You Seem To Be Drawing Me

v1 Chapter 65

A small house with a very faint yellow light.

Because there is no electricity inside, so naturally there is no electric light, only a candle is burning, and a lampshade is placed outside.

, can't see what he looks like.

One of his hands drooped outside, the hands were very white, very thin, and the fingers were very long, and blue blood vessels could be seen under the skin on the back of the hand.

The room was quiet, there was no sound, and the candles were flickering. At six o'clock in the morning, the person lying on the table suddenly shuddered and opened his eyes.

The school not far away started broadcasting, and it was six o'clock. guests for another night.

In other words, she salted fish for another day.

Standing in front of the window, Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the bright sunshine, and was extremely happy. However, before the happiness lasted for a few minutes, she suddenly heard the footsteps of someone outside.

"Boss! Have you eaten yet? I brought you breakfast!"

Damn, why is this girl here again.

Today is the end of Yuan Yuanyuan's first month on duty here.

"You say you come two days a week and only stay for one night at a time, what kind of money can you make." The girl said while stuffing the buns in her mouth.

Yuan Yuanyuan finished eating one bun, then went to grab the next one, "Uh... I didn't plan to make any money at first, so why are you asking so much."

"I just looked at this house and felt a little distressed. Such a big house...Why did you buy it without making money?" the girl said.

To be honest, she didn't buy the house, it was a gift... Yuan Yuanyuan wanted to say this, but then swallowed it back.

"I'm done eating, I have to go to the morning exercise, the rest is for you." The girl ran out after saying that. She was here on the first day Yuan Yuanyuan opened. The girl from , is also a little monster, who has always lived as a human being.

Yuan Yuanyuan finished eating the last few buns, put away the plastic bag, and was ready to go home.

Come see the shop.

Anyway, the monsters themselves said she would just do it, why should she be so concerned.

Get off work, get off work, and have another day.

Yuan Yuanyuan opened the door, and saw a lot of students wearing school uniforms entering the school next door. She was also a student who came out to school in the winter. Thinking back to the bitter feeling that year.

Ah... It seems to be very hard now.

It was dropped, and the rest was cleaned up, but it was still usable, so she kept it.

A note was pasted on the door of the house with a few small words written on it.

[The owner is absent all the year round, we are destined to meet. 】

Listen, what a willful shopkeeper.

Fortunately, Yuan Yuanyuan didn't point to this to eat, otherwise she would starve to death sooner or later.

The transformed face now resembles [Yuan], but it cannot be said to be exactly the same, it can only be said that it is very similar to a person, but it is not.

She turned her head and looked at the note on the door. She always felt that the note was about to be blown away by the wind, so she thought about it. Stick the paper again.

The recent "Yao Ji" can be said to be calm... Of course, compared to the calm on the side of the monster, the demon slayer is already blooming.

In addition to Faning pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, he won the tenth in the martial arts general election, and the general will touch the side of the elite disciples, which surprised everyone, except for the demon master. commotion.

It is said that a long time ago, the demon slayers and their seniors sealed a big monster. It has been too long now. Recently, the seal has suddenly loosened, and there are already signs of breaking the seal.

In this competition, the top ten people have to go to participate in the re-seal ceremony, Fanning is tenth in the tenth...

Hehe, Yuan Yuanyuan had already covered her face and smiled awkwardly when she saw this.

To tell you the truth, Yuan Yuanyuan has watched novels and anime for so many years, and has never encountered such a situation, the monster cannot be taken out of print...

It was sealed, so it had to be sealed in that place.

A sect that sounds very immortal, in fact, it is indeed immortal, at least for so many years, it has been one of the most famous sects in the Taoist sect .

The base camp of this sect is located in K City, 108,000 miles away from C City, Yuan Yuanyuan is not in a hurry at all, what does the monster over there have to do with her, no matter what you do, it will not be affected to her.

In other words... it seems that Meteor Street has been turned upside down, what does it have to do with the outside? Two groups of people who can't be hit by eight poles.

So, although the demon slayers [Taoist] over there have been making a lot of noise recently, Yuan Yuanyuan is very leisurely here. She has been for a month, and she has not appeared in a total of eight issues. Nothing is easy.

This shows that Yuan Yuanyuan has been very busy recently. She has practiced a few very useful hexes recently. These sorceries are not attacking sorcery, but some auxiliary sorcery, but It's something she's never been in contact with before.

Such as this - a blind eye.

Yuan Yuanyuan fiddled with the leaves in her hands, thinking back and forth in her mind about the principle of this thing... She got off work earlier today, much earlier than usual, as long as City C If there is no major incident, the number of guests in the tavern will not skyrocket.

When it was a little faster, there were not many guests, and with a big wave of Sister Lizi, she let Yuanyuan go home.

Yuan Yuanyuan felt that there was really nothing to do today, mainly because she was used to the activities of the day and night, and it was a little uncomfortable to get off work so early.

Otherwise, let's go to that room... Anyway, it's quite boring, so why don't you go there to make clothes?

Yuan Yuanyuan somehow got on a whim tonight. She first slipped to the ground, turned into a familiar shape, and then climbed up again.

Pushing open the door, Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the snow piled up at the door and was thinking about sweeping them when she suddenly saw two people squatting at the door.

"I..." Yuan Yuanyuan swallowed the word "lean" on the edge of her mouth, she looked at the two people at the door, one was a girl during the day, and another girl stood beside her .

"You two...what are you doing in the middle of the night?" Yuan Yuanyuan felt that her heart was pounding with fright.

"Squatted!" The girl stood up suddenly, and then pulled another girl next to her to stand up as well.

Both girls wore thick down jackets, but it was snowing everywhere, and both girls blushed from the cold.

"...Come in and warm up." Yuan Yuanyuan opened the door, and the two girls behind her were chatting, "The shop owner is really here today, you are amazing!"

"I don't predict anything else...that's more reliable."

"The owner is very handsome, I'm not lying."

"No, he's really handsome! I feel like an iceberg man, so tall, straight legs, so white."

The original round house was very warm, and there was no heating, I wonder if it was because of the spell.

When the two girls came in, the girl in front who came during the day was normal, but the girl in the back kept looking at the roof as if she was studying something.

"You seem...not a monster?" From the beginning, Yuan Yuanyuan wondered if her sense of smell was wrong, but no matter how many times she smelled it, she felt that the girl behind was a pure Humanity.

"Qiu Ling is a human being." The monster girl said: "She can be psychic, my only friend in school, she is very powerful."

"Sorry, I can see this house all the time... I heard that people have come here recently, so I wanted to come and see, and Tang Shi brought me here." The human girl said embarrassedly.

Hey, human girl...

When Yuan Yuanyuan was making milk tea, she kept thinking about the words at the beginning of Rurouni Kenshin.

Although this world is very realistic, it is also very **** up, but sometimes, you still have to have some hope.

As a half-demon, Yuan Yuanyuan actually wants to see such a scene of monsters and humans falling in love with each other... But she also knows that her thoughts are too holy, and if something goes wrong, it will be It is a big event, so it has always been just a wish in my heart.

Now I see two little girls, they seem to get along pretty well, she is inexplicably a little happy.

The girl in front of her is probably the kind of person who can psychic... This is going to be put in a Korean drama, and she will be the heroine in minutes.

When she was about to enter the room with a tray, she suddenly heard two people in the room talking.

Yuan Yuanyuan’s footsteps stopped.

"Be careful, this shopkeeper is not...not a kind person."

"What's the matter? He's a good guy, except for being lazy, pretending to be a little bit aggressive, and salting fish a little bit, there's nothing bad about it..."

"...I didn't mean that, I meant...he's not as simple as it seems."

"You said it clearly, I can't guess it."

"...I saw red all over him."


"The red light soaring into the sky made my scalp tingle, as if I had just soaked in human blood. I have never seen so much red light in my life, it's like a blood man."


"Fuck you laughing at wool? I want to go, can you go?"

"No, no... I just suddenly felt that if this person is bloody, the person is a bit like your male god, doesn't your male **** also drink blood, I actually always feel that They both look alike..."

"Damn it! That's the second dimension, can the second dimension and the third dimension be the same! Can you!"

Yuan Yuanyuan, who was standing outside, coughed and walked in with a tray in hand. The two girls immediately sat upright and couldn't tell what they just talked about.

Yuan Yuanyuan put the tray on the table and smiled lightly at the two girls.

Damn, the little girl's really amazing.