Your Highness, Don’t Be Like This

Chapter 597: Have you ever watched "Dragon Ball"?

Louis felt that the current situation was very urgent, but the storybook continued to use arrows to ridicule him as the sun god. So he said "because I'm the sun god" in the question of "Ao".

Ao's next sentence, "It's a coincidence, I am too" made Louis feel a little bad - yes, if he is the sun god, then anyone can be the sun god.

But I didn't expect Charlie to interject after hearing the two of them tease each other.

He said to Louis very seriously: "Louis, as I said, you are indeed the sun god."

Louis rubbed his face fiercely and nodded.

"Come on, Louis, I'll make you the sun god." With that, Charlie started a strange gymnastics and motioned for Louis to do it with him.

Louis and 'O': "???"

Charlie gave the two a look - haven't you seen Dragon Ball? (Louis understanding)

'O' turned away.

Louis: "..."

"Louis, I can really make you a sun god."

"No, thank you." Louis turned his head and wanted to leave, but was grabbed by Charlie's shoulders.

"That's the only way, Louie--you have to fit in with me."

"Don't pull me, go away! Who wants to fit in with you!"


"Idiot." The two behind him were still playing tricks, and 'Ao' had turned to look at the battlefield in the sky.

At this time, the battle in the sky has entered a white-hot stage.

The sun angels are swaying a piece of golden thunder in anger. At this moment, the entire sky has been reflected into a golden color, and countless swarms are also disappearing. However, the swarm has too much nutrients - Modo's body is really too big, although he just climbed out with only one shoulder and one hand, but it is enough to give birth to thousands of times more than the sun angels the enemy.

Moreover, those 'mature bodies' seem to have great resistance to the attack of divine attributes. Therefore, the sun angels found that those bugs did not tend to decrease during their cleaning, and the 'mature body' among the enemies began to gradually increase.

The Sun Army was the first to join the battlefield in the sky. In their eyes, the Sun Angels are high-level Sun Knights in the 'Sun Sanctuary', so the Sun Army is essentially a part of the 'Sun God Vanguard'.

There is no doubt that the Sun Army led by the Sun Angel is the strongest of the human forces in the city of Conquering Demons—Miss 'Sun Brand Insecticide' is the vanguard army that is preparing to conquer this world. with great confidence.

Because those Sun Senators are the strongest villains from the era of King Isolda—just as King Isolda is the closest wizard to the 'God of Magic', the Sun Wizards are also the closest in the past three thousand years. The ancients who forbade wizards. If the sun wizards from all over the world were gathered together, they would be enough to threaten the gods.

Although they can't be like the sun angels, as long as there is sunlight, there will be a steady stream of magic power to use AOE. But they can focus on those mature bodies with the assistance and protection of the sun angels.

Moreover, the magic of the mature body has been seen through by 'Ao' - it is very monotonous, and it is only particularly effective for creatures with **** attributes. Therefore, although there are many mature bodies, they are not the opponents of the sun wizards.

The situation was also as expected by ‘Miss Sun Brand Insecticide’. After Bill led many councilors and sun wizards to join the battlefield, the situation changed a little - those mature bodies were even powerless to fight back.

There's no way to fight back - Bill finds that many matures are like fools and won't fight back.

It's not that they don't fight back at all, it's just that their magic is ridiculous. Sometimes, the 'translucent' half-human witches killed by Bill even tried to use 'everyday spells' against themselves. This made Bill's heart extremely confused.

This made Bill feel that they didn't know how to cast any other magic other than the kind of corruption magic that was especially effective against divine creatures.

The only thing that makes Bill feel a little uncomfortable is that those mature bodies all seem to have the characteristics of 'magic mirrors', so the mature bodies will always re-injury Bill's deadly magic before dying.

As the number of mature bodies killed by the sun wizards gradually increased, the situation began to become a little different.

Bill also became more and more chilled. When a mature body suddenly made a movement that Bill was very familiar with, a thought that made him extremely terrified suddenly occurred in Bill's heart. He took a step ahead and activated the magic brand in his mind. , smashed that mature body in an instant situation.

But after the mature body died, Bill saw something that terrified him inexplicably - after the mature body died, several of its companions even made a gesture to activate the magic mark to Bill. ..

At this moment, Bill was terrified, he turned into a golden lightning, fled the battlefield like a fly, and never came back.

Those mature bodies failed to release that magic in the end, because there was no magic imprint in their 'sea of ​​consciousness'. But similar things are already happening everywhere on the battlefield. The Sun Angels, who had gradually taken control of the situation, were under increasing pressure.

Many sun wizards have already started running for their lives.

'O' fell into contemplation.

"Louis." Charlie was already attracted by the situation in the sky at this time, he frowned and looked at Louis: "Have you noticed that the fighting methods of those translucent faceless bodies are the same as the Black Corner Alley you talked about. The rumored 'Faceless' is very similar?"

Louie wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and gave Charlie a look—you just found out!

"Charlie, they're not learning magic on their own - they're Hive Minds! If one learns it, everyone does!"

"That's how they're learning about the world! They're teaching the hatchling kids!"

"Now, the body of the gods in the sky above the Demon City is only a small part of Modo's body. And the area of ​​his entire body is more than a few counties." Louis said with an ugly face: "Most of his body The body is on the other side of the abyss, and the things that can grow in such a large 'province' are probably hundreds of billions! Maybe there are many subordinates of Modo who are under clean up the eggs, but They won't last long."

"Because it won't be long before there will be hundreds of millions of 'faceless gods' in the sky!"

"And this is just the beginning...because these first born things are just cannon fodder for the swarm. Once they have truly established a foothold in this world and established a nest..." Louie shook his head. head over. He secretly said in his heart: 'The only thing that can solve them all at once is pesticides. ’

'Sanctuary brand insecticide. ’

Louis felt that even if 'that' sun **** came over today, it would be in vain, after all, he did not understand the swarm.

Charlie also felt that the sun **** was dead - he stopped going to see "O", did gymnastics again to Louis, and gave Louis a look - come on.

[Obviously, Charlie thinks that your sun **** is good. 】

Louis: "..."


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