Your Highness, Don’t Be Like This

Chapter 204: You should pick up the princess' crystal

Louis rubbed his face fiercely, and left here with a dull look.

   He wandered around the palace with great thoughts, and found that many court ministers and knights were gone. Ask the servant, but the servant doesn't know. Later, Louis discovered that many great wizards from the black queen family had also disappeared.

   After asking again, a great wizard from the Black Queen family hesitated to tell Louis that this matter was confidential and could not be disclosed for the time being.

   In the afternoon, Louis simply went to the Sorrento Library. Nothing happened that day. Louis did not go to the study in the evening.

   At dinner on the third morning, Louis only saw Her Majesty Delfinia, but still did not see the Rainbow Queen.

   And when he went to the study, he was once again driven out by the wizards of the Black Queen family.

   This time, Louis left a god. He used a magic mirror to quietly pay attention to the situation in the study, and found that Delfinia was very serious in the study and studied the progress of the "Twisted" book very quickly. He even taught Helen arrogantly, and reprimanded his little niece + cousin.

   "I was wrong, my aunt..." Helen secretly stuck out his tongue and said.

   "No matter who I marry, I am your cousin, don't call me aunt!" Delfinia said with a raised eyebrow.

   It looks like she is back to normal today, and she knows she is angry. Also arrogant again. She showed her incredible look.

   I don’t know if this is because she discovered that Mr. Old God is a good Mr. Old God... Anyway, I am not afraid.

   On the same day, with the cooperation of Hober, she had an in-depth understanding of the study in a distorted state.

   And His Majesty the Black Swan did not take a step out of the study that day. The meal was also carried out in the study. It seems that tonight is planning to stay up late to read. Under normal circumstances, she should be discussing matters with the Rainbow Queen. There is not much time to study magic.

   This makes Louis a little doubt whether the matter of the Rainbow Country has come to an end. It also made Louis wonder whether the Rainbow Queen had gone to the Muggle joint mission round that the Holy Oak and Francisco were to receive a few days ago.

   Thinking of this, Louis simply summoned the Stewart who was staying in the Holy Oak. After asking about it, he learned that the Rainbow Queen had been in the Holy Oak for three days!

   In other words, on the night of the incident, accompanied by the wizards of the Queen of Darkness, she went to the Holy Oak to meet and talk with the monarch of Solundo.

  Louis covered his face and rubbed it hard. After scratching his own hair, he drove away Stewart with a stupid wave of his hand.

   That afternoon, Louis found that all the wizards in the study had left the study. It seemed that the **** group could not help them, so His Majesty the Black Swan drove them out. After that, she seemed to dislike Helen for being too noisy, and felt that it was against her identity to get along with the magicians alone in the room, so she was driven away when she was connected with Hober and others.

   Originally, her progress was not slow, after all, she had been secretly listening to the class. Now Hobo helped her answer some of her doubts, and she learned about the ‘check-in, check-out’ thing, which is equivalent to having the ‘key’ in the study, which allows you to come and go at any time.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Therefore, she seems to be planning to study magic alone in a quiet study-the book in her hand has not been put down for a moment.

   I don't know why, when Louis saw Miss Black Swan reading so intently, his heart jumped nervously.

   He scolded himself secretly, drank some water, and went to the Solundo Library to help Hober and others study the magic book.

   Everyone was too focused, and they were busy until ten o'clock in the evening, only to realize that it was late. After returning to the Rainbow Country, Louis sent Helen back to the room, who was asleep, and wandered around the castle uneasy.

   Unknowingly, Louis found himself at the door of the study.

  Louis could not help but have a weird thought in his mind—Will Miss Black Swan also forget the time while focusing, and still read in the study?

  ‘Oh, people can go in and out of the study at will now, and I don’t need to open the door...’

  ‘I stayed in the study today, but "True, Her Majesty the Black Swan" himself...’

  ‘Oh, people should have left long ago, I just came to read the book. ‘

   Thinking of this, Louis felt relieved. The whole body also feels lightened up.

   With all the ease, Louis opened the door. And in that room, a dignified and luxurious woman wearing a crown and black velvet was standing on the wooden ladder, flipping through a magic reference book that had just been found from the bookshelf.

   She didn't even look at Louis, just as if there was no one in the room, completely ignoring Louis. Just reading books there, very focused.

   Louis couldn't help but froze in place.

   [You feel the contempt of His Majesty the Black Swan...]

   [Obviously... This time it is definitely not, but the real "Black Swan"-you made a mistake last time, this time you absolutely can't mess around. 】

   [Her Majesty Queen Delfinia, the black swan, has always had a grudge against you, and you were even more rebellious a few days ago-Your Majesty chose to suppress this scandal, but this matter is obviously not good. 】

   [This may be an opportunity for you to improve your relationship with her-you may become true friends. 】

   [You should feel honored to be friends with a noble wizard queen-maybe this is also very good. 】

【You decide...】

   [A. "Your Majesty, I'm very sorry, I don't know you are still here..."]

  【Completion rewards: Ignore*, Louis who left*, Majesty Louis and Delfinia*, random attributes+]

  【B. Apologize and abruptly-you didn't know that she was still using the study. Then ask if you have any doubts about magic, you can explain it. 】

   [Completion reward: Louis speaks utterly about magic*, His Majesty the black swan who listens quietly to magic without saying a word*, gradually improving relationship*, forgetting everything that night*, flexibility+]

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  【. "Hahahahaha! I like the contrast girl the most!"

  【Completion reward: His Majesty Black Swan’s big mouth*, King’s Contempt*, experience +00】

  Louis fell into deep thought-the storybook is right, and the relationship between the two can never go on like this! It's not embarrassing or embarrassing now, there is no way to meet!

   He decided to improve it--it would be good if he could improve the relationship with the cold-faced black swan queen, and become the kind of friends who have been friends with gentlemen.

   As for that night, just forget it.

Louis made up his mind. He looked at the Queen of Darkness who was still ignoring him not far away. He bowed his head and said, "Sorry, your Majesty, I don't know you are still here-but, forgive me, I I heard Hobo said that you still have some doubts about those magics. If you want, I can explain it to you."



   As a result, Louis spoke for a long time and did not get a response.

[Obviously, your Majesty doesn’t even want to look at you. Her opinion of you is not so big—as mentioned in the preface of the story book, if you take a ranking of who is the most annoying in her mind, you will be number one, Degu The prince was ranked second, and the third was chicken shit. 】

   Louis looked up awkwardly. It was discovered that Her Majesty Delfinia did not turn her head back, she had been reading.

   At this time, Her Majesty the Black Swan Queen seemed to find that the book in her hand was wrong. She stepped up a step, and a black crystal high-heeled shoe accidentally fell on the steps and fell to the ground. Rolled to Louis's feet.

   At this moment, the blood all over Louis was surging, and his body even shivered slightly.

[The fate line is getting more and more chaotic, it must be the option of A+B, which makes the book of destiny unforeseeable situation-according to the previous fate line, then the book of fate can be sure that the crystal high heels must be her Falling unintentionally. 】

[Attention, any of your actions in the future may cause unpredictable consequences. If you are too abrupt or mention the events of that night, she may give you a slap - if you follow this development, then from the future destiny Judging from the direction of the future, you will definitely become the world’s BSS...]

   [It is recommended that you leave, or pick up the black crystal shoe under your feet, put it back under others' feet, and leave. 】

   [Reminder again: What you should pick up is the princess' crystal shoes, not her little stepmother! 】


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