Your Highness, Don’t Be Like This

Chapter 46: Mysterious Time in Noire Alley-The Facel

   Harold the Magician has been preparing for this day for a long time.

   After hearing the rumors of the recent serial murderer, he felt that something was wrong.

   This serial murderer has very strange magic in his hands, and his crimes are also very random.

   He never speaks, his mind reading and new spirit invasion skills are terrifying!

   He can read out anyone's thoughts, and he can directly ring his voice in the hearts of others.

   Those who meet the faceless will either disappear or lose their minds.

   And so far no one has been able to say the magic of the faceless-some people say that the faceless uses the magic of the victim!

   Some people say that maybe it's not magic at all.

   Some people also said that he only knocked people with a magic wand.

   Some people even say that the faceless people use everyday spells.

   There are even more exaggerated claims-they say that the faceless does not exist! Because he is a thing born from the fantasy of wizards!

   The rumors are getting more and more exaggerated, and things are getting more and more weird.

   But those ‘Minke’ wild wizards who don’t even understand daily spells are getting more and more excited.

  Most of these people come from Muggle nobles, and some are court wizards, but they all have one characteristic in common-they have never gone to school and are very resistant to knowledge, but they call themselves ‘theoretical’ wizards.

  In the Muggle world, they all have very famous identities, but in the wizarding world, no one wants to care about them and treat them as Muggles. Occasionally, he would use one of them and forget about them, and rush back to the Muggle world.

   But these wild wizards can always get into the world of wizards in various ways, but they always don't even know who the wizard is!

  They just knew that there was a wizard in Black Point Alley. In order to integrate into the group, they even dressed up as the wizard they imagined. Then, when they saw a person in the streets and alleys, they would talk about it.

   They don’t understand magic at all. Every time, they start with ‘I thought’, and then end with a series of ‘forbidden spells that no one can understand’ that they have recently researched out.

   They all hope to catch the faceless man in the rumor, and then become famous in a battle to prove their academic and genius. For this reason, they also brought a lot of special exorcism powders that they have recently researched.

  Wild wizards swarmed, but the real big sharks in Blackhorn Alley began to panic.

   They suspected that this faceless man was sent by the Ministry of Magic-he was by no means alone, but played by a group of agents! They deliberately made a lot of things in order to draw themselves out, and in Black Point Alley, there should be informants with detectives.

   These well-known dark wizards began to no longer be active in the areas where they often move, and began to disguise and go to the safe areas of the civilian wizards. People who are more careful will also set up magical formations near those secret strongholds that no one knows to make their hidden secret strongholds more secretive.

   As a result, these people were all arrested.

   is really evil.

   After these people were arrested, everyone also discovered a pattern.

  That is, those wizards who don't have a wanted warrant on their heads are often let go after being played by the Faceless.

   Anyone with a wanted warrant will disappear.

   Obviously, the black wizards’ speculation was verified once again-sure enough, this is another joint law enforcement by the Ministry of Magic and the Six-Edged Devil Hell.

   The leaders of the various forces in Black Point Alley united and prepared for confrontation.

   But the whereabouts of the agents are so weird, they come and go without a trace-as if they don't exist.

   Except for those wild wizards who claim to have seen the Faceless Man every day, no one has ever been able to find the Faceless Man.

   Some people say that this faceless person never seems to use Floo fans or Apparition. But he came and went without a trace.

   is simply more evil than the weird incidents that have been circulated in various taverns recently.

   In order to find the faceless man, the Alliance searched for a while, until one day, the leaders of the Alliance suddenly disappeared, and the search ceased.

   Heijiao Alley people are panicked—they are in the midst of it.

   It seems that these agents have a lot of determination this time, they want to cut off the malignant tumors in Black Point Alley-such as the voodoo gang, gray gloves and other evil villains. In the strategy of the agents, they succeeded in beheading.

   Since then, the alliance has been completely disbanded, and all the wanted people have been hidden in the safe area of ​​the plane wizards-more people have been arrested.

   Regarding the death of the Tumors, the many forces in Black Point Alley both had headaches and joy.

   Among them, Fox is the most.

  Foxes have a deep relationship with the Ministry of Magic, and they are a force that specializes in laundering money and doing dirty work for the politicians of the Ministry.

And the cancers that have recently fallen, are all people who usually bully Fox - indeed, it is true that the richest and best bully in this Black Point Alley is Fox. The main targets of the cancer are also them. .

Usually, Foxes have to treat these cancerous tumors as a confession, and they have to pay a protection fee. Now the cancerous tumors have suffered. For the Foxes, they are not counted as one, they are gone, everyone. Just happy.

   So at the very beginning of this, the Foxes were very pleased, and they also took the opportunity to reap a lot of benefits. But as more and more people were arrested, Fox found that this matter was a bit of a nuisance.

   Sure enough, within a few days, a few real bosses of the voodoo gang rushed over from the field to talk to Yingling.

Everyone is in the circle, and we know that Ying Ling is related to the Ministry of Magic—the Ministry of Magic has targets for arresting people every year, and some things are indeed a bit too much, but if you finish the targets, don’t catch them. , You have to kill them all, don't you?

   So this chat is still very sincere.

   Of course, the people who came here also had a lot of weight.

   This Miss Ying Ling, who usually flaunts her majesty at the Icon Tree Academy, was shivering with fright during this chat. She began to confess the truth and prayed to swear that the matter actually had nothing to do with her.

   As a result, these people were gone the next day.

   You said it was a coincidence?

   Today, the real big shark hidden in Black Point Alley was finally blown out.

He also chatted with Ying Ling. As for Ying Ling, she is now in a small slap-sized cage on the left hand side of the magic table in front of the magician Harold, like a Barbie doll, holding the cage railing and crying to herself Wronged.

  Who believes?

   When Harold first visited Ying Ling more than an hour ago, Ying Ling also vowed to say that the faceless is her backstage, so Harold should not move her. Otherwise, the entire Ministry of Magic and the Faceless will come to the door desperately.

   As a result, Harold kidnapped Sakura Ling over and arranged it carefully. The faceless man really came to the door desperately.

   You said it was a coincidence?

   Do you still say it has nothing to do with you?

   Are you still stiff?

   It's useless to say anything, it's too late!

   Your backstage, today will undoubtedly die.

"Don't look around, Faceless'Archimedes'. The moment you come in, you are already dead." After the magician Harold wiped his hands with a handkerchief, he put it on calmly With magic gloves and monocle eyepieces: "I have decided, I want to turn you into a clown~"

   Seeing that Harold seemed to be serious, Ying Ling wanted to strangle herself in despair-she shouldn't have used the faceless man's head fox.

   It's dead this time!

   Didn’t you see it? Master Harold, wiped his hands with a handkerchief!

   He actually wiped his hands with a handkerchief!

  He never wipes his hands!’s not that Master Harold never wipes his hands, but it’s a small habit of his Master Harold to know that wiping hands, and in that legend, whenever Master Harold wipes his hands , It means that he is going to act for real!

   This time, I am afraid that unless it is the **** of magic, no one will be able to save this faceless person, so I will definitely die.

   No one can defeat a magician who has wiped his hands in a magic box!

   What made Ying Ling feel even more annoying was that the faceless man was still looking curiously in the box.

   Does this idiot understand the situation? Does he know, how terrible is Harold-sama after being serious?

   The moment the Faceless One entered this box, he was already dead!

   I'm dead too...
