Your Highness, Don’t Be Like This

Chapter 416: Silent gray cherry blossoms!

Looking at those who were gradually standing up, Baron Alfie's face looked a little ugly. He secretly told himself that no matter how many of these people are, it doesn't make sense.

But I don't know why, but an inexplicable fear in his heart gradually rose up-why, why did his own people suddenly become black wizards?

He didn't want to think about this problem any more. He chanted a spell silently a little irritably, and then, the magic dragon was instructed, slowly opened the six pairs of eyes on its head, and slowly stood up.

Looking at the greatest security of this Red Pearl Fort, Baron Alfie gradually settled down—the people below didn't even have a decent wand, there was really nothing to worry about.

Baron Alfie restored his grace. He clapped his hands and said with a smile to the nobles around.

"Everyone, the show has already begun."

Everyone went down one after another, and Miss Angelina came to be interested. After watching for a while, she smiled and pointed to the bottom, and said:

"Look, those **** who can't even perform Apparition, don't know where the courage came, and stood up while singing that ridiculous ballad-they also organized a formation, it's impossible, they Delusion to defeat a dragon!"

"Oh~~ Sir Gart (the name of the dragon) is finally going to get angry-look over there! Look! There is a silly boy who even ran up to the high platform and picked up the little girl! This is really too good. Interesting! What does he want to do? He raised his fist at Sir Gart?!"

"Perhaps he wanted to beat Sir Gart to death with his fist."

The benevolent Baron Alfie, elegantly sipped the red wine in the glass, and said humorously. He looked at the clown who jumped on the high platform, and he was very happy-it made Miss Angelina so happy, and he died too. It makes sense.

Baron Alfie's humorous conversation caused the elegant gentlemen and ladies around him to laugh with joy.

In this joyful and joyful banquet atmosphere, many nobles were talking and laughing, watching the silly boy who had jumped up on the high platform below, pointing and talking.

Immediately, there was a loud noise, and the high platform instantly raised the dust in the sky.

In the shaking of the earth, the castle here shook several times, and the humorous chats and laughs of the nobles also came to an abrupt end during the earthquake.

The people in the square who were crying in despair, or preparing to slay the dragon while shouting in anger, also slowly quieted down in the dust.

The noisy red pearl collar suddenly became silent. When the dust cleared, people saw only a piece of rubble and shingles left on the high platform, and a dragon's **** with the upper body completely inserted into the ground like a green onion.

Sir Moses rubbed his eyes fiercely, stretched his neck and leaned on the balcony and looked there for several more times. Then he felt his scalp explode. Without saying a word, he turned around and performed ‘Apparition’. However, he found that the entire red pearl collar seemed to be covered by an invisible magic enchantment-the people here today are already hard to fly!

The other nobles obviously did not react so quickly, Sir Moses, who was good at fleeing. They still opened their mouths stupidly, stretched their necks, staring at the dragon's ass.

It wasn't until the silly boy next to the dead dragon slowly turned around and glanced at them coldly that these nobles suddenly woke up.

The elegant Miss Angelina screamed frantically while clutching her hair, and then Sa Yazi ran into the castle, forgetting the Apparition.

With a bang, the tall red wine glass in the hands of the benevolent Baron Alfie was knocked to the ground by Miss Angelina.

Many nobles woke up like a dream. There was chaos on the balcony, and the crowd below suddenly broke out with roars. While shouting the name of'Roy', they rushed to the high platform and rushed to those The guard in the sky rushed towards the castle.

I don’t know who suddenly flew up, and then, more and more civilian wizards flew into the sky with knives, forks, or simple wands in that rage, robbing the guards’ weapons. , Magic broom.

The wizard guards were in panic and were instantly overwhelmed by the angry sea of ​​people. The magic enchantment that was powerful enough to withstand the raging dragons was also shattered after a while under the siege of the people.

At this moment, people discovered for the first time that when they gathered together, the power that burst out was so powerful.

It was also the first time that the shadows that had made them tremble were all paper.

In a blink of an eye, those running dogs who wear the most sophisticated wizard armor, hold the highest quality weapons, and have received the best magic education and training, who have served the nobles as a tiger, are dragged by the angry gray gloves. On the ground, hanged on a street light pole.

Immediately afterwards, more and more figures poured into the castle.

On this day, the sky of Hongying County is covered with gray cherry blossoms!

The nobles who watched the gray cherry blossoms in the castle began to want to flee madly in a panic. When inside and outside the castle, there were gray cherry blossoms everywhere, and the servants squatting in the corner shivering.

Before long, the benevolent Baron Alfie, Miss Angelina and their fellow criminals who were equally sinful had nowhere to escape.

Looking around, there are crowds everywhere in the castle's cloister, in front of the handrails, and on the stairs.

In the thousand pairs of depressed, silent, angry eyes, the hands and feet of Baron Alfie, Miss Angelina and others were weak, sweating profusely, and staring at gold stars. No longer the elegance and humor they once had.

They have seen many riots, but they have never seen such an orderly riot—the gray gloves, this time they didn’t touch the castle’s gold and silver treasures, nor did they kill them directly in the red eye. These nobles did not kill the servants together to vent their anger.

But in order, silently searched every corner of the castle, picked out the really **** people, and threw them to the nobles.

The nobles believed that this riot was not only organized, but there may also be a professional person—even many.

Before long, the silent crowd parted a way, and a tall and handsome young man, with the head of the gray gloves, walked over.

They called that person ‘Roy’.

Roy, the famous magician Roy.

Baron Alfie looked at the young man named ‘Roy’ in the midst of rushing. He wanted to climb over to beg or talk about conditions, but he was kicked aside.

Even the beautiful and distressing Miss Angelina, after crawling over, Mr. Roy only hesitated for half a second before kicking her aside.

At this time, the aristocrats discovered that this horribly young fellow was not ‘Roy’ at all. As a noble, how could he not recognize this mortal enemy? Especially the Baron Alfie who killed Roy himself at noon today.

But all this is not important anymore. The nobles don't care if he is Roy, the Grey Gloves don't care if he is Roy, and even "Roy" himself doesn't care about all of this.

[The benevolent Baron Alfie keeps saying that he wants order. 】

[Today, he got his wish. 】

[The workers and peasants with gray gloves have brought this true order! 】

[The people of Red Pearl Fort, in this order, there has been unprecedented cohesion and strength! 】

[They did not burn, kill, loot, or looting or looting after breaking certain places like those noble private armies! 】

[They even blocked the group of civilians who killed the red eyes, allowing them to clean up the battlefield in an orderly manner in the battle that has ended. There are even people appeasing the servants in those When they gradually surrounded the nobles, they did not shout to kill, and did not make noise. Those with gray gloves just looked at these really **** ‘black wizard nobles’ in silence. 】

[Railings, handrails, stairs, even the dome of the castle-they are everywhere, like patches of silent gray cherry blossoms spilling over the sky! 】

[I don't know why, in this silence, unprecedented fear appeared in the hearts of the nobles. 】

[It seems that the Grey Gloves uprising this time is completely different from the one decades ago...]

In those thousand pairs of silent and angry eyes, the nobles such as Baron Alfie were no longer graceful. Before they knew it, they collapsed to the ground and pulled a pair of trousers.

Because they know that once these people who have been silent for a long time and have been silent for many years speak, what they say is the death knell of their doomsday! It is the final judgment!


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