Your Highness, Don’t Be Like This

Chapter 688: Sister-in-law, don't blush!

Louis ignored the arrow marked by the narrator, and patiently listened to Eunuch Liu's words.

After the late emperor repelled the Sun Clan, the country of Yun was at peace for a while. But it didn't make up for it today. Therefore, the Sun Kingdom can still commit borderline violations.

And it gets worse every time.

Occasionally, the monks in the city with deep mana can even hear the drumming of the 'outside the gate'. Or see the evil spirits who break through.

Standing in this Dayun Temple, you can see—speaking, Liu Gonggong pointed to the distance, Louis followed Liu Gonggong's finger and looked at it, and found that there was a hazy 'mark' above the sky. . Indistinctly, you can still see the heavenly soldiers guarding the pass above.

A few months ago, when Louis was fighting in the big hole in the South China Sea, the Sun Kingdom attacked again.

And all the vassal kings restrained the king under such circumstances.

[Hearing this, Louis finally suddenly understood why the old cousin did not invite soldiers when he came to the Heavenly Court of Yunguo to ask for troops to support Dakongdong a few months ago - the Sun Clan are about to come to the capital , Heavenly Court naturally has no time to control the south. 】

[But after a war is a war, why did the old cousin suddenly disappear? 】

Eunuch Liu's next sentence raised a key point.

"...Seeing that this battle is almost over, but the troops of the vassal kings have no intention of leaving. And a rumor suddenly appeared in the court and the opposition..."

According to rumors, the Holy Queen secretly planned to cut down the clan, and the first sword would fall on the head of Zhenwu Shenjun. After beheading Zhenwu Divine Sovereign, he will use his divine soul to fill the sky.

This simply provided an excellent reason for the Eight Kings to enter the city to persuade them—either they rushed in to persuade them with soldiers, or the Holy Queen and the Little Emperor took the initiative to invite them in.

The poor mother and son had no choice but to call eight kings to Beijing to discuss matters in the name of 'to discuss the matter of mending the sky together'.

Regarding the matter of going to Beijing, the vassal kings actually struggled a bit. Because if they were invited to Beijing according to the rhythm of the Holy Queen, they would have to be separated from their own troops. Moreover, the battle has not been completely finished yet, and rushing to Beijing at this time also disrupted their rhythm a bit.

But if I didn't enter the city, but my brothers all went, then no matter what happened next in this capital, I would have to stand aside.

In the end, except for the idle prince Tan Wang, who lived in the city, and the regent Prince Ling, all the other six princes entered the city with the 'embassy'.

According to the rules stated in the little emperor's will, the maximum number of envoys plus civil servants and servants can only be 500 people. So the princes brought 500 people—all of them were heavenly generals wearing divine armor, and there were no civil servants or chores at all. I don't know if it's for safety or deliberately showing strength.

Therefore, it is said that it is a mission, but in fact it is the most elite personal soldier in their hands.

Not counting King Tan and King Ling, each of the six princes is five hundred, adding up to three thousand.

I don't know how many of these 3,000 people are 'demi-gods', but Louis saw that the 'messengers' brought by these vassal kings were wearing 'Dragon Armor'!

Moreover, these people all have murderous aura, and it seems that they have just come off the battlefield not long after.

These three thousand people are by no means a small number. If the six princes work together, they will be twisted into a single rope. Then they can cooperate with the troops outside, knock down the city, and let the dragon chair on the Golden Palace be replaced by someone else.

However, this Holy Queen and King Tan and King Ling are not vegetarians, and there are also the army of the imperial forest and the army of defending the city.

Therefore, the meeting of the Eight Kings this time must be an undercurrent, and this banquet is destined to never end.

Look, the civil servants and celebrities attending the banquet today are chanting poems and opposing each other while the fairies are singing and dancing. As a result, a group of gods and dragons rushed to the center of the venue. Afterwards, they not only drove away the dancing fairies, but also evacuated the tables of many famous celebrities around.

All of a sudden, the center of the venue was chaotic. In a blink of an eye, the screams of fairies, the scolding of civil servants and celebrities, the sound of slaps, the cries of celebrities and celebrities, the laughter of soldiers, etc. came one after another. took a slice.

"Fifth brother, what do you mean?" Tan Wang, who was sitting high on the chief, recognized that the soldiers were the guards of the fifth prince, and he looked at the person on the seat below in anger and surprise. The prince in uniform, blowing his beard and staring, said: "This is a good dance, what are you messing with? It disturbs this prince's poetry!"

"It was asked by the fourth brother." The fifth prince was also straightforward. While biting the pig's head in his hand, he directly pointed at a fat man beside him.

This big fat man is the fourth prince, Ao Zhuo. He is more than two meters tall and has a big belly. At first glance, it is the kind of person who killed many enemies on the battlefield when he was young. Although he is fat now, his body is very strong. Sitting there like a big stone mound, the two fairies around him were like children in his arms.

Seeing Fifth Brother directly identifying himself, Ao Zhuo laughed and said, "Fifth Brother, you are talking nonsense there again."

It seems that, in fact, the fifth should feel too bored, so he asked people to go up to chase and beat people. So that a few brothers can change a program. But he was afraid of being scolded by Ao Dalang, so he said that the fourth brother asked him to do it.

At this time, another prince said: "It's just right to mix it up, this poem means a bird, it's all about seeing that group of ministers are tired and crooked there. If the old fifth doesn't mix up, I will also mention it to the elder brother. opinion."

Next, several princes, you and me, all plan to play with another show. Some people say that fighting is boring, and some people say that fighting is boring. Whoever wins in the end, the sword 'Qingluan\' worn by the fourth brother will belong to that person—one person in this venue is counted as one, and everyone can participate in the competition.

It seems that the sword that Ao Zhuo brought today is still a very famous fairy sword. And there are many heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals in this venue. Hearing this colorful head, the reckless person ran directly to the stage.

Immediately afterwards, this person fought with another person - neither of them had swords, one person was commanding the thirty-six flying swords in the sky, and the other person controlled the sword with qi.

Only then did Louis know that those heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals were all **** swordsmen!

No wonder Yun Country is so arrogant, he used to be able to hang on to fight Sun Country.

Seeing that this is already compared, Wang Tan couldn't help but have a headache. I also know that the brothers are deliberately testing the level of the 'Heavenly Generals' on their side today. If they don't come up with a few who can hold the scene, the kings will probably think that there is no one available in this city!

Tan Wang had a headache. While dealing with the brothers, he stretched his head and looked in a certain direction in the venue, as if he was looking for his second brother to save the scene. After this round of competition, they should come out here people.

At this time, Louis discovered that, at some point, the Holy Queen sitting in front of him had already run under a dragon pillar not far away.

And under the big column over there, in addition to the Holy Heavenly Queen, there is also a valiant young man standing.

This man has a stern body and a dignified appearance. A pair of eyes shot the cold star, and the two curved eyebrows were like paint. The chest is wide and wide, and at a glance, it is a man who has been battle-hardened.

Interestingly, when the Queen of Saints was talking to him, she blushes rarely—this makes Louis extremely surprised, because the 'County Lord' and these two princes are not brothers and sisters? Why does it look like that kind of ambiguous feeling that they are interesting to each other, but haven't 'in-depth contact'?

"Let's go, let's take you to meet our master Erlang." Eunuch Liu said to Louis with a smile, and took Louis over there.

'Erlang Lord... Erlang Zhenjun... Erlang God? ! \'

All of a sudden, Louis suddenly thought of a question - the people in the Heavenly Court of the Kingdom of Clouds are all gods and immortals. Maybe there really is a **** Erlang like another world!

While thinking about it, Louis had followed Eunuch Liu to the vicinity of the column, and Louis suddenly noticed that this Ao Erlang's headdress was very special - it covered the entire forehead.

Suddenly, Louis suddenly remembered a great 'true monarch' - he admired him very much!

"Eunuch Liu!" Louis asked excitedly, "Ao's Erlang, do you have three eyes?!"

"Three eyes?" Eunuch Liu was stunned after hearing "I haven't heard of three eyes."

"Hey? Master Erlang doesn't have three eyes? Does he know the seventy-three transformations?!"

Eunuch Liu laughed when he heard this, he bent the whisk on the crook of his arm, and said to him in a low voice, "Erlang naturally doesn't have three eyes, and we haven't heard of the Seventy-Three Changes - but, we Ye Erlang has the ability to subdue the dragon and subdue the tiger."

Louis: "?"

At this time, the two had already come to the side of the column, and Louis also suddenly noticed that this Erlang of the Ao family, in addition to the 'County Lord' on the left, there was also a 'Princess Pan' on the right.

This sister-in-law kept peeking at her second uncle—sister-in-law's face was much more red than the princess!

[Looking at the blushing sister-in-law, you suddenly understand something...]

[In the dark, it is destiny...]

"Cough, Eunuch Liu, did Lord Erlang fight tigers or tiger spirits before?"

Eunuch Liu gave Louis a look - can you stop asking me these bizarre second-hand questions?

Louis: "..."


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