Your Highness, Don’t Be Like This

Chapter 232: Good girl "Isabella I"

The moment Louis and the others teleported over, they were thrown up.

Helen quickly put on her little wizard hat, watching the curiosity around him, Daniel also opened his mouth and looked at the heavy rain in the sky-they had just teleported hundreds of kilometers in an instant, and the family rumors were true. , Queen Isabella’s four knights all have the same strength as a demigod!

  Louis looked at the heavy rain on his head, touched the water on his face, lifted the hood on his head, and felt a little weird in his heart-why does this old castle look so gloomy?

   But this castle is so big, it's as grand as the palace of Sorrento.

  The Duke of Wright is also the lord of a duchy, right? Still laid off. Looks too rich, right?

   "Go and walk, Mr. Yi, let my niece from afar, get you some hot **** soup." Wright grabbed Louis by the arm and headed towards the castle: "She's a good girl!"

Louis greeted everyone to hurry up, and while following the enthusiastic Mr. Wright, he secretly said in his heart: "There seem to be a lot of good girls in the Red Queen family...but the Red Queen family likes to introduce them to others when they meet. The girl inside? ’

  Louis couldn't help but looked at the castle in front of him with a weird expression. Look at the old castle in front of him. It looks like the old castle in the Resident Evil game. There is not even a guard at the door, maybe there are not many servants inside. Whose normal good girl lives here?

  Louis couldn't help but looked at Daniel with a weird face: "Isn't this the Red Palace?"

   "Oh, it's Master Wright's house. Mr. Louis, let's go in." Daniel lifted his hood and grabbed Louis's other arm-he didn't lie, and Wright lived in the Red Palace.

   Louis looked at Edward again with a weird face. Edward nodded slightly and said: "My lord, the rain is getting heavier and heavier, let's go in soon."

   As he said, Edward turned into a black smoke and flew into the castle-it seemed that he was going to inform his cousin.

   I have to make my eldest sister Isabella get ready, otherwise it will scare the boss away, but it's not good.

   "Don't dawdle, the road is tired, hurry in, Helen is going to be wet!" Helen yelled, and rushed towards the castle impatiently.

   "Okay." Louis looked at the gate of the castle that was getting closer and closer, and said, "It looks like I'm going to stay here for one night tonight."

  【It's more than one night...If you want, you can live here every day. 】

   Louis has a weird face. He doesn't understand why the story book says this, but the story book seems unwilling to give himself spoilers.

   Suddenly, in the aftermath, Louis seemed to see the wall outside the castle, as if there was a red shadow, crawling on the wall with a twisted joint—like a ghost bride! She also looked at herself secretly, and kept wiping her saliva.

   With that weird look, he almost didn't make Louis yell out—isn’t this the good girl? !

   But when Louis looked with his eyes, she suddenly disappeared.

   Suddenly, Louis has been driven to the gate of the castle by everyone.

   Amid the creak of the door, a dark hall appeared in front of Louis. He suddenly felt an unpleasant feeling in his heart, but he went in anyway.

When    stepped into the gate, the stone gate was closed, and in the dark castle, many candles lit up.

   There is no magic light. The entire castle seems to be illuminated only by candles, and the owner doesn’t seem to like to light it up usually. This makes it very dark here.

   Louis followed Wright and the others into the hall, and looked at this place.

   He discovered that this is a very old-fashioned castle. At first glance, it looks very deep and terrifying, like a place that has been silent for thousands of years, very simple. But at the second glance, it turns out that this place is actually beautiful.

   The walls here are bluestone without any painting, there is no carpet on the ground, and there is no painting on the dome. But here is overgrown with green vines, and on the vines are small, bright red roses in full bloom.

   These roses have covered the stone platform, walls and domes, and they are in perfect harmony with the colorful flags, weapons, oil paintings and stone carvings on the walls.

   Some small glazed windows on the wall still emit the faint light of candlelight, which looks like a small lamp. It seemed a little warm in the cold darkness.

   And those ancient bells that hang up seem to be alive, making Louis feel like...

   [It's like the castle in "Beauty and the Beast", or "Tang Monk and the Bone Spirit"...]

  Louis ignored the narration. He felt that Mr. Wright, the host here, had some taste-like a careful little lady who gardened at home all day long.

   However, there seems to be almost no servants here.

Just as Louis was thinking like this, several servants came over with their clothes. Several people changed their clothes in a few small rooms nearby, and then followed Wright to a semi-open Xiaoying living room-all three sides open. Style, separated by stone pillars, and you can see the second floor.

   The last side was a fireplace, and everyone sat on the sofa here and started a fire.

  Wright said that dinner and hot water are being arranged, so please wait a moment. Eat a meal later, take a bath and talk about other things. After all, after experiencing so much today, everyone is exhausted physically and mentally, and the potion problem cannot be solved in a day or two—you can't let the son-in-law bleed as soon as he enters the door.

  Louis thought the same way—you have to read Wright's reference book for yourself.

In the process of chatting, Louis always felt hairy in his heart. He turned his head back and looked in a certain direction, and found a woman in red, who was behind a certain door, lying on the door, half exposed. He opened his face and looked at this side faintly.

   Helen blinked, thinking that this young lady was so funny.

   But Louis's heart is a little hairy, if it weren't for the ruddy face (flushing), Louis thought she was a ghost.

   Suddenly, another half of his face appeared, and he looked at this side faintly-it was Edward.

  Louis rolled his eyes fiercely. How could this red queen family be a little weird.

  Wright saw a glimmer of light in his gloomy eyes after seeing the girl, a smile from the heart appeared on his face, and he beckoned to the girl kindly.

   The girl seemed very shy (excited), lowered her head and made her whole body tremble with (xing) and fear (fen), but she came. It wasn't until Edward pushed her secretly that the young lady suddenly remembered something, became a little more normal, and was pulled out by Edward.

   She is wearing a red low-cut long dress with a ruby ​​pendant on her forehead, and her long golden brown hair is slightly curled. She looks very elegant-obviously specially dressed. The only indecent thing is that she walks as if she is floating, and she is also leaning on her side.

   At the moment the girl showed her face, Louis felt a little familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere (I saw the blind date photos given by Dracula, but he had forgotten it).

  【Louis thinks, this may be because of his bad ailment of ‘whenever I see a beautiful girl, I feel familiar.’ 】

Wright introduced Louis and others to the girl. During the whole process, the girl kept turning sideways, facing sideways, slanting her eyes, biting her fingers and looking at Louis, which made Louis secretly spit in her heart:'Very pretty. This lady is just too shy and shy. ’

   Until Edward stepped on the woman's foot secretly This lady suddenly remembered something and became a little more normal. She turned around. The very elegant dress was a polite to everyone.

   "Just call me Isabella..." Miss Isabella's voice was exceptionally beautiful, sounding like a shy and fearful girl.

   Out of being a guest at the host’s house, Louis hurriedly squeezed his face and nodded with a smile: ‘It turns out to be timid and fearful... Well, the girls from the red queen family seem to like to be called Isabella. ’

   It is too difficult for Louis to associate this young lady with the rumored crazy, bloodthirsty, and perverted Red Queen.

  相 (pian) Dear (hun)? When I first met, I couldn't recognize who the other party was.

Unfortunately, out of politeness, Louis did not read her mind, otherwise he would find that the voice in the heart of this'Crimson Lady' was like the crazy whisper of the abyss evil god, and the voice was so noisy that she could not hear what she wanted. what...

   Seeing Louis smiled at herself, the face of the good girl Isabella couldn't help but flush again with ji and dong. She leaned on her side, bit her finger, and trembled all over.

   Edward stepped heavily on his cousin's foot again.

   Isabella hurriedly straightened her body back and put her finger down.


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