Your Highness, Don’t Be Like This

Chapter 715: Flying star!

From the time Louis and the others entered the 'Linde Hall', and then to the appearance of the Holy Queen, it was already from evening to midnight, and several hours had passed. During this time, Louis played sloppy eyes with his brothers at the banquet, delaying the time, and the Holy Queen was also arranged outside.

So when the Queen of Saints showed up, Louis knew that the Nantianmen was safe.

The overall situation was settled, so he greeted his brothers and said that he was going to the Temple of Heaven to visit his ancestor (old cousin).

"Sacrificing ancestors to make up the sky? What kind of tricks does the old ten want to do?"

"Fourth brother, that stinky boy doesn't really plan to attack the ancestors, right?"

"Hey, who knows. This dog man and woman are either ready to attack the ancestors, or they are attacking us. Anyway, with the old ten's sloppy guts, there must be nothing good..."


On the way to the Temple of Heaven, several princes looked at the pair of dog men and women walking in the front, they could be said to be gnashing their teeth with hatred, but they were helpless.

Indeed, but now people are the sword and I am the fish, and everyone can only visit the ancestors in the 'escort' of the South China Sea guards.

It is also depressing to say that when the kings were at the banquet, they had already received news from the army - half an hour ago, the army of the kings was already 80 miles away from the capital.

Eighty li, such a huge army, if it were placed in this ancient times, even if it was thrown away and the luggage was forced to march, it would take a day.

But the soldiers and horses of the Yun Kingdom are not ordinary troops, they are heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals who can fly through the clouds!

Therefore, even the bloated and huge troops of the kings, with a few sticks of incense, can reach outside the Nantianmen.

Therefore, the troops of the kings are already close at hand, but their success is close to failure.

Brothers all know at this time that the big guy's token is probably already sent to the army together with the emperor's decree. And even if the soldiers don't obey the orders, they still rush to Nantianmen, and there is no drama - even this palace is now guarded by the people of Nanhai King, and Lingwang surrendered earlier, so the situation of Nantianmen is already obvious. .

Therefore, the current Nantianmen is no longer the Nantianmen before the banquet, but a Tianguan guarded by 100,000 heavenly soldiers!

After the meal, the situation was reversed - oh no, it should be said that the moment the King of the South Sea led his army to the capital ahead of schedule, the situation was settled.

If you think about it further, it seems that when the Queen of Heaven summoned the kings into the capital to discuss the matter of repairing the sky a few months ago, everyone began to be led away by the nose-the kings knew that this was a conspiracy, and they thought they could laugh. In the end, but in the end, it was still one move.

In terms of strength, he can't compare to his younger brother, and his chess skills are not as good as that of the Demon Empress, so although the elder brothers hate it, they have nothing to say.

The only thing that made them complain a little was that the old ten's next route made them a little bit confused--it was indeed impossible to understand. After all, the most urgent thing right now is not to let troops into the city to stabilize the overall situation first, so as to secure the world?

But now there is no movement at Dongtianmen.

Moreover, the cooperation between the Holy Queen and the old ten also made your brothers do not understand - if you say that the Holy Queen agrees to his son's abdication, everyone will never believe it.

And to say that the old ten has been busy for so long, it is not to be the emperor, and everyone does not believe it - the millions of troops have traveled back and forth all the way, just to secure the throne for his nephew?

What is he trying to do!

I don't know what kind of wine the two people are selling in their gourds. Maybe I can only understand it after seeing the ancestors.

In other words, since the death of the late emperor, everyone has not been to the Temple of Heaven to worship for many years.

Everyone is also very puzzled about what the ancestors have been doing in the Temple of Heaven - it can't be said that he really has been waiting there to be beheaded, right?

So when everyone followed Louis to the Temple of Heaven, they were very curious. And the conscientious princes such as Ao Zhuo also started a manuscript in their belly - the old ten fingers may have the idea of ​​convicting everyone in front of the ancestors, and then rationally cut down the clan.

Looking at the frown of the old ten, Bacheng was thinking about something bad.

Everyone doesn't know that Louis is actually thinking about other things, and he is not on the same channel with them at all. I just think the next lawsuit should be fought well.

After all, if you don't fight well, let alone military power, you will lose both your title and your life. If you think about it this way, someone will have to come out and take care of the blame for everyone.

——I'm sorry, fourth brother!

Brothers are thinking about how to let the fourth brother take the blame, and the fourth brother is also thinking about how to get out of the predicament.

Several princes are extremely smart people, so they have also thought of various countermeasures.

It can be said that the moment they walked up to the Temple of Heaven, everyone's heads turned to smoke. He did have a lot of ideas in mind.

But when everyone entered the Land of Destiny from the Temple of Heaven and saw the scene inside, all the things in their hearts were thrown behind their heads.

One by one, their eyes widened, their mouths widened, and they were dumbfounded like goose. I wonder if I'm in the wrong place.

They finally understood why Lao Shi was not in a hurry to let the soldiers and horses do this, but was in a hurry to bring everyone here.

"Old Shi! Why didn't you tell me about this situation earlier! My father's tablet is still standing here!" Duanwang Aozhuo and the others looked at the scene in front of them and jumped anxiously, only to find that the old ten was also stunned. straight.

At this time, the Holy Queen also walked in from behind. She looked up and found that the temple, which had been able to support it before, was now like half a cake that had been placed for a week, and it had already collapsed in half!

And the old man with crooked mouth, who was repairing tiles on the roof, was squatting on the gravel steps outside the door, smoking a suffocating cigarette in silence.

With a bang, a thunderstorm fell in the sky, and then everyone suddenly realized that there was already a gust of wind in this Temple of Heaven, and the wind and rain were about to come.

Seeing this scene, Yang Yue'e had a buzzing sound in her head, and she almost fainted—I knew I shouldn't have let my old cousin leave for a while!

At this time, an **** suddenly stumbled in from outside the cloud and mist. Before the person arrives, the sound arrives first.

"Niangniang! Niangniang! The sky outside the city collapsed! A flying star suddenly arrived! The star and moon are dim!"

"I see." Louis and the Queen of Saints nodded at the same time, and then the two slowly raised their heads to look at the sky—what else was there in that day?

The whole day is gone!

The clouds, the stars and the moon are gone, there is only one flying star!

[Obviously, when Louis was closing the net, the foreign emperor of the Sun Kingdom was not idle...]

[He's about to open half of his eyes...]


Before a stick of incense, thirty miles outside the city, the army of the feudal lord and the army.

In a certain tent, a **** of martial arts wearing a dragon armor, was sitting at the chief with the token that his foster father Ao Zhuo carried with him. He frowned and looked outside the tent. The surrounding generals stood on both sides of the account, and they were discussing with solemn expressions.

Suddenly, there was another chirping sound outside, followed by a loud shout from far to near.

"Report!!~ The holy messenger came with the king's token! Order our army to stop at the place immediately and wait for the king's order!"

"What number is this?" Zang Tian frowned and asked left and right.

The general said in surprise: "Bei Xingjun, this is the fifth decree."

Zang Tian frowned - the number of tokens of the Six Kings has reached five, and the capital will definitely undergo a major change.

"You don't have to wait any longer. Pass my order, and the three armies will immediately set off and march to Nantianmen!"

The generals obeyed the order and went out to their tents. Zang Tian got up and picked up the halberd by his side, ready to go out to the tent.

At this moment, the night outside the account suddenly became brighter, and for a while, the stars and moon dimmed.

In their astonishment, all the soldiers looked up at the signs in the sky and saw a flying star twinkling in the night sky. The flying star got closer in the blink of an eye, like a small sun.

In the blink of an eye, the clouds around the flying star were shone bright red!

The light fell on the soldiers, and they felt a scorching heat. In such a short period of time, the night gradually turned into day, the hoarfrost on the horse was melted at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the grass on the ground began to wither In this situation, It's like the end is coming!

Before they could react, there were bursts of buzzing in everyone's ears. Immediately afterwards, the army suddenly felt a sway under their feet—suddenly, they saw the mountains in the distance, like waves, undulating silently!

For a while, the land collapsed and the ground cracked, but the gravel that collapsed from the mountain did not fall, but floated upward! Looking at it again, the Tianhe that is farther away has already started to flow backwards at some point - flying towards the sky!

And in the sky at this time, where can there be any more stars and moons?

There is only one flying star left!

In a few breaths, the flying star drew a little closer, and then, the clouds below the flying star, thousands of miles away, also began to rotate. It looks like a crimson vortex, or a big hole!

Zang Tian's expression was solemn - this day, after all, it collapsed!

The gravel on the ground and the river in the sky are flying higher and higher, and they have already flown into the clouds!

The Tianhe River was connected to the cloud, and people found that the red cloud gradually turned golden—no~! That's not the color of clouds, it's countless 'feathermen'!

They wear golden armor, six-winged, human-shaped, and hold divine weapons such as light spears or war hammers.

"It's Lei Zhenzi of the Sun Country! ~Fight!!"


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