Zerg: Desolate Star and Moon

Chapter 75: Zerg's Desolate Star and Moon

The situation in the building is very dangerous. Although Xi Lan secretly protected the research room with his mental power when the artillery fire fell, if he continues to be passive like this, he will not be able to protect it sooner or later.

Unless he exposes his spiritual power, he will control the five mechas to end the chaos.

But if that's the case, it means that all his previous hiding was in vain.

But now this situation is no longer in control.

Xi Lan released his mental power in a concentrating manner, and his strength moved towards the mecha in the sky, and was about to enter the opponent's mecha operation room to seize the right to operate.

However, at this moment, another burst of fire flickered outside the window. Xi Lan hurriedly distracted himself to protect the research room, and stepped back in a hurry, holding on to the table behind him so that he did not fall.

Then he suddenly felt a heat in his palm.

He was slightly stunned, raised his right hand, and saw the glowing hot pattern.

That is-

Xi Lan fixed her eyes and called out its name in a low voice: "Cong Yun."

Almost as soon as he opened his mouth, there was a sudden red light outside the window, Xi Lan looked up, and in the sky, between the black mechas and the building of the research institute, a silver mecha wrapped in a flowing The red light appeared majestically in his sight.

The line of the mecha converges every edge of the sun, and the color of the metal is more perfect than any machine. It suddenly appears in the sky, the wings are spread, and the mechanical blade is in hand, completely protecting the entire building behind.

Except for Xi Lan, everyone else is also looking at this mecha.

There are very few such attacks in Sieg City, and almost when a few mechs appeared, people have paid all attention to the movement of the institute.

The guards of the capital star also rushed over at the fastest speed, preparing to approach the building to confront those mechs.

Many people are entering the building for rescue work.

The media have even started live broadcasts, transmitting the images present to the entire Star Network.

And when people found out that the Federal Moon was also in the building now, everyone was even more nervous.

Everyone at the scene and on the Star Network was paying attention to what was happening here. Seeing the attack of the black mecha towards the research room where the Federal Moon was located in the building, almost everyone gasped.

Until they saw a black figure walking through the dust, like a female worm in fighting form was approaching those mechas.

Then a crimson flame erupted from it, and the tall silver mecha blocked the black mecha's attack on the building and appeared outrageously high in the sky.

Everyone was shocked.

On the street outside the building, in the entire Sieg City, the entire Federation Star Net, the silver mecha appeared in front of everyone through the star net.

The iconic shape of the mecha, the mecha coat of arms that only belongs to one person.

No one does not know the name of this mech.

Cong clouds.

The voices of onlookers on the street were getting louder and louder. They all looked at the mecha that suddenly appeared in front of the building. The entire Federation knew that the real Congyun had been destroyed in the battle with the God of War more than 20 years ago. During the explosion, the Congyun that appeared in front of them now was a genuine Congyun.

Not only that, but there are more doubts that frighten people.

How did Cong Yun appear?

How could such a big mecha appear out of thin air with that red light?

Xi Lan didn't know that Cong Yun's figure had been transmitted to the entire star network by the communication signal at this time, and he didn't know what was going on outside the building. The moment he saw Cong Yun's appearance, he fully understood what Yin Ze meant.

He tried his best to hide Yin Ze's identity, but Yin Ze stood up to save him.

No hiding, no hesitation, as if to show his determination.

"Yin Ze." Xi Lan murmured, although he knew very well that the situation inside and outside the building was chaotic at this time, and his voice could not reach Yin Ze's ears in Congyun's operation cabin.

But just after he opened his mouth, Cong Yun really looked sideways in his direction.

Xi Lan looked at him through the broken glass window.

After a glance, Cong Yun's figure moved, and he was already rushing towards the black mechas in an instant!

The next battle became no suspense at all. After Cong Yun appeared, the mechas started to be in chaos. Although Yin Ze used mecha for the first time, he had already put Cong in the underground city. Yun's fighting style is completely mastered. In addition to the years of combat experience in Desolate Star, with the strengthened Cong Yun, this group of black mechas poses no threat to him at all.

Almost in just ten minutes, the battle was completely over.

Cong Yun defeated the five new mechas with overwhelming strength. This scene shocked everyone. They stared at the building in the distance and watched nervously at the silver mecha that had just eliminated the last enemy. Waiting for the operator on the mecha to come out of it, waiting to confirm the identity of the mecha master.

However, after all the threats were resolved, the unknown mecha master on Cong Yun had no intention of showing up. The silver mecha turned slightly sideways when several aircraft passed by, and seemed to pay attention to them, but Then it quickly retracted the action, and the wings opened and quickly returned to the front of the building.

People didn't understand what he was going to do.

Until I saw the mecha reaching out to the damaged window of a research room in the building.

Xi Lan in the research room looked at Cong Yun outside through the window.

It was like when they were in the underground city.

Without hesitation, Xi Lan stepped over the glass shards all over the ground to Cong Yun, and walked into Cong Yun's palm.

This scene was recorded by the live video of Star Network.

The Moon of the Federation stood in the palm of Cong Yun, as if she was already very familiar with this mecha. She raised her head and looked at the direction of Cong Yun's operation cabin with the mechanical fingers, and she smiled slightly.

After Xi Lan stepped onto the mecha, Cong Yun carefully folded his palm, holding him in his hand as if he was holding the most precious treasure, and then unfolded the wings again, without even waiting for people from all sides to react. It has left the scene with the Moon of the Federation, leaving only a distant back for people.


This back image quickly appeared on the news homepage of Star Network.

Words such as "Mecha Congyun", "God of War Reappearance", and "Congyun Manipulator" soon spread all over the star network, and almost everyone saw the battle that took place in front of the research institute building during the day. They have all seen the mechas that once belonged to the Federal God of War.

There are more and more speculations about this mecha and its operator. People have returned from the original God of War and discussed the new God of War, the descendants of the God of War, etc. The speculation is getting more and more outrageous, and people's doubts are getting more and more bigger.

Of course, what people couldn't ignore was Xi Lan who was picked up by Cong Yun at that time.

Of course, no one did not recognize the face of the Federation Moon. Even if the camera was far away at the time, everyone recognized the Federation Moon.

Some people analyzed that the timing of Congyun's appearance and the things it did after it appeared clearly pointed to a purpose. It appeared here because of the Moon of the Federation.

After such a conclusion was drawn, everyone immediately turned their attention to the Moon of the Federation.

It is said that the month of the Federation has rarely appeared in the past year, and everyone is speculating about what he is doing, and now we know that he is in the research institute.

According to what happened in the picture, the Moon of the Federation must have a deep relationship with him.

No matter what the relationship between the two is, people have gone to the Xi family to investigate the past.

However, at this time, the Xi family was already in chaos.

The two owners of the Xi family are not in the capital star area now. These two have already left the capital star domain, and now only Xi Yao is sitting in the Xi family.

Xi Yao is now sitting in front of the desk in the main house, the communicator in front of him keeps ringing, he ignores it, just stares strangely, and when he hears the sound of footsteps outside the door, he raises his head and can't hear the joy or anger. The voice said, "It's finally here?"

The leader of the escort, Ming Fei, stepped in quickly from the outside, lowered his eyes and said in a low voice, "Master Xi Yao."

Xi Yao said: "If you want to investigate the matter during this period, I'm afraid you can't stay at Xi's house anymore. I just want to know now, what about people?"

Ming Ye still didn't dare to raise his head, he just said in a low voice, "Just like the news spread on the Star Network, Young Master Xi Lan was taken away by Cong Yun."

This news has spread all over the federation, and probably no one does not know, Xi Yao glanced at him: "Who is in Congyun?"

Ming Di shook his head: "I don't know."

Xi Yao clasped the arm of the chair tightly with his right hand, laughed loudly, and then asked, "So you haven't contacted him either?"

Mingjie responded, "I can't get in touch."

The expression on Xi Yao's face gradually changed, his eyes lost warmth, and he only said coldly: "Find him and bring him back, and there is no need to go to the research institute. My cousin has encountered too many dangers recently, so I still have to Take it home and protect it well, so as not to encounter such a thing again and cause people to worry."

Ming Ye finally raised his head, looked at Xi Yao, and replied respectfully, "Yes."


At the same time, the capital star, Modan.

Modan is a small town. Because of its good climate and beautiful scenery, it has become a capital star or a tourist destination of the entire Federation.

The architecture of the tourist town is different from other places. The sun-filled seaside area is always brightly colored, and not far behind this lively town, there is a relatively quiet mountain.

From the town, you can see a white manor on the mountain.

A manor full of white roses.

There are very few people in the manor, and there are only a few necessary servants, and the man who takes care of most of the things is Mr. Zhuolai, the housekeeper of the manor.

Zhuo Lai just came back from the garden, holding the flowers he just picked in his hands. He arranged the flowers according to the owner's preferences, and listed the next food and drink. Then he knocked on the door of the master's study with the brewed tea. door.

Sitting in the study room was a male worm. He couldn't tell his exact age. He wore rimless glasses and a nightgown at random. He seemed to have just woken up from the bed not long ago. Also skinny and weak.

Hearing Zhuolai's voice entering the door, he raised his head while holding on to his glasses, but his face seemed a little serious for some reason.

"Sir?" Zhuolai asked in a low voice.

The male's knuckles tapped the table lightly, and pushed the portable terminal in his hand towards Zhuo Lai.

Zhuolai walked forward knowingly and immediately saw the screen on the terminal.

On the screen is a mecha that the entire Federation is familiar with, as well as the most popular male bug in the entire Federation.

Seeing this picture clearly, Zhuo Lai's pupils shrank slightly, almost gasping for breath, but he looked at the male insect in front of him and quickly controlled his expression.

The male looked at Zhuolai with a half-smile, "It's okay, I know what you're thinking."

Zhuolai lowered his head and said nothing.

The male went on to say: "I want to know who the operator of this mecha is, and I want to see him."

Saying this is already a strong command tone.

Zhuolai seemed to have expected this order for a long time, and he was not too surprised when he heard this, but only caught the sight of the male insect when he raised his head.

Many emotions were mixed on his face, and finally a complex smile gathered, and he responded by changing his name: "Okay, Speaker."