Your Highness, Don’t Be Like This

Chapter 437: Heaven guarding the abyss

The corners of Louis' eyes twitched fiercely.

He couldn't think that besides Francisco, there were people in this world who could lift the secrecy curse he had placed on Madame Suda in such a short period of time.

It seems that he is still a little overwhelmed this time. The true strength of Grand Duke Oren is probably at the same level as the "Lantern Reaper with a Thousand Faces" fabricated by "Boll" in the newspaper-that is, the level of the faceless.

This is the true strength of the King of Spades.

I don't know how many things Su Da said to Oren.

[Louis is worried. He discovered that this was the first real crisis he had ever encountered. 】

[Louis seems to have never thought about whether he or Oren is more serious. What he considers is that if Oren wants to escape and can't travel through the space, he really can't keep Oren. 】

[If Oren is allowed to go back like this today, this trip to Jiulong Town will have many unpredictable changes. 】

Louis cast aside the thoughts in his heart and stopped thinking about it. After all, this trip to Jiulong Town itself is to go deep into the tiger's den, not a peaceful negotiation. If the nobles have no crooked minds, why would they choose Jiulong Town as the place they met?

Now that this is the case, why not sit down and listen to the real secret of the "reincarnation", and also listen to what happened to Oren when he came over this time-it seems that he has great confidence, just like after the meeting today, The way he would definitely be on his side.

——It’s as if all of this is under his control, as if the gray gloves are his person—or, after today, the gray gloves will stand with him. .

Is it possible that in the depths of Oren's heart, is really buried in a belief that is not known to outsiders? Does he really want to change Erilinda? What he did was really for his oath to his deceased wife?

[During the following conversation, Louis found that Oren seemed to know everything-he knew Grey Glove's determination, and also knew Louis' plan to go to Kowloon Town. 】

[But Oren doesn’t seem to care...]

[He told a story for Louis...]

[It’s as if he came here today just to give Louis a story...]

In the narrative of Grand Duke Oren, a secret that had been sealed for thousands of years was revealed in front of Louis' eyes.

Many years ago, there was no land between the North and South Roads. That is to say, at that time, between the North and South Roads, there was only a piece of Sanzhoufu extending from the northern continent. There was no such vast land as Irilinda. .

At that time, the North and South Continents were not linked together, only a piece of sea.

This piece of the sea between the north and south roads has an ancient name-Strait of Storms.

Also known as ‘the abyss of calamity’.

It is 450 kilometers wide on average and 960 kilometers wide at its widest. It is the largest strait in the world and the most terrifying strait in the world.

It is located between the north and south roads, and also between the mysterious seas of north and south.

The magical tide of the horror of the mysterious sea in the north goes from north to south, while the magical tide of the mysterious sea in the south goes from south to north.

The magical tides of the mysterious sea of ​​north and south converge here, and the ‘Storm Strait’ is like a tuyere or a dam with a breach, intensifying the strength of the magical tides. Make the Storm Strait be every moment-->>

There is a terrible storm of magic power.

And these magical storms, after crossing the Strait of Storms, will flood into the northern and southern continents.

Whenever the magic storm surges into the north and south continents, hurricanes, floods, droughts, and various terrible and mysterious phenomena will follow.

To make matters worse, because there are many time and space cracks in this world, and the fierce magic storm will intensify the tearing of these time and space cracks, which makes in that era, there will always be various kinds of North and South Roads. Exotic demon.

Therefore, in that era, the Strait of Storms was also known as the ‘cathedral of calamity’.

Therefore, since ancient times, the Strait of Storms has been the source of disasters, just like the ‘eternal abyss’ between the East and the West.

In that era, the gods of the Kingdom of Cloud were guarding the ancient abyss, and the gods headed by the Moon God were the gods who ruled the small abyss of the "Strait of Storms".

In that era, the gods had their unique way of governance. They never thought of sealing the ancient abyss like the kingdom of clouds, but using the disaster caused by the strait of storm in the north and south continents to show miracles to the world.

Whenever a disaster strikes, the gods will come to those disaster areas in the North and South Continents, and they will show miracles, so that people in the land that believe in them can get'redemption', and in the land that does not believe in them. Of people were'judged' by disasters.

After disasters, the gods gained people's extreme worship and fear, the gods gained countless power of faith, and the gods became extremely powerful.

[Speaking of this, Grand Duke Oren suddenly sneered. 】

"The gods know clearly that they can block the ‘heaven’ (the kingdom of the gods) in their mouths in the strait of storm just like the kingdom of clouds, and heal this disaster-filled abyss."

"But they used this stormy strait as a tool for them to strengthen their rule."

"The existence of the gods began to become extremely important, because people need them, because the world needs them. And because they are too powerful, no one can break their rule and overthrow them."

"Until the emergence of magic. With the rise of our wizards."

[Speaking of this, there is a kind of pride and reverence on Oren's face. 】

"That is our ancestors-after the overthrow of the rule of the gods three thousand years ago, wizards from all over the world, under the call of the banner of the twelve wizard kings, came to this disaster-filled area. Storm Strait."

"The wizards evoked a'continent' at the lowest end of this strait. This'continent' filled the'dam breach' between the north and south continents. It also blocked the storm called the Strait of Storms. 'The Abyss of Calamity'."

"But this is still not enough. The soil that is blocked in the Storm Strait, like the sand and gravel pressed on the dam's breach, will be slowly washed away by the water in the dam sooner or later."

"So, the wizards smashed the kingdoms of Gods that had no gods one by one and threw them into this strait. They also made a deal with a **** named'Almeríco'. With the help of his Power, recast those'sands' that are stuck in the'dam gap' and mixed with the fragments of the kingdom of God!"

"Hundreds of years later, amidst the power of wizards and ancient gods, a huge island with an unparalleled barrier of refuge and connecting the north and south continents has gradually risen from the bottom of the sea!"

"It's called'Irilinda'-meaning'the paradise that guards the abyss'."
