You Seem To Be Drawing Me

v1 Chapter 66

The two girls in front of them, the little monster is called Tang Shi, and the human is called Qiu Ling.

The cup in front of her hadn't even had a few sips.

It may be because she just said bad things about her, so both girls are a little panicked. After all, the timing of her appearance was a bit too coincidental, and the two girls were afraid that she would hear what the two of them said just now.

"No no no... We'll be leaving in a while." Qiu Ling waved his hand quickly, Yuan Yuanyuan felt that she wanted to leave now.

"It's so late...Do you want me to send it to you?" Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the snowflakes outside, and sincerely suggested.

"No need, really no need." Tang Shi said, "Our home is not far from here, it's the neighborhood nearby."

"That's fine, I'll send you off." Yuan Yuanyuan also let the two girls go out with the preparation of the donkey. The girls are embarrassed to death.

This is an illusion.

The girl named Qiu Ling could see at a glance that her body was full of blood, and Yuan Yuanyuan thought she was pretty cool. She got up and put on her coat and was about to send the two girls out. Tang Shi looked inside the room, pointed to a dark black dress, and said, "Shopkeeper, did you make that?"

"Yeah, but this one is very expensive. I don't think you can afford it with your pocket money." Yuan Yuanyuan looked back and saw that it happened to be half of the dress she made, There's one collar missing.

Tang Shi wanted to take another look, but Yuan Yuanyuan also kicked him out, "Go home quickly, don't linger here, it's almost twelve o'clock, both of you are too bold, I think it was past ten o'clock back then..."

The moment she opened the door, Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly stopped her words.

The wind blew snowflakes over, and a faint smell of blood was drifting towards this side.

The street lights on the other side of the street went out, and they were spreading towards this side.

It's like... the street lights on the roadside are all candles, and an invisible giant is blowing them out one by one.

It fades away slowly like this.

I saw that there were still a few street lights, and they were about to go out on the street that was originally round.

Yuan Yuanyuan saw the scene over there, and of course the two girls here also saw it, and even the two girls saw more than her.

The girl named Qiu Ling closed her eyes at once, her eyelashes trembling all the time.

Yuan Yuanyuan made a decisive decision, grabbed the two girls by the necks and went back to the house, and slammed the door shut.

As soon as the door closed, the faint smell of blood disappeared immediately, as if it was cut off by the ordinary wooden door in front of her.

"...I'm going, what is that?" Tang Shi looked at the scene outside.

"This... commonly known as monster fight." Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the ordinary wooden door in front of her and touched her chin.

She had never seen that this house was so powerful before, even a door had this effect. She had brushed the door before, and it was all right...

"Let's go later..." Yuan Yuanyuan said, "Wait until the monsters outside are finished fighting. I have a comic book over there, do you want to read it?"

When she was wandering outside, she saw too many situations like this... In this regard, her coping strategy has always been that the cat sneaks away quietly behind her.

It's a real fight, it's definitely red-eyed, the little monster won't even leave scum when it gets close, it's not that she hasn't seen it with her own eyes.

Yuan Yuanyuan went back and poured two cups of hot water back. She bought the three bags of instant milk tea just now, and now she's gone. She walked over to the little human girl with hot water and patted her arm, "It's okay, don't go out, just stay here quietly."

After Qiu Ling just went out once, she seemed to be frightened, it would be wilted, Yuan Yuanyuan understood this feeling, thinking that the first time she saw a dead person, it was also a night I haven't slept, and it's only five or six years when I think about it now.

This little girl named Qiu Ling seems to be able to see a lot of things that ordinary people can't see, and she doesn't know what she just saw.

"Do you need to call home?" Yuan Yuanyuan asked in a low voice, for fear of scaring her.

Qiu Ling shook his head wearily, "...No signal."

By the way, when there are many monsters, the mobile phone has no signal.

Yuan Yuanyuan really forgot about this just now. She brought over the comic books over there. They were all "Mengman" that she bought today. She hasn't had time to read it yet. Putting the book into Qiu Ling's hand, she said, "Read the book first and relax."

Qiu Ling raised her head and glanced at it, as if she was a little stupid, she took the book hesitantly, and when she saw the cover, she was stunned, ""Dream Man"?"

"Boss!" Tang Shi, who had been lying in front of the window, suddenly called Yuan Yuanyuan, her voice was a little weird, "You said that those monsters... will they come into the store?"

"...No, a fight is a fight, isn't it all customary to fight in the alleys on the street? Isn't this our district rule? Whose monsters dare to touch the house? ?" Yuan Yuanyuan said with a puzzled face.

"Why do I see... the monster over there seems to be entering the house?" The more Tang Shi said, the more wrong he was, and finally his voice was full of tears.

"Huh?" Yuan Yuanyuan was dumbfounded, she also lay on the window and glanced.

Yuan Yuanyuan and Tang Shi did not dare to stand upright, they only dared to quietly open a small slit in the curtains and peeked there, there was a dark shadow that could not be seen what.

But the shape of the monster can still be seen roughly, let's say, the street lights on the street are not much different from him, a **** mass lying in the middle of the road, that Muscle lines are horrible...

I saw this in the middle of the night, I thought I was watching the three-dimensional biochemical crisis, coupled with the surrounding flowers and trees that I am used to seeing during the day, it feels a little unreal.

The one opposite looks like a three-dimensional tyrant...

There is a puddle of liquid under that monster, there is no moon, no street lights, Yuanyuan can't smell it, but she still guessed that it was blood, and the big monster's eyes were red Yes, this will look straight this way.

Yuan Yuanyuan certainly knew why this guy was looking this way, she lit a candle on her side, and there was dim light from the outside...

Will you really come in? Whose monster is so rude?

Yuan Yuanyuan was stunned for a long time, but she didn't guess that the monster on the opposite side was actually not someone's monster at all, but a newcomer to City C...

Private fights, and the second is that you are afraid that monsters will hurt people for no reason, and it is difficult to explain what happened. After all, youkai were the losers in the previous war and signed a treaty that prevented them from appearing in front of humans on a large scale.

In the city of monsters, most human beings can live so ignorantly.

And the first time I saw such a fool, Yuan Yuanyuan was so stupid, the little girl might not know, she has been taught the rules before, of course she knows Ordinary city C monsters can't make such silly mistakes.

Although she didn't know what happened, she still said to Tang Shi immediately, "Take your friend upstairs quickly, stay upstairs and don't come down, I'll check the situation."

Tang Shi behind him immediately ran back, dragged Qiu Ling upstairs.

Qiu Ling was still stunned, not knowing what was going on, still holding the copy of "Mengman" in her hand.

I'm going... She's also a little flustered. Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the big man on the opposite side. It was too easy for her to run alone, but there were two little girls behind her. At this time, she had to learn how to struggle with salted fish.

, she was also afraid of capsize in the gutter.

Since the duel, she has not really fought with others, although she has also gone out to kill a lot of evil monsters, but she clearly knows that others are weaker than her Just hit next.

This monster on the opposite side...I really don't know what it is.

Although Yuan Yuanyuan was in a panic, she still entered the state instantly.

For her, the biggest improvement compared to a few years ago is that she can pretend to be as stable as an old dog in everything she does. It's a bit of a glimpse of the world.

She looked at the chair in the middle of the room, walked over and sat down, facing the door properly.

After Tang Shi hid Qiu Ling, her cat secretly glanced at the corner of the stairs. As soon as she probed, she heard a loud bang, and the store door was knocked open Come, a cold wind with snowflakes blows in along with the opened store door.

A large man was standing at the door, the pungent smell of blood came out.

The man in black sitting on the chair was expressionless, looking coldly at the wooden door that was knocked open.

For a moment, Tang Shi didn't even recognize that the man on the chair was the boss just now.

Before Tang Shi had time to speak, he saw a series of red rattans pulled out.

The boss's eyes slowly turned red.