Your Highness, Don’t Be Like This

Chapter 142: by!

The wooden hull ship is still being built and has not been completely replaced. But it is also spectacular.

Suddenly a few hideous and weird behemoths sailed across the sea. They were bigger than the giant multi-masted wooden ships. There were no sails on them. The barrels were like steel bars. There were many gun towers and many like naval guns. The same prismatic crystal standing on the deck.

There are densely packed spells carved around the crystals, and many small crystals are floating nearby.

This should be Sorrento's latest battleship.

In the vicinity of these battleships, there are many small boats, all of which are very small, each of them prismatic. And they are not driving on the sea, but floating on the sea around the battleship.

Every small boat is surrounded by crystals.

Suddenly, ten thousand cannons sounded in unison, and the crystal array on the battleship shone with magical brilliance. All the clouds in the sky were shining red. A group of flying birds were suddenly caught by the red light and fell down.

‘The great restraint of the Holy Oak? 'Louis has a strange expression on his face.

It seems that the Muggles have made a lot of things with the wizards' things, no wonder the wizards were furious in the last military parade—damn! what the hell!

These gadgets have little effect on the dragon, but they are not generally good for wizards flying in the sky. Of course, it is better for ships-after shooting up, all the people in the ship can't move. You can be captured directly.

According to Earl Crowley, there are weapons on display today. Including the son of Rand.

Archie quietly pointed to a huge door on the venue. Louis looked there and found that there was only a white paper figure inside, and he could move, like a clown.

'what the hell? Louis looked at Archie nonchalantly and found that Archie didn't seem to know.

Louis was stunned.

It seems that the wizards should have taken away the big guy, the son of Rand, without knowing it. And also put on this funny thing, deliberately disgusting.

Louis moved his finger and sensed the location of the son of Rand-it had already been transported thousands of kilometers away.

He didn't care too much. The son of Rand had his curse on his body, even if it was transported to 20,000 kilometers away, as long as it was still within the warping point of this space-time dimension, the distance to him was still close at hand.

"I'll go over first, Louis," Crowley whispered, and then left with Cardinal Arwen.

Louis looked up and found that his party had arrived in the grandstand where the king was.

This is a grand stand with a single raised piece in the venue. At this time, the nobles and kings were not sitting on the seats, but standing in front of the railings of the stands. Turn his back to Louis.

There were a few people around the king, who seemed to be the princes who had come to congratulate the allies, and they attended instead of the king.

On both sides of the stands also stood a few piles of people, people from all countries. There are also many priests wearing the robes of the archmage, they are all surrounded by Bishop Arwen, talking with the king and others. It seems that today apart from Arwen, cardinals from other regions also brought some people over.

But what makes Louis feel a little weird is that the people in Moon Court do not seem to have the power and status as he imagined, and the standing position is slightly marginal. Only a few nobles and the priests of the Moon Court are more intimate-these priests and this handful of noble ministers are Crowley's friends. Those who support the princess to marry him are just such a shit.

Louis couldn't help but suddenly remembered the attitude of the common people over the dirty mud area towards the monks of the Moon Court. And it seems that the army of Moon Court was established by the kingdom of Solundo.

'by! Weak Chicken Alliance? ! ’

And it seems that Crowley is the leader of this group of weak chickens-the only big guy who can get his hands. But many of the former bigwigs who have not returned to the political arena can only be ranked in the middle and lower ranks among the real high-ranking officials of the court today. After all, his fleet has not been established yet.

Louis couldn't help but glanced at the priests, dragonborn warrior leaders, backbones, dragonborn wizard leaders, backbones, and the little heads of magicians behind him-they accounted for more than half of Crowley's gang.

'by! ’

Looking at it this way, he who joined this weak chicken alliance now can be regarded as the leader of this group of weak chicken alliance.

'I am still counting on you to support the scene, it turns out that you are all cheerleaders! ’

The people in Moon Court are not very welcome to see.

On the king's stand, the most respected by the nobles are the palace wizards. But the magic power of these palace wizards is very high, and it seems that they are all ‘true wizards’ related to the Queen!

Sakura Ling said the names of these wizards in Louis's ear—some of them were wizards of the Francisco family and the Isolda family. Before Francisco married Ignatius, the Isolda family’s The wizard has nothing to do with the royal family of Solundo. But now they are all back.

Some were people who had followed Francisco, and there were even some people who had followed the Dark Lord, and after the Dark Lord died, there were no former members of the Priory that were exposed.

At present, they all obey Delfinia, but it seems that they also respect the king. Although they all think she is a Muggle, the Lord Sorrendo's is still very unusual.

These wizards who are qualified to stand next to the Witch Queen can be regarded as great wizards with names and surnames. Each of them has powerful magical powers. If Harold is here, he will be smashed by the group of wizards.

But the dressing of these wizards is a bit funny. Many people wear the kind of raf collar that looks like a big plate, their faces are still powdered, and their legs are also wearing the brightly colored Ron they always wore before. Stockings.

Dressed up as a typical wild wizard.

In fact, these great witches with names and surnames are not usually dressed up in this style-the wizards who mix in the Muggle circle are very fashionable.

Therefore, when people are in the wizarding circle, they are either a high-hat jacket + civilization stick, at least a big button trench coat + boots, or a solemn wizard robe. The worst dress is also like that of Arch Mage John—this is a serious Arch Mage.

But because of the most famous magicians on the Muggle side, UU reading www. wears this kind of sand sculptures more than a hundred years ago. So in order to cooperate with Ron and others, in order to get together, when they come to the court, they will wear this kind of stuff. The costumes of the old times.

Socks and clothes looked colorful, as if the weirder the more gregarious.

Louis couldn't help but glanced at Ron and others beside him. The magicians couldn't help coughing in embarrassment. Now the big guys have changed their aesthetic preferences since knowing that wizards don't actually wear that way. Today, everyone is wearing a double-breasted button coat and high leather boots. The hair was tied into a ponytail. One by one looks heroic.

No one wears colorful stockings.

The wizards turned their heads and took a look at this time, and couldn't help but froze for a while-Damn! Why don't you wear the wild wizard sand sculpture suit today? !

Louis, Ron and others rolled their eyes-who is a serious wizard dressed like you? !

Seeing the contemptuous eyes of so many magicians, the elders of the wizards suffocated slightly, almost coughing up a mouthful of sputum.