Your Highness, Don’t Be Like This

Chapter 703: Lao Tzu is covering you, but the King an

"Go, Xiaochunzi, remember, don't wander around the palace. At noon, someone will pick you up." Empress looked at the tall and handsome **** outside the car window, and wiped the corner of her mouth with a handkerchief , he pulled down the curtain and left.

"Slave obeys." Louis bowed and watched the little foreign chariot leave, then he raised his trousers and glanced at the sky - the genius was bright.

"His grandfather's, he was summoned at noon, but he was waiting outside the 'Jianfu Gate' early in the morning... But then, where is this?"

Looking at the red wall and the rows of tall pavilions in the distance, Louis scratched his hair, feeling a little confused.

The messenger of the Abyss Kingdom is now waiting in a small building outside Jianfu Gate, and he should have been sent by the empress to the place where the eunuchs are on duty in Jianfu Gate, and mixed in with the eunuchs. Then, when the palace opened, he and several eunuchs went to see the messengers.

The other eunuchs are mainly responsible for teaching the etiquette of the foreign envoys, and then explain some things, come to a rehearsal or something. And he himself acts as a translator between the two sides.

Regarding this matter, the Empress and Louis were not worried. By means of Louis, the eunuchs in the entire palace felt that Louis was an acquaintance, not to mention a few accompanying eunuchs.

The same goes for the messengers of the Abyss Kingdom. As long as Louis doesn’t want them to recognize him, they won’t recognize him—even if they recognize him, it’s fine.

As for the Holy Queen, she knew that Louis would come today, but she just didn't want the eyeliners of the Eight Kings to know. Therefore, after the messengers have finished meeting the Holy Spirit and left, the Queen of Heaven and the Empress will naturally leave Xiaochunzi to 'talk about the messengers of the Deep' - as for the messengers you are talking about, they will be the messengers of the Abyss Kingdom. If he is still an envoy from the South China Sea, he will not be known to outsiders.

Therefore, Louis only needs to mix with the crowd to meet the Holy Queen.

But the key point is that the car that Niang Niang chose today was a bit too swaying, and it was also very early, so this swaying car took a lot of detours. I didn't go directly to Jianfu Gate.

Originally, Niang Niang planned to send Louis another ride, but it was already dawn and there were many people on the way. It would be strange to think that others would see a **** getting out of her car, and since it was not far from Jianfu Gate, the empress kicked Louis out of the car.

At this time, a female official was passing by with the maids. The female official seemed to have a very high status in the palace, and it seemed that the female official was in a very bad mood today. So the eunuchs and palace maids who saw her on the way were cautious.

But after seeing Louis, the female officer's originally cold face warmed up, and she took the initiative to greet him with a smile on her face.

"Grandpa, why are you not with the emperor today?"

It seemed that the female officer took Louis as a big boss who didn't exist in her memory. Louie knew it was the effect of his own spell—everyone who saw him would match him with certain characters in his memory. I don't know who the 'grandfather' the female official was talking about, but that didn't prevent Louis from dealing with her.

After a few chats, Louis learned that the little emperor ran away crying halfway up this morning, leaving King Tan alone in the hall to deal with ministers and kings.

The words of the palace maid amused Louis - the palace maid was implying that she was going to accompany the emperor.

How can I have the leisure to play with a little kid? I have to go to Jianfu Gate to find foreign Taoist priests to talk about mountains.

"However, did you say that the Queen of the Holy Spirit did not go to court today?" Louis' words had a lot of loopholes. After all, as a big man in the palace, how could he not know what the Queen of God was doing today?

But what the female official said was reasonable - even if Louis now said that the Queen of St. slept in his bed, the female official would find a reasonable explanation to help Louis justify it.

"Grandpa, you are really a noble person who forgets things. The Holy Queen did not go to court today. Maybe she went to the Destiny Monument to visit the god."

Louis' eyes moved slightly. He asked the location of the Destiny Monument, but the maids said they didn't know—they only knew that it was in the palace, but they didn't know how to get there.

"Otherwise, you should go and find the emperor. He knows everything about you."

The maid mentioned the emperor again, suggesting that Louis should go to the emperor. It seems that in the maid's heart, Louis is the emperor's most reliable thigh - now that the emperor has encountered something, the thigh should naturally go to the emperor and be hugged by the emperor.

Under the repeated hints of the female official, Louis changed his attention.

Looking at the sky, there are still several hours before noon. If you have nothing to do to accompany the foreigners in the abyss country, you might as well try your luck. If you really meet the little emperor and ask about the location of the stele, then It's the lottery.

'However, the little emperor is blessed by destiny, and my spells are probably not effective against him. If I really want to see it, 80% of it will be revealed. Seeing that I want to see Shengtian talking about business affairs, I am afraid that it will have some bad influence. ’

After hesitating for a while, Louis decided to stroll around the palace. After all, the opportunity to go to the stele is rare, and I don't know if I can talk to the Holy Queen to see my old cousin. If I miss this opportunity, it would be a pity.

Said it was a chance, but it was really a chance. In the huge palace, Louis's eyes were darkened. He didn't know where the Divine Destiny Monument was, and he didn't know where the little emperor was, so he could only wander around those important places.

Until he wandered around a certain Temple of Heaven, he didn't feel the area suspected of hiding the God of Destiny Monument. On the way, he met a lot of 'acquaintances', but they all said that the emperor went back to sleep.

"As expected of the descendants of the 'Star Boundary Dragon', I can't even see the magic that hides the stele..."

After strolling around the Temple of Heaven, Louis went down the steps and planned to leave.

"Hey, the scenery is not bad... Huh?"

At the corner under the steps, Louis saw another acquaintance.

This acquaintance is really an acquaintance - the son of the county master, the little doll who served as a book companion for the emperor.

However, today he did not accompany the emperor to study, but squatted there and played with stones alone. The figure was lonely and looked pitiful.

But this child is quite sensible. After seeing Louis, he was stunned for a while, and then he opened his mouth and called out uncle.

Louis didn't know the rules in the palace, and he didn't even know that the emperor's book companions were not allowed to wander around in the palace.

After walking around for so long, it is not easy to meet acquaintances. In addition, this child is very well-behaved and dressed like a little adult, which makes people like him at first sight. Louis' mood naturally became very good.

He sat on the steps with a smile, looked at the things the child was drawing on the ground, and found that the child was playing some kind of game with himself.

"Why are you playing here alone?"

"I can't sleep," the child said while drawing on the ground with stones. Taking a closer look, there are two tears on that dirty little face. It seems to have just cried.

Louis couldn't help laughing—the little emperor was bullied, so he took out his anger on his cousin who was a book boy.

Speaking of which, the brothers are also tied together, which is not easy.

One became the emperor at such a young age, and the other became a servant in the palace at such a young age.

Both jobs are not so easy to do, how can you not be angry.

Sigh, it's still the most comfortable to be a free-spirited prince.

"Where's your mom?"

The child pointed to the Temple of Heaven behind him.

After speaking, he saw that Louis' face was wrong. The child added another sentence: "I went with the Holy Queen."

Louis was stunned for a while, then his heart moved slightly. See where the Divine Destiny Monument is.

'It is rumored that the county lord is the **** of the Holy Queen, it seems to be true. If the Holy Heavenly Empress encounters a catastrophe, the family of the county master will also be regarded as a traitor, and they will not be able to escape the catastrophe. ’

Louis couldn't help thinking of the woman who was weak in appearance, but had a heart of loyalty and courage.

Taking out a handkerchief, Louis wiped the child's face clean.

"Didn't you say that when you grow up, you have to stand up for the sky? Do you want to stand up for your mother? This man who stands upright can't easily drop golden beans."

"But uncle, I can't wait until I grow up to protect my mother." The little nephew cried out loudly: "They are going to kill my mother!"

"Who said that?"

"No one said it, but the boy just knew! Uncle... I, I'm so scared... I'm afraid my mother won't see me when I grow up."

Yes, everyone grew up with grandchildren. No matter how tough everyone will be when they grow up, when they were young, someone had to cover them.

Louis stood and looked at the Golden Palace in the distance - he didn't know whether this palace or that court was bullying the mother and son, nor did he know how many people and how many people in this country. How many gods and demons bullied them.

But so what?

"Don't be afraid, uncle is here to cover you today - do you remember what uncle said to you?"

The child raised his head dazedly, as if he could not remember.

"With Lao Tzu covering you, even the Heavenly King Lao Tzu can't move you!"

Louis' words are so arrogant, but in the eyes of the third master, they are different - at this moment, he stared blankly at the tall figure in front of him, feeling that he is the king who can support himself.

'An Lushan\' must be his uncle - he told him in the imperial edict that he hoped that he would come over earlier. Both himself and his mother were looking forward to him, and he did come early.

He also replied to his own words-he said what he said today, he said it before he came to Yun Country.

He said that he should not be afraid, and take it with him in the palace.

Because the bad guys around him haven't been able to dance for a few days, and when he comes over, he will take out all the bad guys around him and kill them one by one, so that the country of Yun will be at peace!


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