Your Highness, Don’t Be Like This

Chapter 445: True honor

After several waiters walked in, Xiao Ao and others also left the side hall under the guidance of another group of waiters. They will go to the main hall from another passage to watch this canonization ceremony, and Solundo's mission has been waiting in the main hall for a long time.

At the outer door of the side hall, Louis also saw several messengers waiting for Xiao Ao, but most of these messengers didn't know that ‘Roy’ was Louis.

For the innovators and magicians of Solundo, Chris respected them very much. Especially the messenger named ‘Harold’—the magician who has been wanted by the Ministry of Magic for spreading magic is known by many Muggle children and commoner wizards.

I never thought that this famous Muggle magician was also in the mission. I thought he should have come to Kowloon Town to participate in this canonization ceremony as the ‘President of the Magic League’s Association of Magicians’.

And it seems that these messengers, like Xiao Ao, have been in Jiulong Town for some days.

Although Chris and the others did not learn Muggle Magic from Harold, and Roy had never met Harold, but Harold’s deeds and wanted orders are all over Irilinda, which makes Chris and the others have had a close friendship with this magician who has the same ideals as them.

Chris politely nodded slightly to these messengers, but the messengers did not respond, just turned their heads indifferently.

Xiao Ao turned his head and glanced at ‘Roy’ and Chris and the others with complicated eyes, then shook his head and left with Helen and the messengers.

However, there was an extra note in Louis's hand.

[Harold: I've been around, the last one should be in a certain hall on the second floor of the main hall of the Kowloon Temple, very secretive and difficult to destroy. ]

Louis knew it in his heart-as expected, there was a large and secret teleportation circle in the Nine Dragon Temple.

Since then, Louis has known all the portals and hidden teleportation arrays in Jiulong Town.

But Louis's face was a little gloomy.

The so-called "very secret" and "hard to destroy" do not exist in Louis's eyes, because in such a short distance, he can close all portals and teleportation arrays with an iron.

According to the original plan, as long as he destroys the teleportation array of the Nine Dragon Temple, things will basically be done. Because with the buff, he is confident that all the noble wizards in the entire Kowloon Temple will be detained in the Kowloon Temple for one day.

But now he doesn't have the buff, his buff is in Tahiti - or South China Sea.

With his current level of magic power, the ‘twisted cage’ and the like that he displayed would not be able to trap thousands of aristocratic wizards from the great family of Erilinda even if it covers the entire Kowloon Temple.

What's more, the Grand Duke of Oren, who doesn't know whether he is a friend or an enemy, and whose strength is deeply hidden, is also here, and the "little god" of Jiulong Town, Jiulong Jinghai King, is also here.

With so many great family wizards and sea kings, these two people can send a big star in a group fight—the evil **** who was beheaded by Isabella back then was this strength.

If the other nine big families send their hunting squad, then Akko, who has no younger brother by his side, will have to turn his head and leave.

Today's portal destruction plan may be particularly difficult.

The etiquette class ended quickly in a hurry. Under Benjamin's repeated instructions, ritual music gradually sounded from the main hall, and the door of the side hall leading to the main hall was slowly opened. Under the guidance of Benjamin and others, Louis and others gradually walked towards the door.

Outside the gate, the nobles stood quietly in the lobby, quietly looking at this side.

At this time, there was no one on the high platform of the hall, and countless nobles were standing on both sides of the hall. Many envoys from other countries watched silently in front of the handrail on the second floor.

People from all over the world gather here today. Some of them have cheered for the Grey Gloves in their hearts, some hate the Grey Gloves, and some have been watching the show. But at this time, everyone has become spectators.

At this moment, thousands of eyes fell on the gray gloves, the low laughter and discussion of the nobles, the jokes of Jiulong Jinghai Wang and others, the complex and disappointed faces of the messengers of Solund, made the gray There are mixed flavors in the hearts of the gloves.

There is no doubt that in this canonization ceremony, there must be something unexpected waiting for everyone-the humiliation suffered by the nobles must be taken back a hundred times today. And the nobles also want to let the gray gloves lower their heads completely today.

Otherwise, how can the nobles safely accept these ‘troublemakers’?

At least you have to give a reassuring certificate.

[Perhaps, this so-called canonization ceremony is just a monkey show—the nobles are animal trainers, and the gray gloves are monkeys. In order to demonstrate their ability to train beasts, the trainers invited people from all over the world to visit. 】

Monkey play-the gray gloves know it well.

But they know that, in any case, this canonization ceremony must be carried out, because the nobles can go on smoothly for this'recruitment', and most of the Irilinda decision-makers have participated in this ceremony for deterrence.' Roy and others, the powerful allies of the nobles, the Sea King, and the strongest wizards in Mithril City, also participated in this ceremony.

And they also know that the gray gloves under the Silver Wall have already launched a general offensive against the Silver Wall at this time today—the noble forces guarding the Silver Wall have no centripetal force at all. Once there is no Oren and them At the scene, the troops guarding the Silver Wall are like paper, and it won't take long to be easily torn apart.

Even after the Silver Wall was torn to pieces, the nobles who were far away in Jiulong Town, who were sitting back and forth, might not get the news right away.

But you must know that Mithril City is also empty now, and it is only tens of kilometers away from the Silver Wall.

Therefore, if the nobles get the news later, or react slowly, then the gray gloved air vanguard will have the opportunity to rush into the Mithril City today, and control a city gate, so that the magic of the Mithril City will be knotted. The world could not seal Mithril City.

When the nobles reacted, the large group of Grey Gloves had already set off for Mithril City. At that time, nothing could stop the large forces of Grey Gloves from following the gap in the gate of Mithril City to capture Mithril City.

When the home stealing journey is successful, the refuge paradise will be in the hands of the gray gloves, and the troops of the Kingdom of Tyron and the great family will not be able to invade Erilinda from the south.

Of course, all of this is the most ideal situation.

But as long as everyone delays here as much as possible today, then Irelinda people will be able to get closer to the dawn of So, today, everyone accompany these people to play a good monkey game-after being humiliated To die in the battle of the portal, this is the mission of these people today.

Because they are the representatives jointly selected by the Grey Gloves, because the decision they make today will affect the hope and future of all Erilinda people.

[Perhaps, Louis has forgotten that he has a debuff on his body? If you die, you can’t run the corpse through the magic mirror...]

[Maybe it's really dead. 】

In the narration, Louis couldn't help but glance at the sky above the dome of the main hall-once, in Louis's eyes, everything he experienced in this fantasy world was nothing more than a fantasy travel story-even to help Francisco, it was also easy.

But I don't know when, his attitude has quietly changed without knowing it.

He had never thought that one day he would sacrifice his life for the future of others.

But now, there was no wave of vacillation or hesitation in his heart.

Maybe it's because of the persistence of Bach and the "Muggle Wizards", maybe it's because of Hober's song, maybe it's the story of Crimson Miracle and Isabella.

Or maybe it's because of the future imagined in the hearts of thousands of ‘Roy’.

Because that is also the future in his heart.

Because at this moment, he has become one of thousands of ‘Roy’s.

What kind of glory and honor is it to fight and die for the hope of others?

Before they knew it, Louis and others had already stepped into the hall, and under the guidance of the waiters, stood in the middle of the hall under the high platform.

At this time, in the ritual and music, today's other group of protagonists began to slowly walk into the hall from the side hall on the other side.


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