Young Master Fu’s Incredible Real Heiress

Chapter 937: Power of capital

Shi Jin always looked calm, and said, "You said I bought my songs from you, so you should have a complete score, right?"

"Not only do I have a complete score, I sang these two songs in my live broadcast room seven days ago!" He raised his phone, "You can find the record!"

Immediately someone went to look for his live room record seven days ago, and he did sing two songs in it. These two songs were never heard on the market.

It's just that he was rather vague, and he didn't pay much attention to it when he sang it.

Everyone went and listened, this style really resembles Shi Jin's.

It was six days ago that Shi Jin announced a new song for her hairstyle and revealed the content to the outside world.

In other words, in any case, it is definitely not a coincidence that this person can learn about Shi Jin's songs first.

Fans of Shi Jin at the scene maintained Shi Jin: "You said that is Shi Jin's song? Who knows if you are fishing in troubled waters? How do you prove it?"

"That's right, just take two songs at random and say that they are Shi Jin's?"

Cai Yuzheng's face flushed red: "Why can't it be? Isn't Shi Jin's new song about to be released soon? Everyone will be able to hear it immediately, and you can compare it as soon as you hear it, right?"

Those who watched the live broadcast already believed in Cai Yuzhuan, "Shi Jin’s fans are so stupid, what's the point of maintaining Shi Jin like this? If the song is different, you can verify it immediately, and they are also very mindless."

Shi Jin stood up, there was no embarrassment or embarrassment on his face, and looked at him: "You mean, my two new songs were bought from you—no, I grabbed them and used them as Own, but it doesn’t give you the right to sign, does it?"

"Yes, you and your agent came to talk to me in person!"

"Is there any evidence?"

"Of course, it is impossible to leave textual evidence for this kind of thing, and you are afraid that I will bite. Of course there is no evidence of our meeting! Even the cash is paid to me in person. I now reserve it before I can take it out. The music on the live broadcast is used as evidence, and there is no other evidence!"

Cai Yuchong's remarks were well-founded and aroused the sympathy of many people who watched the live broadcast.

"This is the power of capital! Sure enough, there isn't a good thing!"

"Fortunately, Cai Yuchong kept one hand, otherwise it is reasonable and unclear!"

"Hey, is Shi Jin's personality going to be shattered?"

"But speaking of it, since Shi Jin has bought so many songs, why did she come out with Cai Yuzheng? Is the money not enough? Or are there other disputes of interest?"

"It would be really nice if other people also follow Shi Jin to make trouble!"

Cai Yulan stared at Shi Jin, righteously: "Shi Jin, do you dare to release your two new songs now?"

"Originally, these two new songs will take a while to be released. I have agreed with the platform about that time..."

"Don't you dare?" Cai Yuzhe said mockingly.

"...Since you have said so, then I will discuss it with the platform. It should be released half an hour in advance. Communicate, and release the full version in a while."

Shi Jin turned on the phone, and there was music from it.

Her tune and lyrics are exactly the same as what Cai Yuzheng sang in the live broadcast room seven days ago.

All of a sudden, things went viral.

The spectators looked at Shi Jin while discussing gossip, and found that she was really not worried at all.

Someone could not help but scolded her: "She must have already figured out the countermeasures. Only by taking the money to settle things will she feel confident."

"Hey, he looks so beautiful, he can only eat with his face, he has to be a woman, and now he is beaten in the face, it's true!"

"No one wants to be regarded as a stupid beauty. Shi Jin wants to be a beautiful woman, and she also wants to match Fu Xiuyuan better! Otherwise, a female artist would be really easy to be looked down upon by a wealthy family!"

Fans are very worried: "What the **** is Shi Jin? I believe she must be innocent, but why is she not in a hurry?"

"Everyone, please help figure out how to solve this matter. Is it true that people slander Shi Jin's success?"

But the fans are very low-level, how can you think of any effective way to help Shijin solve the problem?

For a while, almost the entire fan circle and showbiz circle were waiting for the development of things.

After the two songs reserved on Shi Jin's phone were played, the matter had fermented to an extremely serious point.

Everyone is wondering whether "Shi Jin's song was created by Cai Yuzhen or not".

After the song was broadcast, Cai Yulan said loudly: "Anyone with ears can hear it. You bought this song from me. Do you have anything else to say now?"

Shi Jin said: "Then I hope you, log in to the music app now to see the release of my new song."

Everyone quickly log in to the app and click on Shijin's new song.

After clicking on, the tune is the same, and the lyrics are no different.

However, the creator is not Shi Jin. The first song clearly reads: Music: Xia Peifeng, Lyrics: Gu Qinghua, Shi Jin.

The second song, lyrics: Zhang Jia, music: Ye Peiwen.

Previously, Cai Yuzhen kept saying that Shi Jin asked him to buy the songs, but the content he took out was not signed by Shi Jin at all. At most, there were only Shi Jin's co-authored words.

Moreover, the names of these people are now well-known celebrities in the song industry in the entertainment circle. It is impossible for Shi Jin to have so many people give him false testimony at the same time!

Cai Yuchao panicked: "How easy is it to change a name on the app? You are powerful, what can't you do? Now I just want to use this method to deliberately mislead the public and deliberately refute me! But it's really impossible to fake! If you steal my things, you can't fake it!"

"Yes, things on the app can indeed be changed! What about the live ones?"

Shi Jin asked back and stretched out a hand to remove a red brace on the stage.

What appeared in front of everyone was an exhibition board. The writers of lyrics and music written on it were exactly the same as those on the APP, including Xia Peifeng, Gu Qinghua, Zhang Jia and Ye Peiwen.

Cai Yulan's face changed drastically.

Shi Jin raised her eyebrows, her eyes were sharp, and her tone became cold: "Everyone has seen this. Our exhibition board has been placed here and has not been moved. The above content itself is like this.

This time, thanks to the support of my friends in the circle, I wrote two songs specifically for me. I plan to use the two songs in the concert, and I will also invite these friends as my guests at the concert. So this press conference brought their names, and thanked them for their creation and support. "