Zerg’s Dress As a Popular Lover

Chapter 39: Wait for the rabbit

"An unknown live broadcast is being opened—"

"Warning! There is an unknown live broadcast..."

"Whether to cut off the network!"

"Ding! The location is determined, the location is determined!"

The search speed of the intelligent optical brain is very fast, especially when the public network is cut off, the local area network where Capital Star is still shining is like a firefly in the dark, extremely dazzling.

The relevant army bugs have long been ready to go, and they rushed to their destinations as soon as they arrived.


After arriving at the destination, all the worms were numb.

"What? On the rooftop of the Huining Building?" President Paul frowned. After hearing what the bug said on the communication side, he laughed out loud. He was about to refuse, but he saw the subordinates running away with horror. come over.

"The president is not good, not good! Director Pei said just now that I found... I found traces of Moses!"


"The clubhouse! Below the clubhouse!"

President Paul felt cold all over, and the tactics he had used to draw the snake out of the hole completely disappeared, and instead he was deeply jealous and regretful.

"Grandpa Paul?" David pulled the hem of President Paul's clothes with some worry. "Are you okay?"

President Paul lowered his head and looked at the little male cub who was still wearing the pink bunny coat. He closed his eyes and said for a while: "It's okay. Grandpa came over in a stormy wave, a group of small crickets from the Tianka tribe, what a gadget. ?"

David inexplicably felt that Grandpa Paul in front of him seemed to be... sad.

But why?

Could it be... Zhao Luoshui has been killed?

Didn't it mean twelve o'clock? how come…

David lacked the necessary information and could not realize that at this moment, as the president of the Male Conservation Association, Paul, for the first time in his life, had the opportunity to make up his mind to watch an adult male. The worm died...

In order to completely protect him.

Full of guilt and regret, President Paul seemed to be ten years old. He sat on the sofa and fixed his eyes on the void, as if seeing Zhao Luoshui through the void.

"Grandpa Paul? Paul...Grandpa?"

After David called out several times to no avail, he could only cast his worried eyes on the other dejected insects.

He pursed his lips, walked to one of the females who looked at the most depressed, and asked in a low voice, "Is the plan not going well? Isn't it...Because I didn't perform well enough, I couldn't attract enough." The worms watch the live broadcast, so there are still many worms using the local area network, and Moses and others cannot be found in time..."

At the end of the day, the little male worm had already lowered his head in sorrow and guilt.

"Sorry, it's all me, but I didn't do well enough, if I...I...I'm sorry..."

"No, it's not! It doesn't matter to you." How could the female beg her little male cub so much? Not to mention that the matter has nothing to do with Xiaoxiongzai, even if it is related, he definitely can't let Xiaoxiongzai fall into such sadness.

"Little David, this time things really have nothing to do with you, but—the plan can’t keep up with the changes. Alas!"

"Change?" David Urn asked in a huff, gold and blue eyes gleaming with crystal water, so that the female who only wanted to have a mouth was immediately afraid to perfunctory.

"Don’t lie to you, it’s really changing too fast! Alas, who would have thought that Moses was dead? Once Moses died, things became complicated. Let’s not talk about other things. Now the most important thing is that Moses’ subordinates know that there is no hope of escape. What will you do..."

In the latter words, the female could not say it after all, but the sadness in her eyes could not be suppressed, so that when she looked at David's gaze, she felt more pity.

The little male cub is a soft-hearted cub. If you know that those insects are still killing Zhao Luoshui under his banner in the future, you will be sad for a long time, right?

Alas, maybe the Zerg clan still has some old-fashioned guys who want to push the mistakes of Zhao Luoshui's victimization to Xiaoxiong Cub's head...

The more I thought about the female, the more sad it was in her heart, the more sad it was, the more she couldn't hold back her words. When David asked "How could Moses die", he also subconsciously mentioned Pei Yu's discovery of the corpse of Moses under the clubhouse.

The clubhouse exploded?

Moses died in the clubhouse? Was it before the clubhouse exploded or after the clubhouse exploded?

Regardless of whether it is before or after, but there is one thing, David can already be quite sure-the worm who video call him is definitely not Moses!

So, the explosion in the clubhouse is most likely not just a worm behind the scenes who wants to cause trouble, but it is most likely to be a slow-down strategy?

To cover up the death of Moses!

Just... why?

The same is the Tianka clan, or at such a critical time, what kind of reason made the other party want to kill Moses?

Accidents, or early plans? Or maybe it's another reason...

David couldn't figure out the purpose of the other party for the time being, but he could feel that whether it was Moses or this behind-the-scenes bug, they seemed to be really targeting himself.

In other words, Aluo... Zhao Luoshui is not without the chance of surviving!

Thinking of this, David looked at the mental tentacles that could be gathered in his palms in an instant, and squeezed into a fist. He turned his head to look at Grandpa Paul, and then walked out quickly with two short legs.

"Little David?"

"I think the room is too boring, I want to go for a walk."

"Good well, the little male cubs can get more sunshine and get more fresh air to grow taller~"


The little male worm left the villa in the comforting sight of a few worms, and then casually chased a butterfly to the backyard—

David looked at the metal wall in front of him and issued a command to the intelligent system: "Open the door."

In an instant, the rigid metal wall shook and slowly opened, revealing a small door for only one insect to pass through.

This is the escape door that the original owner carefully built for himself when he was renovating that year.

David walked out of the well-protected home from the escape door lightly. He was about to let go of the breath he held in his heart, but he was suddenly lifted in the air.

Without him.

Just opposite him, beside the wall of another villa, there was a tall female leaning lazily against the light.

David couldn't see the other party's face, but he was sure that the other party seemed... he had expected him to run out of here, so he was... waiting?

Thinking of the words "waiting for the rabbit", David thought of something with hindsight. He suddenly raised his claw and touched his head.

Sure enough, the rabbit ears on the head are still there, not only that...


I am also wearing a pink and tender bunny suit!

In an instant, David's whole body was heated up, only need outsiders to add such a small fire, stewed "rabbit" Wei can be out of the pot.

Fortunately, Pei Zichen, who was not far away, ran over and crouched over, not for braising rabbits, but for—

Three steps in two steps, one bend in the body, and then a smooth copy.

Pei Zichen finally took the Xiaoxiong cub into his arms as he wished, and it was so cool.

David: "!"

David's frightened exclamation was swallowed subconsciously, and a golden eye and a blue eye fell on the other's grandson's plastic mask dumbly, in a delicate mood.

"You... are you?"

Pei Zichen gave a light cough, pretending to be: "I heard that the castle here trapped the little male prince. I am a knight who came here to rescue the prince."

David: "..."

David was sure that the female holding her was not Sparrow's father Victor, but it was not certain whether it was a brother of Sparrow?

After all, Sparrow's second illness is serious, and his brother's second illness is a bit more serious, and it's very likely.


David fluttered his crowfeather-like long eyelashes a few times, and said tentatively: "Then, Lord Knight...Can you send me to Norn Square?"

"...Norn Square? Well, it's a bit far away."

"Well, yes, it's a bit far away, then... can you hurry up? Lord Knight, I'm in a hurry, really!"

Pei Zichen was amused by the cleverness of the little male worm calling "Knight" along the pole, and because of wearing a mask, he also lost the baggage of the person. The nose of the male worm.

"Little male worm, I, a knight, can promise you any conditions, but you have to know that not every knight is like this, understand?"

"Hmm, um, I know." David sighed in relief and smiled sweetly. "Thank you Brother Cavaliers, can you hurry up now?"