Zerg’s Dress As a Popular Lover

Chapter 67

Pei Zichen's beating heart suddenly felt a pain. He subconsciously clasped David's hand, helplessly and forcefully, as if he wanted to use this method to make sure that the worm beside him was still there.

David turned his head again and looked at him. A pair of different pupils was a little confused. The long crow-feather eyelashes blinked as if they were asking silently. What's wrong?

It is a familiar and familiar gesture.

The anxiety in Pei Zichen's heart was soothed in an instant, and he found a topic at random, and then took the surprise that was just a moment away.

However, once the suspected seeds are planted and given a certain amount of rain and fertilizer in suitable soil, they will eventually germinate.

Unless, this seed was dead in the beginning and was wrong.

David has always been very good at observing words and looks, this is the skill he trained when he was Alpha in the interstellar society, and finally gradually became an instinct.

After coming to the Zerg, except for the unsuitability of the environment in the initial stage, because of the thirst for warmth, he will inevitably be softer and more harmless subconsciously.

But with the passage of time, after experiencing the lessons again and again, David has also realized that the Zerg is actually similar to the interstellar society, and even because of being a male, he wants to get what he really wants, but he is more and more. The trouble is even more difficult.

When you are Alpha, you are weak because you want to be ridiculed, suppressed and bullied, but these setbacks in turn become the motivation for your struggle.

And as a male?

As a precious male, the females will tell you that you don’t need to work hard, you can eat, drink and have fun, and you can be supported for the rest of your life, as long as you work hard to sow, you have everything you need.

Even when disaster strikes, most of the females will protect you with their lives for your precious male, not afraid of life or death.

So, it's enough to be a mascot.

So, what are you trying to do? It's totally unnecessary. Why work hard? Eat, drink, and have fun, so why bother to work hard?

What, do you have to work hard for what you really want?

What do you really want?

Many males have passed two or three hundred years, and I am afraid they don’t know what they really want, because too much fun takes up their time, and too much indulgence tends to make them not need to use their brains.

The so-called flattery is nothing more than that!

David didn’t know what the Zerg ancestor who made the law for the males alone thought, but he had a hunch that if the Zerg continued to do so, the males would become weaker, fewer and fewer, even to finally--

The entire Zerg will perish.

And what about the Tianka?

The Tianka people are trapped by the drastic shortening of life span, which should be a potential hidden danger after genetic selection, and they are beginning to be gradually exposed.

If the hidden danger can't be solved gradually, then what is waiting for the Tianka clan is also perishing.

The Zerg and Tianka clan are in the same line, and although the reasons are different in the end, the results are all perished.

After reading through one of the original master's favorite fairy-xia novels, David couldn't help but wonder if there really is a way of heaven?

And the so-called ancient times, the so-called dragon and phoenix era... eventually could not escape the checks and balances of the heavens, and fell one by one.

And the Zerg and Tianka tribes of the same vein have long been targeted by Heaven, and now it’s time to exterminate the most powerful race in the Gamma galaxy...

David didn't know if his thoughts were right, but after he had such thoughts, he began to prepare little by little, change little by little, imperceptibly, but absolutely could not deceive the bugs close to him.

Even, David never wanted to fool close bugs.

President Paul was so mature because of the worms, even if occasionally he would poke David's forehead with his fingers and curse "Stupid not stupid", but he always understood in his heart that he looked smart when he was growing up and transforming.

He was so smart that he could not help but show off in front of Monte Steve proudly after his wife Renfell talked about it.

And what about Pei Zichen?

The shrewd and shrewd Her Royal Highness Thirteen Empresses, who made Grandpa Paul ridiculed and ridiculed, had a deep filter for David, and from time to time they would “beautify” David’s image.

David shook Pei Zichen's hand with his backhand, feeling the temperature from the palm of the opponent's palm. When the opponent looked over, he pursed his lips and said, "Brother Zichen, there are so many people watching the fireworks. You can't get lost." NS."

Pei Zichen was silent for three seconds, then coughed lightly and replied: "Then you have to hold my hand, you know?"


David nodded vigorously, earnestly, but in his eyes shrouded in the shadow of night, there was a strong and possessive desire that could not be rejected.

Having known Pei Zichen for so many years, when it comes to understanding, David claims that he even knows more about herself than the female herself. What's more, David started preparing for his nesting period half a year ago, and now--

Although he made up his mind to let Pei Zichen remove the filters and beauty PS for himself a little bit, he absolutely would not allow the female worm that reached her mouth to fly out of her claws!

Absolutely not allowed!

Pei Zichen noticed that his paws were being grasped harder. He pressed the corners of his mouth hard, and pressed harder, but in the end he couldn't hold them back anymore. His smile was overwhelmingly beautiful and brilliant, surpassing the most beautiful one. Spring flowers.

Especially under the outline of the red bridegroom outfit, the thin waist is drawn very much.

There was a sub-female who couldn't help but glanced, then glanced again, and finally when she wanted to see the third glance, she was pulled down by the female worm beside her, and her mate was pulled away with a black face. .

It was another couple of female and male husbands. After the female once again noticed that her male was looking at the same female, he sighed, and then proactively began to propose: "Male lord, watch the fireworks at that location. It should be better, shall we go over?"

When the male worm called the male lord heard that his female prince took the initiative to pass it to him, he immediately walked to the position next to Pei Zichen and David without saying a word. With that eager posture, no one could see that he was already He couldn't hold back Pei Zichen's face completely.

"Cough." The male worm walked to Pei Zichen's side and coughed lightly, attracting attention.

However, Pei Zichen did notice the male worm, but he swept the male worm out of the corner of his eye and determined that the opponent was a genuine male worm, and his fighting power was not as good as a chicken, so he continued to concentrate on watching David who admired the fireworks.

It was David, who withdrew his gaze from the brilliant fireworks a little bit, frowned slightly and swept the male worm, and the unhappiness flashed across his eyes.

The male was used to wantonly and was used to being sought after. He didn't feel that his behavior was wrong at all, and he didn't realize that the female he was fancying didn't mean anything to him. Seeing that Pei Zichen didn't respond, he thought he was just talented. The cough was too low, so he moved closer again and coughed vigorously.

Pei Zichen: "..."

David, David's eyes were completely removed from the fireworks, and he fixedly looked at each other.

The male is a little over 1.7 meters tall and has a thin stature, especially under the background of the burly female standing behind him, there is an indescribable petiteness. As for the face--

David felt that he was not a face-seeker, but for the first time he felt that this male's face was extremely ugly!

With thick eyebrows and big eyes with a collapsed nose, and a cherry mouth lined with a pointed chin, it can be as ugly as it is!

The male Okricott is actually very accustomed to being watched by insects. After all, anyone who breaks the shell will always be the focus of attention of the insects, and everyone will get used to it.

However, inexplicably, Okricott felt a little uneasy this time, and felt a sense of being hated by powerful males.

It’s not the first time Okricott sees other worms’ companions. After all, he likes worms, and he enjoys the kind of other worms who are obsessed and crazy under his body. He is also the most obsessed and experienced. The insects bring excitement and happiness to themselves.

There was even a pair of female husbands. In order to obtain one of the females, he generously collected the pair of females as female servants and enjoyed the fun of flying on the big bed.

Of course, for the same, with such a hobby, even if Okricott consciously sees worms in love, he still has to admit that his male affinity is not so good.

Especially, after he hooked up with a male worm slave, he was inevitably oppressed by the powerful male worm's mental power, and after a vicious beating, he became more and more deeply aware that his hobby should not be affected by the male worm. Worms understand pain.

But the pain is always short-lived. After all, there are more and less males in the Zerg race, and it is good for him to have females without males.

Even after Okricott was beaten, he would inevitably gain his wisdom from eating, and no longer hook up with the female or sub-female of the male, in order to avoid being beaten again.

But this time, it was obvious that both were females. Why did the short female give him the feeling of a male?

Strangely speaking, the short females are not bad, even in terms of face and temperament, they are the shy and shy cutie that Okricott likes, and he likes this cutie most on weekdays. The boldness and F·wave revealed while on the boat, but this time--

But how did Oakricht look at David, how he didn't like it, and even had the urge to kick him away quickly.

"Sir!" Pei Zichen finally couldn't bear it, and said coldly, his aquamarine eyes faintly watching Oclikote, like a poisonous snake with a scarlet snake core.

Oakricht's sight to David was suddenly cut off. Not only did he not feel unhappy, but a little joyful. He felt that this overly beautiful female must like him. Look, I'm all jealous.

Okricott's face suddenly showed complacency, just like he had done so many times in the past, he would directly give the other person the status of a waitress and then take the other person away. When he didn't want to, he was suddenly pulled. Then, the whole worm was protected by her own female.

There was a soft "pop".

William’s raised arm blocked a small chestnut that was directed at his hero’s eyes, but when he realized that the force falling on his arm was not as great as he had imagined, he couldn’t help but look at it. After the little chestnut on the ground, he turned his gaze to David, who was looking down and playing with the chestnut in his hand.

Suddenly, I was a little uncertain, whether the attack directed at his hero just now was intentional or accidental.

But soon, William was able to determine that the other party did it deliberately!

Because David raised his eyes and looked over, the golden and blue eyes were an unabashed warning.

William shook his heart, and subconsciously pushed the hero who still wanted to take a head back half a step, "You, you...yes, that sir?"

"Your Excellency" is a kind of respect for the low-ranking person to the high-ranking person, but at this time, it is obviously the respect that the other party will give only when he recognizes his identity as a male.

It seems that the status of this female in the military department is not low.

In that case, David moved his eyebrows slightly, and he didn't mean to rush, he just looked at Pei Zichen and handed the home game to the female.

Pei Zichen held a cold face, moved his feet without a trace, and completely blocked William's sight to David. His eyes were half-squinted, and he stayed on William's face. After a while, he sneered: "It turned out to be Adjutant William of the Three Armies."

"Adjutant" is a personal guard who belongs to the rank of major general in the army, or it can be said to be a confidant.

However, William was transferred from the front line to the three armed forces because of injuries. Although he retired and was promoted, even if he was carrying the merits of a major, he was not seen by the current commander of the three armed forces. He even came to two deputy commanders. His attitude is average.

However, Xu has experienced the cruelty of the battlefield and has married and gave birth to babies. William is very satisfied with his leisure in the three armed forces. After all, he can avoid the harassment in the military and take more time to take care of his family. .

But because of this, when William saw Pei Zichen for the first time, he did not recognize the brilliant flower-like female who had just smiled. It turned out to be a major general of the Seventh Army, a high-coldness known to the entire army. Your Highness.

"Yes, it turned out to be you!" William subconsciously raised his head and wanted to pay a military salute, but quickly realized the surrounding environment at this time, so he could only immediately lower his eyes and speak respectfully, "Good evening, Your Excellency Major General."

Major general?

Major General!

Is it a major general?

Okricott, who was already very dissatisfied with the obstructive behavior of his wife, finally got out of William's powerful arms with a force at this time.

Oak Creekt's eyes were burning: "Hello, Mr. Major General, I'm Oak Creekt, an excellent third-year student of Aquastar Medical University. I admire...well."

"Master!" William sighed coldly, ignoring the opposition of his hero, covering Okricott's mouth, and with force, he hugged the thin hero, and then quickly backed away.

Yes, go back.

He suspected that if he didn't retreat, that Lord David's mental power tentacles would be drawn to the face of his hero.

Yes, it is not Pei Zichen that William is afraid of at the moment, but the male David.

Without him, any female, in front of her male lord, will subconsciously restrain her emotions, whether it is jealousy or anger, or violence and cruelty...

But also, any male, unless he is not active, he will inevitably give a beating to the male who dared to covet his own possessions.


I have to say that although William had a completely wrong idea, he still beat him crookedly, because if his movements were half a step slower, a certain aquamarine tentacles would trap him viciously, and then beat him in public!

Yes, he!

Pei Zichen is not good at Okricott's claws, but for the female William, he is very willing to teach him a lesson. After all, there is nothing wrong with killing chickens and monkeys, isn't it?

Unfortunately, it ran too fast.

Pei Zichen squinted his turquoise eyes, and quickly wondered how to make a good outburst after returning to the military headquarters, but his coldness quickly faded from his face.

He turned sideways, looked at David, who seemed to be thinking, and coughed lightly: "The fireworks are about to be seen. Where should we go to see?"


David nodded. Because of thinking, he habitually began to rub the claws clasped in his fingers. After he was sure and affirmed that he had gone to the Aquastar First Medical University, how would he recognize Oakricht’s "senior" , The touch from the fingers is finally transmitted to the nerve center.

Not delicate enough, but warm enough.

David couldn't help but rubbed it twice, and for a moment after he noticed that the footsteps of the female next to him were messy, the corners of his lips cocked and he smiled silently.

Three hours later, the bustle of the town gradually faded. After all, David and Pei Zichen did not choose to stay in the town for the night, but returned to the previously scheduled Magpie Bridge Star Hotel.

Of course, before leaving the town, David and Pei Zichen were near the lower reaches of the Lantern River at the same time, using an excuse to leave each other's sights, staying for about ten minutes, and after meeting each other, they both smiled and looked satisfied.

That night.

After confirming that David's breathing in the next room was steady, the emotional Pei Zichen finally struck a carp and sat up.

He first took a close look at the folded paper "heart" he had smuggled out of the lantern, and tried to disassemble it several times. Finally, he was reluctant to worry about the difficulties after the restoration.

What's more, he is very sure at this moment that this heart is the male worm's implicit affection, it is the male worm's heart.

But now, this heart has fallen into his own hands!

Pei Zichen laughed "hehehe" for a long time, then rolled on the bed with a little heart for a while, and finally couldn't help——

Called the communication.

The time difference between Capital Star and Queqiao Star is about one hour, while in Queqiao Star at around 1 a.m., Capital Star is already two or three in the morning. In other words, most of the serious worms are already asleep.

However, at this time, the Seventh Army started with a worm with a military position as a captain.

Then, these guys were forced to take a mouthful of rations, dry and choke, and they had to deliberately bend around for a long time, and their big brains reacted. The cold major general got one. The heart of the male.

Depend on!

The heart of the male worm!

What kind of **** luck did his major general take to get the male worm's heart? It seems that he will be married right away. Hearing the meaning of that, it seems that it may be possible. That male is the Lord David who they have had countless times in their dreams.

This is too much!

What kind of faceless means did the major general of the special female use to hook up David and get David's heart?

No, no, it should be that the major general must have used his glamorous **** face to successfully confuse the young and ignorant little male cub, and then cause David's heart to be lost in this way when he grows up.


Too hateful!

I just want to draw a circle to curse the major general's old age and early death!

However, in the Seventh Army, the insects had to bow their heads. Even if many army insects gritted their teeth, they still had to continue to eat dog food perfunctorily, until the major general who had enough to show off cut off the communication, and then "Bah" vigorously. A bite.

Finally, with a quilt, I tried to get myself a male worm in my dream to soothe the single dog's heart.

On the contrary, the adjutant Lingni was worthy of being Pei Zichen's left and right hand for many years. The moment he received the call, he felt a sigh of relief in his heart. After hearing Pei Zichen's vague mention of the lantern, it instantly became clear.

The major general's schedule is the clearest, but Magpie Bridge Star.

And if Magpie Bridge Star contacted the Lantern again, there was nothing unclear.

Therefore, in order to avoid further harassment, Lingling is the beginning of his journey to congratulate his major general, and before Pei Zichen starts to show off, he strongly blessed: "I hope the major general will get what he wants and give birth to a male son early."

Is Xiongzi that easy to give birth to?

Pei Zichen's flaunting mood immediately disappeared. He snorted and was about to give his adjutant a good knowledge of the birth rate of Zerg cubs and the birth rate of male cubs, but he didn't want to, so don't cut off the communication.

Cut off...


"Hehe, Lingling is able to bear it." Pei Zichen smiled and snorted, but when he saw the heart on his paws, he laughed again, "Forget it, it seems that this kid did not help much at the beginning. For the sake of an idea, spare him once."


What if you still want to show off?

Pei Zichen tossed and rolled twice on the bed, and finally got a flash of inspiration and dialed a new communication.

At this time, the time of the Zerg Capital Star was five o'clock in the morning, which was the time when the last trace of darkness before dawn faded.

That is, when you are busy all night, you are most likely to get sleepy.

Pei Yu, who squinted his eyes and took a nap in the office, was awakened by the communication. The first time he opened the communication, he wanted to punch him.

Depend on!

Brother, this is the rhythm to be darkened.

If Pei Zichen was about to show off, he immediately swallowed back into his stomach, and he dragged out the backup options in a simple and concise manner: "Big brother, I have seen mynah!"

Pei Yu frowned and suddenly became sober.

Seeing this, Pei Zichen breathed a sigh of relief, and took the lead in reporting Pei Xi's address so that his eldest brother could arrange for the army worms to be dispatched. Only then did he change the conversation and mention all the things that Pei Xi had encountered directly.

"Mynah wore a dress in women's clothing, and he put on himself... very delicate makeup, um, eldest brother, this is a photo, I will send it to you."

Pei Zichen immediately sent the photos he had secretly left behind for research to his elder brother. At the end, he added a lot of jealousy to Pei Xi's bad things. After ensuring that all of Pei Yu's anger was successfully transferred to Pei Xi, he made a face. "Hehehe" get up.

Pei Yu was thinking about how to clean up the old bachelor. When he saw the expression of the stupid brother at first, his brows frowned again.

"Don't tell me you got involved with David?"