Zerg’s Dress As a Popular Lover

Chapter 94

After a while.

When the military lady hesitated to leave quietly, she heard David speak again.

"Where's Freya? He didn't find him? Pei Zhi is gone. It is impossible for him to be unresponsive at all."

The military woman hesitated, her upright expression slightly changed, then she shook her head and gave a negative reply.

David is really a little weird now: "He didn't really react at all?"

"Also, it's not that there is no response." The military female looked at her nose and nose, and tried to answer seriously, "I heard that his newly built house collapsed last night."


"Yes, it is said that he pierced through in a fit of anger."

David, David was silent for three full minutes before he began to explore seriously: "He didn't respond before...Yes, was he injured?"

The military female defaults.

David thought about it in a daze, as if he heard Pei Zichen mention it before going to bed, saying that Freya...had a fall?

It seems that the fall is really serious.

That being the case—

It was only natural that he went to visit the sick.

I have to say that there are quite a few bugs who come to find out with the same idea.

When David arrived, he found that the door of Freya's collapsed house was extremely lively today.

Some weird worms are on the periphery and whispering. The more humanoid worms are on the inner periphery. Among them, the most attractive one is Bory.

Because the other party has brilliant blond hair, in such a dark place, it is really as conspicuous as the sun.

Come to think of it, if there is a worm who wants to attack, assassinate and so on... Bo Lei is really easy to be recruited.

David squinted his eyes, and after thinking of Borley's purpose in his heart, he simply stopped, and just stood on the periphery to be an onlooker.

Borley’s gentle face was full of concerns and worries, and he said: "Freya, are you okay? I heard you...your house..."

Speaking of this, Borley couldn’t help but look at the report that it was only half collapsed. Now, after a delay of half an hour, the house has completely collapsed. He sighed and asked, "You are No, I can't control my strength anymore?"

As soon as these words came out, the females beside Bo Lei who more or less resembled him changed their expressions slightly, and then looked at each other, and they showed a sneer and ironic smile together.

But David saw clearly that these worms had such expressions, and they were not only aimed at Freya.

Even one of the worms with black lips couldn't help but speak: "Bo Lei, why are you getting shameless after so long? Ha, why can't Freya be able to control his strength? This is why you Isn’t it the clearest?"

As soon as these words came out, the other worms who wanted to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight suddenly couldn't help but laugh.

Obviously, they also knew that Bory was the culprit who caused Freya's uncontrollable strength.

But now the culprit is the weasel giving New Year greetings to the rooster, which is really interesting.

The worms of the Tianka tribe, especially the female worms with the blood of the mother Emperor Capello, have been trapped on the dark planet for some reasons, and because they have been deprived of their inheritance rights from the very beginning...

Even if it is now unavoidable that Mu Miao is leaving, it is really just about to move.

After all, having a great dream can make worms work miracles, but it doesn’t mean that worms’ temperament can be greatly changed and their IQs soar, doesn’t it?

So even if they know that what they should do at this time is to continue to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, but in the end they still can't help but start exposing Boley's old bottom.

David listened carefully, and through the information revealed in these worm words, he vaguely knew that Borley seemed to have calculated his relationship with Freya in order to obtain the right of inheritance. As a result, Freya became not only the dwarf highness of the entire Tianka clan, It also left more serious sequelae.

That is strength.

Freya couldn't control his strength well, especially when his anger was over—

David glanced at the collapsed two-story building, and then looked at Freya, who was holding his fist desperately to endure, but seemed to be intolerable, frowned, and suddenly released his male talent skills.


The peripheral worms onlookers separated uncontrollably on both sides, while the worms who were laughing at Bo Lei scornfully, their legs softened, and they knelt down directly.

Because they were facing Bo Lei, they knelt directly in front of Bo Lei.

Boley's waist was bent, but it was only bent. His face, which had been so gentle and decent before, was now cracked every inch. He looked at David's gaze with no disguise, or at all. Don't want to hide the jealousy.

However, David only glanced at him faintly, and walked towards Freya from the passage in the middle of the swarm.

Freya felt the most painful of all worms at this moment. The ubiquitous huge pressure made his bones that had been compressed and shaped from many years ago become more and more painful, painful to black eyes, and breathing difficulties.

just like…

It seems to be back to that day.

More than fifty years ago, the dark planet was much darker than it is now. At that time, except for a small piece of light that looked like a starry sea in the castle because it needed fireflies to lead the way, the rest was pitch black.

However, this kind of darkness is just like a Zerg worm that is used to living in the sun for the Tianka worms that grew up on the dark planet.

What's more, Freya has been living on the dark planet since he was born.

Freya walked briskly across a small path, bypassing several caves where insects were dormant, and finally got short and got into the mountains.

This mountain is the secret base of Freya and his good friend Bory, and it belongs to them to play.

However, today's good friend Bory doesn't seem to be very happy.

After playing the football from the Zerg alone for a while, Frya finally couldn't hold back, holding the ball and rushing to Boley: "What's the matter with you? Are you bullied?"

Borley glanced at him, and then said, "Do you know the sun?"


"Yes. The sun."

Freya thought for a while, and he was not sure: "Is it that kind of glowing? I seem to have heard someone from the male worm circle over there mention it once, saying that I miss that thing very much."

Borley touched his hair and snorted weirdly: "My hair is the color of the sun."

"Ah, the sun turned out to be golden!"

"Yes, golden."

Freya's gaze couldn't help but stay on Bore's head for a long time, with undisguised envy in his eyes.

And this kind of envy, in Bo Lei's eyes, was particularly ironic, and the irony made the evil thoughts in his heart uncontrollable.

Bo Lei’s dark pupils shrank rapidly, and when he spoke again, his voice became a little bewildering: “I heard that there are many insects on the Zerg clan. They have lived under the sun since they were young. There are male fathers and females. Father’s love, there are countless toys, and... many, many good friends."

"Flea, do you want to go to the Zerg?"

Flea held the football in his arms and did not speak.

Borley clenched a fist hard and said, "I want to go. Flya, I don’t know what you think. Anyway, I don’t want to stay on the dark planet for the rest of my life, being bullied by...brothers, I want to see the outside world, I I want to have many, many good friends."

Freya also wants to have many, many good friends.

However, he has only one good friend.

But now, this good friend wants to leave the dark planet.

Freya was a little reluctant. He wanted to open his mouth to persuade Bory not to be impulsive. They could not leave without the mother emperor's order, but before he could open his mouth, he suddenly heard Bory tell a secret.

"The mother emperor is choosing the inheritor!" Bory said, "I heard the wise men say that these ten inheritors will be sent out of the dark planet and sent to the Zerg."

"Flea, I think it over, I intend to seize this opportunity to leave the dark planet, and then-never come back!"

Never come back...

Never come back again...

Then, I have no good friends...

Freya's reluctance was instantly magnified. He hurriedly grabbed Bo Lei who wanted to turn around and left, and said anxiously: "I, I...I want to leave too, I'll be with you!"

Borley was overjoyed at first, but soon the joy turned into worry. He looked at Freya and shook his head for a long time before saying: "Frya, you...you are too weak to be able to beat them. "

The mother emperor has so many females, but there are only ten of so many females. Flea and Borley, who can only hug each other since birth, are obviously the last two weak chickens.

Freya has always been very clear about this, but it is precisely because he is clear that he does not understand that Borley is also weak, so why can he be selected and leave the dark planet?

As if seeing Freya's doubts, Borre hesitated again and again, and finally slowly told the truth in the eyes of Freya's expectation.

At that time, Freya did not expect that there was still a place full of light on the dark planet, let alone that he would be reborn because of these lights and never grow taller, even...

Almost died.

And when he was dying in pain, the good friend he thought was walking on his body and entering the center of the origin of the dark planet, almost swallowing the origin of the dark planet.

The origin of the dark planet is linked to the heart of the mother emperor Capello, and such a link allows the mother emperor Capello to become the master of the politician planet, and naturally, the fluctuation of the origin will be discovered in the first time.

Just like now.

The mother emperor Capello once again noticed the fluctuations of the original power, his dark eyes opened and closed slightly, but the hand holding the scepter was rare and comfortable, and the corners of his lips moved: "Knife one, you take the insects. Send Borre back to the cave."

The swords who were sitting down on their knees were stunned, and then immediately stepped out, and after a response, they quickly withdrew from the council chamber.