Your Highness, Don’t Be Like This

Chapter 256: The journey to Dragon Nest City that had

After the two kingdoms gradually came together, the Magician Association became the busiest place.

   Originally, Louis thought that among the nobles, the nobles of Solundo should hire the most magicians. After all, when everyone goes to the Country of the Four Flowers, they will come over to invite a few magic consultants. But what I didn't expect was that with the in-depth contact between the two kingdoms, the biggest employers became the wizard lords of the Four Flowers Kingdom.

   The wizard lords of the country of four flowers are often very powerful, but their knowledge and knowledge are in the ancient 13th century. They ruled a small territory for their entire lives, and they almost never walked out of the house. Hold the ancient things for a lifetime, and have no knowledge of new things.

   And the magicians have traveled all over the world and have a wealth of knowledge. They lack ancient knowledge, but they are representatives of new knowledge. And most of them have also studied in the Steam Academy, the Mechanical Academy, and even the newly established Magic and Steam Academy. So they not only know magic, but also know astronomy and geography. So from the wizard, the wizard lords can often get what they desperately desire.

   The same is true for magicians-the number of ancient magic books collected by wizard lords often surprises Bach and the others.

   In addition to the knowledgeable magicians like Bach and the others, graduates of places such as the Mechanical Academy are also the most popular among the lords of the Four Flowers Kingdom.

   The lords hope to make their bare territories and castles shine brightly, hope that they can also have tractors in their fields, and hope that their own countries will also have a ‘future wizard’s city’. And let that kind of scary big whale (airship) float in the sky of your own city.

   These magicians and graduates from Sorrento colleges came to the country of four flowers to help the noble wizards in their construction. And exchange knowledge with wizard lords here. Everyone got what they dreamed of from dealing with it.

   As the curse of the wizards of the red queen family was lifted, many wizard territories gradually began to open to the outside world, and more wizards stepped out of their small circles and poured into the people. The Steam and Magic Academy in Sorrento has become the most popular place for everyone.

   In addition to the academy, there are also many wizards and magicians in the cities of the two kingdoms.

   For the Sauron people, they are used to seeing magicians, so they are not afraid of magic. And the people of the country of four flowers have long lived in a world full of magic.

Therefore, in their opinion, there are only more demon hunters, magicians, and moon court priests in their own town who know more about magic—there are many lords like Baron Angus, so many civilian wizards, I still consider myself a pastor to this day.

   And most of the civilian wizards are also extremely simple. Therefore, the lives of civilians did not cause too much trouble. On the contrary, the various territories of the Kingdom of Four Flowers became safer.

  Of course, contradictions and various problems often occur, but in the reforms of Prince Dracula and Francisco, these contradictions are gradually becoming the driving force for social development.

   Every time I come to the Red Palace to do errands all the way, I will find the changes happening here. And these changes are not just the addition of steam engines and electric lights.

  Louis discovered that the secular nobles and small kingdoms have become regular visitors of the Red Palace. It seems that the country of four flowers is gradually returning to the state of the rose empire, and the Red Palace is gradually returning to the center of the empire.

   And the Kingdom of the Four Flowers and Solundo are gradually forming a ‘magic alliance’, which is almost the opposite of the ‘magic council’.

   Therefore, the great family wizards pay more and more attention to the two kingdoms, and the pressure on them is also increasing.

  The wizards of the Red Queen family, because of their special characteristics, make the wizards live with the Muggles-this is a privilege set after the Red Queen family joined the Magic Council a thousand years ago.

   Therefore, the Kingdom of the Four Flowers itself is a special kingdom that allows wizards to walk everywhere. In addition, the Ministry of Magic is still under the control of the red queen family. So regulations like ‘wizards are not allowed to go to Solundo’ and ‘no magic to teach magicians’ have become empty regulations that are in vain. This opened a convenient door for the communication between the two kingdoms.

   In the past two months, in the wizarding circle, the voice calling for the red queen family to step down from the Ministry of Magic has become louder and louder. I am afraid that within a few months, the Ministry of Magic will change.

   Now, the Red Queen family is seizing the time to amend many regulations of the Ministry of Magic. Strive to fix many things before stepping down. Although it is similar to laws and other provisions, it needs to pass a bill of the Magic Council before it can be changed. However, the Ministry of Magic can still decide on many of the regulations.

  The wizards of the great family have begun to impose various sanctions on the Kingdom of the Four Flowers and Solundo. Such sanctions are not a big deal for Solundo, because it is already on the blacklist of the Magic Council. So there is no difference with or without sanctions.

   But the impact of these sanctions on the country of four flowers is disastrous. At present, the country of four flowers has almost cut off trade with the wizarding world. For the wizards of the country of four flowers, it is like cutting off many magic necessities. Plus social death.

   To make matters worse, in the last two weeks, the major magic academies, including the Holy Oak, have not allowed wizards from the Kingdom of the Four Flowers and Sorrento to enroll-only bachelors can enter the colleges.

   For Solundo, this matter hasn't changed in any way, but for the wizards of the Kingdom of Four Flowers, it is a life-threatening thing-the descendants of their own family have lost their ascent in the wizarding world.

   Even the wizards of the two great families of Isolda and Irilinda have received multiple warnings from the Magic Council.

   Solundo’s royal family belonged to the Isolda family, but their number only occupies a small part of this family.

  Although Xiao Dai and her mother were born in the "Irelinda Family", the Erilinda wizards who followed them only occupy a small part. Most people are clingy. Therefore, Iri Linda, and the wizarding family of Isolda, have not really fallen to the kingdom of Solundo.

Recently, the two great families have even begun to act as the vanguard of the great family wizarding group in order to draw a clear line from the kingdom of Solundo. Even Helen’s father, Delphine’s cousin, Fran Chesco's cousin'Grand Duke Oren' has already written several letters to Helen, asking her to go home.

   Helen naturally did not listen to her father.

   These sanctions have made the trip to Dragon Nest City a very critical event.

   Two kingdoms, one hopes to develop magic, the other cannot do without magic. However, the sanctions of the Magic Council have made the two countries lose their source of trade in magic materials.

   Therefore, the dragon clan outside the wizarding world has become an extremely critical trading place.

   In addition, the neutral dragon race has always been at the balance point between wizards and Muggles. Therefore, whether it is the big family wizard or the side of Solundo, they all hope to find some new balance on the dragon side.

   So this time, the wizards of the big family will also go to Dragon Nest City. And they will try their best to obstruct Solundo's business negotiations with the Dragons.

   In recent days, Louis, who was wandering around with the nobles, has been called back to the kingdom of Solundo by Francis.

   The trip to Dragon Nest City has gradually been put on the agenda.


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