Your Highness, Don’t Be Like This

Chapter 412: The Awakened Erelinda


"Mr. Chris, I have a doubt-don't the Arilinda people in the north like flying?" On the road, Louis, riding a thin horse, asked this group of people who claimed to have come here from the north. Yi's wizards who will meet.

Coincidentally, Mithril City is also in the north.

And Roy, the magician, is a southerner-there, some areas have been liberated.

"We really don't like flying." Chris and the others looked at the starry sky, with a bit of sorrow, a bit of unwillingness, and a bit of despair in their eyes: "Because the heaven of this magic kingdom is dead ."

Louis looked at the moon and stars gradually rising in the sky in surprise.

Suddenly, Louis discovered that the astrology here was a little strange.

It's not just strange and simple-the sky here is like a fake background image!

But this does not seem to be some mysterious phenomenon, but man-made.

Louis couldn't help but think of an incredible magic ‘Sanctuary Paradise’.

The place where it has been used to protect the paradise will become a semi-open area-just like a city wall, which can resist outside invasion and danger in times of danger. At the same time, it will not affect people's access during normal periods.

Just like the holy oak tree created by the Twelve Witch Kings.

Louis suddenly remembered what Crowley had said to himself-when Crowley was the governor of the Three Continents, a navy captain under his command accidentally broke into a map and A mysterious kingdom that does not exist. And here was the hospitality of a group of nobles.

But when the colonel left here and informed Governor Crowley of the situation here, any fleet sent by Crowley could no longer find the kingdom-all people saw was the vast ocean.

After that, the story of a paradise named "Irelinda" spread in the Muggle world.

Irilinda’s "Shelter of Paradise" is undoubtedly a big deal. When it was established, it was probably the people who mobilized the entire country.

As a kingdom close to the mysterious sea, there is nothing wrong with the security protection of a ‘refuge paradise’. But it seems that the ‘angel of refuge’ here seems to have some problems-if the refuge heaven is a wall, then this wall of Irilinda has no gates.

[In other words, this city gate was not opened on the official road, but in the backyard of the nobles' homes. 】

[Because the nobles of Irilinda can enter and exit here at any time, and royal ports like "Silver Port" can also allow the nobles’ ships to come and go freely...]

[But what does this have to do with Erilinda’s ‘dislike’ flying? 】


Hongying County, the name is not because of the cherry trees here, but because of the mining area here.

Hongying County is rich in all kinds of red magic gems. If someone can fly into the sky to look down on this county, they will be able to see the entire Hongying County like a cherry tree full of red cherries in the field of magical perception, with little red cherry blossoms.

And those ‘red tassels’ on the ground are the many magic ruby ​​pockets buried deep in the ground.

The biggest red cherry is as bright as a pearl. And the ancient Erilinda wizards also built a town-Red Pearl Fort on the bright red pearl.

This is the origin of the names of Hongying County and Red Pearl Fort. However, there is another way of saying this name-because of its abundant magical environment, Hongying County seems to make the wizards here extraordinarily powerful by nature.

Among counties and counties, there are almost everywhere civilian wizards with magic power ratings above ‘Intermediate’ (10). They can fly in the sky without using any flying tools or magic.

In addition, people here like red clothes, so when outsiders come here, they can always see the distant sky, as if countless cherry blossoms are flying in the sky.

Louis is such a foreigner, but he has never seen anyone flying in the sky.

Earlier, Louis thought it was because he was not close to the town, but now he has entered the most prosperous town in Hongying County-and more than 17,000 people in this town have gathered in the town. Near the castle.

The crowd was very crowded, but there was still no one flying in the sky.

No one here is wearing a red wizard robe—not even a person wearing colorful clothes is in sight, among the crowded people.

Even among the people I saw on the road, there were no people wearing colored clothes.

Everyone was wearing turquoise clothes, and their bodies were full of dirty mineral ash-including those children who like colors.

[Perhaps, the Erilinda people in Hongying County already ‘dislike’ red. 】

[Of course, there are also favorites...]

Several teams of wizard guards, riding red brooms, flew over from behind the castle, and began to wander above the crowd.

Most of these wizard guards are wearing gray clothes, but the magic swordsman's robes are embroidered with exquisite emblems-family emblems with red pearls, as well as those of surrounding lords.

The captains of the wizard guards are all wearing red magic swordsman robes-because they are all nobles, pure blood.

The common people are all standing on the ground. This allows the guards hovering in the sky to clearly see everyone's movements.

They are constantly flying and patrolling in the sky. Squinting his eyes with that cold, vigilant gaze, he scanned the civilian wizards on the ground. It seems to be looking for the ‘dark wizard’ that may exist in the crowd. Or to prevent a certain wizard commoner from suddenly becoming a ‘dark wizard’ in anger.

During the shepherd's inspection, there was a commotion among the sheep on the ground. Everyone who was caught by the guard's gaze bowed his head either in horror or in anger.

No one looked at the eyes of the masters, because these wizards and guards totaled more than 500 people.

Many of them have been born among common people—the ones with the best magical talents.

But they have now become ‘half aristocrats’ and become masters-they may even become aristocrats in the future.

So they are no longer like civilians, only knowing a few pitiful, non-aggressive daily mantras, but the most clever mantras.

Moreover, they are all wearing wizard armor and holding the best wands.

In contrast, civilian wizards can only use the poor miner's iron picks or grass forks-after all, these things are more offensive than the daily spells.

To make matters worse, civilian wizards, no one has the ability to fly-how can this fight back?

But civilians like this who are unequipped and have no resistance at all, in front of the wizard guards, are like a group of ‘silent’ lambs, facing a group of heavily armored noble magic flying knights armed to their teeth. No matter how many people there are, a charge or even a few magic will be scattered!

After all, Erelinda is a kingdom in the ancient times of the Middle Ages, and in such an era, thirteen armors and thirty horses can beat a hundred times as many people.

And in this piece of Erilinda Magic Kingdom, there is such a great disparity in power.

What's more, the Baron also has a magic dragon.

Therefore, many civilians, all under the gaze of the guards, bowed their heads in horror-these people have not yet awakened.

But there are also many people who bow their heads just to cover up the murderous in their eyes-they have ‘woke up’.

And as long as the uprising succeeds in Red Pearl Fort today, the entire county will have a brighter tomorrow-because this is the largest mining area and the largest production and processing place for magic metals and weapons!

There are tens of thousands of wizard armors, magic wands, and thousands of magical objects and hundreds of magic books!

Once the soldiers, armor, and food are all enough, these silent lambs in Hongying County will be able to wear gray gloves!

And as long as the revolutionary uprising of Hongying County, the big granary, the big magic weapon store, and the big library succeeds, there will be a rainbow in the entire Erilinda tomorrow!

But today’s plan, I’m afraid there will be some variables, because the assassination operation failed last night, everyone failed to kill the baron-it is really a coincidence, that day, the surrounding lords just came to the Red Pearl Fort to talk about certain things~ In the entire Hongying County, more than a dozen of the most famous "big family nobles" wizards and their entourage are in the baron's secret meeting hall! There are even some abyssal demons!

How can the three assassins succeed?

Now, Bart’s group of abyssal demons is about to come over, and'Roy''s actions on the mine side are not sure whether it succeeded.

If ‘Roy’ didn’t kill the dragon. That person is really going to die today, and it's a long-term plan.

The atmosphere in the square was a bit solemn, because at noon today, there was another riot in the largest mine in the Red Pearl Collar.

And Baron Alfie discovered through torture that the ‘dark wizard’ intends to use this riot to make a noise, so as to create a chance for the famous rebel leader ‘Roy’ to assassinate the dragon!

Fortunately, the lords of the surrounding territories secretly came to the Red Pearl Fort today, otherwise the sleepy dragon would really kill Roy and his group!

Quite a few people died in the castle yesterday, and today there was a lot of trouble in the mine and the town.

The benevolent Baron Alfie is completely on fire.

Before long, a group of guards dressed in beautiful red clothes escorted a group to the stand in front of the castle. Immediately afterwards, a young man in luxurious blue aristocratic costumes gently carried a thin little girl and slowly stepped onto the stands.

The guards bowed their heads to the young noble man, and the commoner wizards focused on the lord with awe or fear.

It seems that this young lord is the benevolent Baron Alfie. He is not wearing any red clothes, nor is there a red dress in the closet. Because he doesn't like red either.

He wears whatever he likes.


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