Young Commander’s Supernatural Sweetheart

Chapter 235: Self-protection mode is on

"Alarm, alarm! The body temperature is too high, please move the location! Please move the location!"

"Alarm, alarm! The temperature of the feet and legs is too high, and the internal parts are 50% damaged. Please repair it as soon as possible..."

"Alert, alert..."

From inside Bill's body, there was a series of alarm sounds, each reminding him that the temperature was too high and to leave here as soon as possible, but Bill kept trying to send messages over and over again, and ignored the alarm sounds.

"Alarm, alarm! The body temperature is too high, the brain will automatically turn on the self-defense mode, and enter the sleep mode after five seconds, the countdown starts, five, four, three, two, one, and enter the deep sleep!"

"Hey!" Bill dropped his hands, his head lowered, stood still, his operation stopped, he fell into a deep sleep, and started the self-protection mode.

On the other side, Mu Qingxin felt her body being moved quickly, and whirring wind sounded in her ears. The next second, she stopped suddenly, her ears were extremely quiet, Mu Qingxin slowly opened her eyes. The surrounding environment is very dark.

She didn't adapt for a while, and Mu Qingxin blinked, looked around, and gradually adapted to the luminosity, and found that there were tree roots spreading everywhere here, uh, it wouldn't be underground, right?


Suddenly, the tree roots in front of Mu Qingxin moved, and each of them automatically moved to the side. Gradually,... a ray of light appeared.

"Ah! What is it?"

Mu Qingxin’s waist was suddenly entangled by a tree root, and she slowly brought her to the light, and the tree roots in front of her continued to separate, separate...until Mu Qingxin saw that the light was what.

"This is..." Mu Qing's heart was put down, looking at the red...-colored flame in the middle, and the big red...-colored diamond beside the flame!


Uh, did Diamond speak? ! Mu Qingxin looked at the red...color diamond the size of an egg in surprise.

"Who...who are you? What did you bring me here for?" Mu Qingxin glanced around her eyes, her mental energy secretly infiltrated the surrounding environment. After she probed the surrounding environment, her heart sank and she was finished. , This was caught under the ground, all around was soil, except the soil was dense roots, and all those roots spread out from where she stood. These are trees of flame trees. Root it, really big!

Mu Qing glanced at the "diamond" vigilantly, observed the surroundings, and muttered in her heart, what if this blazing tree became wicked and destroyed herself? This blazing tree is bigger and more powerful than the devil vine I encountered before. She has no chance to escape at all. It's over, she should stay at home honestly, Mu Qingxin, Mu Qingxin, you Just do it, and sooner or later you will die for yourself!

At this moment, Mu Qing felt extremely regretful and annoyed, and she was in a completely strange and dangerous environment, and her fear rose to the extreme.

"Don't be afraid, child" The Flame Tree seemed to feel Mu Qingxin's repelling defense and fear against it.

"I am the heart of the Flame Tree, hello boy, it was my fault to bring you here without authorization, but I really need your help now..."

"Help?" Mu Qingxin looked at the "diamond" in surprise, "Are you the heart of the Flame Tree?" Is the heart made of diamonds? No, the crystal nucleus of the devil vine seemed to grow like this before, but not as big as this, but much brighter than this!

"Yes, boy, I felt your breath last time when you came here, and I felt the aura of your body, boy, can you give me some of your aura..." Shu Xin asked embarrassedly Dao, it knows the preciousness of aura...Sex, if it weren't about to die, it wouldn't be so cheeky to lure this child over and use her aura.

"Aura?" Mu Qing looked at Shuxin in surprise. Does she have aura? She didn't find it!

"Why do you want my aura?" Mu Qingxin asked.

"I know this request is excessive," Shuxin said bitterly, "I have lived for more than a thousand years. I was born on this planet. On this planet, there is no one of my kind and no one to talk to. I don’t know what the meaning of my existence is. Until when I grow up and I am discovered by people, my existence has meaning. People are surprised at my huge size and protect me. People come here every day to date, play, and make wishes. , Cultivation..., from then on, in my boring and pale life, there is...color, it is human beings that wake me up and let me know the world...

I grew up desperately, grew up...until my root system reached the center of the earth...

From then on, my life is connected with this planet. I think I will coexist with this planet forever and can live for many years, but...

My life is running out, I will wither...

Once I wither, this planet will also perish..."

The heart of the blazing tree spoke intermittently, with some bluntness, stumbling, and uncomfortable words, but Mu Qingxin understood the last words.

"You said, if you die, this planet will be over?!" Mu Qingxin said in disbelief, no...impossible, as Bill said last time, this planet can survive for thousands of years. It won't perish so quickly...

"Yes, I'm sorry, so I brought you here..." Shuxin said sorry.

Mu Qingxin blinked, still can't believe this, the planet is destroyed? The earth has been turning for thousands of years. Until she crossed over, she didn't see the destruction of the earth with her own eyes. She only saw it in those videos of Bill, but she didn't experience it personally. She always felt like watching a science fiction movie. fake.

World Annihilation Day? There were rumors all day in the previous life, but none of them were true. This time... Suddenly a tree told her that this planet was about to die. Mu Qingxin couldn’t react to it. The first reaction was to cheat. Mine, I'm still young, don't lie to me!

However, in this era, her experience was originally incredible. At this time, she really stood in front of the heart of the blazing tree, and she really heard the heart of the tree talking to her, indicating that... Capital Star, soon In the future, really want to destroy...

After thinking about everything clearly, Mu Qingxin swallowed and looked at the tree heart, "Why is your life involved with the life of this planet?"

"A hundred years ago, my root system pierced too deep underground, accidentally pierced the mulch film, and pierced directly into the center of the earth...

The goblins in the center of the earth overflow. Once the goblins dissipate, the planet will be destroyed and disappeared. In order to make up for my mistakes, I had to absorb all the overflowing goblins...

The root system takes root in the center of the earth, the goblin is on my body, maintaining the balance of the planet...I am here, the goblin is there, I die, and the goblin will disappear..."