You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 796: Beat Sanye into the cold palace

Lin Suqing didn't react at first, and then he understood what Qingmang meant.

When the film is ready to be released and the road show is taking place, her name may appear on the poster.

Even if she does not appear, when the movie is released, she, as a newcomer, will definitely be taken by some film companies, economic companies, or some directors.

This one is her debut work, and being able to seize this opportunity is probably equivalent to knocking on half of the threshold.

Lin Suqing hugged Qingmang, "Qingmang, thank you."

If it weren't for Qing Mang, she probably didn't know where and what kind of life she was living.

It may just be like all living beings, living a very ordinary and calm life.

"Well, there is one thing I would like to ask you. It is good for you to be active now, but don't be too active. Everyone here may be a big star in the future. Don't leave any black history. Wait for you to be The media dug up."

"What you have to do is to maintain your original characteristics and individuality. Of course, it's not to make you uncomfortable, but don't make any excitement, just go wherever you go, you know?"

Originally, Qing Mang didn't want to say this to her, but seeing that Su Qing was like a wild horse that had taken off his bridle, he had to remind one or two.

The most attractive thing about Su Qing is her quiet and spiritual temperament, which many people can't compare.

Good-looking skins and interesting souls need to be balanced.

Listening to Qing Mang's words, Lin Suqing suddenly felt guilty.

It seems that after going to university, she is indeed a little presumptuous.

"Well, Qing Mang, don't worry, I remember, I will not run out often in the future, and study the way of acting." Lin Suqing vowed.

A smile rolled up from the corners of Qing Mang's lips, and he faintly replied, "Well, good."

I just hope that Suqing can escape, the law of true fragrance.


"Take it out, change it again, and submit it again. If it's wrong again, you don't have to sit in this seat."

An indifferent and depressing voice came from the president's office.

Then came out an executive with a panic face and constant sweat on his forehead, nearly fifty years old.

After leaving the house, it was as if he had recovered his life from the Lord Yan, leaning against the wall, his face pale and his legs were a little unsteady.

After slowing down for a while, he held on to the wall and walked forward with vain steps.

Song Yuan stood by and shook his head. From morning to now, this is the fifth executive to be criticized.

The poor man was too old to be scared to death by the third master.

I don't know what happened to San Ye recently, but he seemed to be in a bad mood.

Even with his life these few days can be described as a bit horrified.

I don't know what's going on, I always feel that the air pressure around Sanye is a bit low these days, and whenever I get closer, I can feel that chill.

Who provokes the third master?

Song Yuan thought about it, and it seemed that the only thing that could make Third Master unhappy and unable to get angry was Miss Qing Mang.

It seems that in the past few days, I really haven't heard Sanye flirting with Miss Qingmang.

So not long after Miss Qingmang went to school, she beat Sanye into the cold palace?

Song Yuan admired Qingmang at this point.

Only Ms. Qingmang can make the third master so unconscious, and it hurts to think about it.