liquid internal force?"

"Really... I look forward to it."

Immediately, he turned on the communicator.

The first time he learned of the fighting situation on Mo Lanxing's side, he couldn't help but exclaimed, and then, a smile finally appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Hold it up."

"Moreover, not only relying on the formation left by senior Wu Guodong, the Ancient Eastern Kingdom itself also has a lot of preparations."

"The myth of science and technology... is really a perfect idea and operation."

"Then, I have to start preparing too."

"We can't let this'people of all races' disappointed."

Lin Bin smiled.

It's just that there is coldness in the smile.

"I can even use this to gain more prestige. The next group of friends... will come more violently, I am looking forward to it."

This fellow ‘goes out’!

The big goblin and Gan Zhi surrounded them for the first time and asked about the situation.

Lin Bin nodded and chuckled, "Don't worry, it's better than imagined. From tomorrow, you can watch my performance."

Amidst the suspicion of the crowd, Lin Bin looked at the big goblin and smiled: "Speaking of which, I have also realized some poisonous powers this time."

"But I can't use it. Aunty is just right for you, so I'll pass it to you."

"... Tell me, I remember." Although a little surprised, the big goblin nodded, and even took out a pen and paper.

"Don't remember."

"Today, I will teach you a whole new kind of martial arts by the way."


The corners of this servant's mouth gently aroused: "Wedding clothes magical skills!"

The martial art of marrying clothes is a very peculiar martial art. Some people say that its allusion comes from the last two sentences of Qin Taoyu's poem "The Poor Girl": "Hate the golden thread every year and make wedding clothes for others."

The so-called "wedding dress", as the name suggests, is the bridal gown.

Women from poor families receive dowry every year to make wedding gowns, but year after year they can’t get married.

From the meaning of the sentence in the poem, it can be inferred that the word "wedding clothes" is purely altruistic, so this kind of martial arts is guessed by some people as a martial arts that is useless after practicing.

In fact, people who practice this martial arts at the time will endure pain once they start. The higher the skill, the stronger the pain. Only by transferring the skill to others can the pain be resolved.

Just like a poor girl, "hate the golden thread every year" but "make wedding clothes for others."

But when the marrying clothes magical skill reaches 60 to 70%, it is necessary to destroy all the skill and then practice it from the beginning. This kind of skill is meant to be destroyed after it is completed, so there will still be a root in the body after it is destroyed, so that when the practitioner re-trains, he can get twice the result with half the effort.

The so-called "If you want to use the benefits, you must first defeat the front." This is the truth. After this frustration, the martial arts magical skill has been frustrated, but its power has not diminished.

People who practice it are equivalent to having practiced this kind of kungfu twice. Naturally, they are more familiar with the performance of this kind of true power.

However, what Lin Bin wanted was not the hegemony that would be practiced after the marrying clothes magical skill was destroyed, because the Hundred Wars Fist Classic was enough to ignore all internal skills.

However, at this moment, the use of marrying clothes magical skills to transfer one's own skills, even martial arts, to others, is very useful at this moment.

It can be used to pass on the poisonous skills and martial arts of Ren Yan's ‘God Wen Emperor’ identity to the big goblin.

"This is the martial art of marrying clothes?"

After listening to Lin Bin's introduction, everyone was a little confused.

Gou Jianqiang grinned: "It's definitely an individual who created this martial arts school. What does he think in his mind?"

"I can understand if you don't break or stand, but what the **** is Nima making herself suffer?"

Lin Bin spread his hands: "Then who knows? Maybe the creator feels that few people are willing to pass on their skills to others if they don't bear the pain?"

"Then you can't get it if you don't pass it, why do you have to achieve others first and then achieve yourself?" Gou Jianqiang's brain buzzed.

"After you die, you can find that person's ghost or something, maybe you can ask."


After chatting for a while, Lin Bin had never been idle. After ‘driving everyone out’, he began to teach the big goblin Emperor Wen’s poisonous skills with marrying clothes magical skills.

Is Emperor Wen's poisonous skill strong, or is he strong in his ethereal swordsmanship?

I haven't fought, naturally, I can't draw a 100% conclusion, but one thing is certain, that is, Emperor Wen's poisonous power is definitely not weak.

Coupled with the poisonous power and the'radiation toxin' that the big goblin itself has learned, its strength naturally rises in a straight line.

After the spread of the gong was over, the big goblin felt his astonishing skill and his many insights into the art of poisoning, making people stupid.

"This...Isn't this opening up?"

The corner of Lin Bin's mouth grinned: "This is really just hanging up."

Before the system was able to pass the gong directly for a while, Lin Bin passed some Wing Chun to his apprentice Gan Zhi.

However, there is a limit to the transfer of power, and passing a 60% is the sky, but the marrying clothes magical skill can directly pass all the ten successful powers!

Of course, after using the marry clothes to pass the magical skill, he will be gone, but the system does not have this problem.

However, after the martial arts magic is passed on, if you still want to practice the martial arts passed on to others, you can get twice the result with half the effort and even better than before.

In short, each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

After a brief comprehension, the big goblin stood up, his eyes burning: "Let me fight tomorrow?"

"···Not urgent."

"I'll play a few games first and see the situation."

Lin Bin shook his head and refused.

Emperor Wen's strength is naturally not bad, but the big goblin is not Emperor Wen after all, and it is impossible for him to have the power to compete with Emperor Wen directly as soon as he obtains his skill.

What's more, for Emperor Wen's Gu poison technique, you have to have Gu worms and poison to exert the strongest combat power.

The big goblin has a request now!

There are only some ordinary poisonous fog and its own radiation.

It was far from using the full strength of Emperor Wen.

Not to mention...

Lin Bin is also in urgent need of multiple battles to make his hundred battles further and enter the realm as soon as possible.


The next day, early morning.

The scum star is ‘opposite’, in that chaotic starry sky.

Has been surrounded by many void giants, as a void battlefield.

Regarding these giant void beasts, Gan Zhi and others have never been stingy. No matter what, they are here to help. Whether they are invited over or they come over, they have given the next stage of reinforcement. liquid.

It’s just that it’s clarified that injections are not allowed now.

Otherwise, once those persecuting forces take action, the Big Scum Star will lose a lot of high-end combat power.

In this regard, the Void Behemoths also expressed their understanding and accepted it. For them, how many years have they waited? Still short of this mere time?

The strengthening fluid is more important than anything else! !

Moreover, just ran over to support the field, did not make a move at all, and got a booster...

Is there something easier than this? !

It's so cool!

Not only that, at this moment, they are all concerned about the next stage of strengthening liquid, even wishing to have something to fight.

Otherwise, why do they "make meritorious service"?

If you don't do meritorious service, why do you want to strengthen the liquid?


Not all Void Behemoths can afford it. Although Gan Zhi's price is not high, it is only relatively speaking. What's more, what about the next Tier 5, Tier 6, or even higher?

Everyone wants it~!

Even if they had the money to buy it, many Void Giants didn't do this, and they weren't stupid. Now it is naturally the most important thing to have a good relationship with the Big Scum Star.

Therefore, they don't say they are obedient, but they are absolutely obedient.

Just enclose a star field, as a "Void Battlefield"!

And this area, in the words of Wang Daochang, is that after experiencing the battle of the immortal family, the laws are all disordered, so it is extremely ‘chaotic’.

But chaos also has its benefits.

What's more, you can't start a fight on the big scum star, right?

Run farther? That's too dangerous! !

After eating breakfast, Lin Bin contacted many ethnic groups and forces in the persecutor under the solemn gaze of the big goblin, Gan Zhi, Kris, Gou Jianqiang and others.

"Three days are up."

"You all know about the battlefield. You can't use thermal weapons in a daily battle. There are no rules or restrictions other than that."

"Whoever comes first, you decide for yourself, I will wait for you on the battlefield."

After the conversation, Lin Bin looked at Gan Zhi and the others with a little smile: "Don't worry, wait for me to triumph."


Before he finished his words, Lin Bin suddenly turned into a sword of light and flew out of the scum star, without wearing a space suit, breaking into the universe directly with a robe, and then entering the star field surrounded by the giant void beast.

at the same time.

Converged here, the many forces, which were about to exceed two hundred, quarreled in the ‘group’.

"This first game, we should be on it!"

"Nonsense, why should you be yours? My clan is right!"

"Laugh to death, do you Dalits have a strong one? Go to give away the heads? Let's let us Slandas go first."

"We Thousand Feathers..."

"Fuck you Thousand Feathers, I haven't troubled you with that matter before, do you want to be the first? Lao Tzu is the first to refuse."


There was a quarrel!

And intensified.

Everyone is a strong clan, a big power, who is afraid of whom?

Every group has masters, even if the creatures in their own group are not good enough, can't they still be recruited? As long as you have the identity of your own clan and this force~!

And the preparations in the past three days made them all confident, thinking that Lin Bin can be ‘cut under the horse’, and whoever gets on first will have a high probability of getting everything related to the universal strengthening liquid of all races.

Who is willing to give up this opportunity?


Seeing that they have been arguing for a few minutes without a victory or defeat, Skynet, which is responsible for maintaining the communication system, is unhappy.

People are still waiting to see Lin Bin make a move, by the way, calculate and analyze, and learn some new tricks.

Are you dragging along here? !

"What's the noise?"

Skynet appeared: "Are you all in a hurry to die?"

"Since no one is convinced by anyone, then draw a lottery decision, the lottery mini program has been written, you draw it yourself!"

The controllable projections of more than 200 lottery devices appeared in front of many forces.


"Then smoke!"

"Luck decides!"


They all started to draw lots, but in their hearts, they were not ready to give up.

for example···

If it’s the first one to solve Lin Bin and get everything that is compatible with Ten Thousand Clan Strengthening Liquid, then, ha ha, everyone’s next goal is~


Everyone knows these things well.

Soon, the results of the draw came out.

The Slanda Star drew a ‘1’ and instantly laughed: "Haha, it’s us!"



The other creatures suddenly hummed coldly, expressing their dissatisfaction more or less, but secretly they all told their subordinates to prepare.

The same is true for the Slanda people.

"Stevie, according to the previous plan, it is up to you!"

"Others, make all preparations immediately. After we succeed, we are likely to encounter a huge crisis, but the reinforcements of our race are coming soon, so don't panic."



After a while, Lin Bin saw his opponent today.

"Slandar Star, Stevie."

It spoke Ling Ling.

The Slanda star had some scales, no nose, only black nostrils, no hair, and there was some mucus on the top of his head.

His complexion was also pale, like the color of a soaked corpse.

He is only about 1.5 meters tall, but he is very sturdy from head to toe. Judging from his size, he looks like a short winter melon.

"It's ugly."

Lin Bin couldn't help but muttered.

"you wanna die."

Stevie immediately put on a glass helmet and sneered: "Your kind of ability has been thoroughly studied. It's just a kind of mental attack."

"Now, it doesn't work for me."

"Starting now?" Lin Bin asked, unmoved.



Stevie wasn't a martial artist either. As soon as his voice fell, he immediately shot, the ground exploded in an instant and rushed towards Lin Bin.

Its speed, strength, and explosive power are even much stronger than Lin Bin's pure physical quality today.

"My race's body is inherently stronger than Human races many times, and I'm still a Tier 10 enhancer, UU reading, your special abilities are even more useless, what do you use to fight me?"

Stevie laughed wildly, rushed forward, and grabbed Lin Bin with one claw. The latter frowned and dodged, but it felt like a ‘wind blade’ cut like a knife.

"While swinging your arms at high speed, control the airflow, use your fingers as a knife, and send out a physical attack at the same time as the wind blade's "spell remote attack"?"

Lin Bin saw the opponent's method clearly, and the body protector's true energy instantly spread.


The wind blade and the protective body's true energy suddenly collided, and it broke the protective body's true energy after more than ten meters in an instant before gradually disappearing.


Stevillo was a little surprised: "What kind of ability is this?"


"It's useless!"


It suddenly opened its mouth, spraying out a large swath of white-hot liquid, spraying it on the body protector's true energy.


Zi Zi Zi...

The sound of being violently corroded instantly sounded, and the body protector's true energy was rapidly dissolving!

"Can you still spray violently corrosive liquid..."



Lin Bin took a deep breath, then opened his mouth.


boom! !

The terrifying sound wave instantly rushed towards Stevie, and even in a vacuum, it could be transmitted, even faster than the speed of sound!

This is not very ‘scientific’, but it’s very ‘magical’.

Stevie didn't notice it for a while, was hit directly, and flew out in an instant. The violently corrosive liquid was also shocked and flew away in an instant without knowing how far away.