Zerg’s Dress As a Popular Lover

Chapter 45

David tilted his head, not even a little aware that he was being seen by the female worm. Instead, he blinked his pair of different pupils, and his eyes on the sub-female became more and more serious.

He was thinking, when will the sub-female in front of him feel her neck sore? According to relevant data, the physical fitness of sub-females is better than that of males, but they are generally lower than females. They are similar to the Beta of the interstellar society, but they are different, because Beta has the highest proportion of the interstellar population, while the number of sub-females is higher. There are not many Zergs, especially compared to males...

However, which type of gene chain is changed to form sub-females? In terms of physical appearance and even physique, they should actually be more inclined to males, if...

Where did the host insect sub-female know that David was full of conjectures about the gene chain of the sub-female species at the moment, and his heart was surging when he was "scorched" by the sight of the young male cub, and the whole insect was a little unable to hold it.

It's David!

It's David!

It's really my little David here!

Oh my god, is it that my fate is actually David Steve? That David, who wore a rose-colored nightgown, made his legs soft with just one look!

The Asian female's brain was shaken, and the heat in her heart quickly spread to the delicate face. He subconsciously bowed his head to make a shy look. What's wrong, at the moment when he lowered his head, a bug ran out of the corner.

There was a "bang".

Two insects collide—

And the dwarf sub-female is as stable as Mount Tai, the insects come... fly out...

David: "!"

David looked at the male worm that was knocked to the ground in shock. The opponent was 1.7 meters tall. At this moment, he flew upside down and hit the railing of the stairs. Before the whole worm could react, he rolled his eyes and fainted. past.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" The Asian female was frightened, she apologized and quickly stepped forward, seeming to want to lift the noble male, her paw stretched out, but she hesitantly retracted.

Without him, he thought of the fragile attributes of the male worms. Who knows that the worm in front of him is like the last worm with a concussion, or is it like the last worm? Broken bone, or direct internal organ bleeding like the Nth unlucky bug...

Can not move!

The sub-female's claws trembled, and she called the emergency call familiarly.

In less than five minutes, the unlucky male who had fainted was taken away by the skilled emergency worms. The sub-female was also taken away together. The difference was that the sub-female took the initiative to follow the police car.

However, Pei Zichen and David, the two insects, as witnesses, were routinely questioned and left their communication numbers, which allowed them to continue to eat in the restaurant.

In the box.

Pei Zichen put down David, seized the opportunity, and started to remind him in a serious manner: "Little prince, what do you think of what happened just now?"

David, David was silent for three seconds, and replied, "That male is a bit weak."

Pei Zichen: "..."

Pei Zichen coughed slightly and continued to be serious: "What else?"

David thought hard, worked hard to substitute, and continued to answer in earnest: "I think I have to exercise my body from tomorrow!"

After all, David fisted hard, determined.

Pei Zichen, Pei Zichen was silent for three seconds and asked carefully, "Then, how do you want to exercise?"

"Early to bed, early to wake up, morning jogs and night runs, plus other suitable aerobic exercises." David is very planned. "Of course, I will follow my physical fitness, step by step, and increase exercises as appropriate."

"...Increase, increase...Uh, this is also okay. But," Pei Zichen tried to shake off the muscle tyrant model David that appeared in his brain, and said worriedly, "You are still young, the cub stage of the male worm, It’s very fragile, so take a walk."

After all, running is easy to cause arrhythmia. In case a little male is not breathing well...

No, no, no, you can’t think of it this way, the other little males are fragile, but are the little males in front of you other little males? The little male in front of you is the little male after the 2S mental power is added. He is cute and well-behaved, and his physical fitness must be doubled!


"Little prince, knowing how to make a plan is a great behavior, but if you just make a plan but don't have a goal, it will easily lead to the failure of the plan. So, how about you set a small goal for your young exercise first?"

Pei Zichen deliberately added a "small" word, with obvious intentions.

David correctly got the "profound meaning" of the masked female this time. He thought about it for a while and said, "I think my little goal is not to be hit by the female female brother just now."

I won’t be hit by the elder brother just now...

Not being hit by the sub-female just now...

Don't get hit and fly...

The corner of Pei Zichen's mouth twitched, and he couldn't care about the lemon. He was thinking about how to tell the little male that the sub-female is a short winter melon, but she is born with supernatural power and comes with a buff halo. Whenever it hits the insect, There are not many that can't fly without preparation...

If it weren't for this, the restaurant wouldn't have been able to make ends meet after having been open for so many years.

If not, he would not bring the little male worm to experience the impermanence of the worm. The accident is everywhere, and he will do it and cherish it...


The little male worm realized that he didn't take the usual path, why did he set such a big and small goal?

From now on... well, do you want to cheat?

For example, the day before the young male is ready to check the results of the exercise, he will beat Flea to death?

The more Pei Zichen thought about it, the more he felt that this idea was a great idea, and it was indeed a great idea that he could only think of!

"See!" The female Flea in the police station suddenly sneezed, and her reddish eyes made her delicate face a little more pitiful.

Upon seeing this, the police worm's questioning attitude eased by three points, but he reminded one more time: "Major Freya, this is the sixth time you have entered the game this month, and this time it is a male who was injured. , If this continues, sooner or later we will send you to a military court in accordance with relevant regulations-on the charge of repeatedly injuring males."

"So, alas, you will either just sit at the cash register and collect money in the future, or you can close the store quickly to save your life!"

Freya covered his face: "But I haven't found the hero! As long as I find the hero, I can close the shop immediately now!"

The police worm rolled his eyes angrily, and was too lazy to talk nonsense with the guy who had a big dream, put away the recording pen and left the interrogation room, and according to the rules, reported the male worm injury to the male worm protection. association.


With the delicious flavors and flavors, David completely forgot about the Tianka tribe, and after the small claws fell on his slightly raised belly, the baby's fat little face couldn't help showing a thick face. The satisfaction comes.

So full.

So cool.

Well, it turns out that not all Zergs are nutritious meals. There is also this kind of feast that focuses on taste buds.

Yeah, it's a bit expensive...

"Hiccup~" David covered his mouth, and secretly glanced at the female worm on the opposite side. After seeing that the other party seemed to be addicted to the delicacy without noticing it, he was a little relieved.

Pei Zichen smiled in his heart, and the speed of picking up vegetables in his hands was the same as before, but today things repeatedly exceeded expectations, which made him feel lonely even if he was eating a big meal. .

With a sound of "Ding Dong", a message on the brain gave Pei Zichen's hand a stop, and then as if everything had never happened before, he continued to eat at the speed until the table of delicious food was swept away.


Pei Zichen calmly hiccuped, and after meeting Davy's little surprised eyes, he slowly said, "It's shameful to waste, so I will take care of all the food left by you, little prince."

David felt that there was something wrong with this, but after thinking about it, he decided to obey the meaning of the masked female's words and gave him a thumbs up.

Pei Zichen said modestly: "As a knight, I am always ready to serve the little prince!"

David: "..."

David finally realized what was wrong with the previous sentence of the mask female, what does it mean that all the remaining dishes have been solved?

Isn't it two people dining together? Even if the leftovers are leftovers for two people, it’s right... How come, it seems like I’m wasting all the food without a single person?

David, gold and blue eyes fixedly glanced at the opposite insect, crow-feather-like long eyelashes slowly fell, and hummed: "I originally...want to pack it."

"...Cough, packing is a good habit. But you are growing up, little prince, you'd better eat less and don't eat leftovers, otherwise it will affect your height." What Pei Zichen said was serious.

David pursed his lips and gave a long "Oh".

Oh, hey, the little male worm knows he has been cheated, how can he be so clever to admit that he is cheated?

This is really...makes the evil taste in his heart more and more about to move.

Not as good as—

Pei Zichen's aquamarine eyes hidden behind the mask wandered around. He suddenly sighed and said, "Today, the big bat behind the scenes died, and the Tianka tribe's affairs have come to an end for the time being. But-alas, me. I heard that the thirteen lords of our Zerg...Oh!"

"Thirteen... You mean, the royal female?" David was deeply impressed by the female empress who had been facing each other from her back, but what he didn't understand was how could the female in front of him suddenly mention each other?

Could it be!

"His Royal Highness has something wrong with him?"

"...Of course not. I just remembered that in recent years, the thirteenth majesty has often fought against the Tianka clan, winning more and losing less, he can be said to be a member of my Zerg!" Pei Zichen boasted of himself. He was not modest at all, "I think that when the Tiankas raided the cats, they occupied most of the cats planet in just three days. Later, the cats asked for help..."

"His Royal Highness Thirteen led the rescue of the cat clan. Guess what?"

David thought for a while and said, "You won?"

"It is necessary to win. However, he led the Seventh Army but did not use the usual tactics of the other armies. He had to besiege for a few days, then open the door to fight the dog, and finally let the tiger go back to the mountain. His Royal Highness was surprised. Move, the sword goes slant forward—"

The author has something to say: December is coming, the little cuties should be happy in the new month~

PS: I will post it tomorrow, the little cuties give a subscription~~

PPS: Tomorrow's update time is after 11pm, I hope the position of the clip can be better~~ Grip!