Young Master Officer’s Wife Pursuit

Chapter 394: Mo Xiaoyun【4More】

Until noon, the heavy rain gradually subsided.

Yan Tianxing turned around, but did not see Mo Shangyun, nor did she see her eat in the cafeteria. She had been searching for ten minutes before finding out that she was sitting on his commonly used off-road vehicle.

The rain was pouring outside, the window opened a slit, Mo Shangyun took off his raincoat, wearing an army camouflage, sitting in the driving position reading a book, earphones plugged in his ears, a black headphone cord appeared, lined with a white face, It looks like a serious middle school student.

Walking to the door, Yan Tianxing knocked on the door with his finger.

Mo Shangjun took off the headset, twirled it in his hand at random twice, and then lifted his eyelids to look at him. In his black and white eyes, he saw calm and calm, no accidents.

"Do you mind about a meeting?" Yan Tianxing leaned down slightly and asked.

"OK," Mo Shangjun put the book together, and asked with a lip, "Where are you going?"


After a moment of thinking, Mo Shangjun threw the book to the co-pilot position, then pulled the car door and walked up with his legs.

"Go." Mo Shangyun raised an eyebrow.

However, as soon as she turned around, Yan Tianxing grabbed her shoulders and was forced into his arms.

Mo Shangyun hadn't recovered, he saw Yan Tianxing took off his raincoat and put it directly on her.

The drizzle fluttered, but it had no effect on the action. Mo Shangyun left the raincoat as early as possible. She noticed Yan Tianxing’s movement. She froze for a moment, and looked at the raincoat with water droplets on her shoulders. After a brief look, he immediately took it back.

Yan Tianxing took off the black raincoat, the camouflage training suit he wore was exposed, and the fine rain splashed on his clothes. Instead of diving into the fabric immediately, he dipped in the outside to form thin beads of water.


Whispering, Yan Tianxing took her hand.

Mo Shangyun stunned and noticed the pedestrians walking around occasionally, but the ghost was so miserable that he didn't free his hands.

It rained for a day intermittently. The untreated ground was all muddy, bumpy, and stepped on by countless people. It also left a lot of footprints, deep and shallow, and even left in the shoe prints. With standing water.

Mo Shangjun stepped on it, the military boots were stained with mud, and then walked through the puddles, the military boots were cleaner.

The two didn't walk fast, but they weren't slow either. In Mo Shangyun's view, they came to the seaside with a flick of God's skill.

The waves slammed against the coast, and the waves that swept over them smashed the waves on the reefs. The sky was gray, and the sea was endless. The dark sky and the ground seemed to be connected together, giving people a feeling of heavy and pressure on the face. , Heavy, a bit unbearable.

"Chen Yuning talked to me about Lu Yang." Mo Shangyun raised his hand and pressed the brim down, and said slowly.

Yan Tian Xing looked at her quietly and did not speak.

Then, he heard Mo Shangyun said in a very calm tone: "She didn't know that Lu Yang was dead."

Not only Chen Yuning didn't know, but Mu Qixuan didn't know either.

Even Xiao Yi didn't know.

Mo Shangyun had not been to Lu Yang’s funeral, but she knew how desolate the funeral was, and stayed in the army all year round. Her former friends were disconnected. The only remaining family member was a 5-year-old brother.

So, no one knew even his death.

Mo Shangyun didn't tell Mu Qixuan, first, he didn't want to mention Lu Yang easily, and second, he didn't want to be investigated.

She didn't want others to mistakenly believe that Lu Yang's death was killed by a shotgun, and she didn't want Luyang to have any unseemly relationship with a shotgun in his population.

Yan Tianxing grabbed Mo Shangyun's hand, her fingers were slightly cool, and her palms were warm, so the force of his fingers was a little heavier, and her hands were completely caught in her hands.

Mo Shangyun exhaled slowly.

She continued: "They didn't have a deep impression of Lu Yang, and so did Chen Yuning. But she knew about Lu Yang's departure. She said that even if more than one person stood up to believe him, he would not leave."

But apart from Mu Qixuan, no one stood up.

It's not that they are cruel, they are not willing to take this risk, but Lu Yang's presence in the team is quite weak, his friends are all with him, they don't even know what happened. However, those who know what happened have no understanding of Lu Yang. They can only believe the real evidence, so they cannot defend Lu Yang unfounded with a perceptual attitude.

Mu Qixuan's persistence was a bit pale and weak, so Lu Yang just left.

When Chen Yuning said this, it was a bit regretful, but it was only a moment, because she was not familiar with Lu Yang, and she did not know that Mo Shangjun and Lu Yang knew each other, so she told Mo Shangyun to land as an outsider. There is no emotion, just like the other examples she said with Mo Shangyun.

Chen Yuning just wanted to express that these people who have a bit of a voice have to be cautious when making decisions. Sometimes one of their decisions is enough to affect many things.

Therefore, Mo Shangyun is a bit chaotic.

She hoped that a few more people would choose to believe Lu Yang, but at the same time, she felt that she could not be too emotional when making a decision.

She slowly told Yan Tianxing her thoughts.

It was a bit contradictory, so it took some time to talk about it with examples.

Unconsciously, Mo Shangyun found that Yan Tianxing's brim was wet with rain and a wet shoulder, and she looked up at the drizzle floating in the sky, only to realize that the time spent was a bit long.

Her pace stopped.

Yan Tianxing also stopped.

"Mo Xiaoyun," Yan Tianxing reached out and squeezed her cheek. "From before to now, I have seen you all handled well."

Mo Shangyun paused, realizing that this evaluation was a bit high, so she smiled and asked, "What if?"

Every time she thinks about it, she feels distressed to Lu Yang.

Maybe it was Lu Yang’s too warm smile, maybe Lu Yang’s too tragic encounter...Although even she didn’t think it made sense, she always wondered if Lu Yang could change a little bit. Don't die, is it possible to live another ordinary life.

She was thinking this way, so she always thought that she couldn't run into such a Luyang in the future.

At the very least, she shouldn't touch it.