Your Highness, Don’t Be Like This

Chapter 321: My sister is the **** of twilight?

  Chapter 321 My senior sister is the God of Twilight?

  The beautiful fairy lady, it seems that she is not too enthusiastic, and even has a great rejection of strangers like Louis and the others—especially Ross.

  Ross seems to know the fairy lady, and Rose, who is more than two hundred years old, is also very respectful to this fairy named ‘Miss Arwen’. It seems that when Rose was young, he was also twisted by this beautiful kindergarten teacher.

  But ‘Miss Arwen’ is very indifferent to Rose, completely treating Rose as air.

  ’Miss Arwen’ does have a reason to reject Rose, because the child Rose finally took the path of a pale wizard.

  Originally, Miss Arwen also expected Rose to return to the faith of the Moon God like his father when he grows up and become a forest ranger (druid).

  At this time, Louis also noticed that among these children, there are not only elves, but a few of them are half-blood elves, and even human children altogether.

  Among them, seven or eight elven children have very white skin. Their hair is silver and their pupils are pale, which looks a little strange. They all stayed quietly in a corner, feeling repelled by other bear children.

  These special elven children all have a name-‘Twilight Elf’.

  In ancient times, there was no such name as "Twilight Elf" until a group of elves betrayed the Moon God.

  And these seven or eight children are the descendants of the twilight elves on the side of the White Queen’s palace.

  There are many twilight elves on the side of the White Queen, but not every twilight elves learn forbidden magic.

  Because now the entire family of Twilight Elves is cursed-as long as you learn forbidden magic, your body will gradually begin to rot and mold, until your body is covered with mold and mushrooms, becoming rotten wood people, rotten paper people, and rotten mushroom people. Then become a pale wizard like Rose, who is neither human nor ghost.

  Ross secretly told Louis that in the Broken Isles, not everyone wants their offspring to learn ‘forbidden magic’—after all, this is a curse.

  These people will send their offspring to the ‘Aishwarya’s Refuge Corner’ in the elven hut, so that they can return to their elves. And as long as they don't come into contact with forbidden magic, these children will not become weird when they grow up.

Of course, there are always some twilight elves living in the White Queen, or the elves living in the elves’ huts who are curious about'Forbidden Magic', and eventually become pale wizards-such as Rose, who has been sent to Ai Sivaya's sheltered corner was gone, but she finally walked out.

   Hearing this, Louis's face turned weird. If you learn forbidden magic, you will become weird. Then the Moon God is really good enough for the double mark-isn't Moon Court's current use, isn't it still forbidden to use magic? !

   [Unless there is something hidden in it-such as the Dawn Sacred Code, which has been secretly rewritten many times by a certain ‘person’. So that she can get the power of faith from those priests who believe in the Holy Scriptures of Dawn. 】

  ‘That Alia can make eyebrows secretly with Xiao Dai, she is really not a good person, maybe it is a **** who is more sinister than Xiao Dai. ’

  ‘But this curse has loopholes-learning forbidden magic will be cursed, but how many books does Alia know about forbidden? If the elves only learn the theory of forbidden magic and then create magic by themselves, it should be no problem. ’

  ’And in the forbidden learning, the most important thing is knowledge (the key to exceeding the lv5 boundary), magic is just a fur — let’s turn Rose back to normal and give it a try. ’

  ‘If he uses his own magic and the rot and mold on his body have not expanded, it means that this plan is feasible. ’

  After ‘Miss Yawen’ came out, several kindergarten girls and younger brothers came out. They are different from Miss Arwen, their hair color is sterling silver, and their pupils are also white.

  After seeing Rose, these ancient elves were very excited. It seemed that they had a good relationship with Rose, but due to the presence of Miss Arwen, they did not dare to say much to Rose.

  It seems that these twilight elves have been sent by the White Queen since they were young. They seem to be Ross's cousins. I don't know how old they are, but they only seem to be in their early twenties.

  Several Twilight elves and Rose chatted quietly, and then helped Miss Arwen to take away the frolicking children at the door.

  It seems that the ancient elves took great care of these bear children.

  After all, the number of ancient elves has become increasingly scarce.

  It is very difficult for elves to give birth to heirs. Many people will die alone for a lifetime after being widowed. So the children are hope for the ancient elves in the elves hut.

  This makes them willing to accept the children of these betrayers and educate them from an early age to keep them away from the forbidden magic cursed by the Moon God and believe in the Moon God.

  But there are always children who want to go out and take a look at the world.

  Ross is such a child, so Miss Arwen feels depressed for Rose for so many years.

  After the episode, Louis and his party also settled here. And at this ‘Aishwarya’s Corner of the Wind’, Louis and the others also saw many ancient elves—the ancient elves who did not go out today should add up to several hundred.

  This is not a small number. After all, the size of the entire Elf Hut is about the same as a small town of three to five thousand people.

  It’s just that most of these ancient elves are silver-haired, white-eyed twilight elves. For orthodox ancient elves like Miss Arwen, only about 20%.

  While wandering around, Louis slowly noticed that this small three-story inn the size of a small castle once seemed to be an ancient temple.

  But it is called ‘Aishwarya’s Corner of the Wind’.

  Louis has always suspected that the White Queen is a god. He couldn't help but become curious: "Ross, why is it called Aishwarya's corner of the wind? Aishwarya is the name of the White Queen?"

  If someone else asked, Rose would definitely answer that it was just because the elves mistook the White Queen for the'Wild Gods'-after all,'The White Queen is a God' is a very sensitive topic.

  But Rose never hides anything from his boss, Louis. He told Louis the truth about it.

"My lord, because this temple was originally built by the ancient elves for'His Majesty Aishwarya'." Ross said, "She is the wild gods of the same era as Kona's grandfather. It is also in this elven world. The original guardian. Although the elves worship the Moon God, they have great respect for the Son of the Forest and His Majesty Aishwarya."

  It turned out that His Majesty Aishwarya was originally one of the gods of the Moon God Era, and was also a big brother in the Moon God Heaven Group. It wasn't until His Majesty Aishwarya began to teach the elves to forbid magic, that the relationship between the Moon God and the White Queen began to break.

  The White Queen’s behavior is extremely hated by the Moon God. For this reason, the Moon God even instigated a sea **** to call for a terrible tsunami in an attempt to destroy the islands.

  Although in that tsunami, the White Queen finally led the pale wizards who followed her to protect this fairy kingdom. But the creatures who damaged the islands still suffered a lot.

  The closed ancient elves did not know the entanglement between the gods, they only knew that Aishwarya spread her pure white wings in the tsunami.

  On that day, all the creatures of the Broken Isles were like the **** of twilight in their hearts, the White Queen, praying.

  At that moment, the firmament of the Broken Isles was shrouded in twilight—Finally, under the power of everyone’s faith, the White Queen guarded the land and protected everyone.

   And the wings of the White Queen Aishwarya are the ‘wind shelter’ in that shocking tsunami.

  After the tsunami, the elves and fairies established ‘Aishwarya’s shelter from the wind’ to commemorate Aishwarya’s protection of everyone.

  ‘Senior Sister is really awesome! But what is the deity form of Sister Sister? The wings seem to be very big.’

  A beautiful white moth swept past Louis' eyes, and Louis waved her hand impatiently, and slammed her away.

  ‘The wings are probably too big to be scary, because the area of ​​the Broken Isles is equivalent to a Great Britain! ’

  ‘She was able to spread her wings and shield the entire Broken Isles with light under the blessing of the power of faith-this is afraid that she is about to have the strength to collect the tattered lady Akko! ’

  ‘Back then the whole world worshipped the Moon God, so how strong is the Moon God when everyone prays to the Moon God? ! In that era, I am afraid that even Ake and other ancient gods were afraid of the masters of this world! ’

  ‘No wonder that even the seven dragons surrendered to the feet of the Moon God, and it’s no wonder that Teacher Anthony had to shake the foundation of the Moon God’s faith before successfully leading people to overthrow this boss. ’

  ‘But it’s the twilight of the gods now, and even Moon Court doesn’t believe in Moon God. Now her strength is estimated to be the same as the demon king form of the mother-in-law. ’

  ‘In the current world, people no longer rely on faith to release magic—the power in this world has returned from the hands of the gods to everyone, and everyone has the right to use magic. ’

  ‘The strongest people are no longer the Moon God, but the twelve great families who overthrew the Moon God. These guys who mastered the "God Slaughter Outline", the Great Demon King and Moon God were afraid of them. ’

  ‘The god-slaying warriors of that year have become twelve evil dragons. ’

  ‘Senior Sister is an evil dragon who jumped from the Moon God Heavenly Mission in reverse. With the blessing of faith, she is also outrageous. I'm afraid the Twelfth Great Family is still guarding her now. ’

  ‘It seems that I want to pull the elder sister into the Magic League, it’s really a bit hard-she is a natural world boss! If after she betrayed the great family, the great family gave her a label of ‘collusion with the moon god’, it would not be easy to handle. ’

  ‘Moon Court seems to be a part of the Magic League. When in Crawley Manor and Rainbow Country, the Moon God appeared.’

  Louis' face suddenly became more and more weird: ‘what the hell, this time the magical revolution has come to the end, won’t you let me play with Luna? ! ’

   shook his head, and Louis threw away this weird idea.

  When you were in Dragon Nest City, didn’t you tell the story book?

  The Moon God once secretly threw out an olive branch like the mother-in-law but the mother-in-law did not dare to take it. But it seemed that Moon God had been in collusion with Xiao Dai in secret.

  What kind of cake can someone who can play with that wicked guy Xiao Dai? !

  The two of them secretly couldn't figure out what the **** were they doing!

  It really made these two people get together on the bright side, so what could be better? Can't figure out what moths come out!

  Unless the ancient gods of the abyss colluded with the twelve great families, stay wherever the moon **** is cool!

   Pulling her to do things together, it's better to pull the senior sister!

  ‘But what is the form of the demon king of the mother-in-law and the spirit form of the elder sister? While thinking about it, Louis followed everyone into the ‘Aishwarya’s sheltered corner’.

  The beautiful white moth dangled in front of Louis' eyes again, as if it was deliberately teasing Louis. Louis stretched out his hand impatiently and caught it for a long time, but didn't catch it. Finally, he waved his hand angrily. Drive her away.

  ‘What is the spiritual form of Sister Sister? I am really curious. ’

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  (End of this chapter)