You Have Science, I Have Magic

v2 Chapter 305: Promote to 4 dimensions! ! ! Um?

   Within half a month, Gan Zhi and others have had some game experience. Although they are not the top players in the top rankings, they are not too weak.

   It's a pity, it's still not as good as Gan Zhi's ‘ten disciples’.

   all fell on the ground.

   Even for a while, there were quite a few opponents.

   That's because the arena wants to try, get more opponents, let them get tired of fighting, and leave quickly.

   As a result, they fought so hard, but they seemed to fight more and more vigorously, sweeping all the way, directly engaged in the arena and want to scold their mother.

   Go on like this and make a ghost? !


  Temu's creatures after one million have started to run away! Those with the highest rankings even come to ask if there is a human match every day.


   Sorry, we will come again next time!

  How do you play with Nima? ? ?

   play a ghost!

   After a delay of half a month, seeing the crazy decline in performance, the top management of the arena really couldn't help it. Through the quantum teleportation array, they ran to contact Gan Zhi and others.

   Even in order to ensure a smooth ‘peace talk’, he even brought a gift. This is the ‘habit’ of the human race that was specifically investigated, and he did it only when he learned of the reciprocity.

   "A few, a few friends of the human race."

   The high-level man was called Xiaoling, and he looked like a slug, covered in mucus, and looked very disgusting. At the moment, his face was smiling and it was even more disgusting.

   "Say if you have something, let it go if you have a fart."

   Gan Zhi has a cold face, holding his arms, a kind of coldness that refuses to be thousands of miles away.

   In fact, she has the temperament of a domineering president, at least in front of strangers, that is, in front of very familiar people, she will reveal her'true face'.


   Ai Ling that is a pain and pain.

   What's so special, when has I been so angry?

   But at this moment, there is no other way but to ask for help, so I can only put the gift aside and smile with a smile: "That, then I have something to say straight."

"that is···"

   "Can you please stop coming to our arena?"

   "Why?" Gan Zhi looked at each other coldly, but wanted to laugh in his heart: "You open the door to do business, and there are reasons for rejecting our desperadoes?"

  Special grandma's knowingly asked!

   It was very depressed, but it could only hold back: "That..."

   "Let me ask, why are you participating in gladiatorial fights?"

   "If it is to make money, I can promise to give you a lot of money without having to work hard, wouldn't it be better?"

  Install, continue to install!

   Gan Zhi chuckled.

   I know who can't pretend to be confused?

   "Money? Are our humans short of money?"

   His scalp was tingling, and then I remembered that this Nima is a human race, and he is Lin Bin’s apprentice. Will Lin Bin’s apprentice be short of money? ? ?

   They are so richer than themselves!

   "Then you are not afraid of accidents? Why bother?"

   "Don't be afraid, I found that these opponents are very weak. We are itchy hands and want to learn from some masters. If there are masters, we will be beaten to death and laughed to death."

   "So it doesn't matter if money is not money, you should arrange a few masters as soon as possible."

   "It's not like this huge arena, and you can't even find a few opponents that you can see, right?"

   My Nima! !

   I believe this? Naturally, I don't believe it.

   In fact, everyone is still pretending to be confused now. Hearing this, it is a buzzword.

   But Gan Zhi didn't accept the move, so he insisted that he continued to fight!

   In the end, she almost cried.

   "How on earth are you willing to stop?"

   "You said, you said, can't I do my best?"


   Gan Zhi curled the corners of his mouth. Wouldn't it be enough to say this earlier?

   wasting your tongue!


   "My human race, individual combat power rankings, are too behind."


That's it? ? ?

   I want to scold my mother, what is this? ? ?

   Do you know how much money, manpower and traffic have been lost in our arena? What do I think you are doing, but that's the end? !

"I see!"

   It understood, and his eyes rolled: "It's easy to say, easy to say! With the recent record of victory in the arena, this ranking is naturally going to be improved."

   Then, it took out the slimy portable computer and operated it for a while.

   "Well, the ranking of Terran is still relatively low, because it has not been updated yet."

   "Let me update and see."

   said it was an update, but in fact it was a temptation: "Oh, now the title has reached 920."

   When he said this, it had been looking at the two of Gan Zhi and others. Seeing that their faces were full of dissatisfaction, the corners of their mouths twitched: "Ah, no, I read it wrong."

   "Not nine hundred and twenty, but one hundred and twenty..."


   Gan Zhi frowned: "Dear brothers and sisters, continue to match, how can our human race be ranked 120th?"

   "Yes, Master Sister!"

   Zhu Jianye and others immediately gave their support.

   screamed, almost scared to pee.


   come again?

   One hundred and twenty of you are not satisfied yet? !

   "Uh...Miss Gan, don’t worry, your record has not been entered yet, and will continue to update, you see me refresh..."


   "No, it's 20th place!"

   "Top 20!"

   "Why is it only twenty?"

   "Is the update finished?" Gan Zhi was dissatisfied.

   Teaser: "???"

  Teniang’s twenty is not enough? !

   "Probably, maybe, maybe... the update is about the same? Well, let me dare to ask, Miss Gan, what is the goal of your human race?"

   "Of course it is the top ten!"

   Zhu Jianye took over the topic: "Even the top three are best."

   "Yes, do you see if the update is over? If the update is over and we have not reached the top ten, we will continue to play."

   Gan Zhi is like a smile but not a smile.

   Tearing scolds her mother in her heart.

   but he didn't dare to show it.

   "Fuck, these plague gods! They are all plague gods!! The first twenty are not enough, but the top ten???? Fuck!"

   "If this is ranked in the top ten for the human race, I am afraid that the saliva stars of those races can spray me to death, but if they are not ranked, these plague gods will not give up..."


   The threat of Chiguoguo!

   Xiaoling is not a fool, and he naturally knows that these ‘plague gods’ are threatening himself.

   But there is no way!

   Even if you know that they are threatening, you have to do it. Otherwise, let them continue. How can the arena profit and develop?

   What the **** is this!

   Refresh again.

   snorted with a smile: "Ah, I haven't finished the update just now, tenth, and now the human race is tenth!"

   "The tenth?"

   Gan Zhi played with her slender hands: "Some are behind, why don't we work harder?"

   Teiling: "···"

   What the **** is a **** inch? ? ?

   It's almost crying! He immediately said bitterly: "Miss Gan, this is really not behind, what races are the top ten?"

   "For example, the first one is the Void Giant, the second one is the atom family..."

   "The top ten races are not easy to provoke, so it's better to be like this."

   "I am the master, I will give you some compensation..."

   "Please raise your hands high."


after an hour.

   Gan Zhi and others left.

   Go home with a load!

   And the ranking of individual combat power of the human race soared to the top ten in an instant! Even for this, Lailing paid a lot of fortune and some cherished materials.

   "Only Nima is outrageous!"

   went back to his office, swearing.

   But soon, it received many letters of complaint.

   "Why is Human Race tenth?"

   "Tenth Human Race, we all drop one place, why?"

   "Do you **** lick the human ass?"

   "My clan is not convinced!"

   "Protest, your list has lost its fairness!!"

   "My clan..."

   "Go to Nima!"

   Seeing the complaints of these ethnic groups, he rolled his eyes and shook his whole body with anger. What is this called? I'm caught in the middle, and I'm not a person on either side!

   It certainly knows that these ethnic groups will be dissatisfied.

   After all, the Terran landed tenth, the original tenth became eleven, and so on, the original one hundredth place fell directly out of the top one hundred.

   All those behind have to go back one place.

   And this ranking is related to the honor of the ethnic group, and each ethnic group naturally cares a lot.

but! !

   Do you think I want to do this?

   What can I do? !


   In the end, Diling could only reply to them all with the same message. The message is quite long, but if you simplify it, the general idea is...

   dissatisfied? Don't accept your **** come to line up with Human Race!

   Don't run away, you special mothers!

  What are you running?

   Once this news came back, the races suddenly stopped.

   Are you kidding me?

   To line up with the current human race?

   Are we crazy? Or when we are stupid? What a fool to do this!


   This thing will go away.

   But the loss in the arena can't be made up for a while, and it can only be managed slowly, and many creatures are "cup bow snake shadow" against the human race.

   Afraid! !


   "The top ten."

"good news."

  In the Infinite number, Lin Bin almost smiled crooked after learning the result.

   But what followed was infinite emotion.

   "The human race is weak. After more than two thousand years, we can finally stand up. Moreover, as long as we don't collapse internally, we will only become more radiant."

   How miserable was the human race?

How did    be despised by the ten thousand clan?

   Lin Bin has personally experienced it, not to mention other things, just the four words'guide to the light' are enough to explain a lot.



   Now it is finally getting better. The individual combat power rankings, and military power rankings have all gone up, and the economy has taken off in an all-round way, leaving only one ‘technology’.

  The technology is still relatively backward, but this is no way.

   After all, the gap is too big, you have to slowly make up for it.

   But Lin Bin doesn’t understand science and technology, he just needs to trust the country.

   Believe blindly?

   This is not blind at all!

  Lin Bin knows better than anyone that the backbone of the people of the ancient eastern country will never bend! Maybe they will go the wrong way, maybe there will be a period of sinking, but when they "awaken", they will eventually revive.

   Even in those days when it was extremely backward and extremely difficult inside and outside, China was able to rise, let alone the ancient country of the East today?

   Strong military power!

   The economy takes off in an all-round way!

   In this case, there is enough time to develop steadily.

   Is it impossible to push the technology tree forward?

   It's really not good, there is reverse research and development too!

   It may be difficult to catch up to the top level of the league, but if it is only a first-rate level, there will never be any problems.

  What is missing is only the ‘development’ time.

   And this time...


   "My reputation has also increased a lot."

   Seeing more and more prestige in the system, this guy smiles even more. Although I can't see the specific value, the progress bar is almost full~!

   What does it mean to be full?

  Upper limit MAX?


   Infinity travels rapidly through the universe, and is constantly jumping in space, going beyond that area that has never been ascertained so far.

   The road is too far, and it also takes time.

   At the same time, in the core area of ​​the Alliance, near the City of Thousand Stars, there is a big star that has been secretly transformed.

   The outer appearance of this big star is ordinary, it seems to be just an ordinary life planet, but the inside has been completely transformed!

   The entire planet was completely hollowed out.

   All kinds of sophisticated high-tech instruments and equipment have piled up into mountains inside this planet!

   I don't know how many intelligent creatures come and go, busy in it.

  On this day, even all the core leaders of the Alliance came here secretly, and even the three observers arrived!

   The three observers were also the founders of the original alliance, and they all injected a large amount of valuable undead materials, so even now, they are still in the stage of prosperity.

   It’s just that, even if they are three of them, it’s hard to calm down at this moment.

   "Are you ready?"

"everything's ready!"

   "How is the data calculated?"

   "The relevant calculations have been repeated millions of times, and the error rate does not exceed zero, please rest assured!"

   "Energy is ready!"

   "The weapon of causality is ready!"

   "The related equipment has been completely shut down."

   "The alliance's daily arrangements are well prepared and relevant actions can be carried out at any time."

   With the sound of a report, the expressions of the three observers became more serious. Then they looked at each other and nodded.

   "It's finally this day again."

   "Space, for us, has no secrets for a long time, but time is extraordinarily mysterious, even with the current technology, it is only half-knowledge."

   "Promote to 4D, master time and space, once this is done, even if another Wu Guodong appears, we don't have to worry anymore."

   "There are tribes."

   "Although the space on the side of the tribe has been temporarily blocked, it is because the other side is also relatively tacit, the war will not happen again at any time."

   "It is conceivable that there must be a way to impact Siwei."

   "It depends on who is faster."

   "Who is fast, who is the real overlord in this universe."

   "It must succeed!"

   "You can only win, not lose!"

   "We must be able to!"


   Even if it is a three-dimensional observer, he is extremely nervous at the moment, holding the hand of the railing of the observation room, a little white and no blood.

"let's start!"


   With an order, many related creatures immediately began to act.

   "The curvature portal has been opened at full power!"

   "Trying to connect the thinking space!"

   "The causal backlash has been detected, and the causal law weapon is intercepting..."

  The densely packed and extremely complicated instruments are gradually activated, and the lights are lit up one after another. At this moment, the expressions of all the intelligent creatures here are solemn.

   Even breathing is heavier.

"here we go···"

   "Success or failure in one fell swoop!"

   "Don't worry too much, we have simulated a million times and we will not fail."

   They nodded one after another.

   Just, how can you not worry?


   A very mysterious concept. Simply put, it can be understood that one dimension is a point, two dimension is a plane, and three dimensions are integrated into the space and can even manipulate the space!

   Four dimensions?

   can master everything in three-dimensional space, even time!

  In the imagination, in the calculation, once it becomes a creature in the four-dimensional world, then it will be able to control everything in the three-dimensional world at will.

   Even if the time of the three-dimensional world is set back, it can be done easily.


   Therefore, if it is really a four-dimensional creature, everything in the three-dimensional world will be crushed, the ultimate crush!

   But the premise is that the four-dimensional world in the imagination and calculations really exists and can be successfully promoted.

   Even, not to be rejected or even killed by the four-dimensional creatures of the four-dimensional world.

   can it be done?

   Along with all kinds of light shine more and more, they held their breath...


   Suddenly, a cry of exclamation resounded throughout the dungeon.

   "It is another piece of space. This starry sky is not anywhere we know or understand! It is definitely a whole new world that we have never understood."

   " the four-dimensional world?"

   "Reconnaissance team, enter immediately!"

   The three observers looked serious: "Be careful to take precautions and report back everything you detect. Remember to be careful! Be safe."

   Soon, it had been prepared for a long time, and the heavily armed reconnaissance team entered it.

   After a while, a piece of data is returned.

   "Vacuum environment!"

   "Ultraviolet and radiation testing."

   "There are certain differences between related substances and alliances."

  "Detecting various elements..."

   "The test result has been released and is under analysis."

   "Analysis results are being returned."

   A series of reports were sent back one after another, UU reading www. less than three minutes, even the analysis result came back.

   The three observers looked expectantly, and then...

   The first observer was stunned.

   Then, the second one also had a violent meal, almost staggering.

   Finally, the third observer's eyes suddenly blackened: "This is impossible, how could this be?"

  The other creatures still don’t know what’s going on, they all looked at the three observers: "Observers, are you all right?"

"what happened?"

   "Is there anything wrong with this test result?"

   "It looks normal? If this is the environment, we can enter on a large scale and try..."

   The three observers did not say anything.

   No problem with the environment?

   is indeed no problem. With the current technology, it is possible to survive in it, and it can survive very well.

   But the problem is, this result, this data! !

   One of the observers gritted his teeth, his face was pale, and said: "This data is 100% similar to the tribe's data..."

  All the creatures were taken aback.


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