You Have Science, I Have Magic

v2 Chapter 330: He asked me to bring you a word (final f

(Ps: After this testimonial, I made a mistake, don’t look at the one who asks for money, there are free ones later, sorry.)

This situation continued for 37 days.

Until the thirty-eighth day.

This faint blue haze seemed to be unable to hold on any longer after violently ‘exercising for dozens of days’.

But at the same time, since the sword energy appeared in the void, it caught up with the sky-filled data stream and smashed it all into the void.


Skynet did not speak, but directly smashed through the door of Infinity, without any reduction in speed, rushing to the place where the Supreme Wisdom was originally.

Gou Jianqiang shuddered, and hurried to catch up.

When he arrived, he happened to see that Skynet took Lin Bin, who had fallen down, into his arms.

However, Lin Bin at this moment has become a blood man!

At the same time, he has already lost consciousness.

Gou Jianqiang trembled all over, and hurriedly speeded up to rush over. He was so anxious that he could do nothing. He said anxiously, "How is he...?"

"The injury is serious." Skynet said only four words, and fell silent.

Gou Jianqiang did not speak any more.

In fact, as soon as he uttered his words, he regretted it.

How about it?

You can see it with PYZ! ! !


The right arm was broken, and almost only a little skin was left ‘dangling’!

I don't know how many wounds the whole body is.

The most shocking thing is that there is a blood hole in the center of the eyebrows, and blood is gurgling out, and there is a blood hole the size of a bowl in the heart, which is transparent before and after.

There are countless small injuries.

What the fuck...

Still need to ask? !

"Can you save him?"

Gou Jian turned around in a hurry: "For example, take a bite of him?"

"Wait, he shed so much blood now, how can you hold it back?"

Skynet, in other words, isn't the drought's instinct that can't resist Lin Bin's ‘delicious’ blood? Now there is no reaction at all?


Skynet remained silent, but just hugged Lin Bin and flew towards Infinity.

"He won't die."

After flying far away, there was a faint sound.

Gou Jianqiang: "···"

Depend on!

Why are you so familiar? The dog is scared to death!

This guy grinned.

But, all of a sudden, it seemed as if a drop of crystal water floated from Skynet's cheek. What's this?

Gou Jianqiang was taken aback.

What is this?


Wouldn't the zombies shed tears?

Huh? !

Could it be saliva!

So she actually still felt it, but just held it back? The saliva is flowing out, horror!


Unlimited returns.

The speed is not fast, or in other words, it can't get up anymore.

The doors were all smashed. Although the ‘cabin’ could be closed, the previous overload operation also allowed the Infinity to only travel at the speed of the ‘senior care’ and occasionally make space jumps.

In this process, Skynet has been taking care of Lin Bin.

Gou Jianqiang also stared at the side.

Therefore, they were shocked to find that although Lin Bin had not regained consciousness, his body was actually recovering on its own!

"Put together" the broken arms, and in less than a day, they have "grown well"!

Seven days later, the big hole in the heart was ‘repaired’ by itself!

A month later, there was only a faint white mark in the hole at the center of the eyebrow.

Finally, another half a month has passed, and the injury has recovered!

On this day, Lin Bin woke up.

"how do you feel?"

Skynet let out a sigh of relief, put aside the worries over the past few days, and ‘welcomed’ with a bright smile.

"It's not bad."

Lin Bin scratched his head: "It feels like I have had a long, long dream."

What he didn't say was that in the dream, he almost looked back at the ‘past life and this life’, and the powerlessness in the dream made him mad.

It feels so good to wake up!

"The Supreme Wisdom, dead?"

Gou Jianqiang was ‘pretending’ and he never expressed concern, although in fact he was concerned about the group.


Lin Bin nodded: "Strictly speaking, I will die with him."

Gou Jianqiang: "???? I think you haven't woken up yet? What does it mean to die? So what are you now? A ghost?"

"Strictly speaking, I did die once."

Lin Bin spoke seriously.

He really didn't talk nonsense. In that battle, he really did everything, that is, the Supreme Wisdom hasn't really been'consummated' yet, so he has a chance.

But even so, it's all to the point where the oil is exhausted and the lamp dies.

As for why he didn't die...

The Longevity Jue and the Sacred Heart Jue after being melted into one furnace by the Hundred Wars Fist Scriptures all have the ability to'resurrection', so he is actually coming back from the dead!

Even, the injury he suffered was too serious. Lin Bin doubted that if he hadn't had two or more resurrection techniques, he might not be able to resurrect himself.

"And one more thing."

"At the moment before my death, I could feel a mysterious power that surpassed the supreme wisdom, ‘scanned’ me."

"What's that?" Skynet and Gou Jianqiang were shocked.

"Should it be the real way of heaven, right?"

"Speaking of it, fortunately, when he scanned, I was on the verge of dying, or ‘dead’, otherwise, I’m afraid I won’t have a chance to resurrect."

Obviously, Lin Bin had guessed right before.

The Supreme Wisdom is the product of the Dao of Heaven, and if oneself destroys the Supreme Wisdom, the Dao of Heaven will certainly not sit idly by.

Therefore, at the moment of the Supreme Wisdom GG, the power of the Dao of Heaven ‘sweeped through’, if at that time, he was still alive, the Dao of Heaven would definitely continue to target himself.

But at that time, I ‘hanged’ myself.

Tiandao may be angry, but there is nothing to do. What else can I do if everyone is dead?

As for now, or later, aware of the resurrection?


Now the self has recovered, soldiers will come to block, water will come to cover up.

What's more, the alliance was originally the "weakness" of Skynet, otherwise he would not need to come up with a supreme wisdom to act on his behalf.


As long as you don’t go too many times in the heavens and the ‘prosperous’ places like the Heavens and Myriad Realms and the Thousand Thousand Immortal Gates, there’s nothing wrong with it, right?

After some explanation, both Skynet and Gou Jianqiang were amazed.

"Anyway, just recover."

Lin Bin nodded: "Yes."


In his heart, he was a little sad.

The system, or chat group, is gone.

Lin Bin didn't know if he was deprived by the way of heaven or by the supreme wisdom, but if it was gone, it was gone. Although I now know that my own system was created by Heaven, but it was still a bit sad to be taken away by him.

After all, everyone in the group is talented, and they speak nicely.

Even a few of them have had a dewy relationship with themselves, coughing coughing coughing.

"The other thing is, the things promised to the group of friends, but there is no way to do it."

"..., the treasures of Plant Flower and Hai Dafu, cough cough, I don't know if they can grow up on their own if they have cultivated to a certain level."

"Or, are they ‘real people’?"

"Maybe, it's possible that the ‘virtual world’ created by the Dao of Heaven is also possible?"


"Anyway, if it is destined, I will only see you again in the future."

Lin Bin suddenly smiled freely.

Tianwang and Gou Jianqiang didn't know what he was laughing at. After asking, Lin Bin just said, "Think of some friends."

"We have to hurry up."

Skynet reminded: "There will be trouble soon on the big scum star."

"Perhaps, we should'requisition' a spaceship."

She pointed to a ‘small spot’ on the radar: "I think this one is good."


Near the big scum star.

The war fortresses are in fragments, the giants of the void are in groups, the heavens of the human race, and even the 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals are all here.

On the opposite side, there is an even more terrifying army!

Tidy, uniform, all kinds of advanced weapons, at least two eras of human race!

"Human, are you sure to be the enemy of the entire alliance?"

"Void Behemoth, Thousand, do you want to stand on the side of the human race to the death?"

An "alien" spoke, and the sound shook the sky. At the same time, countless main guns and mysterious weapons began to accumulate energy, and the terrifying light burst out one after another.

"If you want to fight, you will fight."

Wu Nianzu took the lead, holding the peerless immortal artifact left by his ancestor Wu Guodong, standing in the void, facing the thousands of horses.

Martial arts disciples such as the Great Fairy and Gan Zhi followed closely behind.

"People, touch and flick, touch the ground with both feet, but don't live on their knees!"

While Gan Zhi waved his hand, a golden dragon roared, shocking all the races.

"Since your human race is looking for death."

In the alliance, among the most luxurious fortresses, one of the observers gently waved: "Then go out."

boom! ! !

The war broke out!

This is the real ‘World War’.

so horrible!

All kinds of weapons are overwhelming the sky, immortal arts, martial arts, shining in them.

The giant void beasts are roaring, the giant void beasts that have been strengthened to the thirteenth order are outrageously strong, but in this terrifying battlefield, they can only be supporting roles.

The various advanced weapons hidden by the alliance have the power to kill the world!

Even if Wu Nianzu's strength is still good, and he is still holding an immortal weapon, he can't play a decisive role, and even because of being taken care of, he is in danger.

Gan Zhi, Zhu Jianye, Wang Gang, Liu Yuan, Li Zijie, Chen Tao, Zhou Manman, Yuan Hongcai, Zhang Mingyu, Wang Xiaohu, as the top ten disciples, have never stepped back.

They led the martial arts disciples to rush in the void, like a strange soldier, flexible and powerful!

It is precisely because of this that the Human Race side barely blocked the first wave of offensive.

But it was only the first wave.

Everyone knows that if this goes on, it will die!

However, they still won't retreat!

Where can I retreat?

Taking a step back today, and waiting for yourself in the future will only be an unrestricted retreat, and that is not yourself, not the pursuit of the human race.

"Go on, get on me!"

The Landa bounty hunter group also participated in the battle, but in such a terrifying battlefield, the Landa bounty hunter group can only be regarded as a ‘squad’ at best.


Only the first wave of offensive, one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals destroyed nearly half.

By the second wave of offensive, even the Sci-Fi Heavenly Court was almost destroyed, the Nantian Gate was incomplete, and the "sacred light" did not exist.


No one is speaking.

They just charge silently, even if they are dead, they have to kill enough!

In the research room, the relevant researchers have stopped working. At this moment, they came to the surface, silently watching the battle in the void, and waiting.

At the last moment, they will ruin everything!

And...with all the research results, disappear together.

Terrans can lose, but they will not fall.

boom! ! !

A terrifying light hits, pointing directly at the big goblin!

Her strength is the strongest among all warriors, and therefore, becomes the second main goal after Wu Nianzu.

"It's a causal weapon!"

In the headset, Skynet’s ‘backup system’ promptly reminded: "Be careful!"

"What are you afraid of?!"

The big goblin waved a large green light, and at the same time, there was sword energy flying into the air: "Sword poison is parallel..."


But suddenly, the big goblin was hit and flew from behind.

Gan Zhi took over the position of the big goblin and took the initiative to meet him.

"You?!" The big goblin changed color and wanted to kill it back, but it was too late.


Gan Zhi cast his momentum unabated, using his strength to the extreme, turning around, smiling like a flower: "This blow, let me do it."


The big goblin was furious, trembling all over with anger, but more often, it was powerless.


Can't hold it anymore.

"Boy, stay alive for me."

Seeing Gan Zhi and the beam of light almost merged into one, the big goblin sighed softly and muttered in his heart: "We can die, but as long as you are still alive, the human race is there, and there is a future..."

She nearly gave up.

The gap is too big.

Use the human race and the power of a few ethnic groups to contend against the entire alliance?

No one wants to win, but just desperately.

And now, it seems to be the limit.

But, at this moment, the big goblin suddenly saw a flash of light.

"Is it an illusion?"

"How could I see a figure in front of this girl?"



Suddenly Zhou Manman's excitement yelled in his ears.


The big goblin was taken aback.

In the headset, Skynet's voice came again: "Everyone, hold on! My'main body' and Mr. Lin Bin are back!"


Gan Zhi was already ready to face death with a face full of calmness.

But suddenly, the familiar back in front of her made her obsessed, and she couldn't help but rushed up and stopped him severely.

"I... is this an illusion?"

"Illusion? This doesn't look like you."

Lin Bin smiled: "It's done well."

"Next, leave it to me."


He pointed it into a sword and waved it gently.

In an instant, that piece of causal force was torn apart and dissipated invisible.

boom! ! !

Almost at the same time, an alliance's S-class war fortress burst and burst into flames, and everything in it was destroyed!

Immediately, Skynet rushed out of the sea of ​​fire, like a ‘light shuttle’, ‘piercing’ at a rapid speed, and all energy shields and physical shield walls where it passed were as paper-sticky.

She alone can block countless war fortresses!

It was at this moment that Lin Bin shot.

"Vortex of God!"

Hum! ! !

In the horrified eyes of everyone, a huge vortex suddenly appeared in the void, and a swath of war fortresses, sky motherships, and spaceships were sucked into it.

"hand of God."


A huge handprint condensed out and fell from the sky, slapped in the whirlpool fiercely.

Boom Rum...

With just one blow, hundreds of air-sky motherships, spaceships and even war fortresses were destroyed, completely exploded, and there was no bones left!


Everyone is dumbfounded!

The change is too fast.

Just when everyone thought they had lost, and they didn't even need the Supreme Wisdom to take action, they never thought that Lin Bin and Skynet would suddenly come back, and, so terrifying, they would directly destroy a lot of the alliance's combat power.

"Lin Bin!"

An observer couldn't help but speak in person, and through the device, the voice was transmitted to everyone's ears: "Do you want to be an enemy of the Alliance too?!"

"If that's the case, don't blame me for waiting, use the supreme wisdom!"

"You move!"

Lin Bin hehe smiled: "By the way, I forgot to tell you that when you show off your power, I have already taken care of your so-called supreme wisdom."

"Now, I will give you two choices."

"One, go back immediately and listen to my orders."

"Second, bury all bones in this war cemetery. Today next year, I will sweep the graves for you."

"It's impossible!" The three observers roared. At this moment, there was no demeanor to speak of, and they contacted the Supreme Wisdom for the first time, but...

There is no news.


They are dumbfounded.


The first time, they make a decision.

The combat power displayed by Lin Bin and Skynet is incomprehensible. If they don't have the supreme wisdom, they can't fight at all.

Now that the Supreme Wisdom cannot be connected, it can only retreat.

Although I don't believe that the Supreme Wisdom is gone, but... it's obviously unwise to go shopping, and come back after the big deal.

Coming soon!

Go faster!

The remaining forces of the alliance in this battle fled in embarrassment, but within a few minutes, the starry sky was completely quiet.

Everyone, no, it should be said that all creatures are dreamlike, looking at that powerful man, dumbfounded.

In the end, the big goblin reacted first: "I'll go!"

"I still want you to get away quickly, don't come back and die???"

Wu Nianzu flew in quickly: "The Supreme Wisdom... is gone?"

At this time, Gan Zhi reacted and quickly released the hand that was holding Lin Bin's waist.

The disciples also rushed over, chattering and chatting.

Lin Bin smiled lightly and took the initiative to hold Gan Zhi's hand. Regardless of the latter's slight protest, he said seriously: "It's resolved."

"It's a long story, but from now on, our human race will truly rise!"

He briefly described everything before, and everyone who listened to it was relaxed and happy.

Wu Nianzu couldn't help but admired many times: "Sure enough, my choice... No, the arrangement of the fairy can't be wrong, you are the real seed."

"Seed Project, I am all green leaves, only you, safflower."

"No." Lin Bin shook his head and retorted: "If there are no green leaves, how can flowers bloom? We are all seeds, the seeds of the human race!"

"Yes, I'm narrow-minded." Wu Nianzu laughed and felt relieved.

This battle.

Come fast, go faster.

The situation is changing rapidly.

The human race, which was at risk and about to be destroyed, suddenly reversed everything. Then, the shivering human race became the official alliance and the tens of thousands of races that had previously oppressed the human race...

After the Alliance troops left, the three observers frantically contacted Supreme Wisdom, but they all heard nothing. When they went to search for it in person, they discovered that Supreme Wisdom was really gone.

This discovery made them look miserable like sitting on pins and needles.


A month later, the Human Race and the Big Scum Star basically returned to their usual ‘prosperity’. Today’s Big Scum Star is much more prosperous than before.

It seems to be a high-tech planet.

On this day, Lin Bin and Gan Zhi walked hand in hand on the catastrophe. The latter suddenly took Lin Bin's arm and heard the laughter of ‘geigeigei’.

"Why are you laughing?"


Gan Zhi glanced at Gan Ye, who followed him with a dead skin, "I'm thinking, when will they call me Madam."


"Why, just tonight?"


"Must get married first, right?"

"Wait, before that, I have to ‘judge’ the division first."

"By the way, there is one more thing, how do you count?"

"···" Lin Bin scratched his head.

"Don't think I don't know, she has no less affection for you than me." Gan Zhi curled his lips: "Yes, there is Kris, but I don't care, I have to be the eldest sister."


Lin Bin: "You?"

"It's strange why I am so generous?"

"Um, right?"

"Because of my dad..." Gan Zhi lowered his voice: "It is said that there were many women when I was young, but aren't they happy with my mother?"

"Hey, you have to be willing to do that."

"They don't want to, they don't want to chant, I still beg them to divide men with me?"

Gan Zhi rolled his eyes.

"..." Lin Bin's awkward toes snapped to the ground.


half year later.

Lin Bin descended on the alliance.

The three observers waited in full battle, but...all were a little embarrassed.

"I can let you continue to be in charge of the alliance, provided that you all have to be obedient."

Lin Bin looked at each other coldly: "Of course, you can also try, maybe you think you are more resistant to beatings than the Supreme Wisdom."

"Ah, this... No, I dare not."

They immediately expressed surrender.

After Lin Bin left, the three observers immediately gave orders to upgrade the status of the human race. At the same time, all kinds of technology must be open to the human race.

And since then, the human race has entered the alliance decision-making level.

This is not Lin Bin's request, but this operation, as an immortal who has lived for tens of millions of years, they still understand.


Since then, Terran has truly risen!

Not only relying on Lin Bin’s “prestige”, the Terrans themselves are also constantly striving for self-improvement. They are constantly developing, regardless of the strength of the martial arts disciples, and the advancement of science and technology, thanks to the massive wealth earned by the strengthening fluid, they are all fast. promote.

one year later.

Molan star.

Lin Bin got married!

If it weren't for him to keep a low profile, I'm afraid that the entire league will be decorated with red and green.

However, with his current status, no matter how low-key he is, there will certainly not be fewer people.

My disciples, Wu Nianzu, Wu Zhuang...

A lot has come.

It's just that the second old man is a little depressed.


"Forget them, Xiaohui, what are you going to join in the fun?"

"We treat you as an eldest daughter, you actually soak our son?!"

"I don't care!" The big goblin yelled: "I have liked this kid since I was a kid. You don't know. Later, I even went to the Alliance to leave and mess around. I just wanted to forget her, but I found that I couldn't do it. ."

"Anyway, I won't dare to say anything today. Anyway, we are not related by blood, so what's wrong with being together?!"

The two elders were speechless, looked at each other, helplessly said: "Injustice!! Injustice!"

In short, this evening, Lin Bin enjoyed the blessings of the Qi people.

Three wives like flowers and jade, an overbearing president who can be attacked and acceptable, a generous'Yanmar', and a big goblin who can play like Linbin... Rao is the power of a saint at this moment, They almost couldn't cope with it.


By the morning of the next day, the three women were surprised to find that there was an extra sister's paper on the bed.


This discovery made Gan Zhi's eyes black.

"You are even a zombie!!!"

"Eldest sister." Skynet's pretty face blushed.

"Oh!" Gan Zhi subconsciously responded.

Immediately, rolled his eyes.


After marriage, Lin Bin began to use various resources obtained from the Thousands of Immortal Gates and the Heavens and Worlds to transform the Star Molan and the life planet gradually possessed by some human races to give them aura.

However, the entire human race has never disclosed the method of cultivating immortals.

Spiritual energy is still not enough. If everyone cultivates, they are destined to not cultivate.

In the Wu family, there have been immortal cultivators from generation to generation, but with the passage of time and changes over time, some of the descendants have also lost their ‘initial aspirations’.

After arranging all this, Lin Bin completely kept a low profile.

Almost no longer shot in person, and rarely appeared in front of others.

The rise of the human race is a foregone conclusion and it is unstoppable. He doesn't need to do anything anymore, it is better to enjoy the blessings of the people. At the same time, it is also to try not to attract the attention of heaven.

Lin Bin didn't forget what the last enemy was.

As for the heavens and ten thousand realms, Lin Bin also did not participate in the war again in accordance with the schedule with Yunzhongzhen.

However, Skynet entered the war. According to the previous agreement, Skynet transported a large amount of materials through the quantum teleportation array and built a technological barrier!

Subsequently, the real melee mode of Yin and Yang began.

Technology side vs. technology side, mysterious side vs. mysterious side!

Beat and stop, stop and beat...

There have been hundreds of millions of years.

Until more than 130 million years later, under Lin Bin’s secret arrangement, a descendant of the Wu family, Wu Nianxiang, fortunately “stole” a powerful causal weapon in the alliance and sneaked into the heavens. Jie, rescued a woman.

After that, for decades, Yang Jie was weaker after all, and both Jieguans were destroyed.

After all, there is a cloud shock in the underworld. Although he has never made a move, using the vision and strength of the quasi-sage to guide the younger generation is enough to make the immortals of the underworld greatly improved.

Immediately, the underworld drove straight in.

Upon hearing this news, Lin Bin did not take action.

It also stopped Skynet's plan to continue to send ‘troops’ in the past.

After all, all of this can be regarded as'returning to formality', which is generally the same as what Fan Jianqiang said before. In that case, it is better not to interfere.


Who knows what kind of future will emerge?

Later, Lin Bin got news one after another.

The heavens and ten thousand realms were defeated and were beaten to the ‘lower level’. Fortunately, three strange women rose up to resist and held the final position.

Qi Zixiao, Lan Xiaodie, Ji Chutong!

Among them, Qi Zixiao proved the quasi-sage, and even forced Yun Zhongzhen to take it personally...

In the years that followed, Lan Xiaodie and Ji Chutong successively proclaimed the truth, but two new quasi-sages also appeared in the underworld, and the battle was once again deadlocked.

Seeing that everything is as Fan Jianqiang said, Lin Bin didn't think much about it.

Until, after another period of time...

Lin Bin is keenly aware that time has become chaotic.

"Time is up."

He got up, took the most advanced spacecraft, jumped into space, and came to the heavens and all realms.

At this moment, the war has begun!

Fan Jianqiang is also here, and he has the power of a saint, so violent and unparalleled.

In addition, there are some people.

Lin Bin swept over them, feeling dumb, but didn't have much communication with them, fearing that it would cause time confusion, but for the first time, he bombarded the saints.

In the crystal below the flying saucer, there was a bright ray of light shining, and then a terrifying ray of light was shot out at a speed that the saints could not avoid!

tear! ! !

The light broke through the sky.

The precarious saint on Qi Zixiao's side was too late to dodge and was hit in the arm.


The arm burst and disappeared instantly, even half of his chest was burst...

"who is it?!"

"Where did the reinforcements come from?"


Everyone was horrified.

However, Qi Zixiao and Lin Fan looked at each other and nodded secretly: "The technology side."

However, before he had time to be happy, there was a saint who swept the flying saucer with supreme mighty power. No matter how hard the flying saucer struggled, he couldn't get rid of it, and then he was photographed and exploded directly!


The immortals are silent.

Just when they thought the reinforcements had died out, they heard an angry shout from the explosion of fire.

"You pay me the flying saucer!"

"This is the most advanced flying saucer, worth trillions of Union coins!"

Cuntou Lin Bin walked out of the explosion in a long gown, wherever he was, his blood was rolling like a dragon, propped up the boundless void, and his body moved across the world!


He does not have the power of a saint, but he has the power of a saint!

Lin Bin's methods made all the cultivators feel unfamiliar. Only the tyranny was true. He quickly rescued the precarious man, and even worked with him to beat the three saints violently!

Too violent!

It's almost like a humanoid tyrannosaurus, the most important thing is that he didn't take the usual path when he shot.

Clearly strong enough to pervert, full of vitality and blood, and able to crush the opponent from the front, but he turned out to be vicious and vicious, and even wanted to steal the saint’s peach...

All the immortals who watched were stunned and dumbfounded.

Gou left and Fan Jianqiang seemed to be stunned. He didn't know the average person. After the battle, he couldn't help but curiously said: "Who is Xiongtai? Really incredible~!"

"Easy to talk, easy to talk."

Lin Bin grinned, his face full of harmless humans and animals, how can he ignore it when it is time to perform with you? "Under the Holy Science and Technology Alliance, Mo Lanxing --- Lin Bin."


Seeing his extreme play style at the moment, the corners of all the immortals' mouths twitched constantly.

Polite? !

You **** fart!


The end of the war.

Before leaving, Lin Bin looked at the woman in the Quasi-Sage Realm, or Qi Zixiao who belonged to this timeline, and said: "More than 100 million years ago, I had a friend who had met once."

"He asked me to bring you a word."

Qi Zixiao trembled all over: "You said."

"He said, he's sorry for you."

"If there is an afterlife, he will also find you in the sky and the earth."

Qi Zixiao was silent, two lines of tears slid down.

"Thanks a lot."

(End of the book!)