Your Highness, Don’t Be Like This

Chapter 89: Who said I am not a pastor?

   The vehicle finally stopped on the rural road ahead of time.

  As soon as the car stopped, the driver Jim kicked the door open, covered his mouth and ran into the field and threw up.

  Ms. Kate was also sweating profusely, her face flushed, she looked straight at the cotton field outside the window, as if she hadn't been relieved.

   Seeing this scene, Louis and Helen glanced at each other, laughed secretly, got out of the car and let the wind go.

   is said to be Xiangxiang Road, but it is flat and wide, and judging from the standardized landmarks, it should have been built by the Royal Government. It seems that in these years, His Majesty King Ignatius has been doing business.

   This is already the territory of Earl Crawley. There are fields everywhere. On the horizon in the distance, some farms and windmills can be vaguely seen.

  The fields around here are dominated by cotton fields. There are many people in coarse clothes picking cotton in the fields, but they seem to be mostly foreigners and mainly women. After all, the young adults in their family are mostly hired workers in the various factories of Earl Crowley. No time for farm work.

   Compared to the foreigners in the academy, they look drier, darker, and look older.

   I don’t know if they are free people or slaves or captains, and I don’t know which of these fields belong to them. But these people's faces are full of smiles. Some people are curiously looking towards the vehicle, there are many children playing in the paddock.

   There are a few strong human men wearing short clothes, short swords, and fire guns. They walked over from a corner with melon seeds. They seemed to be patrolling the fields. A little Yordle jumped on top of a human man, snatched some melon seeds from the guards, and then pointed curiously.

The guards looked this way, recognized the vehicle, knew that the lady had picked up the guest, smiled and made a noble courtesy to Louis-judging from the standard etiquette, they should be Lord Crowley's Retainer knight. Usually in the territory, it should be the duty of acting as a sheriff.

   Louis couldn't help but look at the foreigners again.

   It has always been heard that foreigners are constantly joining the wizarding world. She was taken in by the major wizarding forces.

   But it seems that there are more foreigners entering the world of ordinary people.

  The era of great navigation has entered its heyday. Over the years, various kingdoms have been exploring and expanding outward.

   The Kingdom of Solundo is one of the most powerful kingdoms.

  With the expansion of these kingdoms in overseas colonies, more and more labor forces are pouring into cities from all over the world. Some of them will enter the factory, and some will find other businesses in the city. Most of the remaining people will be placed by the lords.

   Everyone can find a job. After all, there is a shortage of people everywhere. Cities, factories, and various buildings are constantly being built. The land of the noble lords is constantly increasing.

   The world seems to have been completely ruled by mankind, and foreigners have become vassals and integrated into society.

   This is a peaceful and beautiful era, or that blood does not flow on the continent-but on the sea, and on those new continents and mysterious areas.

   There was a slight sound of footsteps behind him. Louis turned around and found that Miss Kate had gotten out of the car without knowing when, in the breeze, she lifted her hair and walked over.

   "Sorry, Mr. Louis." Miss Kate's face was somewhat apologetic: "I don't know what's wrong with this car. Jim just checked it yesterday, but something seems to be wrong..."

   "Don't be sorry, Miss Kate." Louis nodded lightly, picked up the pipe and said, "We've seen more weird things."

   Helen: [Louis is a big cheat! It's that he did something bad, and he's still pretending here! ]

   After listening to Louis's words, Miss Kate was a little dumb. Today's things are indeed a bit too strange. It reminded her of all sorts of strange things that happened recently in the manor.

   She lifted up the hair in front of her, and couldn't help but raised her head again and looked at the tall and steady man. Today even Jim was frightened, but the two guests were very calm. It seems that they have actually seen many weird things.

   Maybe he has really seen a lot of things, but at this moment, Kate has more confidence in him.

   At this time, the driver Jim also came back. He yelled that it was definitely not a problem with himself or the car. After checking, he found that the car was indeed ok.

   "Tomorrow, please see Mr. John Bishop." Jim closed the cover of the machine, his face turned pale, as if he had seen a ghost: "Maybe we should exorcise a demon, or sprinkle some holy water or something."

  The words were not finished yet, and bursts of soft light slowly lit up on the car body.

   Kate and the driver Jim widened their eyes and stared dumbfounded at Louis, who was holding the scriptures and praying.

   This young man is really a priest!

   Kate, a devout moon **** believer, flushed at this moment, ashamed and nervous, couldn't help putting his hands together, and prayed to Louis.

   After the driver was stunned, he hurriedly began to pray in a way, and by the way, he also secretly looked at Louis, and repented a few words-Fake! Baptism is really lacking in sight, this young man is really a serious priest!

   Helen was stunned: [Huh? What kind of magic is this? Is it fluorescent flicker? definitely is! Can you be so deceptive? Louis this big cheat! ]

   "It's okay, Miss Kate." Louis sprinkled a drink that wizards often drink on Kate-‘Clear Water’, and then reached out and clicked on Kate’s eyebrows.

   Kate suddenly felt refreshed, and couldn't help being stunned.

   Is this holy water?

   This is really a mistake!

   I didn’t expect that these two young men are not only really clergy, but this tall and handsome boy is the kind of pastor who can get holy water — maybe it's the senior pastor!

   But whoever thinks he is a liar, right?

   If Bishop John sees him, he might be beaten with a

   Hearing Miss Kate's heartfelt voice, Louis couldn't help frowning, and once again confirmed the dress of himself and Helen-quite plain face-to-face!

   A little bit of a **** pattern, but it's not fancy at all!

   The priests and priests in this impression-no matter which sect, they are all face-to-face?

   Is it possible that the level of this costume is too low?

   is the dress of the apprentice pastor?

   It is indeed unavoidable that people are suspicious of wearing this dress.

   But it’s okay, don’t delay doing things yourself. Explain that this is my old clothes before, and I am anxious to bring the wrong one out today.

   Anyway, the ‘priests’ (agents) of the Icon Tree Theological Seminary, there are a lot of moths out there—and there are filmmakers! Not bad for this share of my own.

   It doesn’t matter if things get serious, just turn around and let Stewart wipe his ass.

   As for the first party's doubts about their own identity-the big deal is to move the name of Osikris, don't the Muggles think that she teaches at the Holy Tree Theological Seminary?

   said that she is her colleague, is this well-founded?

   There is no flaw in the identity of the senior pastor, right?

  Many senior pastors who often go out on business are of a high level-such as themselves.

   The priests of the Holy Tree Theological Seminary are also very good-such as myself.

   Thinking of this, Louis and Helen exchanged glances-the two had a clear understanding of each other, and they understood the meaning of both parties at once.

   [Yes, move my sister out! ]

   Louis is relieved.

   Helen is the same.

   Only Kate is still looking at the two dumbly.