Your Majesty, the Spectacle Has Missed the Country!

Chapter 356: Miss Wandering

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When new things continue to emerge from the land of Idar, those areas north of Idar, which were brought under the control of the Stuart family not long ago, are gradually returning to the past...

Oh, no, it is gradually showing their vitality and vitality that they have never had before.

The retreat of the Odins prevented the people living in the eastern part of the empire from becoming slaves to the barbarians. Therefore, they did not resist the arrival of the Idars.

In their view, their life is nothing more than returning to the past. Although their lives are extremely difficult under the oppression of the noble master, at least they don't have to worry about their lives at all times.


When the people living on the Dell hills prepared in advance and decided to take the tougher squeeze from the Duke of Idal,

They were surprised to find that the world seemed to be different from before.

They realized for the first time that...not all nobles will let the civilians live in dire straits, and let the civilians live on the verge of collapse.

At the very beginning, when they tremblingly watched the heavily armed Idar soldiers walk into the village, every civilian's heart raised his throat.

Because according to their past knowledge, the soldiers under the nobility are simply heinous lackeys. Not only will they do evil, but they will also charge protection fees from the already embarrassed civilians.

However, to everyone's expectations, none of this happened.

In addition to maintaining normal order, the Idar soldiers did not interfere with the lives of the local people at all, and did not even have any intersection with the local people.

The official ape of the Idar Immigration Administration has registered the owner's information one by one and appointed Idar officials who are responsible for local management.

Those fine lands that were originally occupied by the noble lords were all leased to ordinary people at an extremely low price, and the old people and children who had been living in miserable lives were also taken care of by the Idars.

Not only that, the Duke of Idar even opened a special textile factory in the local area, so that the refugees who have no source of livelihood can get a stable job.

And according to the people who entered the factory, the machinery and equipment owned by the Idars are enough to increase the efficiency of weaving and sewing clothes by at least seven times!

For civilians, the changes that the Idars have brought to this land are almost never imagined by them.

In this half of a year, under the rule of the Stuart family, the people living on this land have for the first time aspirations for life. They can eat and wear well-fitting clothes. .

This is also the first time that they have regained their dignity as civilians, and will no longer be frightened by the soldiers' every move.

From the barren land ravaged by war to the thriving and harmonious land where people live and work in peace and contentment, Million Morris witnessed the changes that took place on this land.

In fact, in a strict sense, Million Morris can be regarded as Bruno's distant cousin.

The Morris family, who were also nobles in the eastern part of the empire with the Stuart family, had been one of the vassals of the Marquis of Valence before, and lived all year round in the Valence Plain, a rare fertile land in the eastern part of the empire.

And Million Morris' grandmother has the direct blood of the Stuart family.

As the eldest lady of the Morris family, although her character is quite carefree, it is undeniable that Milion Morrison should enjoy the service of servants in the castle like all the noble ladies of this era.

However, the arrival of the Odins completely destroyed the rule and majesty of the eastern aristocracy. With the massacre in Valence City, the Hastings family (the former supreme ruler of the Valence Plain) has accumulated for generations. His fame and honor have completely dissipated in this world.

The sudden attack made the nobles living on the Valence Plain too late to stop the resistance or pack up their things and run away. As a noble lady, Million Morris was also separated from his family in the war and the raging fire. .

That night,

She only remembered that the raging fire separated countless people, and the smell of smoke was almost suffocating.

She heard her mother’s helpless cry, and her father’s angry roar,


When Milion Morris woke up groggy, she only saw the ashes and ruins all over the floor, and felt the heavy wooden planks pressing on her.

Her family has long since disappeared, and those close servants and servants whom she used to be familiar with have long lost their breath.

At that moment, she suddenly felt that she was no different from ordinary people.

After losing the asylum of parents and soldiers, as well as the flattery and compliments of others, a feeling of helplessness began to surge in Million Morris's heart.

Anyone would feel at a loss what to do with sudden changes, not to mention, Million Morris was just a 13 or 4 year old girl.

She once called out the names of the attendants and called for the help of her parents, but as time went by, looking at the devastation around her, she gradually realized that her crying could not only bring the separated parents back to her side. , On the contrary, it will attract the attention of Odin.


When watching the castle he was familiar with was burned down by the Odins, Milion Morris seemed to understand a lot overnight.

The careless personality makes her not like most aristocratic ladies.

Although the sudden disaster caught her by surprise, and the separation of her family also made her experience a kind of unforgettable grief, Milion relied on her own strength to push away the wooden plank that was originally on her, and stumbled to stand up. .

Wherever he looked, there were ruins.

Under the threat of Odin's cavalry, Million Morris did not dare to ask for help from others on the basis of her noble status. Therefore, she became a member of the refugee army that moved to Idal. .

During that time, this aristocratic lady tasted the taste of starvation for the first time, and also experienced the hardships of the people in person for the first time.


Million knew very well in her heart that no one would tolerate her temper, and no one would give up life-saving food because she was a noble lady.

What surprised her was that she was already in displacement before she even reached the land of Idar Territory, and she heard the news that Idar's army had won a great victory.

Million Morris never thought that her grandmother's family would have such a powerful strength.

In fact, everyone was stunned at the victory of the Principality of Idar. They never thought that the earl, who was nestled in the eastern corner of the empire, could actually make the Odin Empire cringe and retreat.

It was only when the officials of the Idar Immigration Administration began to count the identity information of all the refugees and arrange jobs and residences for the homeless refugees, Milion Morris reported his home.

Daughter of Earl Morris and distant relative of Bruno Stuart, Duke of Idar.

If it's just an ordinary nobleman, the staff of the Idar Immigration Administration would at best greet Liszt, the director of the transfer bureau, and then proceed in accordance with the way the Principality of Idar has always treated nobles.

But the problem is... this young girl has something to do with her Duke!


The report from the Dell Hills area was quickly passed to Liszt's hands, and then presented to Bruno.

"Milion Morris?"

Even though he inherited all the memories of the original body, Bruno was still quite unfamiliar with this name.

"The Morris it the in-laws of the Stuart family?"

"It's probably your grandfather's generation who had been married to the Morris family." Mundell lowered his head and thought for a while, then said softly.

"Then let her come to Idar City."

After pondering for a moment, Bruno finally ordered.

Although he only has such a lost blood relationship with the Stuart family, Bruno is not yet able to leave a 13-year-old girl alone, and then be sent to the Orphanage of Qiqiang.

But one thing is matter who it is, the Idar Principality's policy towards nobles will not change or tilt the slightest.

The Stuart family does not need separate vassals, and the eastern part of the empire does not need any aristocracy except for the Stuart family.

Therefore, even if Milion Morris was allowed to come to Idar City, Bruno would not give her too much support, let alone a Countess Morris on this land.


Following Bruno's order, Million Morris finally came to the Hanging Garden at the eastern foot of the Almis Mountains in early July.

"This Lord Duke... really is an incomprehensible guy..."

Seeing this spectacle in front of her, Million Morris couldn't help being a little surprised.

From Dale Hills to Idalling, Million saw almost everything on the way that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear.

If he was surprised by everything in the eastern part of the empire, then her experience in Idar can already be described as incredible.

Milion has been to the Hagia Sophia, where the Duke of Idar officially declared himself the guardian of the Protestant faith. The towering dome and the magnificent cathedral made her think that she had come to the holy city of Bethlehem. .

Million also saw the Namur Fortress standing on the Sauron River. The strong walls and turbulent rivers provided an indestructible line of defense for the Idalling.

The endless Stonehenge, the crowded Caracalla Baths, the ancient Roman aqueduct that traverses the city...

These architectural wonders standing on the land of the Principality of Idar made Milion marvel at the wealth and wealth of the Idar people time and time again.

And all this made her very curious about the young duke from Idal.

The soldiers guarding the sky garden had long been informed of the arrival of Million Morris. After confirming the identity with the accompanying soldiers, they put the noble lady of the Morris family into the sky garden.

This was of course obtained Bruno’s promise in advance. You must know that some time ago, several soldiers were punished by Lord Duke for putting Viscount Conte in the sky garden without permission.

As soon as she arrived on the second floor of the garden, Million was startled by a pale golden figure rushing from her side.

"Hey, hey! Stop it, if you are tossing something broken, Lord Duke will be angry..."

As soon as Million turned her head, she saw Avril Lavigne wearing a light blue maid dress, staggeringly rushing over from the other side.

"Ah! Are you..."

Avril Lavigne finally stopped beside Milion and asked crisply.

"Milion Morris."

"Ah! So you are the young lady of the Morris family!"

Avril Lavigne hurriedly bowed slightly, and saluted Milion cautiously.

"What are you... doing?"

Milion's tone seemed a little puzzled, and she looked at the little maid who looked a little reckless with curiosity.

The light blue maid dress looked neat, but it was wrinkled by Avril Lavigne.

At the same time, Avril Lavigne was still holding a furry little guy in her right hand. Except for its white neck, the little guy was covered with pale golden feathers.

"Oh, this is the little griffin that the Lord Duke raises freely in the garden. He knows all day to be naughty." Avril replied, mentioning the fluttering little guy.


Because Avril had pinched the throat of fate, the little Griffin at this time looked particularly obedient, and looked quite docile.


It turned out to be a griffon!

As a noble lady, Million Morris naturally heard of this magical creature that only exists in legend.

The Griffin is the totem of the Stuart family!


No matter how much Million thought, she couldn't connect the fluffy little guy in front of her with the legendary air overlord.

"so cute……"

Although during the encounter during this period, Milion turned out to be extraordinarily strong, but when faced with griffons, especially the fluffy little griffins that were in their infancy, Milion was not at all able to do so. resistance.

"The griffin is so cute, why do you want to catch the griffin?"

At this moment, Million's eyes were full of the appearance of a little griffin.


Little Griffon

"Ah? It's not that I want to catch Million, because these two little guys are so noisy, they go to the house all day long..."

"Can you give me a hug?" Million's eyes were a little urgent.


"Be careful, this guy doesn't look like such a teacher." Avril warned.

Million took the little griffin carefully.


So soft...

Just as Milion was about to start, I saw that the little griffon in her arms suddenly made a grimace at her, and with a swish, she broke free from Milion's arms, flapping her wings and preparing to flee.

"Don't run!"

Avril Lavigne couldn't take care of Miss Million next to her, so she screamed and chased after her.