Your Highness, Don’t Be Like This

Chapter 227: Everyone has come to our wedding!

"The dead body is collected, the dead body is collected." There was a ringing of bells from the distance of the street. Several priests rang the bells and shouted toward the passing house with the collectors. They were pushing a few carts, followed by a few doctors who covered themselves tightly and wore beak masks.

   After hearing the bells and screams, some residents opened the door, carried the dead or alive and seriously ill people out, and put them in a corpse car together, ready to be pushed outside the city for incineration.

   Some residents had no one to open the door. Doctors beak opened the door and went into the house for a while. Then they greeted the corpse collector to enter the house. Instead, they took out the lime and painted something on the wooden door.

"Daniel, don't you want to see the real country of the Four Flowers?" Edward laughed: "This is the real country of the Four Flowers-those vampire lords who call themselves Scarlet Wizards have been in trouble here for thousands of years. This kind of scene is too common—oh, but don’t worry, wait for the Scarlet Wizards to come, kill all the people in this town, wipe off their uncleaned buttocks, and then migrate over again. If you approve of people, this place has changed back to the beautiful Rose Town."

   Edward himself is a scarlet wizard, but he seems to have no respect for the word scarlet wizard. Think of himself as a group of vampires and demons-this may be because his father who killed his mother, and the painful and long life his father gave him, made him treat his entire family group. Extremely hated.

   His memory of his hometown is not good at all. He came once, but never came back.

   "Edward, don't scare Helen... Helen, Helen is a little scared." Helen's lips trembled and said, "Louis, you must have a way to save this place, right?"

  Louis did not speak.

   Edward laughed coldly: "No one can save the country of the Four Flowers, unless all the vampire lords of the Red Queen family die."

   "Why, why is this..." Daniel looked at the scene in this dead town with trembling lips, his mind was blank. He couldn't tell which of those low houses had people and which ones were empty.

   This is not the country of four flowers in his memory.

   That beautiful hometown in his memory is not like this.

  【Perhaps, this is the real country of four flowers. 】

   The corpse collector in the distance seemed to have some disputes with the owner of the house, and the cry of an old mother came.

   Helen looked towards there and saw that the mother was crying and snatching her seriously ill son with the corpse collector. The mother rushed over, hugged her son, and burst into tears.

   [Even the magician with the beak mask just said that his son was not saved...]

   ["Please, don't take him away... live and take me away..."]

  【The old woman’s husband died the day before yesterday. At that time, those who collected the body took her husband away from the old wife’s arms. She cried bitterly. 】

   [Daughter-in-law and grandson are yesterday, and son is today... He hasn't completely died yet, but like those who are seriously ill, he has been sentenced to death. 】

  【The corpse collector snatched her relatives one after another from her arms, but within three or four days, the old mother was alone. 】

   [She doesn’t know whether she should thank the magician or blame it—he saved her life, but only herself is left in the whole world. What's the point of being alive? 】

  The seriously ill son was eventually snatched from his mother's arms by the corpse collector, and then thrown onto the car like a piece of dead meat.

   Mother jumped onto the car, hugged the corpse with a desperate heart, and lay on the car quietly, like a new corpse.

   The corpse collector looked at the mother, pushed up the car, and walked out of the city.

   "Louis..." Helen looked at Louis with red eyes.

   This person is already very sick, even with Helen's ability, he can't be saved.

  Louis did not speak. He glanced indifferently at a certain ‘doctor’ who was wearing a beak mask and his eyes were full of struggle and pain.

   [They all know what might happen next...]

   [This is the only way...]

   Louis looked at the castle in the distance. Holding Helen's horse, he pulled Daniel, who was still sluggish in place, and walked towards the castle with Edward.

   In this quiet street, there is the smell of rotting dead bodies, and the smell of burnt meat outside the city in the distance. Quiet is a little scary.

   There are many demon hunters wearing leather armor and weird costumes on the roadside. They sit in twos and threes on the stone by the roadside, wiping their silver long swords. There are many dead bodies around them. Many corpses were still convulsing. It seems to have just been killed by the Demon Hunter.

   These corpses are all bloodthirsty.

   Some sturdy people who covered themselves tightly, were carrying the corpse among the corpses with the torch in their hands.

   Not far away, some priests and doctors wearing crow masks can be seen, holding some lists in their hands, boiling a big pot of medicine. Many townspeople who are still alive lined up here.

   But these medicines can only delay the illness. Once you become seriously ill, you still have to resign.

   [The outside magician is trying his best to save the city, but the end of the city has entered a countdown. 】

   [Unsent letter: "Wright...Actually, I lied to you again, you all can’t understand the magic, but I learned it secretly..."]

   Suddenly a bell rang in the distance. The bell sounded very quickly and briskly, as if rejoicing—it seemed that a wedding was being held in the distant castle.

   This is the first bell ringing in these months. Because before that, no one was in the mood to hold a wedding.

  Louis and others rushed towards the castle. They turned a corner and saw the most beautiful colorful castle in the city.

   As Angus said, this is a very beautiful castle suitable for weddings. Even though it has been burned to pieces, it is still like a fairy tale.

   In this light rain, the repetitive burning and extinguishing embers inside the castle are like roses blooming and withering in a blink of an eye.

   In front of the castle, there is a big red carpet. The carpet is full of petals—it seems to have just been carefully arranged.

   The bells became more and more cheerful. On the high tower of the castle's bell tower, there was a beautiful bride in a wedding dress, pulling the pendulum and happily ringing the bronze bell.

   The voice echoed throughout the city, and it contained a special magical power.

   Suddenly, many scarlet mists slowly flew up from every corner of the town—it seemed to be countless flies.

   They come from the bodies of the living, sick, and dead.

   When the mist flew out of these people, the dark spots on the people gradually disappeared. The bodies of the seriously ill were rejuvenated. The husband who was being given medicine by his wife stopped his coughing. The son who was already in a coma slowly opened his eyes from the old mother’s arms and looked at those who looked blankly. A corpse collector like a goose.

   On the bodies of those who collect corpses, there is also a black mist that keeps flying up.

   Suddenly, all the people in the whole city looked towards the sky, the red mist that kept flying out of people's bodies, and watched the mist follow the bell and fly towards the castle.

   [In this country of four flowers, there is an ancient legend...]

   [A legend that has been circulating for thousands of years...]

   [That ‘Crimson Miracle’. 】

  【A thousand years ago, a terrible evil **** with his minions invaded the country of four flowers. The demonic wave was finally repelled, and the evil **** was killed by the warriors. But terrible curses and plagues have enveloped the country of four flowers. 】

   [It seems that the prophecy has been fulfilled-and the slayer will eventually turn into a demon. 】

[Finally, a woman named Isabella rang the bronze bell of the Rose Palace. She used an exquisite magic to absorb all the plagues and curses in her body... The entire family of the Red Queen also absorbed all the plagues and curses in her body. So cursed. 】

  【To this day, people still regard her as a god. Even if the wizards repeatedly stopped her, the people still enshrine her idol-the woman in red, the idol ringing the bell. 】

   "The Scarlet God! It's the Scarlet God!" Someone suddenly yelled in the direction of the castle, and they saw the bride ringing the bell.

   [The bride is not a god. 】

   [But like Isabella before, she is doing things that gods can do...]

   [But it comes at a price...]

   The bride holds the bouquet in her arms, happily pulling the pendulum and ringing the bronze bell.

   In the sound of this magical bell, countless red mists continue to fly in the direction of the castle.

  The mist gradually gathered in the bride's body, dyeing her body and the pure white wedding dress into a scarlet.

   Gradually, she became a scarlet rose.

  Slowly, this rose, like ashes, gradually began to wither...

   [Miss Nanni: "Don't be afraid, I will protect everyone..."]

   ["It's over, come to my wedding!"]

   Unconsciously, the entire city crowd has slowly gathered here. With tears in their eyes, they stood on the red carpet full of rose petals amidst the sound of the bell.

   The wives hugged their newly healed son, watched the woman who was gradually burning on the castle, and knelt on the ground and wept bitterly. The old people supported their loved ones, distraught.

   A doctor with a beak mask, a gray fur coat and an old emblem of the Wizarding Association on his chest, pushed away the crowd with a dull expression.

   He took off his mask and looked at the woman who was gradually turning to ashes. Unconsciously, tears were already streaming down his face.

   [Letter 1: "Wright, lovely Isabella, gave me a castle, it is in Rose Town! You must come and take a look, it is really beautiful..."]

   [Letter 2: "I get along well with the townspeople...I listen to you, we don't find others, but only invite the townspeople, okay?"]

[Response letter: "Of course, Nanni... But can you give up for a few days? I have to go to Dragon Nest City. I will find the final formula soon... When I come back, I will hold one for us. A grand wedding—I promise! People from the whole town will attend!"]

  【It has been three years now, she has been preparing for this wedding, waiting for her lover to come to this rose town to marry her. 】

   [Unsent letter one: "Wright, there seem to be some weird people in the town... When will you be back? I'm a little scared."]

[Unsent letter two: "Wright...I'm sorry, I am actually a reporter. My task is to invent a so-called'truth'... I hesitated because the people of the entire country of four flowers are I hate vampires like that... but I believe you, I believe you are not vampires, that prediction will not come true, the warriors who killed the gods a thousand years ago should become one after another ~ ~You will definitely find the real potion formula to lift the curse."】

[Unsent letter three: "Wright... I lied to you again for one thing. For the past twenty years, I have been secretly going to Isabella’s study every day... I have seen that magic. I can She did it—she used to be just like me, just an ordinary witch, didn’t she?"]

   ["Don't worry, I will guard everyone."]

   "I saw you Wright, from the moment you secretly entered the city, I knew you were coming..."

   "I saw you standing under the castle, and I saw everyone came to our wedding!"

   "Don't cry, look, I have a reed on my ring finger!"

"We got married..."

   ['Mrs. Nanni' fulfilled her promise, she turned to ashes and gradually dissipated...]

   [The rain stopped, and a light fell on the ground...]

[In that trance, Helen saw a faintly open door appeared in the sky again. She saw a woman beckoning her hand towards the ground, and immediately, there was a confused phantom from the ashes, Gradually flew to the sky. 】

   [Behind her, there are a pair of wings...]

   [Maybe, there are angels in this world...]


   Ten thousand more offers, last night it was more than three o’clock, not much to say, book friends, please ask for some recommendations