Your Highness, Don’t Be Like This

Chapter 10: joke!

   The clown chanted and wielded mantras solemnly, like a nerd chanting texts in an ordinary mirror—sometimes he would look at the little note in his hand.

This looks like a most botched first-year student, assessing the daily magic spell, and the shining light of the wand in his hand and the screaming evil spirit in the mirror, forming a strong Contrast.

   In the twinkling of light, everyone's eyes widened, staring at the stage dullly, wondering if they were dreaming.

  Like these people, Lufield grabbed his hair severely, wondering if he was dreaming.

   "That's right, I must be under a nightmare spell! It must be! Ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha..."

   The chanting of the curse was getting faster and faster, and the white phoenix flickered like a light bulb, almost too late for people to react.

   When the white phoenix flashed for the seventh time, the examiner reacted and grabbed Louis's wand fiercely: "Mr. Louis, that's enough! That's enough!"

   But the sound of the curse did not end. It stopped abruptly when it was about to finish. The evil spirit in the mirror ran out of the house in the mirror world in the running around, not knowing where it went.

  ‘Can this happen? It seems that you have to find a way to prevent it from running away next time. This kind of sealed evil spirit can't be found even with a lantern. ’

   glanced at the ‘Evil Curse lv2’ in the narration, Louis retracted his thoughts, and straightened his body once again in the sight of those thousand pairs of dull eyes.

   Just like when he first took the stage, he stood up in every direction of the stage to greet him, but this time, no one smiled.

   A dead silence.

"Everyone." In this silence, Louis said that whenever'Louis VI' was ridiculed, he often told the'joke': "Knowledge is a beacon, and its power is far greater than a few Curse."

"This is what Osikriss has taught me all the time. To be honest, I was a little nervous just before taking the stage. Because I have been mistaken for a dumb gun, even I suspected myself. But I But her teacher has always believed that I can do it. Because I am her student, I have the most perfect spell."

"Thanks to my mentor, she created a miracle. She made me realize the magic of magic! She also proved myself. I don’t think I’m a dumb gun. It’s just that the way my former teacher taught me has always been wrong. That's it..."

  【Although your teacher is far away from home, the local professor still feels less favorable towards you after hearing this. 】

   [However, they have developed a great interest in Osikriss-even surprised! 】

   [As you wish, you used another method to hit a blockbuster—or rather, you successfully dumped this pot on your teacher. 】

   [Osikriss will pick it up (you may need some explanation later). 】

  【Although you failed the assessment because of cheating. But Osikris has survived the difficult situation—perhaps, after this, her mentor, Dean Oliver, will agree to her previous application for the post of Director of the Teaching Department of Yordel College. 】

  Louis' eyes appeared next to each other, and he didn't have time to look more. He stood up to greet all directions off the stage, and then walked off the stage.

   There was silence under the stage.

   The ‘joke’ that ‘Louis VI’ told today has been said many times in the past six years.

   These words are just like Kong Yiji's famous quotes, which are spread as jokes. This made the names of Osikris, the teacher and her students, widely known along with laughter.

   But this time, no one can laugh. All the people present were red-faced, sitting on pins and needles, and wished to leave this embarrassing place immediately.

   A burst of crisp applause suddenly sounded, breaking the dead silence in the hall—it was Osikris.

   The quiet applause was crisp and loud, like slaps, slapped fiercely on the faces of those who came here today to watch the bustle.

   There are nobles who hide their faces.

   The crystal ball in the arms of a minister shattered, and the minister was so scared that he hid his face and left.

   Following the applause of Osikris, several branch deans who were listening today all stood up and applauded. Soon, everyone in the hall slowly stood up and gave out warm applause.

   Even many of the nobles who came to see the excitement today all squeezed out an embarrassing smile and clapped their faces flushed.

   However, those thick-skinned wall-and-grass have already followed the dean and went to Osikris to flatter them. After today, Osikris must be strongly supported by the academics.

   The Holy Oak Wizard is the most famous white wizard in the world. Even when the Queen saw the principal Oliver, he had to bow his head and respectfully call a teacher.

   With the Holy Oak Academy keeping Osikris, the princess seems to have won a gold medal for immunity from death. As the most important heir to Solundo, Osikriss, once she can safely stay in the kingdom, everyone knows what this means for the future.

   This throne will be hers sooner or later.

   Osikris had passed the difficult time today. When the deans looked at Osikris, their eyes were full of amazing colors, and occasionally someone smiled at Louis and nodded.

   The curse that Osikris has researched out is so exquisite. It seems that she really intends to study magic intently, and the principal will protect her.

   As for the politics of the has a relationship with the academy. In front of the holy oak, a human kingdom is a fart. People from the Long Kingdom had to bow their heads and pouting their **** when they came to this Holy Oak Learning City.

   It seems that everyone at UU Reading believes that Osikris today demonstrated her latest achievements through her student Louis. And took this opportunity to spread her understanding of magic and the concept of teaching.

   A nerd who is not optimistic about it can be found to have a different kind of talent. The result of Osikris's teaching in accordance with his aptitude is shocking.

   Osikris was also shocked.

   That spell is exquisite, and the level of the writer has reached a very high level!

  Who gave this spell to Louis? Or did he write it himself?

   For these questions, Osikris can only press her stomach now. And took the pot that Louis had thrown over. I didn't forget to pat the horse of my teacher Principal Oliver by the way-even though the little Yordle hadn't come over yet.

   But he will hear it.

"Knowledge, everyone, knowledge." Osiklis smiled and said to the professors around him: "Now many new generations, very few people are immersed in knowledge like the old generation. I always remember Teacher Oliver's To teach, to carry out his ideas, Louis VI... ahem, I mean, Louis has laid a solid foundation over the past six years, and today's accumulated results are reflected."

   Obviously, both Louis and Osikris passed this examination. After today's matter reaches the ears of the king, she will definitely recognize her daughter's promise. After that, Osikris will begin to take root in Holy Oak College and develop her strong shoots.

  Louis is the same.

   He found that his sense of existence exceeded 60! This seems to indicate that he has begun to take root in the academy.

   Just as he was going to flip through the story book and take a look at his rewards, a voice interrupted his thoughts.