Your Highness, Don’t Be Like This

Chapter 223: 4flower country

The communication between Louis and Miss Annabel finally ended in the evening. Because the phone in the small study rang-the crystal ball should have been on for a long time, and Louis hadn't seen it before. It was not until Miss Annabel fell asleep and Louis went to the bathroom that he heard the call from the study.

   After answering the phone, Louis learned that it was Edward, and he and several magicians were about to leave in a while.

  Louis ordered Edward to let them go first, and he would arrive later.

   Edward said that there is no witch market open to the outside world in the country of the four flowers, but he knows several witch markets that are closest to the country of the four flowers.

   He has already picked a place to stay. Tonight, we will go directly to the hotel in Witch City through the fireplace with the magicians. After buying the related horses and supplies, we will set off towards the target location tomorrow.

   After communicating, Louis put down the phone. He returned to his bedroom from a small study. Looking at Annabel who was sleeping on the bed, Louis rubbed his face feebly.

   "Who actually paid the deposit..."

   Thinking of this, Louis could not help cursing himself secretly.

He quietly lifted the sleeping Miss Annabel from the bed into the air with his mind, and then changed the sheets and quilts-the sleet was indeed a bit big today, and the windows were open, making the entire sheets covered. Wet.

   After washing all the flyers and bedding with a spell to make all the objects in the washing room, Louis dried all the moisture in the sheets, and after putting them away, closed the cabinets and windows. Then he got into Miss Annabel's bed and rested with his arms around her.

  Annabel hummed a few times and slept soundly.

   Louis got up late the next day. After waking up, she found that Annabel was gone. She left a note to warn Louis to abide by the agreement.

   [I went to the Palace of Sorrento, remember your promise! I promise you will not harass the princess, but if you dare to go back, I will take a copy of the agreement and show the princess a good look! ]

   "Damn! Xiaoao should believe me, right? Huh..."

   [It seems that you eventually fell into Meilong's scheme...]

   "What the **** should I do about this... How can I tell my mother-in-law that there is another person in my family... She won't marry me to Longchao City to be a son-in-law, right?!"

[Many years ago, Xiaoao, crying bitterly, made a wish to the Book of Destiny in order not to become a victim of the political marriage of the Solundo Kingdom, hoping that a prince would save her and would marry him in the end. . 】

   [The prince is here, he began to replace the princess Ao and became a marriage partner...]

  Louis rubbed his face fiercely, he felt a headache, and he would talk about it after deciding on it.

   looked at the time, Louis was about to leave, he cleaned the room.

   While packing up, Helen and Ying Ling came back. Yesterday the two lived with Kate, and yesterday they had been mixing with Kate and Earl Crowley. They and the magicians were busy with the fleet for a day, and they went down to the seaport of Sorrento together—the Seventh Fleet returned yesterday, and there was a ribbon-cutting welcome ceremony.

   Reporters from major newspapers and magazines all arrived, and even Wallace personally took people to the harbour to give the Seventh Fleet a show.

   Helen, as the pro-swordsman of the Rainbow Nation incident + the leading heroine of "Silent Harbor", was surrounded by reporters. Do a good job of publicity for the magicians. And Wallace also took advantage of Louis's relationship to give Helen an exclusive interview.

   I heard that Wallace also asked Helen for some trivial matters-Wallace, under the order of Francisco, has been helping Sorrento run several daily newspapers and acting as a consultant for the "Sorrendo Magic Daily".

   For the past two years, he has been helping Muggles understand the wizarding world. Also help magicians do publicity.

   After Wallace contacted Louis yesterday, he found Helen in the afternoon, hoping that Helen could work part-time as a reporter for the "Sorrento Magic Daily" and help make a documentary on the affairs of the country of four flowers.

   So this morning, Helen returned noisily, afraid that Louis would not take her.

   "The road is tired! I must go! I want to find the truth!" Helen held a small notebook with a serious face.


   At Helen’s begging, Louis eventually took her with her. After thinking about it, Louis decided to bring "Daniel" with him. Although this guy's family had migrated out of the country of the Four Flowers long ago and settled in France. But at any rate, it's half a person from the country of four flowers. Can be a guide or something.

   And this fellow Daniel seems to not even know where his ancestors live now, he is going to the Red Palace to attend the wedding!

  Louis felt that he should not let Daniel run away in vain, so he went to the small study and opened the magic mirror.

   Soon, the scene in the magic mirror changed, and a team appeared. There were a few knights in the team and a carriage, and Mr. Daniel, who had a hangover, was yawning in the carriage-inside the carriage was big and luxurious, with charcoal fire, blankets, books, and wine cabinets all available.

   There are also two maids in there, waiting for Daniel, the eldest master.

   It seems that this holy oak scholar's journey is very easy.

  Louis shook his head. He didn't intend to make too much movement, so he set up a magic circle on the ground.

   On the other side, Daniel was drowsy on the carriage, and suddenly heard a wave of demonic whispers from the carriage, which made his hair stand upright in fright. After listening for a while, he discovered that it was Louis, and after some communication, he finally understood the whole story.

   Daniel couldn't help being very happy when he learned that Louis had come with him specially. He hurriedly opened the window of the car, communicated with the groom and the knights, and planned to turn around and return to the city, but as soon as he finished speaking, he felt that the surrounding scenes became dreamlike.

   Then he was summoned into a magic circle in a dazed expression. I saw Louis with a smile.

  Daniel opened his mouth. He knew that many dark wizards could summon demons or evil spirits, but he hadn't heard of a wizard who summoned a wizard without the other party's cooperation.

   The two communicated, and then Daniel followed Louis out of the small study. At this time, Helen was packing up in the house, and Sakura Ling was sitting in the living room smoking a cigarette.

  Daniel bowed and bowed to Lord Sakura Ling with a little panic. Seeing Master Ying Ling nodded lightly to him, Daniel secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The relationship between the mother and Lord Yingling is still good, if you want to arrange according to generation, he seems to call others auntie.

   After a few sounds, Daniel couldn't help but glanced at his alumnus Louis cautiously. He seemed very curious about how Louis usually gets along with Lord Sakura Ling.

   Then he saw Louis touching Yingling's ear, pinching her cheek, and begging her.

  Earl Sakura Ling, who always has a cold face, seems to be behaving, his tail wagging very cheerfully.

   "Keep a kiss... I will be good..."

   In the breeze outside the window, Daniel was in a mess.

  Louis chatted with Ying Ling. After Helen walked out with a small bag, he took Helen and Daniel into the fireplace, arrived at the witch market, and met Edward and the others.

   Related horses and supplies were prepared by Edward and the others. After Louis arrived, he stuffed all the supplies that everyone couldn't fit into a small bottle and handed it to Edward. Then everyone had breakfast together, they all got on their horses and set off on the road.

  Because of the light outfit, coupled with the magic to make the horses travel very easily, so the journey is very fast. At noon, I ran into the caravan starting from the Muggle town near Wushi yesterday morning.

   In the afternoon, the team was about to approach the border of the Country of Four Flowers.

   Along the way, the team members have their own feelings, and logically speaking, it should be Edward who felt the most.

  Edward can be regarded as the royal bloodline of the Four Flowers Kingdom that is too pure to be pure, and the blood line comes from the true royal family before the four kingdoms were divided. Strictly speaking, he is a second-generation vampire. He is also a native of the country of four flowers.

But this time back to his hometown, this one who likes to pinch the orchid finger to chat with everyone, telling meat jokes, but he is very quiet during the but Daniel is a good one. His guide, he is a very talkative and aristocratic man. On this road, he basically got together with Helen and Louis on the left and the right.

  Daniel’s family is the descendant of the ‘Rose Duke Wright’ who was a thousand years ago. And Daniel's father, although a wizard, had the title of Earl of the Country of Four Flowers.

  Daniel’s family has several castles here. When he was a child, he often lived in the Country of Four Flowers, and he was very impressed with his hometown. And this time he also made a lot of strategies. In addition, he has many distant relatives here, so he can be regarded as a qualified guide.

   "When talking about the country of the four flowers, the first thing people think of is flowers and perfume." Daniel looked at the border line closer and closer, and his heart was full of joy. Excitedly said: "This is the most beautiful kingdom in the world. The four seasons are like spring, and the flowers bloom every month. Even in winter, they are beautiful. As a permanent neutral country, the people of the country of four flowers have been living the world Day without contention. If there is still a fairy tale world in this world, then it must be my hometown-the country of four flowers."

   It has been a long time since Daniel went back to his hometown, but his childhood memories still left him with many fond memories.

   Daniel has been looking forward to returning to his hometown for a long time.

   Edward may not have had his hometown for a long time, but he seemed extremely silent.


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