Your Highness, Don’t Be Like This

Chapter 176: Red Queen and her old cousin

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All the beggars in the city started madly running towards the church. The background of the sky gradually became red, the fog gradually began to shroud, and the lighthouse on the sea continued to flicker.

Suddenly there was a rustling sound from a distance. It seems that there are countless insects crawling in the distance in the city.

In the mist that enveloped the city, there was gradually a deformed monster twisting its body, roaring in pain, and constantly wriggling toward it.

In the distant streets, the insect swarms had already hit like a tide, and the deformed monsters with their bodies like high towers and full of tentacles slowly rose in the mist.

Helen grasped Louis's hand tightly. She saw many insects burrowing out of the charred corpses. They looked like cockroaches, but the head of that insect was a human face, facing her. Showed a weird smile.

The beggars have run away, but the men have been digging there for a long time.

"Why don't you go?" Louis asked.

The man looked back at Louis with a blank eye, and continued to plan it: "Water, rain...the heavy rain that everyone is looking forward to...will definitely appear..."

Louis shook his head, took Helen a step more than ten meters, left the square, and walked in the direction of the church.

The desolate and sad song slowly sounded from behind. Helen looked back and saw that in the mist, the man digging the soil was singing loudly, digging the soil and crying.

The black swarm of worms was like a tide, already rushing to the man, but strangely, when the swarm came to the man, they all went around, as if the man was a reef in the sea. Can't be shaken by a point.

[When the great magician "Hobo" returned to his hometown more than ten years ago, he discovered that the kingdom of rainbow had been cut off by a strange fog. And the whole world in the mist has also fallen into the inner world, and is gradually disappearing from the world. 】

[As he gradually studied, he found that the more desperate people are, the more serious the situation will become. After reading the book "The Power of the Mind: How to Distort a World", he believed that only by awakening the hope in everyone's hearts and gathering the power of everyone's hearts can the whole world be distorted and freed from the fate of fate and confrontation. This doomsday natural disaster. 】

[Hobo discovered that there will be a storm coming recently, and the Rainbow Congress has a spectacle of seven-color heavy rain that has been rare in a thousand years. 】

[In order to awaken the hope in everyone's hearts, he fabricated a lie-when the seven-colored rain comes, the fog will subside. 】

["Seven-colored heavy rain, this will be the greatest magic in my life! The whole world will return to its colors!" The magician Hober called on people to dig a huge pit in the middle of the city and start acting. 】

[However, under the interference of a certain god, the storm did not come as expected. The kingdom of rainbow missed the heavy rain once in a thousand years, and what the magician said became a lie. 】

[The people who had just received a glimmer of hope fell into despair. The fog completely enveloped this place, causing this world to be completely drawn into the inner world. 】

[Perhaps there is no seven-color heavy rain at all. Day after day, year after year, the living and the dead are constantly struggling in this desperate world, and have long forgotten the so-called heavy rain. 】

[But these people don't know why, they will look at the sky from time to time. Check if there are seven-colored clouds on that day. 】

[Perhaps, in the deepest part of the despair, there is still a glimmer of hope that they don't even know. I hope that one day, there will be a seven-colored rain on that day. 】

[The lonely magician, with the hope of the whole world on his back, moves forward alone in the mist. 】

[The song penetrated the fog, and the beacon of hope flickered. The world is about to be shrouded in despair and disappear completely. 】

["Water, rain...the heavy rain that everyone is looking forward to...will definitely will paint the faded world and paint colors..."]

"Louis. After the water is really dug out, can there be a heavy rain? Can it save the world?"

"This is just a lie he made up."

"A lie..." Helen was a little unbelievable: "Why is he lying?"

"Because he is crazy."

"But it will definitely rain today." Louis raised his head and looked at the red sky: "A seven-colored rain."

The crawling monsters and insects had already rushed towards the two of them. Louis did not look back. He continued to walk forward with Helen, but under his robe there were countless snake shadows, those The image of the snake is like thorns spreading on the ground, looking hideously twisted like deformed black blood vessels.

At this moment, the drunkard who had been following Louis, after seeing the things on the ground, almost didn't throw the camera-what was under the boss' feet? Far more dark and evil than those monsters!

In a blink of an eye, those black blood vessels have spread hundreds of meters in the surrounding area. All monsters that touch the blood vessels will seem to be sucked dry, gradually drying up, and finally turning into powder in the wind. And after absorbing the nutrients from the monster, those blood vessels became bigger and bigger and hideous.

After a while, even those mists turned black!

[Under this evil force, the desperate atmosphere around has become more serious...]

[Monsters are nourished and become more and more...]

I saw that the bugs that were constantly being used from a distance became bigger and bigger, and the newly appeared monsters in the mist were also bigger.

The black swarms of insects are like tides, endless, and gradually began to swallow the territory of black blood vessels.

Louis shook his head and decided not to waste his magic power again. He took Helen and the drunkard and stepped into the door of the church.

The monsters behind him had already swallowed the blood-vessel-like black snakes, rushing like a tide, and finally stopped at the door of the church.

Looking at the monsters behind him, Louis was lost in thought.

[It seems that those monsters can't be killed, nor can they be killed...]

[This means that the kingdom of rainbow is about to be pulled into the abyss, and the people of the rainbow who fall into the abyss have endless despair in their hearts. These despairs have spawned these monsters, and unless the source is cut off, they cannot be destroyed...]

[Hober believes that cutting off the source means cutting off the despair in people's hearts and letting this city have its colors again. 】

[And Prince'Vlad Dracula' believes that there may be a simpler way-to cut all desperate people. 】

[No one knows which method is the most correct...]

When Helen followed Louis into the only church that was not shrouded in fog, she was stunned to find that the outside world suddenly became hazy, as if the outside world was not real.

But those monsters seemed to be real, but they were constantly hovering in the mist around the church, and they didn't mean to come in. It seems that they can only move in the fog.

After entering the main hall, Helen found that the church was already crowded with beggars.

They seem to be discussing something noisily here, and seem to be holding a special ceremony.

The old cousin of the Red Queen, "Vlad Dracula", who was already badly worn, but was patched and washed very neatly, was standing in the middle of the Luna Cathedral and shouting.

Above the central altar, a magician is being tied up.

The sorcerer was ragged and unkempt, he was motionless, closed his eyes, and seemed to have fallen asleep.

Sleeped for more than ten years.

But what shocked Helen was that the appearance of the magician was exactly the same as the madman outside.

"Are they alone?" Helen asked in a low voice among the noisy crowd.

"it's him."

Is it really him?

Helen was a little puzzled.

Can one person become two people?

So, can Louis also become two people?

One is my brother-in-law, and the other is Lu Gian.

One belongs to my sister and the other belongs to Helen.

Mr. Dracula said a lot, but Helen, who came here for the first time, couldn't understand it. She couldn't help but flipped through the script in her hand—Mr. Goethe seemed to have changed the script again. She didn't know what they found. The new things in the script contained many things about the city.

It seems that Goethe is still wandering in the city, interviewing, and doing documentaries with Treff. He doesn't know who they are interviewing. Maybe they are holding a microphone and interviewing monsters. Ask them if they feel any way.

Helen couldn't help but give birth to a lot of but anyway, after reading the script, she finally got an idea of ​​Hober's situation.

Some also understand why there are two Hobos.

"Looky, Hober seems to have entered that inner world in his sleep? So there is him in the church in the real world, and there is also him in the misty inner world outside?"

"Maybe..." Louis nodded.

[It is not so much that Hober entered the world of dreams, it is better to say that he is the only one who is still dreaming in the whole world...]

The voices in the hall became more and more noisy, and Helen and Louis hid at the back of the crowd listening to their words.

It seems that everyone is arguing whether or not to burn this magician to death.

Only then did Helen notice that in one corner of the hall, there were two unkempt scholars, flipping through various books on the table. They seemed to be students of the magician Hober, but they turned a blind eye to Hober's danger. Just inquiring about all kinds of things intently there.

Helen didn't know why these two scholars didn't care about it, but the discussion of the beggars made her anxious. What made her more anxious was that Louis did not act, but watched all this quietly.

Gradually, everyone seemed to have discussed a result. The crowd became quieter. And when Mr. Dracula took up a torch and ordered others to pour fire oil on Hober's body, Helen couldn't help it anymore.

"Don't burn him!" Helen shouted loudly, "He is saving the world!"

The drunkard quickly raised the camera and recorded the scene.