Young Master Jun’s 100 Techniques to Spoil His Wife (The Empire's Mr. Jun Is Playing The Villain Again)

Chapter 1678: Strong wine flavor

Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

At this moment, Feng Sujin can fully understand that Jun Mohan had never seen her worry about her mood before.

Feng Sujin asked Ye Xing that she knew Jun Mohan was in the former palace.

He has been there for two days.

"Mrs. Young, please persuade Jun Shao that he is in a bad mood right now and his subordinates cannot approach him."

Feng Sujin heard the words of Ye Xing, and her heart followed, and her heart felt a pain.

Missing and distressed, Feng Sujin couldn't stop, can't wait to see Jun Mohan.

She drove straight to the former royal palace all the way.

Standing on this land, Feng Sujin's heart suddenly became very quiet.

The surrounding wind seemed to be colder than other places, blowing whistling, with the temperature of winter, making the cheeks hurt a bit.

Maybe it's a psychological effect. When you step in here, Feng Sujin's heart is a little sour and swollen.

Because it is too barren here, Feng Sujin can't help but think of the prosperity and liveliness of this once royal palace.

This was once Jun Mohan's home!

Feng Sujin took a deep breath, then walked step by step inside.

She walked very lightly, and she was afraid to disturb the souls here.

These people used to be cherished by Jun Mohan!

This place was previously blocked off by the leaving marks, so almost no one can enter here.

Although barren, it is quiet.

Feng Sujin found Jun Mohan in a palace by feeling.

As soon as she entered the palace, Feng Sujin smelled a strong taste of wine.

Her heart trembled, and Mo Han drank?

In Feng Sujin's impression, Jun Mohan almost does not drink alcohol, and he will not indulge himself in contaminating alcohol.

When Feng Sujin saw Jun Mohan kneeling there, drank silently, and drank a bit of loneliness all over her, her heart hurt awfully.

Feng Sujin's eyes were followed by a heat and an acid, and there was a feeling of tears.

Feng Sujin felt very hurt and blamed herself. Why didn't she stay with him when he needed it?

Feng Sujin sucked his nose, controlled his emotions, and walked towards Jun Mohan step by step.

I don't know why, when Feng Sujin walked by, he could not help holding his breath, for fear of disturbing Jun Mohan at this moment.

She knew that he must have remembered his family and those who were familiar with him in the palace.

Feng Sujin walked over, and then knelt down gently, glancing at Jun Mohan, holding back the feeling of sourness, and holding back to persuade.

She took a deep breath, then picked up the bottle and bit her cap directly with her teeth.

She took the initiative to touch the bottle in Jun Mohan's hand, and then drank it.

Feng Sujin can still drink, but she rarely drinks.

She drank too fast, stunned, and smiled at Jun Mohan, "Mohan, let's celebrate we have taken the empire and avenged our parents and relatives. Although there are still a few people who have not dealt with it, we will definitely kill Their."

When Feng Sujin brought the Overlord Flower all the way, she also knew the changes of the entire Empire.

Feng Sujin worked hard to make herself smile brightly and comforted Jun Mohan.

But she felt bad for Jun Mohan and her heart was sore, so when she laughed, she was actually a little stiff and a little far-fetched.

Jun Mohan has been immersed in his emotions. He has been immersed here for a few days, and it is difficult to pull them out for a while.

When he first saw Feng Sujin, he even thought it was hallucination, and never returned.