Your Highness, Don’t Be Like This

Chapter 342: My uncle dare to eat shit!

In Andre's smiling words, Louis nodded.


   The defensive power of this laboratory is indeed not small, but Andre does have the courage to make up such a story. Because his hunting group has such strength.


In this complete hunting group, in addition to more than forty hunters, there are hundreds of meters of elite demon masters, and many demons enslaved by the hunting group. Together, the team There are main forces, elites and cannon fodder.


   This is not counting the wizards and demons in the laboratory, and the siren captives deceived by the hunting group.


   This team was originally prepared for the Poseidon-when the Twilight Elf army attacked the temple, as long as the team rushed inside in the chaos, it would definitely be able to decapitate a weak true Poseidon.


   And this maze can be regarded as a low-profile version of the "twisted cage".


   Not to mention anything else, if this group of people suddenly get into trouble, Louis and the sixty people will be in a hurry. And if Louis does not come today, and there are only the White Queen and forty pale wizards, then only two or five of these forty pale wizards will suddenly rebel.


   Then the White Queen had to be taken down by the Black Cinder Hunter Group just like Louis had dealt with the Pale Twenty-Five Boys in the Wind-Shelter Corner-but this battle won't be as easy as the Wind-Shelter Corner.


  Louis couldn't help narrowing his eyes and looked at Mr. Andre, who was looking at him with a smile.


  ‘This guy won’t really change the original plan. He plans to have a pk with us here, right? ’


   If you want to talk about emptiness, Louis is absolutely true. Not to mention the forty pale wizards who have been brainwashed, they are now a piece of iron. He and the White Queen alone are the two faceless bosses-and Helen, a great assistant who can turn on the crimson angel.


   With just a few hundred people, plus a tattered labyrinth, it’s a bit too reluctant to want to bring down two and a half Faceless.


   If there is a fight, Andre will have to be dumbfounded—he was the first to die.


   But the key is that if there is a fight, no one can take them to the Sea-Monster Temple.


   Moreover, the story book also said before that if the Black Ember Hunter Group suddenly loses contact with the Sea-Monster elders, the sacrifice will have to start early. Then it will be troublesome.


   Is it possible that I have to summon my mother-in-law, all the way to the temple to flush the toilet?


   If you kill the temple, then magic will be eyeless-can Faki be killed while standing on the road?


  Faki and the others, the mermaid warlords, are very worthy of their own, the sea king of Jiulong Town. They are ready to be pets... well, they are ready to be assistant professors at the Magic Academy!


  Louis plans to take them to the old cousin to pretend to be forceful in the future, so they are all darlings. If a few Medusa leaders died, it would be too disturbing.


   And in front of Helen, it’s not good to **** her uncle to death, right? The ‘misunderstanding’ is still unclear, it’s not the time. If you really kill Andre now, then you and Xiao Dai will have muddy crotches!


   Thinking of this, Louis couldn't help being a little nervous and nervous.


   Looking at Louis's nervous face, Andre couldn't help but smile with contempt.


   "Don't be nervous, Mr. Louis-you have always misunderstood me, but if I really collude with the ancient gods, you are already dead."


   Hearing this, Rose and the others rolled their eyes severely.


   But Louis was greatly relieved. He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and showed an awkward smile.


   Andre smiled, and said no more. He continued to lead the way. Soon, everyone passed through the maze and came to an experimental area hidden in the laboratory.


   Many wizards are debugging potions here, and here, there is a huge oil painting.


   Standing here, Louis couldn't help looking around in the air, and found that in the laboratory, there is actually a secret passage that can reach here directly-so there is no need to go through the laboratory at all.


   [It seems that Andre just gave you a show of power just now-he feels very successful. 】


   Andre stopped in front of the huge painting. After opening the curtain on the oil painting, a beautiful ecological area appeared in the oil painting.

  Looking at this oil painting, Louis was a little surprised-the prisoner's secret realm in the original laboratory was hidden here.


   After everyone walked in, they found that it looked like a huge ecological area, with waterfalls, a deep pool, and many tree houses.


   The bottom of the deep pool was supposed to be a cell where the sea monsters were imprisoned, but it seemed that the sea monsters had been liberated. And even acting as a guard for this laboratory.


   In addition, there are many tree houses here. And many sick elves are being healed by wizards here.


   It seems that those elves have been tortured a lot, either leaving a contagious curse or being planted with demon seeds.


  The black embers wizards are trying to solve their problems.


   After seeing the White Queen, many elves and fairies burst into tears. Originally, many of them would be regarded as sacrifices, but now they are saved by the knight of the White Queen, Mr. Andre.


   After listening to the White Queen, she couldn’t help feeling sad and self-blaming for what happened to these elves-the great family wizards have been doing things in their own territory for so many years, but I don’t know at all...


   Listening to the narrations of these elves, the White Queen has completely believed in Andre - or rather, she has always believed that Xiao Dai and Andre are not bad guys, but there is a misunderstanding.


   The White Queen couldn't help but look at Louis again, and emphasized in a low voice: "Louis, André must be a good person."


  Louis rolled his eyes fiercely, and said in a low voice, "In order to lure you into being fooled, of course he was willing to let go of those elves! For the ancient gods, your sacrifice is more valuable than all the elves together!"


   "Louis, why do you have such a big prejudice against André..."


  【White Queen Friendship Degree -1】


   [Current Favorability:? ? ? ? (Max)]


   "Hmph. Lu's tired, you still believe in that bad woman! You should apologize to my uncle." Helen said to Louis with his hands on her chest in a huff.


  Louis nodded with an ugly face. He glanced at Andre who was talking with the elf leader not far away, and didn't bother to say more to these two guys.


   Because Andre played this hand really beautifully.


   Of course, there is no need to apologize to Andre, and it doesn’t matter even if he keeps showing his distrust of him. After all, he has a relationship with the Witch Queen, so I must be hard-talking to help the Witch Queen speak.


   How could it be possible to believe in Andre so and then kill the queen of witches righteously?


   If he changes too quickly, I'm afraid Andre will become suspicious instead.


   "Louis, how can you trust André?" The White Queen was a little sad.


   "Unless that guy jumps into the vortex and ends up with the ancient gods, I won't believe him." Louis said angrily-if he really did this, what can I do if I burn him a few sticks of incense?


   "But I guess that even if this guy is really a good person, he won't do it 80% of the time-he is cherishing his life."


  Louis' words made Helen a little angry.


   "You are not allowed to say that to my uncle! He is a great hero! Look at it! My uncle will definitely jump into the maelstrom and sacrifice himself!"


   "I don't believe it-if he really does that, I will stand upside down and shit!"


   "He will definitely!"


"I do not believe."


   "He will definitely!"


  Helen’s angry remarks are like arguing with the children next door about who is more powerful, and shouting ‘my brother dares to eat shit’ and ‘my brother dares too’.


   The smile on Andre's face, who came over to hear these words, froze slightly.




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