Your Highness, Don’t Be Like This

Chapter 678: tie your majesty to me


In the Land of Clouds, near a certain Lingshan Xiantan.

The place is cloudy and misty, the scenery is picturesque, and the water is clear.

This year is the day when the foggy moon dragon rises, and it is a good time for spring outing. But perhaps because it is located on the border of the royal garden, there are very few tourists here.

Looking around, there are only seven or eight people near the deep pool under the waterfall. Judging from the way he dresses, he should be from a wealthy family. Taking a closer look, the male master doesn't seem to be here. Among the seven or eight people, there are only the mistress, the little master, the fat housekeeper with white face and beard, and a few maids and servants.

The hostess was wearing a Qingxia fairy robe, sitting with her bare ankles crossed on the boulder, with a fishing rod in her hand. Like a fishing fairy.

The child beside her seemed to have just taken a bath in the pool, wearing only a small apron, while shaking her head and reciting a poem about the Milky Way that her mother had just taught him, while playing with the fishing rod.

Perhaps because of this poem, the old butler who combed the little master's hair came to be interested. Talked about the origin of this immortal pool.

"It is rumored that this water falls from the Milky Way. It flows into the Great Abyss Sea with this Yunmeng State. Therefore, the pool is the first of the seventy-two pools in the Eighteen States, and it is the first source of the Milky Way's water to fall into. Therefore, the lake is very clear and extraordinary, and it is the best among the eighteen prefectures.”

After hearing this, the child showed some curiosity in his eyes. Instead of fiddling with the fishing rod in his mother's hand, he pointed to the Tianhe River in the sky and asked, "Big companion, big companion, where does the water of the Milky Way come from?"

"Uh... Maybe it's the east side?" The 'Old Butler' seemed to be caught off guard, he touched his double chin, looked at the river in the sky and said, "Look at this astronomical phenomenon, what direction we are facing here. Yes, it should be 'East Sea\' (East Earth World.

"East China Sea? Can the queen be able to catch a **** in the East China Sea?"

These words made the chubby face of the 'old housekeeper' slightly embarrassed.

"Ao Bing." The hostess said lightly, "Don't be rude to Eunuch Liu."

"Cough, no problem, no problem. Our family is also a **** from the East China Sea. If His Majesty can catch a **** from the East China Sea, he can still be a companion with our family. In previous years, there were really fishermen who claimed that from this deep pool. Here, I caught fish from the East China Sea..."

The old housekeeper coaxed the child, and the child became very excited after listening to it. He cried and snatched the fishing rod from his mother's hand, clamoring to catch a **** and be the company of the old housekeeper.

There was a commotion around, and the woman without the fishing rod sighed. She lifted her chin, looked at the misty sea of ​​clouds and the Tianhe in the sky, and lost her senses.

[The first emperor died early, and the new emperor had not yet come into being. Suddenly, the family, the country, the society and the grain were all shouldered on the shoulders of the woman. She had to do everything possible to support her son. 】

[But now that the dynasty is troubled by internal and external troubles, how should we pull out the internal turmoil and pacify the external troubles? 】

While the woman was distracted, a guard quietly stepped forward and asked, "The Queen, we have been out for two days. Your Majesty has not been to the morning court for many days - the cabinet has just received a message to ask. , are we going back to the palace today?"

The old emperor hadn't been to the early court for ten years, so seven days was nothing-after all, besides the cabinet, there were many princes who participated in politics.

But it is precisely because of these people that the woman is a little upset.

"Let's go back to King Tan's place later."

Hearing this, the guard knew that the mistress missed her sister.

At this time, the surrounding became more and more noisy, the child was jumping around, the housekeeper and the maids waited behind the buttocks and let him put on clothes. But the child was dishonest, and kept pulling at his mother's sleeves, pointing to the sky and shouting.

"Queen Mother! Queen Mother! Look, there are stars in the Tianhe River!"

"Yeah." The woman hummed and didn't take it seriously. She raised her head and glanced at it. After seeing the 'star' falling from the Tianhe into the sky, she stopped looking at it.

This Tianhe comes from the world in the east, and every day there are big fish that come from the north or the south, there is nothing strange about it.

But today's big fish is a bit special. Not only is it much bigger than usual, but after it fell into the sky, it fell towards the deep pool.

Seeing that the 'big fish' was getting closer and closer, the maids and eunuchs were amazed, and when the 'big fish' got closer, even the Holy Queen opened her eyes wide and stood up—then The appearance of the big fish looks a bit special. Someone above seemed to be shouting.

Just as everyone next to the pool was looking around, the 'big fish' wrapped in clouds and mist had already plunged into the pool with a thud.

This time, everyone can see clearly, what kind of big fish is that, it's a boat!

Seeing this scene, the Holy Queen hurriedly signaled the guards to save the people. For a while, in a chaotic area near Tanshui, many people went into the water. I want to see if there are still people alive on the fishing boat.

After letting the guards go, the Holy Queen put on her boots. She faintly felt that the people on the boat should still be alive, but judging from the weak mana breath of those people, if she wanted the boat to be taken out of the deep pool. When they are salvaged, they have to help them.

Right at this moment, the Holy Queen's shoulders suddenly froze slightly, and she heard a stranger's words behind her.

"His grandma's bear, the clouds in the sky are so urgent, the deity's hair is wet - Dongfeng, which place did you choose?"

"Xifeng, you have been in the future for a long time, and this seat may not have been here for a long time. And this cloud country is so huge and vast, how can you tell where it is?" A young man dressed in a very foreign style beside him said: "However, Your Majesty, this should be Yunmeng Prefecture Jiutian Shen County."

"Dongfeng Xifeng, you go and ask passers-by - don't scare the little lady. Aogu... cough, make a fortune, you go to the forest to find someone, Helen and Archie were just sent there by me. already."

This voice was mixed with the shouts of the guards and eunuchs. Except for the Holy Queen and the little emperor who turned around and sucked his fingers to watch the fun, no one found these people.

Until everyone started talking, many people were shocked to find that there were a few more people behind them at an unknown time - but they couldn't feel the breath of these people.

Taking a closer look at this time, most of these six people are dressed in Yunguo people. Among them, the guy called East, West, South and North Wind wears Taoist robes, immortal robes, and magic robes. And the foreigner, who was extraordinarily tall and called a fortune, dressed like a fisherman.

As for the short-haired young man at the head, it was not Yun Guo who was dressed up. He was dressed in a very foreign style, with a waistcoat and a white shirt on his upper body, and trousers on his lower body. On his left hand is a suit jacket and a certain hat. On his right hand is a civilized stick. At first glance, it is a fake foreign devil.

Judging from the conversations of these people, they should be a group of stowaways. And they are in good hands.

The woman couldn't recognize where they were for a while, so she looked at the fat housekeeper and motioned for him to ask.

At the same time, two of the stowaways shook off the water stains on the immortal robes and walked over.

Eunuch Liu frowned and looked at those two people - where is the who claimed to be the deity, the seat, and the saint. What a big breath!

But when he saw the faces of the two of them clearly, there was a buzzing sound in his head, and his body trembled with fright.

He knew where these people came from—the four thousand-year-old demons under the Beihai Optimus Prime had escaped!

"Yes, it is a great (Holy)... protect... protect the Lord! Hurry up and protect the Lord!"

Eunuch Liu originally called for an **** subconsciously, but he changed his mind immediately - if this group of people finds out who he is, he will be finished!

"Master! Quickly take the third master away!"

Hearing Eunuch Liu shouting, the Holy Queen froze in her heart, and the several 'Dragon and Heaven's generals' responded quickly. They didn't have a fight. In the interim, the blue light crossed the sky like a shooting star and disappeared, leaving only Liu Gonggong stunned in place.

Eunuch Liu looked confused, and the four people who came over were also slightly taken aback. Immediately afterwards, the two looked at each other and looked back at their master. Louis narrowed his eyes and nodded, knowing that they must be kidnappers today.

After seeing the master's eyes, the two people who stayed beside Louis looked at the sky and snorted coldly, then threw their sleeves and chased after them without haste.


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