You’re Too Cold, My Tsundere Adonis

Chapter 961: I feel a little fat when I hug it

"Actually, I always feel that Lu Yanmu is at a disadvantage with me." Qing Mang said frankly.

Gu Sui thinks so, there seems to be so much truth.

Although Lu Yanmu seems to be a bit bad sometimes, who doesn't care about his worth and status.

"Well, you will have to get hold of others in the future. Don't get past this freshness and don't want you. You won't have a place to cry at that time. Although I can give you some cover, it doesn't matter whether it is power or money. But people, I always have to plan for Ah Chen, and I can't mess with him." Gu Sui said bluntly.

Qing Mang shook his head, and this ear of grain is also very good. Before marrying someone else, he has already thought about the two joints, and it seems that he hasn't ran away.

If I knew that, why was it so stiff at the time? It wasn't the last time I had to enter the door of the Ji family and be the wife of the Ji family.

The two of them talked something about their girlfriends together, and when it was nearing dinner, Lu Yanmu came back and carried an insulated lunch box in his hand.

When Lu Yanmu came back, Gu Sui knew that he was going to be a flashlight, and could no longer be a light bulb with such a sense of existence.

When Gu Sui was leaving, Lu Yanmu was seldom facing Gu Sui and Yan Yue. In contrast to his previous cold performance, Gu Sui was a little surprised. After he was surprised, he hurried to leave.

Qing Mang glanced at the figure of Gu Sui running faster than the rabbit, and suppressed a smile and said to Lu Yanmu: "Look at you, always holding a straight face, people are scared away by you."

Lu Yanmu's expression remained the same, as if it wasn't his business at all, and he paused for a while and said, "Isn't this normal? How can she see me as normal?"

Qing Mang: "..."

There seems to be no way to refute this, it makes sense.

"Hmm... Next time you look at her a little more amiable, she won't be that to you." Qing Mang suggested.

Lu Yanmu filled Qingmang with soup and raised his eyebrows slightly: "Do I need to care about her attitude?"

Qing Mang: "..."

Yes, this is very good for Lu Yanmu.

"I guess she's used to it too." Qing Mang said lightly.

Suizi must be unaccustomed to her sudden change of attitude, and she might be surprised.

After Qing Mang had finished drinking the soup and eating, Lu Yanmu took off his coat and put it on a chair, sat on the side of the hospital bed, wrapped his arms around Qing Mang's waist, and said lightly, "It seems, I am a little fat."

Qing Mang "......!!!"

"What are you talking about?!" Qing Mang squinted slightly and threatened.

How dare to say that she is fat? !

Can't bear it! ! !

Who is she doing this for?

"No, I say that your body is recovering well, very well." Lu Yanmu replied, pursing his lips.

Qing Mang groaned, but it didn't make Lu Yanmu much embarrassed.

"Hmph, even if you are fat, you can't go back!" Qing Mang grabbed the corner of his clothes, with a fierce meaning on his face.

The corners of Lu Yanmu's lips made a smile, "Well, I don't regret it, but I have to make you fatter so that I can feel it when I hug you."

Qing Mang said that he didn't want to talk to Lu Yanmu anymore.

"Did the doctor say when I can be discharged from the hospital?" Qing Mang thought about locking up Lu Yanmu earlier.

"It's a good recovery, there are no major accidents, and I can go home to recuperate next week." Lu Yanmu replied.

"Next week..." Qing Mang murmured.

Hmm... this time is not bad.