You Have Science, I Have Magic

v2 ~: Completion testimonials + new book previ

it's over.

The first chapter was uploaded on April 20, and it ended on December 31, seven months and eleven days, 2.27 million words.

Count it down, um, an average of more than 10,000 words per day, the update is still pretty good.

More than two hundred days and nights, emmmm.

It should be said that every time it ends, it is a difficult separation, but it is also for a better encounter!

In terms of performance, they are all set at 12 thousand, which is the same as Chengxian. Strictly speaking, there is no progress. The monthly ticket list still did not make it to the top ten, the best result was eleven, puff...

Well, this is nonsense.

Next is what the dog author really wants to say.

Chengxian and this ‘disciple’ were originally ‘Brothers’, a story about a mysterious side and a technology side. They were also planned before Chengxian started writing.

I remember that on the eve of becoming immortal, many brothers asked Huanyan, this is over? What about the technology side? ? ? How can it be over before the technology side is written?

Now, Huanyan can reply: "Brother dei, the technology side is here~"

Then, I will answer more questions about the book ‘Disciples’.

Question 1: "Why are some of the plots in the cloud? Can't understand?"

Answer: Because many plots in the middle and late stages are related to Huanyan’s book "What Should I Do When I Suddenly Become an Immortal?" Case.

Suggestions. If you are interested, you can watch Chengxian. After reading it, you will understand everything from another perspective.

If you become immortal, you will be amused in the early stage, stammer in the middle stage, dog food, and passionate in the later stage.

Hey, make a small advertisement.

Question 2: In the later stage, especially in the final part, why did it feel so sloppy and unfinished, and didn't write it clearly at all?

Answer: Still the answer above, especially in the ending part, Chengxian has actually written very detailed, and many book friends came from Chengxian. If Huanyan writes it in detail again... it's really ‘water word count’ + ‘cheat money’.

Question 3: What is the new writing? When will it be sent?

Answer: The new book is still a city, but it is completely overhead, and it will no longer have much similarity with reality. The main reason is that the dog author is afraid.

Let’s put it this way, it’s just a chapter where you can be caught by a kiss, and when you write an alien, the system warns you all about the international situation... I’m really scared. I originally wanted to give some benefits in the ending, but after thinking about it carefully, I really dare not ah brother dei!

As for the story, it will be easier and even more fun than being a fairy.

And this time, the dog author has great ambitions, and the subject matter has already been determined, but the difficulty of'writing well' is very high, it should be said that it is very high.

Even Huanyan mentioned to editors or friends more than once that if the next book hits the street, it is definitely not a matter of subject matter, but Huanyan is too slick and can't be controlled.

However, Huanyan will definitely do his best, at least without regrets.

As for the time, let's tentatively set March 1st.

During this time, Huanyan should prepare a new book and adjust her mentality.

At that time, I hope everyone will support it!


Here is a digression.

From rent collection to becoming a fairy, to the book, Huanyan has never rested, and hasn’t been interrupted for a day, and it is basically updated with more than 10,000 words a day, and even for a period of time with 25,000 words a day. ··

Two or three years.

Coupled with my own job, it is absolutely overloaded. Originally, I still insisted on living, but the birth of the "sister" in February this year, and the blessing of the second child, directly messed up everything.

The dog author said that it is really tired, not only the body is tired, but the heart is also tired, and the brain is even more tired.

Therefore, I also want to take a short break for the next two months to spend the next year, adjust my mind and body, and sharpen the knife and not cut the wood by mistake, so that the new book can be written better, so that everyone can read it more comfortably, huh!

In my mind, it should be a plot of a day off and a day of polishing a new book, "gluing ahead of schedule". UU reading

Although I am taking a break, I still have to go to work, nurse my child, cough cough cough...

By the way, there is, in fact, "disciples", which is the current book "You Have Science, I Have Magical Skills", Huanyan is not satisfied.

Old readers should know that just before the name was changed, the data was really hip, so many friends at that time persuaded Huanyan to quickly open a new book...

But Huanyan was a stubborn temper, didn't cut it, kept holding back, until after she changed her name... Good fellow, suddenly took off.

What I remember most clearly is that on the day of the daily guide, I went straight to the second best-selling list. There was only the star gate of the eagle boss in front. Although it only went up for less than 24 hours, it was never reached by Chengxian. achievement.

What do you say...

The title of the book didn’t start. When I called the disciple before, I made a lot of recommendations. The splash screen recommendations when I opened the starting point were all recommended, but the results of various recommendations were very poor, causing Huanyan to suspect that this book is in my heart. It's not really bad, the writing is relatively casual in the mid-term, alas. When the name was changed, a recommendation took off, but found that it was almost over.

Repent and apologize here.

But now it's useless to say that, just to explain to you the bits and pieces of this book.

Thanks to all the book friends who support Huanyan.

Thanks to all the book friends who have been chasing after Chengxian.

You are all happy parents, this kind of gratitude comes from the heart.


I sincerely hope that everyone, on March 1st, pay attention to Huanyan’s new book~


------- Sincerely, salute!

-------December 31, 2021

-------Huan Yan Laugh


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