Zerg’s Dress As a Popular Lover

Chapter 83

Some dull liquid slowly flowed down.

All the insects present subconsciously held their breath, including Levrahan.

The liquid finally comes into contact with the embryo, fuse, and then...

no change.

no change.

Still nothing...no! There has been a change!

The research worms on the scene took a breath of air, and recovered Thomas who had been distracted. Then his eyes widened suddenly, and then, as if thinking of something, he suddenly became eager.

The difference is that the other worms were shocked that David actually caused the embryo to produce a directional change, and Thomas thought of--

Since Mr. D in front of him can set a 100% guarantee of embryo gestation, there should be absolutely no problem in cultivating a successful embryo!

Thomas wanted a cub, always wanted, but what he wanted was not his own, but Pei Cheng's.

Even if it was Pei Cheng and other males, he was happy, and even this time he thought about it. After determining the viability of the embryo, he tried to get the embryo into his gestational cavity, and then personally gave birth to Pei Cheng's child. .

In this way, even if there is no blood relationship, this child is also his, so he and Pei Cheng also have cubs!

With this kind of thought, Thomas left even if his name shouldn't leave Mining Star at this time. Even this time, he didn't let Pei Cheng know. He sneaked into the research base for the first confirmation.

Confirm yourself, you can really realize your wish.

Three hours later.

Levrahan glanced at all the embryos in front of him, and then looked at David deeply, his gaze was complex and profound, and his deep gaze made David almost doubt whether his hidden means were seen by the other party.

If you can see it now, it can only be done in another way.

When David was preparing for plan two, Jason and several insects finally confirmed the specific location of the experimental base. After a series of measures were confirmed, they finally chose to violently invade.

And in this place, there was a riot suddenly in the port of Aqua Blue Star. It was supposed to be a small riot, but after a sharp call, the turmoil broke out.

"Oh my God, it's the Tianka Clan——"

"How could it be the Tianka tribe?"

"Father and father..."

"The battle spread to Aquastar so quickly?" "..."

In the chaotic roar of screams and roars of fear, fifty completely humanized Tianka tribes are advancing quickly under the leadership of their two high priests.

As his Highness from the Tianka clan, Smith was in a bad mood. He glanced at his brother, Yunyun, and saw that the other party was as handsome as the judge in his suit and shoes. He couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"Can you stop carrying it all the time? Alas, it hurts me to see you like this!"

"...Be more civilized."

"Fuck! I..." Smith's vulgar words were frightened back by the cloud. He looked at the blue bone spurs that had reached his eyes, and said with a trembling voice, "I saved you not long ago!"

Speaking of, not long ago, really not long ago, just two days ago, Smith suddenly received a message for help from the cloud. Out of a certain mentality, he had been lurking near the Xingfu District of the capital. He rushed over and almost left. The elder brother who was beaten to death.

Thinking of the tragedy that the cloud was like a dead dog at that time, Smith felt a little refreshed inexplicably, at the same time he felt even more strange, but he didn't dare to ask.

In fact, he has always been the least promising among the brothers. In the army, after so many years of crawling, he finally became a captain, but turned out to be yellow, and he almost didn’t hook up, so he lost his life. .


Not to mention later.

Smith is the real thing at a reasonable price, and the worse he gets worse. On this point alone, he and the dead tenth Ulea have the same disease. The difference is that Ulea is arrogant, holding a breath of bad breath in his chest, but what about him?

He always felt that he might be like his poor male father, with a low life, so the lower he was, the more he wanted to die. As for honor, food and drink are better than life. does not matter.

It doesn't matter whether he went to mine later, or fleeing due to the turmoil of the mining star, or he was chased and killed by bad luck, etc...

This is not important, what is important is that he is stuck!

And when Gou reached the ultimate call of the mother emperor Capello, he could return to the dark planet immediately.

To tell the truth, Smith didn't really want to go back to the dark planet. He was accustomed to the convenient life of the Zerg. The day and night of the Zerg, he saw the night when he opened his eyes, and the night when he closed his eyes.

Alas, worms with low lives also yearn for a good life, don’t they?

"I didn't ask you to save me. And—" Yun Yun retracted his bone spurs and said lightly, "You were the only one who asked me in the first place!"

When Smith choked, David split up again, and he was almost directly sentenced to be executed by a military court, so...

So I begged in front of the cloud.

"Well, that's it, we are even." Smith is not a shameless bug, that is, he can't help looking at the cloud, then at the cloud, and then at the cloud. Finally, he still speaks. , "Why are you following here? Could it be that you also want to get a good impression in front of David?"

Cloud: "..."

Yun's eyes subtly swept over Smith, who quickly evolved from curiosity to vigilance, and when the corners of his mouth twitched slightly before answering, he saw that Smith had been filled with various brains, and his eyes gradually became envy, jealous and hate.

Cloud: "!"

Yun Hao Xian did not directly give him a big roll of eyes, but he controlled it. He felt that maybe Smith, a firecracker, could be used as a pathfinder.

With such a calculation in his heart, when he finally arrived at his destination, the silent cloud suddenly spoke.

"Smith, do you still remember the legend of the Treasure out of the Tianka tribe that was passed down many years ago?"

Smith was taken aback, and shook his head subconsciously.

"...Then you should have heard a word, the one who wins the treasure, wins the world!"

Smith blinked, and his eyes on the cloud were suddenly strange: "Do you believe this kind of deception?"

As soon as these words came out, a sentence quickly appeared on Smith's face: So you are such a cloud!

The best of the cloud twitched again, and he said coldly: "Smith, have you forgotten that the living conditions and living habits of the Tianka tribe and the Zerg tribe are completely different?"

"Zergs have novels, virtual worlds, and many fun projects, but Tiankas don't."

"Most of the worms of the Tianka tribe are not eating, trying to give birth, or sleeping. Under such circumstances, do you still think that rumor is really just a rumor?"

Smith looked at him for an instant, and he pondered carefully in his heart, and the more he pondered, the more he felt that what Yun Yun said was right.

The Tiankas don’t have any spiritual entertainment like novels. It’s not that everyone has no brains to open up, but their living environment limits everyone’s messy brains, and even because they are too idle sometimes, many insects gradually grow up. It became spring, summer, autumn and winter, and hibernated at the opportunity.

Hibernation can not only save energy, but also slow down aging.

But after facts have proved that the insects that habitually enter the dormant state have a life span of 1-3 years longer than that of ordinary insects, more and more insects fall in love with dormancy.

Even if the other party has fallen asleep in the past 1-3 years, but sleeping is still alive. If you can live, no Tianka clan wants to die.

"...Treasure? What is it?" Smith asked tentatively. He was not stupid. Before the cloud could speak, he said directly, "I know that you have always been unprofitable. Your reputation as a judge will go to the next level, so that you can go further."

Yun Yun sneered and replied: "I used to think you were a silly, but I didn't expect that your brain can actually be used in addition to brain supplements."

Smith didn't answer this, he was only seven-point vigilant and three-point curious, and once again mentioned the issue of "Treasure".

The cloud suffocated Smith's appetite, and when he arrived at his destination, he finally threw out the "bait" slowly: "The Treasure is a worm, a worm that was created."

"...Is it David? No wonder, David is so attracted to me. From the first sight I saw him, my heart is no longer mine! It turns out that he is the treasure, and the one who wins the treasure wins the world... …okokokok?"

Excited, Smith frowned suddenly, and amidst the warnings from the research base, he said strangely, "Pei Shisandu and David have been married. It has been so long and I have received the most precious irrigation for more than fifty times. Is the follow-up Dezhibao irrigation still useful?"

Cloud: "..."


Yun Yun felt that what he thought Smith had a brain was the nonsense he said when his brain was flooded.

The cloud bone spurs raised and pushed away Smith who still wanted to ask about the Arcane Irrigation effect. He looked sharply at the Tianka Clan he had brought, compared to an "attack" gesture, and quickly retreated.

The research base, which had been alarmed by violent intruders, was soon broken once again in a super strong attack, and then the SS-class protective shield was crumbling, and after a short time, it was completely shattered.

"woo woo woo woo--"

"Alert! Alarm!"

"Someone has invaded! Alert! Alert!" The atmosphere on the seventh floor, which could be described as "happy and harmonious", was suddenly broken. Thomas recovered for the first time, but after a glance at Levrahan, he became murderous. The awe-inspiring eyes looked at the other insects present.

The research bugs were a little panicked at first, after all, they all knew what they were studying, and understood that once it was exposed, it was very likely that all of their future would be ruined.

At this moment, a few research bugs particularly regretted that they had long known that they shouldn't be embarrassed to join in the fun, after all, the seventh floor of the fun, they were not qualified if they did not have certain permissions.

Just like the Frank and Liu Chenguang who were valued by Mr. D, these two guys were left on the third floor because of their authority.

And on the third floor, there is a secret escape route that everyone knows!

"Sir, we are now..." Finally, there was an insect who couldn't help but speak in a panic, but only then did he say it, and he finally realized afterwards, Thomas' eyes.

What kind of look is that!

That is--

That's the look he would have when looking at the subject.

No, no, the eyes that I look at the subject are enthusiastic, not cold. The cold is like winter, like...like the next second...

"Ho! Ho ho..." After all, the panicking research insect had no time to fear the death that would happen in the next second, because he went to death first, and his cut throat, blood gurgling, and with the blood passing by. , His eyes gradually dimmed, and finally completely dimmed.

"Bang!" A sound.

Levrahan pushed away the dead guy in his hand, turned the scalpel in his hand, looked at the other research insects present, and showed a fair smile as usual.

However, if his smile was kind in everyone's eyes, the feeling for everyone is abnormal now!



If it weren't abnormal, how would you think of sexually coupling males? If it’s not a metamorphosis, how could he treat the subject at the end of the experiment and leave a decent “whole corpse” for the subject in accordance with the regulations, but Levrahan would not, he would instead treat the body of the subject Disassembled, and then stitched with other flesh, trying to create a stitching monster...

The more research worms think about it, the more fear they become. They back off, back again, back again subconsciously. In the end, he didn't know what to do, but he stepped back behind David, leaving the two parties to face each other silently through a petri dish.

David's black eyes swept the bugs behind him, and for a moment he felt that maybe he would take them with him when he was about to leave.

Um, let him these bugs-go to your own laboratory and make up for the work!

The research worms did not know that they were about to bid farewell to their peak treatment of worms, and they were forced to start the second half of their lives through voluntary labor.

Therefore, a self-proclaimed clever researcher urged David to come: "Mr. D, you have to be careful, this old guy is a lunatic! Your research results are so great, he is very likely to have been eyeing yours long ago. Achievement, so...that's why it was so easy to talk before."

"Yes, yes, I was still wondering before. Levrahan doesn't have to look directly at the insects of our other layers. This time you suddenly value Mr. D so much. The picture is very big!"

"The picture is huge!"


"If you have nothing to do, you will steal if you do it!"


Ten or so research bugs booed every word of you, making you stand firmly next to Thomas, who could be regarded as the responsible bug of the same camp as Levrahan in disguise, and almost believed it.

After all, as the person who took charge of the research base when the two senior executives of the Female Worship Society were absent, he had always felt that Levrahan was gloomy and perverted and extremely difficult to get along with.

Even the responsible insect was a little afraid of Levrahan in his heart, because he was the only insect who knew the true identity of the other party.

Although he is a female worm, he is "hostile" to male worms to a certain extent, and is dissatisfied with the unfairness within the Zerg. However, Levrahan’s Tianka identity comes from racial surprises, which makes him usually side by side. Supervise the opponent in accordance with the rules, while instinctively resisting contact with the opponent.

In fact, Mr. D and Mr. Levrahan have a pretty good relationship, although at first, Mr. Levrahan deliberately embarrassed Mr. D several times...

The responsible insect pondered like this in his heart, wandering about his doubts about Mr. D, and then swallowed back silently.

After all, as a subordinate, the responsible insect feels very sincerely that his psychological thoughts are not important, the important thing is--

The attitude of Thomas, the president.

Thomas is a little unhappy now. Levrahan just killed the chickens and the monkeys. It was indeed because of his hints first, but he did not expect that Levrahan, who prefers to use some powder worms in his memory, even asked for a study as soon as he shot it. The lives of members.

The key is to use a scalpel.

Looking at the bright red blood dripping from the scalpel, and Levrahan's abnormal smile.

I don’t know what happened, Thomas suddenly thought of what Pei Cheng once said. He said that Levrahan is a double-edged sword. Bladed sword!

Thomas's heart beat a few times, he couldn't think about whether he had expected something wrong, and he didn't even have time to consider whether Levrahan, who was suddenly abnormal, would shoot him in turn.

Thomas just quickly suppressed the uneasiness that had suddenly appeared, and while moving his feet inadvertently, slightly distanced the distance between Levrahan and the responsible insect, while looking at Levrahan’s Withdrawing his sight, he slowly fell on the bodies of the research insects on the opposite side.

"Everyone, please be quiet!" Thomas said, "Now that the base sirens are loud, it seems that the base is on the line of life and death. Then, once the base is forced, our life and death will happen overnight."

As soon as these words came out, the research bugs who were still encouraging David to change their faces suddenly changed.

Thomas said again: "However, our research base, as a super S-level base, is naturally top-notch in terms of defensive safety cover or setting up pre-plans to prevent danger."

"... Sir, sir, what do you mean-is that we still have a chance to escape?"


"Then, what are you waiting for, we..."

Thomas raised his hand and interrupted the agitation of the research bugs that had begun again in an instant: "I know that everyone is eager to escape, and so am I. However, there is only one chance to escape safely."

"Do you understand what I mean? If we fail again this time, then what will we face? You are all smart bugs, and you should understand. In fact, sometimes death is a kind of relief."

Research bugs: "!"

The research bugs are indeed smart bugs. They were so touched by Thomas, and they immediately reacted. Now it is more important to catch the traitors than to run away!

After all, if the traitors ran away with them, it is very likely that they would have been blocked on the way.

In an instant, the sight of the research insects at each other changed, and the first round of mutual review was started.

Thomas’ gaze revealed a satisfied look, and he even quickly calculated that after catching the traitor, after this shared adversity, maybe some non-female worms in front of him could be included in the female worms. .

In this way, the research base can be moved to the base camp.

In this way, when you think of a way to give birth to Ah Cheng's cubs, you can also hide the past more easily.


Thomas frowned and looked at Mr. D, who had been looking at him, the genius he most wanted to recruit into the Women's Club.

David didn't know what Thomas was thinking, he finally remembered why Thomas made him feel familiar, because he had indeed seen it once, and that time—

The other party seemed to be present on behalf of "Pei Cheng".

So, in other words, the worm behind this research base turned out to be Her Royal Highness the Three Empresses?

Will the females?

The third prince?

The corners of David's lips were squeezed slightly, and the suspicion of the royal family in his head was temporarily suppressed, but a pair of black eyes flashed faintly.

"Mr. D, have we met?" Thomas can become Pei Cheng's adjutant, extremely sensitive to the sight of other insects.

"Well, it's a source of one side."

Thomas’s frowning brows knotted instantly, and he decisively overturned the previous gentle solicitation method: "It seems that Mr. D and I do have fate, since it is so..."

"First, sir." The responsible insect suddenly said, interrupting Thomas' follow-up, "Um, that...the petri dish, the embryos and embryos in the petri dish seem to be something wrong..."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the insects fell on the petri dish again, and their complexions changed.

David sighed softly, and when the insects looked at him, he loosened his hand holding a test tube and made a "click".

The test tube shattered, and the colorless liquid turned dark green the moment it came out of the test tube and came into contact with the air.

At the same time, all the worms smelled a strange smell in the air.

This smell...

"FY potion?" Levrahan took the lead when the other insects were still racking their brains and thinking, but soon his expression became weird again, "No, this is not FY potion, FY potion is aimed at spirit Hai, this... this thing actually works for me too?"

Levrahan's remark that clearly exposed his identity, apart from David, the other research bugs didn't care at all, and even when they heard the "FY" potion, they began to panic.

FY medicine, but forbidden!

Although the research of the worms present is also a kind of forbidden research that violates the Zerg safety regulations, but...

How should I put it, when the board is not hitting myself, many insects absolutely feel no pain.

And when it fell on myself--

David's eyes indifferently scanned the ugliness of the painful wailing of several research insects, turned to Levrahan, frowned slightly, ignoring the scorching heat and desire in the other's eyes, and fell on Thomas again.

Thomas is actually the worst among the insects present.

FY medicine is aimed at the spirit sea.

The original FY potion can have a certain chance that the Tianka tribe will be born into a sea of ​​spirits, which can increase the worm's mental power of the Zerg tribe in an instant. As for whether to upgrade the level or collapse directly, it will be fatal.

The modified version of FY potion that David shot was named by him as the potion of hope, but it was a little different.

Thomas fell to the ground, and his extreme pain was so sudden that his eyes were red, tears were secreted uncontrollably, and the whole worm seemed to collapse.