Zerg: Desolate Star and Moon

Chapter 15: Zerg's Desolate Star and Moon

In the end, when Xi Lan returned to the car, the heat on his face had not subsided.

Yin Ze didn't know whether he was woken up from sleep or not at all. He turned on the lights in the car, stared at Xi Lan's face and asked, "Why are you blushing like this?"

Xi Lan hasn't recovered from Yi Xing's story yet, and his mind is full of his exaggerated tone words and storylines that are more exaggerated than tone particle words. Every time he appears on the stage, there are bound to be stars twinkling in the sky, and the next to him. When the female worm looked at him, her eyes were glowing with possessiveness, and as long as he made a move, he would definitely shock the audience and be invincible. Yi Xing even hummed a few famous songs of the Federation during the storytelling, and was full of passion. Said, "If there is background music when he comes out, it must be this song."

After talking about it, Yi Xing seemed to have forgotten that the protagonist of the story was still beside him, and he spoke passionately and emotionally.

And Xi Lan couldn't help but began to doubt herself after listening to the story, wondering if she had really experienced such a thing...

When the story was finished, he still felt as if he was in a dream, blushing as if he had been executed in public, which was even more uncomfortable than when he gave a speech at the Female Insect Academy and was stared at by countless pairs of eyes.

Seeing that Yin Ze was still staring at him, Xi Lan quickly buried his face in the doll's chest, and said in a muffled voice, "It's okay, I'm going to sleep."

Yin Ze was really puzzled this time. He didn't expect that this guy who dawdled every night and refused to sleep would fall asleep before him for the first time in the world today.

Before he made a sound, he saw that Xi Lan suddenly seemed to remember something, raised his head and looked at him across the doll: "Good night."

Yin Ze coughed lightly and said, "Good night."

The two men of Yi Xing and Wo Jia in the back seat were in a good mood just after the baptism of the story. At this time, they also joined in the fun and laughed loudly: "Good night!"

Yin Ze suddenly became angry: "Shut up and sleep."

The three worms kept their mouths shut.

The heated car suddenly became quiet, and only the sound of everyone's breathing remained. Yin Ze was lying on the driver's seat with a tall body curled up with some difficulty. He clearly told the crowd to shut up first, but did not fall asleep immediately. Looking at the distant wilderness through the car window, looking at the faint light refracting from somewhere in the snow, I raised my head with hindsight, and found a star in the night sky.

The light is faint, like a star that will fade at any time.

There was the sound of clothes rustling in the back seat, Yin Ze quickly took his eyes away from the stars, as if he was afraid that someone would know some secret.

Then he heard another hoarse, deliberately lowered voice from the back seat: "Good night."

He heard that it was Vogar's voice.

Yin Ze didn't answer, and finally completely relaxed and fell asleep.


The next day was the good weather they had never encountered in recent days. The road ahead was no longer filled with heavy snow. Although the sky was still gray, there was a faint sunlight falling through the thick clouds.

Yin Ze drove for a long time with goggles on. After the noon break, he replaced it with Wo Jia at Yi Xing's suggestion, and drove for the next half-day. The closer they were to the south, the snow on the road became less and less, and in some places you could even see hard stones covered with snow, the dark branches of dead trees and branches with fallen leaves dotted the wilderness The color is completely different from the previous journey.

Xi Lan always sat in the co-pilot's position. After the car passed a certain bridge, he saw a long black line from more and more trees. Come, go through the broad wilderness to the direction they are going, completely parallel to the direction they are going, and face the sky toward the wider distance.

Looking at this scene, Xi Lan turned around in surprise, and habitually looked at the driver's seat and wanted to ask Yin Ze, but when he saw Wo Jia, who was idly holding the steering wheel in the driver's seat, he remembered that Yin Ze was sitting now. Resting in the back seat, he immediately turned his head to look at the back row, only to see Yin Ze, who had a face full of love and was squeezed between the two muscular females under Wo Jia's hands.

Xi Lan was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled.

Yin Ze glared at him, and Xi Lan immediately smiled, pointing to the long black line with a strong sense of presence outside the field of vision and asked, "What is that?"

Along the way, Xi Lan has been asking this question and that. Although Yin Ze is always full of impatience, he always answers one by one. Only this time, after Yin Ze turned his head and saw the direction Xi Lan pointed, He frowned and fell silent, without the slightest intention to answer.

Feeling the sudden gloomy atmosphere, Xi Lan was stunned. He had seen Yin Ze in many ways, but he had never seen him as gloomy as he is now.

Xi Lan felt as if he had said something wrong. Although he didn't know what was going on, when he was about to apologize, he saw Wo Jia in the driver's seat take a look at the other side, and then said: "Isn't that an abandoned railroad track?"

Xi Lan was stunned again and asked softly, "The track?"

He was clearly waiting for Wo Jia's explanation, but Wo Jia's eyes suddenly drifted, and he didn't know what he thought, and immediately became as silent as Yin Ze in the back seat.

The performance of these two female insects was tacit and strange, which made Xi Lan even more confused. Yi Xing, who was behind, heard this conversation, but suddenly he was very interested in lying by the window and admiring: "So that's the legendary Desolate Star Orbit. ? I have heard stories about the Desolate Star Train before. I heard that there was someone who wanted to restore the Desolate Star civilization and rebuild the planet a few decades ago. After being rejected more than ten times, I finally got approval, and I raised a lot of money from various channels to come to Barren Star, and I plan to start with transportation and completely change the status quo of Barren Star."

"And then?" Xi Lan asked.

Xi Lan's previous life has nothing to do with Desolate Star, and of course there is no channel to hear these stories, but Yi Xing is different. He often travels in major galaxies, and of course he hears more gossip and news from various channels than Xi Lan. much more.

When Yi Xing was telling the story, the car remained eerily quiet. Yin Ze closed his eyes and seemed to be sleeping, but his brows were furrowed. But he hesitated, as if he wanted to interrupt the conversation at any time, and the two subordinates of Wo Jia's expressions were now a little stiff.

But unfortunately, Yi Xing was lying by the window and didn't notice the strange atmosphere in the car at all, and then explained to Xi Lan: "The environment of the barren star is not suitable for aircraft, so that person planned to open the train on the barren star first. So he planned to find someone to build a railway track. This railway track started from the hidden moon city in the south, spanned almost half of the barren star, and extended to the silver feather city in the north. The huge project requires more investment and manpower than people imagine, but of course, if it is completed, it will be of extraordinary significance to the people of the wild star."

Xi Lan had seen the current situation of Desolate Star. Of course, this track had not been built, otherwise they would not need to drive through the snowfield from Wuzhen to Hidden Moon City, and travel such a long distance.

He whispered, "Why didn't it get built?"

Yi Xing sighed: "Because the guy who built the railroad tracks at that time..."

"Enough." Yin Ze, who had been listening to them with his eyes closed, suddenly interrupted their conversation with a cold voice and glared at everyone present with a brutal and unreasonable gesture, his expression gloomier than ever. Terrifying, "Don't talk about irrelevant things."

Yi Xing glanced at Yin Ze in surprise and planned to say something. Xi Lan noticed his intention and quickly stopped him with his eyes. Yi Xing looked at Xi Lan suspiciously, but remained silent in the end.

The atmosphere was suddenly destroyed, and they continued to maintain a strange silence for the next half-day, until the night came and finally became warm again.

Yin Ze usually gets along well with Xi Lan. When he gets along with other people, he seems to be emitting cold air at any time. If he is not careful, he will be covered with ice slag, so when everyone eats in the evening, Yin Ze returns to the car as usual. When he slept in the room, the other people around the fire suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Only Xi Lan stared at Yin Ze's back thoughtfully.

Since the mention of the Desolate Star Railroad in the daytime, Yin Ze has no intention of talking to other people. Xi Lan knew that the other party should prefer to be alone now, so he didn't bother.

He planned to take this opportunity to talk to Yi Xing.

But it's a pity, it's time for Yi Xing to tell the story again, Xi Lan hasn't had time to walk over, Yi Xing has been pulled by Wo Jia's two hands and sat down beside the fire, talking about the moon of the Federation, fascinated thousands of people The saga of the female worm.

Xi Lan: "…"

He then looked away and saw the only person present who was still idle. Wo Jia didn't listen to the story today. He was sitting under a tree with a book in his hand, and was watching seriously by the firelight.

Xi Lan walked over slowly. His initial impression of Wo Jia was actually very bad, but after such a period of time, he found that Wo Jia was not as abominable as he thought before. Reasonable, but in normal times he takes good care of his younger brothers. When Xi Lan does not know about others, he debates with himself seriously and diligently. In the end, it is because of the other party's good care for Yi Xing. I finally convinced myself that my impression of Wo Jia was slightly changed.

He walked over and sat down, and glanced at the book in Wo Jia's hand inadvertently, only to realize that the book he was reading was called "The Bright Starry Sky You're About to See", and the author's name was Xingyan.

If Xi Lan remembers correctly, the author is the one who is now telling fantasy stories by the fire.

Xi Lan couldn't help but hesitate. He raised his eyes and looked at Wo Jia, recalling that the book that Wo Jia was holding in his hand seemed to be this one yesterday, and the other party didn't seem to know that the author of this book was by his side.

Wo Jia noticed Xi Lan who was sitting next to him, raised his head and glanced at him.

Xi Lan stared at the book in his hand and asked in a low voice, "Do you like this book?"

"Huh?" Wo Jia squinted and looked at the book in his hand, leaning against the tree behind him with a relaxed attitude, "It's pretty, isn't it, if I have the opportunity to leave Desolate Star in the future, I plan to bring this book up. Go to every planet you've been to."

Xi Lan asked, "Does Yi... Ayi know?"

Wojia: "Ayi? What does it have to do with him?"

Xi Lan shook his head, it seemed that Wo Jia really didn't know.

Wo Jia ignored Xi Lan's words, closed the book and chatted with Xi Lan: "But let me say, the author of this book still has many problems."

Xi Lan: "What?"

Wo Jia frowned and said in disgust: "The author has no ambitions and only knows to eat and drink. There are seventy-five planets written in this book, but there are more than six hundred and thirty kinds of food mentioned in it."

Xi Lan: "…"

He couldn't help but glance at Yi Xing who was not far away. Yi Xing was still selling his brother with a vivid expression. Xi Lan looked at it for a while and suddenly turned around. Impulsively, he did something that he could never do normally. Deciding, he blinked, lowered his voice and asked, "Do you want to hear this author's story?"