Your Highness, Don’t Be Like This

Chapter 141: Red back finger and white back toilet pa


The Stog Sports Stadium in England is built on a hillside in the city’s "Cape District". A few kilometers away is England’s largest seaport.

The residential and commercial areas around the convention hall are very prosperous. There are many buildings nearby, and the houses are dense and tall, but compared with this convention hall, those buildings are all small bumps.

As he approached the venue, Louis saw many huge airships floating in the sky and the biplane glider flying by. And the cheers inside the venue also spread from inside to outside. It sounded very lively, as if the celebration had already begun.

When Louis and others entered the stands, they saw that the seats in the entire venue were already full of people. The mountain whispering the tsunami, it seems that the competition has started long ago—similar to the Olympic Games, but there are also performances of knights in armour fights, and showdowns of shooting immediately and riding a long spear.

Louis can see that certain areas in the maze have been tricked by the wizards. The things in the arena cannot be hit in the stands, but the curse can be released from the stands.

Louis' eyes searched for the wizards.

Today, people from many kingdoms have come to participate in this celebration, so the crowd in the audience is dressed in different appearances-many people should actually be wizards from aristocratic families. Their attire is a bit out of place, and it looks a bit medieval. Especially eye-catching.

But the most conspicuous is the area of ​​the grandstand directly opposite the King's Stand. Sitting there should be a few people from the Wizarding Principality. The number of them is very large, and the people on the stage are all dressed up in fashion, all of them are Victorian double-breasted trench coats. Very integrated into the times.

But the weird thing is that there is a large area of ​​people with umbrellas. One by one stood there cold, like wood.

'Bloodlines? Louis' eyes lit up slightly.

There are twelve thrones. According to Ying Ling, the order of position and the strength of the five sense organs are arranged according to the age of the family.

Louis was attracted by a red throne at first sight, because of the woman wearing a crown and a big red dress. It should be the Red Queen that Ying Ling said.

The age of her family should be long ago. The location is very close to the center,

And at this moment, she was biting her finger, looking at Delfinia in the royal grandstand opposite with an extremely perverted and eager look. His eyes looked like admiration, but the beautiful face was extremely hideous.

I don't know what kind of expression Delfinia was in the distance.

But it seems that the more powerful wizards in this world are not normal-except for Yi Ge.

Another stand is also very conspicuous-the throne is pure white, it seems that the family is older than the Red Queen. But the queen didn't seem to come over. It's just that a paper man is placed on the throne, and all the seats in the stand area are also filled with paper men!

And these paper people seem to move.

The wizards seem to be reluctant to get close to the weird paper men, and the wizards who sit close to the paper men kept wiping cold sweat-it is indeed a bit tingling from a distance.

Take a closer look, those paper people seem to be living people, and they have been transformed into this form. Only when the game is over will they change back into human form.

And these paper people themselves do not know their own situation. I often talked to the wizards nearby, causing the wizards of the Ministry of Magic to tremble with fear, all pretending to be invisible and inaudible, and once someone accidentally agreed, the person would stupidly find that he was slow. Slowly became a paper man.

"The Ministry of Magic previously requested that no Muggles sit near the wizard's seat." Ying Ling's eyelids twitched and said, "The White Queen satisfied the senior officials' proposal."

It is said that the red queen is a bit ‘special’, but it looks like this white queen is more ‘special’ than the red queen.

‘The twelve great families seem to be a little bit level. ’

Louis paid careful attention. In addition to the white throne, many thrones were also empty. Only five or six people came.

The attitude of the kings and queens who did not come is very subtle.

The Ministry of Magic is nothing more than a wizarding government serving the nobles of the great family, and its top ranks are rounded by people supported by the twelve great families. In the past 8 years, it has been the turn of people supported by the Queen's family to come to power.

Therefore, this bet between the Ministry of Magic and the King was actually a bet between the Red Queen and Delfinia.

The most relevant stakeholder is the Red Queen. It has less interest with other families.

This makes many wizards' attitude towards this gambling also very subtle.

For example, the White Queen, she belongs to the hermit school, and the entire wizarding principality is very old and mysterious. She rarely participates in external disputes and rarely shows her face. So I didn't come this time.

There are also some, which are not occupied by the Ministry of Magic at all to enter the Capitol, which is equivalent to allowing wizards to show their faces in the Muggle world-they belong to the ultra-conservatives.

So if the Red Queen wins and the Ministry of Magic settles in the Capitol, the Ministry will withdraw when another family comes to power after 8 years.

However, it was originally about the hairy side of the wizard and the lifeblood of Muggles. The wizards are still very concerned, so some QK family leaders came to watch the excitement.

But because Delfinia also took a draw from the bottom of the red team behind the back-she reached some agreements with some big families, so that even if they came this time, they would keep watching the fun in the king's bet. attitude.

Therefore, Ying Ling said before that the gambling this time was actually the gambling between Delfinia and the Red Queen.

However, even if only a small number of people came, the number of noble wizards was not small.

This time, they seem to have occupied many seats in the name of each country. Coupled with those agents who came in as magicians, this number is really not small, occupying one-fifth of the seats in the entire conference. Take many other people's seats.

In comparison, the Ministry of Magic is still talking about some rules-at any rate, it can be regarded as borrowing the identity of the other magician, and entering the stand with a ticket in earnest.

But the people of these wizarding principalities and nobles of great families are different. They are all admitted without a ticket. The people in the original seats were all cursed away by them-it can be described as arrogant ~ without paying attention to the various legal provisions and bills of the Ministry of Magic and the Magic Council.

And the Muggles were like ants in the eyes of these noble wizards-no wonder they had followed Anthony and slaughtered the gods.

But the once brave men seem to have become evil dragons now.

"Go here, Louis." Count Crowley beckoned, and Louis hurriedly followed.

There was a roar of artillery fire, which was the hollow shells and salutes released by the battleship group on the harbor.

Louis looked outside and found that standing here, he could look down at the buildings near the harbour, as well as the huge ships and sails connected by the sledge outside the harbour.

Fleets of many countries seem to have arrived today. It seems that the senior management all know that today's day means something.

The battleships lined up one after another on the distant sea. There are the tall and mighty multi-masted invincible warships, and the long, narrow and huge five-masted ships. There are also low, steamy iron-clad battleships with huge three-masted sails and smoking pipes.