Your Highness, Don’t Be Like This

Chapter 307: Sea of ​​bubbles

The fleet set off on the same day.


   In the next few days, the black dragon prince Zick led the dragon group all the way to **** the Seventh Fleet out of the giant dragon sea area, and then escorted more than a thousand kilometers.


   And on this day, the dragon group and the flight team also encountered a sudden and terrible storm on the edge of this mysterious sea.


   In this storm, the sky was dim and the earth was dark. The dragons in the sky couldn't even see the fleet of ships on the sea. Everywhere they looked, there were waves like big mountains. And the magical brilliance shining from the magic ships of the Seventh Fleet is like little fireflies that will be shot apart at any time in these waves.


  The black dragon prince was anxious, but he couldn't help-in fact, even the dragon group was in crisis.


   The magical tide that accompanies the storm makes the dragons look like headless flies. They can't distinguish the southeast from the northwest, and their minds are also dizzy.


   They didn't dare to transform into human form in this storm and land on the boat to rest. And Zike knew that they could no longer **** with the fleet, and could only be sent here-the way behind, they could only rely on Louis themselves.


Under the leadership of the black dragon prince, the dragon group began to try to break through the clouds, so as to find the stars on that day to guide the way back. But the thunderstorm in the dark cloud is constantly surging between the clouds, which is very dangerous, which makes the dragon group failed in several attempts.


   Gradually, many dragons have begun to run out of energy. These days of **** makes them really tired. Many dragons swayed in the storm like dandelions in this squally rainstorm.


  The black dragon prince knew that the dragons might only have one last chance to break through the clouds. If they fail, many dragons will fall behind. At that time, those friends who fell into the sea did not know where they would be washed by the current, and might even be pulled into the sea by the sea monsters of the deep sea before the storm was over.


   At this very moment, three rays of light suddenly rose from the surface of the sea, like a sea **** trident raised by a stalwart god, breaking through the clouds above the sky in the blink of an eye, dispelling a large cloud of black.


   The storm is still there, but the sky of billowing thunderclouds has been pierced through the sky! Starlight poured down from the hole in the sky, shining in the roaring sea. The dragons in the sky made waves of farewell dragons, passed through the huge hole between the clouds, and flew towards the sky.


   The fleet on the sea continued to sail forward in this storm.


   The weird thing is that those waves that hit the fleet head-on are like waves sweeping over the mountains, but after these waves approach the fleet, the waves will gradually become smaller.


   Just like this violent sea, it opened a road for the entire fleet. On both sides of the road were the waves as big as mountains, but the road the fleet took was exceptionally calm.


If any Sea-Monster clan saw this scene, they would have their eyes widened and worshipped the flagship of this fleet, because in that flagship, there is a **** named Jiulongzhen Sea King-He is more old than a crooked mouth. The uncle's bad tempered sons are much worse.




   Seeing that the black dragon prince had successfully passed through the clouds, Louis put down his raised hand, and the light that the black dragon prince called the "Seagod Trident" gradually extinguished.


   After the boss hit Hache and went back to bed. Hobo and other magicians opened their mouths wide, looking at the fading light in the sky, as if they had seen a ghost. After they returned to the Sorrento Library from the Magic Mirror that night, they flipped through the Forbidden Book all night, and they all felt that this magic is not like what the teacher said, it is a'lighting technique' that every'witch' can use. (Lv25).


   rubbed the dark circles under his eyes, forbidden apprentice Hober spit out in his heart. He looked at the oil paintings of the twelve disciples of the ‘God of Magic’ who spread magic on the wall of the library, and he understood what the teacher meant by ‘graduating’.


   also understands what a ‘Bachelor’ is after graduation.




  Dragon’s Nest City is not too far away from the "Sea of ​​Bubbles" where the White Queen’s family is located. However, because of the changing environment of the mysterious sea, there are many dangerous areas, so detours have to be made. For Sea King of Jiulong Town, the weird and changeable weather at sea does not threaten the fleet. However, those sea areas where there is a ‘sty river’ must still be avoided.

   According to the legend, the Stygian Tide is the route used by the ‘ferryman’ to ferry the dead souls for the gods. Once a ship traveling on the sea hits the Stygian tide, the ship will turn upside down-the people on the ship will not feel this upside-down process at all. But the moment the ship turned upside down, the ship came into the gap between the inner world between the netherworld and the dwelling world.


   In order to avoid accidents, the fleet spared a lot of roads. And the mighty one hundred ships of the Seventh Fleet arrived near the "Sea of ​​Bubbles" in the third week after leaving Longchao City.


   This time can be said to be very fast, if it is an ordinary sailing ship, it may take more than half of the time. But the hundreds of ships in the Seventh Fleet are all magic ships, and their speed is more than half faster than sailing ships. Reached 15 knots.


  The sea of ​​bubbles-In the fairy tales of this world, a sea **** who likes to spit bubbles lives on the bottom of the sea of ​​bubbles. The ships covered by these bubbles will be invited by the enthusiastic Mr. Seagod to visit his temple.


   Although in this fairy tale, the sailors on the ship will be sent back after being entertained, but none of the sailors who are engaged in making a living on the sea are willing to experience this fantasy journey.


  The magicians believe that there is no sea **** in this sea area, and the strange appearance of the foamy sea is just a mysterious phenomenon-this research conclusion is consistent with the view of the twelve great aristocratic wizards. Because after they killed the Poseidon three thousand years ago, those **** bubbles were still there.


In recent decades, there have been more mysterious phenomena in the Sea of ​​Bubbles than before. This has led the Ministry of Magic to divide the sea area where the White Queen’s family is located into the territory of the Sea of ​​Mystery—the original home of the White Queen is On the edge of the mysterious sea.


Now even the "pale wizards" rarely go out to sea. After all, not only is the door of the house blocked by various mysterious phenomena, but also a group of bandits who are both righteous and evil have come-although they often cooperate with the pale wizards, But this group of greedy krakens is often unbelievable, and occasionally robs pale wizards.


After all, in this sea, no matter how strong the wizard is, it’s a little bit awkward to face the huge number of sea clan that haunts ghosts, and this group of sea monsters who live here in the mysterious sea is a group of even the North Sea gods. The inevitable defectors. So this group of robbers can be said to be fearless and arrogant.


This time, the Seventh Fleet will rely on these bandits to guide the way to the land where the White Queen’s family is located The mysterious forbidden area in the eyes of the sailors, in the eyes of the sea monsters, it is an interesting place like a garden. . With their help, this last part of the dangerous journey should be able to pass smoothly.


"I'm tired of the road, Rose said those siren are robbers, shouldn't we cooperate with these big bad guys." Lying on the deck chair, Helen wearing sunglasses, drinking a drink while basking in the sun Said worriedly.


"Don't worry, Helen. I'm the Sea King of Jiulong Town. No one in this world knows my name...cough." Louis added vainly, "I mentioned my old cousin's name-I am old Uncle cousin is great in this mysterious sea. His mouth twisted, the ancient gods in the south were afraid of him, let alone these little sea monsters."


  Louis' words made Helen even more worried. Helen saw it when Louis was in the video. He always felt that those siren didn’t recognize Louis—perhaps because Lu was not crooked?


   As for the old cousin... there is a saying that the father and king said well-the sky is high and the king is far away, can the old cousin's mouth be tilted here or not.


   There are a lot of cargo on this fleet, and many of the cargoes were obtained from a loan. With so many ships, can Louis take care of them all? If you turn over a dozen ships, you will cry if you get tired of it.


   If all are deceived by the Sea-Monsters, the road is greasy and will lose everything.




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