Your Highness, Don’t Be Like This

Chapter 132: Our mysterious nursing home also has inh

As if drawing a hole card, Louis lifted the tablecloth and glanced nervously.

Flesh-colored stockings-it seems that Ying Ling is not wearing a hunting suit today.

After touching it, I found that this foot was shaking with some fear. After listening to the hearts of the audience, she found that it was Ying Ling-she was diagonally opposite, she could reach it so far!

Louis looked up woodenly, only to see Ying Ling still pretending to be there. He slapped his foot down with a slap.

‘It’s only a few days? A few days ago, I was scared to death, so I called my brother-in-law and brother-in-law last night. Started naughty today. This courage is really getting bigger and bigger. ’

After breakfast, Earl Crowley came over. Osikris was a little solemn.

Speaking of, my family has always been very close to the Crowley family. There used to be relatives in-laws, distant relatives. So strictly speaking, I have to call him uncle.

Although he and Kate have a good relationship, they haven't been in contact for a long time—especially the nobles, the most powerful. A fart friend.

But because Louis and the Crowley family were so close, the relationship between himself and the Crowley family returned. Recently, not only Kate and herself are getting better and better, but they have recovered their childhood feelings. Even her father supported herself.

It is something that Osikris has always found to be very difficult to get the support of this grand governor, so Osikris is very excited in her heart.

But on the surface, she still wanted to maintain the royal demeanor. Therefore, the conversation is gentle and elegant, and there is a sense of stability and generosity.

Crowley actually came to'meet the princess' today, and the princess answered very insightful questions he asked.

He could see that the princess who had been in the seminary for a long time was still very knowledgeable. It is completely different from the princesses of many princes and the stupid ladies and ladies of the great aristocratic family.

This made Crowley very satisfied, feeling that he did not support the wrong person.

After chatting for a while, Osikris introduced Earl Sakura Ling to Crowley.

Crowley still heard of this mysterious Fox family.

[The wizard...Is it someone Louis invited the princess? ]

[It seems that Holy Oak Academy is really not a seminary, but a mystery college...]

Louis heard Crowley's voice, and now he could be sure that the heads of the nobles knew the existence of wizards. Just don't know the Holy Oak.

This should be after the conflict between the wizard and the Muggles became more and more serious, Francisco imposed a spell on the name Holy Oak, which weakened its presence in the eyes of the Muggles. The purpose may be to prevent his alma mater from being affected by the war.

Louis hasn't told Crowley much about wizards, but Crowley will gradually understand many things with the in-depth cooperation with Stoke and the Hammer of War.

After chatting for a while, Crowley also felt that it was almost done, so he stopped the topic, and after a little formality, he said straightforwardly: "His Royal Highness, I still need to borrow your knight for a use today."

"You are polite, Earl Crowley." Osikris said with a smile. She looked at Louis and nodded slightly: "Sir Louis, go with Earl Crowley."

Louis nodded slightly, and then he looked at Ying Ling, who was faintly smoking a cigarette. Regarding the "Dragon Race", he planned to ask Yingling on the road, so he brought Yingling with him today.

When she went downstairs, Ying Ling and Count Crowley chatted a few words, she looked like a countess, very graceful.

After a few words, everyone came to the garden in front of the lobby. Crowley said he was going to make a phone call. Louis asked Yingling about the dragon clan.

Louis learned from Yingling's mouth. There are five major groups of giant dragons. They were once one of the strongest forces in this world. They claimed to be the world's guardian dragons, but they actually did a lot of evil.

But after Anthony killed the Moon God, he frightened the dragon. After the rise of wizards, the rare dragons began to fear wizards.

Even now, the dragon is extremely afraid of wizards. So it won't be like before, using the real body to go around the world indiscriminately.

Fire dragons are actually giant dragons, but they are not descendants of the five guardian dragons. Therefore, the intelligence is low and does not understand magic, and will not transform.

The descendants of the guardian dragon are not only extremely intelligent, but also powerful magical powers-they all claim to be descendants of the world's guardian dragon ‘Galak’.

These descendants of Galak have noble blood and memory inheritance. Each has a name and a surname. Compared with them, ordinary dragons (fire dragons) are like primitive people.

Many of the larger fire dragons have grown five or six stories in length. But Gallak dragons are generally larger in size. It can often grow to eight or nine storeys high.

A very small number of taller Galak dragons have their bodies nearly 100 meters long.

The ‘Brock Hall’ from Holy Oak College is a twenty-story big boss who climbs on a building and spreads his wings to cover the building!

And the famous dragon "Storge" is more than 140 meters in length! The length is like a tall building. When the wings spread out, I'm afraid it can cover a castle!

It is not an exaggeration to say that He is the wings of death.

These dragons all have their own territory, or dragon country. Served by the dragon descendants. Unlike their ‘doesn’t grow up’ fire dragons, they are often captured by wizards.

Isolda is a human with the blood of the Galak Dragon.

"Isolda is of dragon blood, so why don't the Muggles know that there are dragons in the world?"

Ying Ling looked at Earl Crowley in front of the telephone at the lobby counter, and the people coming and going around, took a faint puff of cigarettes, and made a formal conversation, and said, "My lord, the dragon is a total. Divided into several branches, they all live in seclusion overseas. Sometimes when they come to the human world, they will show themselves as dragon descendants."

Sakura Ling continued: "The Isolda family has not been married to the dragon for thousands of years. In other words, in these thousands of years, only King Isolda has been recognized by the dragon and has become a" Dragon Knight'. As for the heirs of King Isolda, they have nothing to do with the dragon, at most they just marry the dragonborn wizards."

"However, since Francisco's death, His Majesty Delfinia has established contact with the Black Dragon clan."

"The black dragon is the most active and ambitious dragon among the five dragon races. When they are active in the Muggle World, they often call themselves "Nefalians". The appearance after the transformation looks similar to that of the dragon descendants. The difference is not too great, so Muggles always thought that the Naifa were just the royal family in an overseas mysterious kingdom established by the Dragonborn."

"In addition, when Muggles and wizards were at war, the Black Dragon line once helped Solundo as a Naifa person."

After talking for a while, Louis had some understanding of these backgrounds.

At this time Earl Crowley had also returned, and the three came to the front of the hotel. Louis discovered that the stall in front of the door turned out to be a carriage with six horses.

The style of the carriage is a bit weird and very old. It's not like the modern style that Crowley likes.

"It seems to be... Yueting's car?" Yingling hesitated a little.

Crowley smiled awkwardly, opened the door of the car, and invited Louis and Earl Yingling to go up. As a result, after getting into the car, Louis looked up and saw Bishop John sitting on the opposite seat with a smile.

Louis was a little confused Crowley got into the car, closed the door and coughed awkwardly, and said: "To arrange your identity today, you have to ask Yueting for help. Bishop John didn't let me. Mention this matter, he is afraid you will not come."

"Your Excellency John." Louis was about to get out of the car: "I am the priest of the Holy Oak, you can't always think about digging the wall! We have discipline! I can't go to the moon court for baptism! Otherwise, how will I be in the future (Witcher Circle) )...Cough, **** at the Holy Oak!"

John didn't say much, he just chuckled, and then took out a letter.

Louis opened the envelope with a weird face, and saw that it was a letter written by Principal Oliver's assistant, acting on behalf of the principal. The above content is probably to assign Louis to visit the ‘St. Anthony’s Cathedral’ to promote exchanges between the two sides.

Sakura Ling stretched her head to read the letter, then rubbed her forehead, a little speechless: "The people in the'Mysterious Nursing Home' baptism in the Moon Court can be considered as inherited..."

Louis: "???"

High-speed text hand-printing your Highness, don't be like this chapter list