Your Highness, Don’t Be Like This

Chapter 546: Astral Library

When Miss Moon emphasized to the narrator that she did not call "Hey", she suddenly felt Louis grabbing her hand: "Come on, I found the location of the library."

With that said, Louis couldn't help pulling Miss Moon away. It seems that Louis did not intend to listen to Detrick's speech, after all, the storybook will tell what he sees and hears today. So he took Miss Moon directly to the library.

But when she left, Miss Moon turned her head back in curiosity for the last time because of the narration just now-she was very curious about what Detrick said at the end that would attract her attention. .

"...Time is like a long river that keeps rushing forward. Every civilization is a boat on this long river. If you don't move forward, you will retreat."

"Our Civilization Sutra is still'degenerate' in the end, it has fallen into this endless river, and it has fallen for a long time."

"In the end, our civilization was washed to the end of time..."

When this sound finally rang in Miss Moon's ear, the two had already entered the library in the ship.

At this moment, the two of them were standing at the gate of the library and lost in thought, but they were not thinking of the same thing.

"What does depravity mean? Blackened?"

"No, it refers to the era of stagnation and regression of civilization. In this era, knowledge will not be innovative, and people will no longer have the courage to explore new things, immerse themselves in false joy, and become ignorant and boring."

In Louis's words, Miss Moon was slowly startled.

She remembered the words of ‘Detrick’ just now, remembered what she had seen and heard along the way, and also remembered the era she had experienced.

The glorious era created by the gods, the era like heaven, the degenerate era where people don't have to study new things, or even go to too much thinking.

Anthony once broke this era. Created a short period of prohibition.

In this era, there have been many ‘new things’ around the world that are still unattainable. But this era finally ended in a ‘book burning’.

The great family wizards have taken control of the world, and it has been three thousand years.

These three thousand years have been like a dream, the long river of time scouring this dream, the world is constantly stagnating and regressing in the endless river.

In the end, this world is about to usher in its end.

One is like these great and glorious civilizations that are about to die out.

Miss Moon suddenly understood why everyone would oppose the gods and the great wizards.

Because the arrogant gods and arrogant wizards are all on the wrong path.

They are destroying the world.

At this time, Louis who was ‘remotely watching’ the entire library once again took Miss Moon’s hand and walked in a certain direction.

When Miss Moon came back to her senses, she found that the two had entered a strange ‘book area’.

[Library, in Alia's life, she has seen too many libraries and read too many forbidden books. But she never thought the book would be like this. 】

[She suddenly understood why Louis said ‘the paper books must be found’. 】

The area in front of me is like a deep sky, with the surrounding stars moving slowly, like stars flowing in a galaxy.

The moving speed and trajectory of each light spot are different. Intuition tells Miss Moon that those light spots contain some kind of information, just like a book with a lot of words recorded. After the trajectories of every two light spots are intertwined, the information they form will increase exponentially.

The number of light spots in front of me is unclear, and the trajectory is also dazzling. They record the information collected by the Forbidden Sanctuary for thousands of years, but they cannot be taken away.

In Louie's words, this book area is ‘secret-related’ and has ‘uncertainty’. The main function is to clarify the forbidden wizards—or, to solve them.

It is truly ‘read-only’. Information is ‘determined’ only when it is in the special environment of this room. Once you leave this room, no matter the light spot taken away or the recorded trajectory, there will be changes.

Only the ‘new things’ understood from the information in this room can be taken away by the forbidden wizards.

"This great library comes from the'Kashiya Protoss' (the'fallen father' that the sanctuary once met). It is something that the Protoss inherited from the previous generation of'knowledge managers'. And its name is called Astral Library." Louis looked at the book area and said:

"It can calculate the mystery of the void. To a certain extent, it can answer all our questions."

"Of course, even if it writes almost everything, we still have many things we can't understand-because many questions are beyond our imagination, which makes it impossible for us to ask those questions to this library."

"And when people are no longer curious and asking questions, then even if the wealth of the entire universe is in front of them, they will not be able to take away the slightest thing."

Louis couldn't help but think of this last fallen era in the sanctuary.

Putting away his thoughts, Louis looked at this astral book area-he wanted to find a key here.

"Wait for two minutes.":

After explaining, Louis looked at the surrounding light spots intently, and threw one question after another in his mind. And the trajectories of those stars also changed with his thoughts.

On the other side, Miss Moon was also doing her business. She was a little scornful of the explanations that Louis had just given, because she believed in her own memory, and she also believed that she could take away a little more wealth than Louis.

[You who sneered at "Wealth" before, seem to be...]

Ignoring those nasty narrations, Miss Moon looked at the ‘book collection’ in the library very seriously. Because she vaguely felt that once she had time to fully interpret these things, she would be able to understand the true mysteries of the world.

A **** who understands the mysteries of the world?

Miss Moon suddenly felt that if she could bring back more "books" today, she would be able to show her superiority in front of the "stupid old god" in the future.

Therefore, Miss Moon did not go to'question', but used the only two minutes of her time to use her powerful spiritual consciousness to forcibly record the'books' in the room-even though she failed to record all of them in the end Things, only a small area of ​​starlight is recorded, but these things are enough.

And she did record it successfully—just like when she first read and understood the rules of the world.

However, when the two left the room, Miss Moon was shocked to discover that she seemed to only record some messy and useless information.

Or in other words, her memory of God has changed.

This made Miss Moon unbelievable, and the three views that had been established for thousands of years collapsed at this moment. Because if this ‘change’ is really true, it means that every time she leaves this library, it’s like going to another parallel world.

And at the moment she stepped into this parallel world, whether it was her, her memory, or the world, it was completely different.

[Don't think about it, you didn't step into a different time and space just because you went in and out of the library. Because the world was originally made up of countless different planes—this world is just like that. 】

[In the end, you could not read anything from this ‘Astral Book Area’. 】

[But you suddenly understand some inexplicable new things...]

[Your worldview is rebuilt...]

[You are a little closer to the essence of the world...]

[Divine element level +1]

"It was the same feeling when I observed the double slit experiment for the first I looked at Miss Moon's sluggish gaze. Louis shook his head and looked at the story book, which said:


[You know how to use other things to open the sanctuary again. 】

[Also know how to take things from the sanctuary. 】

[Space: 1 kg]

Louis retracted his gaze and said, "Go, go to the other east, we still have four minutes to take away some good things."


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