Zerg’s Dress As a Popular Lover

Chapter 46: (1)

"Pian Feng's brain twitched and led the Seventh Army directly to the Dark Planet. He was dead for a lifetime and almost wiped out the entire army!"

Suddenly speaking outside the door was President Paul. His old face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, staring at the little Pei family who seemed to have been choked, and smiled coldly, "Oh, yes, I heard that the silly thing was still missing at the time. I met Capello. The little boy who didn't know the heights of the sky was hung up and beaten by the mother emperor. If it wasn't for luck, Capello suddenly left something, maybe—"

"Maybe the grass at the head of the grave is three meters high? What do you think, Mr. female worm with hidden head and bare tail!"

Pei Almost tomb was three meters high, Zi, hidden head and exposed tail, Chen: "!"

Pei Zichen jumped up directly with some points, picked up the little male insect and ran away, but, after scanning the several top military insects that followed President Paul, he glanced at the cute little male who did not know his true identity. He was decisive, quietly shut up, and bowed his head to admit his mistake.

President Paul was numb when he first learned that Flea, the sub-female accidentally hit a male worm.

After all, anyone who hears the same name for at least half of the time a month and thirty days, everyone will be numb.

However, what happened to him when he checked the video of the incident as usual?

He discovered that the little male cub who should have been taken care of in the villa was stolen by a Pei family's little Wang Ba Lao!

Just stole it out, and stole it in such a dangerous place as the Freya restaurant!

What if it wasn't an adult male who flew into the air, but a small male cub?

The little male cub is very likely to die directly...

No no no!

With great perseverance, President Paul prevented him from thinking about it, and immediately arranged for the **** to send the male cub back. However, at this moment, he received another communication.

Pei Yu, on the other end of the communication, mentioned concisely and concisely that the Tianka tribe who killed Moses had been punishable, and thanked the Male Worship Association for their cooperation.

What did the Male Worship Association cooperate with?

Damn it!

Hearing it again, it turns out that the main hero behind the killing was the Seventh Army!

Seventh Army!

Pei Zichen!

Pei's Xiao Wang Ba Lao Zi!

"Bai! Zi...Um!" Without saying the last word, President Paul was stuffed with a piece of sweet orange after the meal.

Pei Zichen stood in front of President Paul holding a fruit plate. After President Paul finally swallowed the small sweet orange, he offered a big strawberry, followed by apples, melons, and crisp peaches...

After feeding a plate of fruit, President Paul suffocated his stomach and obviously followed the fruit into the digestive system. He glared at Pei Zichen irritably. Why didn't he know what horrible idea this kid had in his heart?

I want to hide my identity, ha ha!

President Paul didn't smile, intending to immediately expose Pei Shisan's true face in front of Xiaoxiongzai, however!

Looking at the cubs who were tilting their heads and looking curiously at them, President Paul somehow suddenly seemed to see His Majesty Noon many years ago.

At that time, the little cubs of Noen were also so cute and well-behaved... silly and sweet... Xiaoyan controlled insects.

Therefore, she was tricked into the bowl by the female queen when she was only a little bit old, and she is still jumping in the bowl of others, especially without knowing it.


It's miserable!

It is rare for President Paul to shed a tear of sympathy for His Majesty Norn, who has looked at each other and disliked each other in recent years, and then became more and more distressed for the little male cub in front of him. Mask.

It would be okay to change to a little **** from Pei's family, Pei Shisan's face is too good, in case the little male cub is also a face-seeking...

This this this...

Absolutely not!

President Paul swallowed his throat, stared fiercely at Pei Zichen, and said to David, "Little David, come, Grandpa will take you home!"

"...Now? Then..." David looked at the masked female.

Pei Zichen immediately used **** to compare a running posture, and without waiting for President Paul to go crazy, he turned and left, the speed seemed to be running for his life.

President Paul "pooh", but after all, it was because Pei Zichen was a junior and had respected himself for a plate of fruits, and decided to let him go for the time being.


President Paul seriously warned the little male cub he was holding: "Little David, the females are big trotters, especially military females! No, they are especially certain military females! They have a lot of tricks and conspiracies, but there is only One purpose—"

"...What, what purpose?"

"They are mean! They just greet your body!"

David: "!"

David was shocked and almost slammed his head to the ground with his left foot and right foot. Fortunately, Grandpa Paul, who was holding his claws, gave you a lot and held his small claws tightly to avoid him being embarrassed by the public.

President Paul also realized that his warning was a bit overdone, and coughed lightly, trying to be implicit: "I mean, they are greedy for the male's body. Do you understand?"

"I! I...I...but, ride...Mask brother, he...he, he, he is a soldier, but, but, but I..." I'm still young.

Under President Paul’s intentional eyes, David’s small face flushed with embarrassment. He squatted for a long time but he couldn’t explain the simple words clearly in the follow-up. He always felt that once he said it, it seemed like his own. The morals will fall.

However, President Paul He Xu Chong, only need to sweep his gaze, he will consciously explore the surface and go straight to the essence.

Xiaoxiong cub is too naive!

He sighed, but he couldn't bear to pierce Xiaoxiongzai's beautiful fantasy of feelings.

After all, which male didn't grow up with a yearning for love, and then gradually withered in the hard work day after day?

Alas, fortunately, I only have one female prince, otherwise...

President Paul once again thought of His Majesty Noon, and touched his old face, who is now almost the same as His Majesty Noon, and his mood suddenly improved.

Sure enough, a hard-working insect is always easier to get old~~


David didn't know the serious-faced Grandpa Paul, who was gloating at the moment, his little head drooped, and he was trying to remember the masked female and all the things he knew.


It's normal.

Very normal.

Although David couldn’t see the face on the other side because of the mask concealing it, but the other’s eyes felt very gentle, even gentle, and occasionally pinched his nose or rua his little head. Like elders and relatives and friends.


David thought that the masked female had been helping herself, comforting herself, and giving herself snowballs from the moment she appeared, and even when she came up with a plan to take the risk and lead the snake out of the hole, she would still finish it even if she was unhappy.

In the end, it was obvious that he was concealing something, but after only a few questions, he brought him to a big meal.

Oh, right!

The money for the big meal is still paid by the other party!

The more David thought about it, the more grateful he was to the masked female. It wasn't that he hadn't doubted the other's purpose at first, but after getting along for so long, he had already regarded each other as a friend.

No, not just friends, but good friends.

Good friend, how could... how could... how could it be possible to covet him, a five-short male cub?

This is impossible!

Absolutely impossible!

"Grandpa Paul!" David said suddenly, making President Paul, who was particularly worried about leaving, stunned.

Xiaoxiongzai looked serious, and pressed his mouth tightly, as if he was about to say something very important.

President Paul looked serious in an instant, and asked, "What's wrong? Is there something to tell Grandpa Paul?"

David nodded heavily and said, "I think that masked female brother is a good person!"

Good guy?

Xiaoxiong Cub, is this a good person card or a good person card? President Paul frowned, a little uncertain for a while.

"Really, the masked female brother does not, does not, does not greedy, greedy my body! No! Absolutely not!"

President Paul: "..."

President Paul: "!"

President Paul wiped his face vigorously and said, "Little David, you have to know that you are still young now."


"Although we Zerg females don't...cough, they are more enthusiastic and open-minded, but they still instinctively give love to their elders. But! Baby, you will grow up."

President Paul said, touching it seemed to make Xiaoxiong cub even more embarrassed, and sighed helplessly, "You, I can think of waiting for your cubs now, and the entire capital star is afraid that you will not be able to pretend to be your pursuit. The winner, alas!"

David's face blushed, and he inexplicably remembered the love debts left by the original owner. Speaking of which, there was also a lovesick thirteenth emperor, and he didn't know how the other party's mental strength had collapsed?


In the most fringe zone of the Gamma Galaxy, among several dead stars, there is a black planet, which is the base camp of the Tianka tribe, the dark planet.

In the black castle, fluorescent green became the only guide, allowing a flying insect that had lost its tentacles to finally find its way, stumbled and flew towards the owner of the castle.

"Mother Empress, Mother Empress—"

The sudden cry of exclamation caused Capello, who was closing his eyes to take a nap, to open his eyes. They were a pair of faintly blue pupils, but amidst the deep mystery they were ice cold.

The insect that finally flew in, was shivered by the eyes of the mother emperor, and fell to the ground in a daze, but didn't even dare to cry.

"What is it, noisy?" Capello asked.

"Yes, yes... it's news from Capital Star, Moses, Lord Moses, and Lord are dead..."

"Oh. What else?"

"Also, there is?" The flying insect was trembling, subconsciously wanting to look up at the mother emperor's expression, but its instinct made it impossible to raise its head at all, so he could only bite the bullet and answer, "Also, still, just... ...That is, I don't know which Highness also died..."

Capello glared: "Who?"

"It was under the Seventh Army, but there seems to be the participation of the Zerg Males Association. The specifics are not clear, but..."

The long string of fluent words that Fly insect reflexively answered suddenly got stuck, and then his body trembled again, saying, "Because this highness blew himself up and died, we can't determine the identity of your highness and his brother."

"Blode?" Capello frowned, and after the flying insect nodded affirmatively again, he snorted coldly, showing a little displeasure on his face. After he waved the flying insect to leave, he called his left and right hands.

One is the patriarch of the Scorpion clan, Ace, and the other is the patriarch of the Knives and the Clan. The two females slammed into each other because of their huge bodies, and finally won with the sword and advanced into the mother emperor's castle.

"Dao Yi/Ace, have seen your Majesty the Empress!"

Outside, the patriarchs of the two tribes who raised their heads high and respectfully lowered their own dignity to reveal themselves. When the body was crawling on the ground, it also subconsciously began to humanize.

five minutes later.

Capello looked at the two henchmen in front of him. Even after the humanoid, Ace had a scorpion tail behind him, and the two arms of Dao Yi still maintained the original form of the knives.

This form is conducive to combat, but it is also extremely easy to be used as a target, especially when fighting the Zerg, once the heavy artillery automatically locks the target, under the constant bombardment, even if his two confidantes will not die, I am afraid that it will also To be seriously injured.

The worries in Capello's eyes flashed, and the words in his mouth became milder: "Since the Battle of Clarence Star 50 years ago, the main force of the Tianka tribe has been on the dark planet. So far, Rested long enough."

"... The mother emperor said that, it's just that," Ace hesitated, glanced at the awkward sword one, and slowly said, "Your Majesty, the main team, the team... is old. , I’m afraid we can’t fight anymore."

Capello's hand holding the scepter trembled, but his face remained silent, but he watched with majesty as he knelt down on the ground again with his two henchmen.

At this moment, Ace and Dao did not have the joy when they were summoned by His Majesty, and they were replaced by depression and powerlessness.

"In the past fifty years of the main team... less than 1,000 have died due to injuries, but the number of worms who have grown old due to insufficient life span is 30,000, and the remaining worms, even if they can fight now, are not as good as they were in the past. "

"The words of Patriarch Ais are too euphemistic. In my opinion, these insects are not as good as they were back then, they are the most combative knife insects in my clan. I'm afraid I can't hold on to the claws of the females of the Zerg race for ten rounds!"

As soon as the knife said, it seemed that he had thought of something, and suddenly raised the handle of his knife and hit it hard against the ground of the castle. A big mouth broke out on the marble-paved ground, and at the same time, the sharp-looking blade of the knife broke a hole almost invisible, and a touch of green blood oozes out quickly.



The green blood quickly condensed into a string of beads, dripping on the marble floor, but like a heavy hammer hitting the hearts of the insects present, time after time, everyone's ambitions and grand blueprints collapsed suddenly.

Copero closed his eyes, and after a long time, when both Daoichi and Ace couldn't help wondering whether the noble mother was asleep, they spoke slowly.

"The dilemma left by our ancestors must eventually be overcome by us." Capello sighed, and when he opened his eyes, there was a war intent in his eyes. "It's also time for my Tianka clan to step out of the past imprisonment and seek a new future!"

"Sword One, Ace takes orders!"

"Your Majesty, Dao Yi/Ace is here!"

"From now on, all 15-45-year-old worms will be organized into Vanguard Thousands to sneak into the major planets of the Zerg race with only one purpose, to capture the male worms."

Capello stood up, his voice was thunderous, "Anyone who brings back the Zerg males will be rewarded, regardless of life or death!"

The words fell, "Boom!" The scepter in his hand fell heavily, like a drum of war.


Imperial Sanatorium.

David came here again. Although he was prepared in advance, he still couldn't stand the enthusiasm of the uncles and uncles. Fortunately, these insects were very reasonable, and he repeatedly said that he would visit Her Royal Highness. Later, he watched him leave.


David didn't know that the elevator car door he was riding in was closed, and the old, weak, sick and bugs who were getting along with each other with a small cake in their claws started fighting.

"Bah!" A certain insect slobbed at the cake that looked bigger in the claws of the insects nearby, and said proudly, "Your cake is all my saliva, you can't eat it! Give it to me!"

"Tianka Clan!" another insect suddenly pointed at the sky and yelled. As the other insects raised their heads, their claws flew like flying, grabbing more than a dozen pieces of cake and ran away.

"You bastard, didn't you say that you hate sweets? By coincidence, I like it—"

"XX, the doctor said, you have diabetes and can't eat cakes. I'm here to help you!"

"Mom, you **** cheat Lao Tzu's mouth for a bite of cake, puck puck! I'm innocent, fight with you—"

After all, the warm and beautiful scene is just a passing moment. In an instant, the huge courtyard has quickly turned into a "battlefield" until it was broken by an emergency edict.

In a special ward.

Pei Zichen had already set his posture, and only waited for the door to knock, and then the "beautiful and miserable" Her Royal Highness could go online instantly.


Before the little male worm arrived, he first received a sudden order.

"Knock, knock." After David knocked politely on the door three times, he slowly opened the door after he heard a "please come in".

What caught the eye was bright, and David's eyes quickly passed over the back of His Royal Highness, and looked towards the window sill.

There were several pots of sunflowers.

David pursed his lips, his golden and blue eyes stayed for a while, and then he realized that he was looking at the curtains.

The pleated sunflower curtains are no longer there. Today's curtains are made of silk rose-colored fabric, which looks exceptionally soft.

Want to come... If you fall again, your forehead shouldn't pop out of the bag, right?

David's long eyelashes fell down like crow feathers, concealing the complex emotions under his eyes, "His Royal Highness, how are you doing well recently?"

"Ahem, you can come to see me, what's wrong with me? Ahem..." Although his voice was still weak, it was obviously pleasant.

"... Then, then... how is your mental state?"

Listening to the little male worm's clearly concerned but cautiously tentative tone, Pei Zichen's originally not so good mood instantly rose up, and he coughed twice more pretendingly, and then slowly said: "The spirit of the sea is still in self. It’s repairing, but I’m getting used to it when I’m in pain, it’s nothing."

If this calm tone is light and bold, if it is not accompanied by a weak tone and a series of coughs that start after speaking, David may really believe it.

That's it!

David will come to visit the patient this time. First, the masked female suddenly mentioned her Royal Highness in front of her last time, and second, she also came prepared.


David moved the little cake in his hand gently on the coffee table, and dragged a small stool to sit down, then he raised his head to see the female on the hospital bed.

The female still maintains her back-to-back posture, and the undulating waistline is like a beautiful musical note.

With this figure alone, David had to admit that the comments on the appearance of Her Royal Highness the Thirteen Empresses mentioned on the forum might be true.

David tried to make up for the look of "Lang Yan is unique and unique in the world". As a result, he accidentally made up for Omega's coquettish state, and his face immediately blushed.

"...Little David, what do you want to say to me?" A weak voice sounded softly, soft as a breeze.

David touched his nose awkwardly, and took a deep breath: "I, I, are like this. I have recently learned about mental sea restoration from various aspects and have also exercised fine manipulation of mental power for a period of time at home. Um, so ..."


"So, you... would you like to try?"

Pei Zichen stared at the small male worm in the invisible light screen with expectant and restless eyes, his eyebrows were raised high, and his aquamarine eyes flashed and flashed.


Although my own spiritual sea has not been completely repaired yet, it is actually almost repaired, especially now that a little male worm appears beyond expectations, and countless spiritual tentacles are all obediently dancing seaweed dance in the spiritual sea... …

He is a little unaccustomed to being good.

So, just imagine, the little male worm carefully helped to repair the mental power of the mental tentacles as soon as he entered his mental sea, and he was directly scared out of it...

Hmm, I was expecting a little~~

"By the way, I... I am also the first time, so..."

"the first time?"

David nodded subconsciously, and planned to explain to this question that he was a complete spiritual comforter. Even in the memory of the original owner, the proud and noble male had never condescended to repair the spiritual sea for anyone. pass.


Before David could explain, he heard the female sigh quietly and said, "It's the first time for me."

David: "!"

"So, I believe you." The female's weak voice was full of encouragement.

David: "..." I always feel that these two sentences seem to have no causal relationship, but...

Maybe there is?

It's just that I don't know it.

It is also possible, it is also possible... This noble imperial majesty actually wants to satisfy any requirements of her crush?

The more David thought about it, the more he felt that the female worms in front of him were too humble to deal with their feelings, and he became more and more humbled to say something for a while.

So, let's wait, wait for your Royal Highness... the spirit sea is restored, and the mental power is intact as before, let's talk about it.

"It is understood that the restoration of the spiritual sea requires guidance and comfort, so my spiritual tentacles will enter your spiritual sea, do you...mind?"

"Ahem, why would I mind? Ahem, little David, you can start right away, hem."

"Then, then I will start. If there is any discomfort, you, please speak to stop me! Be sure to speak!"


In the ward, David took a deep breath, then clenched a fist to cheer himself up, then slowly closed his eyes, a rosy mental tentacles appeared quickly, and came to Pei Zichen's head at an extremely fast speed.

It hovered, seeming to hesitate for a moment, and finally did not enter from the female's forehead, but fell from the top of the head, and reached the sea of ​​spirit.

This is a...star sea?

The little mental tentacles are a bit dazed. They are both shocked by the mystery and beauty of the female spirit sea, but also at a loss as to how to find the question of the spirit sea in front of me next?

While feeling distressed, the mental tentacles suddenly noticed something, and it jumped quickly, avoiding a meteorite that suddenly landed, and landed on an emerald-green planet.

The planet vibrated suddenly.

Then, it cracked with a "wow".

David's closed eyes opened quickly, gold and blue eyes were full of surprise. When he reflexively looked at the female on the hospital bed, he saw that the female's back was trembling. Enduring pain.

"You..." David subconsciously wanted to take back his mental tentacles, but he didn't want to find out that his mental tentacles had lost contact with him.

"Ahem, little David, are you okay?" A group of unconscious gadgets are reluctant to let go of their claws after catching a good thing...

Pei Zichen spurned his unscrupulous mental tentacles in his heart for three seconds, but turned his head and couldn't help but clicked a thumbs-up. The rosy little tentacles looked really well-behaved, and it would be nice to stay as a guest~

that is--

"Little David, how good is your mental power? Cough cough cough, I just seemed to feel that my mental power seemed... it seemed to have swallowed your mental power?"

"...Well, I'm fine. It's me, careless. But are you okay? I haven't been able to comfort and guide at all, I'm sorry!"

"Cough cough, it's my mental power..." Too enthusiastic, Pei Zichen looked at the guilty face of the male worm in the light screen, with a smile in his eyes, and was about to squeeze the male worm and try again, when he saw the light screen. The little male worm suddenly said with a serious face.

"I took things for granted this time. Fortunately, you are fine. Otherwise, if my recklessness causes your slightly recovered spirit to collapse again, I..."

David failed to say the latter words, he just calmed down a little, and then clenched his fist. "I don't know enough about the spirit sea. I will work hard to study and re-concentrate my mental strength. , I will come again when I am sure in the future..."

"Wait! Ahem, you mean, are you leaving?"

David was stunned, "I mean, I will help you fix it after I have enough understanding of mental power in the future... However, if I can, I hope your spirit sea can be faster and better. repair!"

Pei Zichen breathed a sigh of relief, but, "Little David, even if you have mastered the mental power to repair the spirit sea, don't try it lightly, you know? Cough cough...except me, cough cough, other insects The spirit sea of ​​the other party is very dangerous, no matter whether the other's spirit sea is normal or on the verge of collapse, it is extremely dangerous, cough cough."

"...Well, thank you for your reminder."

"Then, let's go, if you have time in the future, you can find me."

David subconsciously said "Ah", and then realized the meaning of the female worm's words, it turned out to be--

What do you mean by being willing to be a guinea pig?

"Ah, I can feel it, my... Spirit Sea welcomes you very much. In this way, compared to other insects, you will be safer to experiment in my Spirit Sea. Ahem, ahem, and I I also look forward to your spiritual sorting out!"

If there was no last sentence, David would definitely refuse the female's suggestion, but with the last sentence, he hesitated again.

After all, this can be regarded as fulfilling the other party's wish in a certain way.

Since ancient times, the worms that collapsed in the Psychic Sea did not happen without miracles, but more worms struggled to survive for a while after the collapse of the Psychic Sea, and finally they still went to death.

From the bottom of his heart, David didn’t want this noble emperor to be teased by fate. It was like a pine and cypress born on the top of a mountain. Before he could stand in the sky, he was blown away by the sudden wind and rain, and lost all possibilities. .

"Don't worry, I will work hard!" David shook his small paws hard, and then smiled shyly as if thinking of something, "Do you like cakes? I brought some better this time. You can Try it."

"...Okay, I will taste it well."

"hope you'll like it."

"I really like it."

This is a bit idealistic...

David touched his nose, and felt that the female worm's filter for him was already thousands of meters thick, so even if it was ugly, he would definitely eat it very happily.



David's pair of different pupils flickered slightly, he pursed his lips, and tentatively asked: "The emperor..."

"Call me Zichen."

The noble thirteen emperor, her full name is Pei Zichen, David knows this, but...is it really good to be so close?

David lowered his eyes to look at his short legs, and his inspiration flashed: "Brother Zichen."


Brother Zichen!

Brother Zichen~~~

Pei Zichen was so excited that a crocodile rolled to the ground, but fortunately he held it back. The corners of his mouth were high, his eyes were full of tricky tricks, and he sighed pretendingly on his mouth, and it was really small. The male cried guiltily "Brother Zichen" several times.

That's cool!

"Brother Zichen, do you, do you mind the live broadcast?" David tried his best to pull the topic back, hoping to make Her Royal Highness who had a crush on the original owner feel better.

Well, it's better not to think about things anymore.

Fortunately, the emperor's majesty was still very generous. After a moment of indulgence, she not only answered David's question, but she also seemed to understand what he meant, just.

"Little David, it's too unsafe to run back and forth, not to mention..." The female sighed weakly, "It's dangerous now."

David had heard the argument that it was dangerous for the male to go out more than once. He touched his nose and wanted to explain, but he heard the female speak again before the words were spoken.

"Actually, the doctor has long advised me to recuperate at home. I am selfish and have been occupying medical resources. Cough cough... this time, this time... cough cough, I finally mustered up the courage. Cough cough, little David, you Does the invitation still count?"

David: "???"

David ended this visit with a series of question marks on his head. Although he strongly affirmed his meaning of "invitation counts" before leaving, in fact, he was still stunned.

But the next day, when the dastardly David went to the nursing home to broadcast the live broadcast according to the established decision, he found the movement next door.

The next door is also a villa, and on weekdays, the area and layout are almost the same as my own villa. The difference is that the next door seems to be empty all the time.

But this time, in front of the empty villa, a suspended vehicle landed, and soon afterwards, there appeared the Lingling Adjutant and a tall figure that seemed to be familiar.

David's heart burst, as if he understood something.


Although the tall figure looked familiar, it didn't seem to resemble Her Royal Highness the Thirteenth Empress.

Well, it should also be a female, or a noble female who exudes the aura of a superior person in every gesture.

"Gurulu." The rolling sound of the wheelchair attracted David's attention.

The youth on the wheelchair, like the most moving scenery, completely captured David's eyeballs.

He looks like a young man in his early twenties, with a face... how to put it, David's first thought when he saw that face was, how could this be a man's face? This should be an Omega, or a female Omega, because in his opinion, only a female Omega can have such a gorgeous and glamorous complexion.

No, how could it be Omega?

Omega is coquettish and moving, and the worm in front of me...worm is a demon, it is gorgeous, a magnificence and stunning beauty that impacts the human retina.

Lang Yan is unique, unparalleled in the world...

It turned out to be true.

David wondered in a daze. It turned out that females are so beautiful that they are not as charming as previously imagined, but, like this...

It’s a pity that Xu is sick and fascinating. He is so coquettish that he has lost a bit of color at the moment. Instead, he is tired and haggard. It is a kind of thing that makes people look at anytime and anywhere will be blown away by the rain and wind. Of fragility.

"He is looking at you." Pei Yu's voice was extremely low, with a little sourness inexplicably.

Pei Zichen, who was sick and in a wheelchair, said "Yes", his eyelids did not open, but his lips moved slightly: "Brother, the military order is like a mountain, and it's okay to help keep it secret."

"Hehe, are you threatening me?"

"No, a reasonable reminder."

Pei Yu sneered, slightly hard with his left hand, lifted his foot forward half a step, and blocked Pei Zichen, who was bathing in the stunning sight of the little male cub, strictly.

Pei Zichen: "!" What's the use of this kind of pro-brother?

When David came back to his senses, his little face was so red that he didn't dare to start the live broadcast for a while, so he ran all the way back to the bathroom to cool himself down.

Hmm, I'm lost when I see a female, it's really...too much!

He's still a little cub!

Why did you start to control...?

So, so...so it should probably be, because of the influence of the original owner's preferences, that I suddenly and suddenly have the idea of ​​wanting to come forward and strike up a conversation!

Yes, it must be!

David, who has always admitted his mistakes and positively, finally got shameless this time and pushed his mistake to the original owner. However, when he saw his blushing face in the mirror, he was still embarrassed and wanted to bury his head in the water. Never come out again!

Because the self-examination took a long time, and because he was overwhelmed by the excessive beauty of a certain insect, David would completely forget for a while to wonder what the royal lady said to herself with her back again and again. What kind of weird mentality do you have when you are "ugly"?

All in all, in short, when David reopened the live broadcast, it was already a full two hours later than usual. So as soon as the live broadcast started, he received concerns from fans.

"It's okay, I'm really fine, I... just, yes, just... meet a friend."

"Well, what kind of friend is it? It's..." David hesitated, and unexpectedly he thought of the look of just glimpsed in his mind, his expression renewed, "It's just one, a friend from a long time ago..."

【Bar? It feels weird]

[The little male worm was fooled by some worm in the way of an old friend, right? 】

[Wori, which old female wants...cough cough cough, I mean, cub, you are a little male cub, don’t go out casually~]

[Yes, yes, brother David, the brothers outside are very bad! 】

[Yes, yeah, little David, you are still young, and some lonely and cold females like to find a warm bed like you, so you must be careful and careful when you go out, it’s best—]

[It's best to broadcast the whole process! 】

【Live +1】

[Live + Live Room Number]

[Maybe, David just wants to meet other males? 】

[David, cub, do you want to meet other males? 】

[If it's other males, you can just say it, we know that some males hate to open a live broadcast room, and they always feel that their privacy is leaked, huh! In fact, our military women are impatient to watch those guys scratch their heads and pose! 】

As soon as the barrage came out, it immediately evoked the responses of a number of military women, but soon, a barrage with an enlarged and bold font with a special font flew out like a laser cannon—

[Military female is amazing? I still look down upon the army girl! 】

【good! Military females are just a group of white prostitutes! 】

[David, that captain named Smith almost killed you, should you learn from it? 】

[Boss, I’m a new acquaintance